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Re: Has anyone ever fully recovered from pssd!?!?

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I had the same feeling when I first joined but some people have

recovered and I have found out from the site that many people in the

past have done so too. Recovery is very slow process and we have

discussed what it is that seems to speed it up for some people. Good

relationships seems to help as this can heal the brain. And

overcoming depression and stress can cause the brain to regenerate.

Getting plenty of exercise releases the brain's growth hormone.

Taking ultra pure EPA can heal the brain for some people but stress

needs to be low.

Many things are discussed here, and occassionally someone writes in

saying their sex drive has returned even after years of PSSD. So keep

your spirits up. I'm never gone to stop hoping.

Has anyone seen the new Bond film, Quantum of Solac. Boy, was that

bird in the raincoat gorgeous. She would have blown my brains out a

few years ago. I can't wait to get my sex drive back.



> I have been suffering from pssd and i joined this group in hopes of

> finding an answer and a solution to this problem. but i have not


> one motivating thing on this site.


> Has anyone fully recovered from the sexual effects of zoloft


> numbness, weak orgasm)?? if so. how did u??


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hey. i've wondered the same thing, with pssd AND depression. i do know that


made a good point on this forum maybe a year ago that people who do get better


don't stick around to share their stories, as their need for the group is

finished. while

discouraging to us, this may very well be true. on the other hand, maybe this is

a perfect

time to address that question once again...

" has anyone on this forum experienced sidnificant improvement with their pssd?

if so, just

briefly explain how. "

i'll start by saying that tyrosine jump started my sex / orgasm sensations for

about two

weeks until it quit working. i thought i was home free till it stopped. dosage



> I have been suffering from pssd and i joined this group in hopes of

> finding an answer and a solution to this problem. but i have not read

> one motivating thing on this site.


> Has anyone fully recovered from the sexual effects of zoloft (gentital

> numbness, weak orgasm)?? if so. how did u??


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To all,

I have had some significant progress after years of PSSD, but i havent shared

this with the group much lately. The reason for this isnt that i dont care, it

isnt that i am not interested in helping, its that what i have to say i think NO

ONE WANTS TO HEAR. My improvements came NOT in the form of a magic supplement or

pill, in fact i am not on ANY supplements. There was no test i had done at the

doctor. My improvements were from increasing the dopamine in my brain--by

NATURAL means. Really. I have had to find SOMETHING in my life that made ME feel

sexy (which is hard, considering my total lack of sexual feelings). Not sexual

stuff or imagery, not porn, i mean something that actually helped my feelings

about SELF. This might sound hokey, but its true. Flirting, social settings,

exercise, diet, NOT MASTURBATING TOO OFTEN--AROUND ONCE A WEEK! etc. etc. and

TIME are the things that have helped the most. TIME seems to make it (very)

slowly better, but truly

the thing that has made my orgasms return to almost normal (probably in the

realm of 75%) is directly correlated to how sexual i feel--without

overstimulating my sexuality with too much imagery, too much thinking, too much

masturbation. I really make an effort NOT to think about the problem, not think

about sex at all--for days at a time. I give my brain and genitals a break from

it ALL regularly. Then when a week goes by without any thoughts, i find it SO

MUCH EASIER to tap into. Its like letting your body wait long enough to get

" horny " , even though you really dont FEEL horniness anymore--(my horniness

levels seem to have been affected too). It takes effort because it seems like

there is a disconnect in the brain that has to be sparked to reconnect long

enough for the pleasure to re-establish and set in...but if you can find that

" thing " that makes you feel like a sexy, attractive person--IT HELPS

tremendously. It also takes effort to STOP

overthinking the problem, stop constantly worrying about it, the cause, the

cure, will i be able to perform, etc. etc.i think many of us think about it too

much, worrying and " chasing " our horniness that is gone, always trying to

stimulate ourselves--porn, masturbation, just to see if anything has gotten

better--judging every ejaculation, judging arousal, judging how much self

stimulation it takes compared with before, and on and on and on. This seems to

be counter-productive for me.

I have been in a relationship for 3 years and do not have regular sex, though i

love my boyfriend very much and have good sex when we do have it. Once a month

is about normal. It is NOT the source of the " self " sexiness i have found.

Lately, i have flirted with someone else whom i know is attracted to me. I will

not follow through on anything more--but just even flirting and having him flirt

with me has caused a boost in dopamine. i thought the usual " naughty " thoughts

(after a week of NOTHING, so self stimulation, no sex, just lots of flirting and

innuendo) when masturbating and had the best orgasm i have had for months, not

blunted, not pleasureless, actual FEELING in my genitals, the whole climax, back

to normal.

Not that i am recommending that anyone jeopardize relationships for arousal,

thats not my point--actual cheating and scandal is NOT what i am talking about.

My point is that when I FEEL more desirable and attractive it directly

correlates to an improvement in arousal and climax.

sorry for the long-windedness, and sorry i dont have an easy answer, but i CAN

say that it IS better, i HAVE partially healed--(though it fluctuates and i

figure that is normal) it slowly DOES get better, and the ONE THING i can say

for sure that helps it is figuring out a way to FEEL BETTER ABOUT YOUR SEXUAL

SELF, dont get a negative feedback loop started with lack of confidence--or it

will continually stop you from recovering.

The " social dominance " theory that gets talked about on this forum is partly

true, in my personal experience. I try not to " hide my light under a rock " --the

more social i am, the more interaction i force myself to have--(even if i am

inclined to just want to feel sorry for myself and withdraw) the better i feel

and the more i heal sexually. Even if the interaction is NOT sexual, it still



> Subject: Re: Has anyone ever fully recovered from pssd!?!?

> To: SSRIsex

> Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 7:17 PM

> hey. i've wondered the same thing, with pssd AND

> depression. i do know that someone

> made a good point on this forum maybe a year ago that

> people who do get better often

> don't stick around to share their stories, as their

> need for the group is finished. while

> discouraging to us, this may very well be true. on the

> other hand, maybe this is a perfect

> time to address that question once again...


> " has anyone on this forum experienced sidnificant

> improvement with their pssd? if so, just

> briefly explain how. "


> i'll start by saying that tyrosine jump started my sex

> / orgasm sensations for about two

> weeks until it quit working. i thought i was home free till

> it stopped. dosage (1g-daily)



> >

> > I have been suffering from pssd and i joined this

> group in hopes of

> > finding an answer and a solution to this problem. but

> i have not read

> > one motivating thing on this site.

> >

> > Has anyone fully recovered from the sexual effects of

> zoloft (gentital

> > numbness, weak orgasm)?? if so. how did u??

> >

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I've improved quite dramatically. I have only occasional bouts of

depression, but don't we all? I still have a ways to go in the sexual

dept..genital anesthesia, libido improved but still low. Despite

this, I've begun dipping my feet into the dating pool again. I figure

I'll worry about it when the topic of sex comes up.

Time, exercise, high doses of fish oil, protein and vitamins are what

I believe have gotten me back on track.

I think human contact is key as well. For some reason, porn does very

little for me..however I get partial erections when in the presence

of an attractive woman. That's a good sign.


> >

> > I have been suffering from pssd and i joined this group in hopes


> > finding an answer and a solution to this problem. but i have not


> > one motivating thing on this site.

> >

> > Has anyone fully recovered from the sexual effects of zoloft


> > numbness, weak orgasm)?? if so. how did u??

> >


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I notice that my body is quite unpredictable, and that at times my

libido is quite normal, my erections quite natural (nocturnal and

during activity), and my sensation (genital and orgasmic) closer to

what it was before...of course, these things occur rarely and without

any recipe or reason that i can isolate and replicate reliably.

the occasional morning erection or the once-in-a-blue-moon toe-curling

orgasm are certainly a tease and serve to underscore just how limp,

bland, and unsatisfactory things are on the whole. i am certainly

still a long, long way off from experiencing what i remember of sex.

BUT...for the above things to occur even sporadically, A: my body must

still be capable, B: it must be changing on a daily basis, C: and it

must be trying to return to where it was and should be.

so, my personal suspicion is that Time is the most important factor in

eventual recovery. it will require much Patience to endure the

frustration and loneliness of this condition - and we can't well find

a sufficient dose of Patience in a fish oil capsule. So hang in there

- be angry and sad when you must - be hopeful and creative when you

can...but most importantly, know that you're not alone.

I think that's the primary benefit of this group...not the weekly

herbal tips and research threads...but knowing that it's not all in my

head - that i'm not making it up - that i'm not completely alone.


> I have been suffering from pssd and i joined this group in hopes of

> finding an answer and a solution to this problem. but i have not read

> one motivating thing on this site.


> Has anyone fully recovered from the sexual effects of zoloft (gentital

> numbness, weak orgasm)?? if so. how did u??


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I have recovered significantly from my PSSD, which was severe for several years. PSSD struck me when I abruptly stopped taking Efexor, without tapering off, after many years of SSRI:s.

The change started about five months ago. I´ve hesitated to write about it, in case it proved to be another of those failed recoveries. But my recovery has if anything slowly strengthened. Libido has gone from zero to say 30%, ability and orgasm quality from say 10 % to 30 %. For my well-being, the difference between zero or 10 % and 30 % is a lot bigger than the difference between 30 % and 100 %. I'll be glad if it improves further, but I feel good as it is now. In fact, there are advantages to not getting it much stronger: my own and my woman´s libido are about equal as it is now. I remember being used to wanting more than the other person, I'm glad to be without that.

Before, on PSSD, I usually, but not always, managed to achieve orgasm if I worked hard at it and got maximum support from my woman. Now being together with her is a pleasure, not a duty to be done in order to keep the relationship alive.

The change is not due to any pills, I've stopped believing in those for myself, having tried a number of them. I once got a short-lived partial recovery from Stablon; afterwards I believe I was even worse than before.

The start of my recovery roughly coincided with my woman and I moving together last July. We lived in different countries, so we could only see each other for a week or so every two months. We have a loving relationship with each other, and it has solidified very much after moving together. This goes along with what has been dwelt on in the list messages, that a loving partner can be a crucial part of recovery.

Perhaps the simple passing of time also plays a part in my recovery.

The other parts of my life are basically unchanged. I have for a long time, well before the advent of PSSD, eaten extremely healthy foods, exercised, done meditation, and have excellent blood lipid values and all other health markers. There has been one little change: Being on a calorie-restricted stone-age type of diet, I am slim. Until five months ago, I had a BMI of around 19.5. Accomodating to my woman, I make some exceptions to my strict diet, with BMI inching up to close to 21. My diet is known for reducing libido. However, I had no problems with my sexuality prior to PSSD. But, possibly, the advent of PSSD might have been worsened by my low-caloric diet. I won't experiment to find out by going back to 19.5!

I´ve wondered if my recovery is in part physical, or entirely centered on my woman. I used to have an interest in pornography, which vanished with PSSD. I suppose a test would be to look at some pornography, but I can't bring myself to search for it.


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Hi, I don't want to get your and my hopes up but I think I'm on a good

way to recovery. My med history is in database under 85jinx85. I've

been off SSRIs for about 1.5-2 yrs now. My libido is at approx. 80

percent and my erections are getting there with virtually no

supplements except fish oil taken,which was prescribed for my mental

not sexual health btw. I'm still on meds for my condition (acute

psychosis), them being Rispolept and Leponex but they are in a small

dosage so I only get a little sedated during the day, I'd say they have

no or very small effect on my sex. function. That's about it. No

supplements except 2 pills of fish oil per day for about 3 yrs now. And

plus I recently stopped smoking (4 months now), am trying to be

physically active, watching what I eat, avoiding sugar and soft drinks,

and FEELING BETTER. I know that we all hate our docs for saying that

it's all in our head,but I gotta admit that at least 50 percent of PSSD

is in our head. I think it's no coincidence that when I got my shit

together (mentally) , my sex. ability became better. I can't say how I

would perform in bed cause I haven't tried yet. It's been over 4 years

now since I last had sex.But I really think I'm getting better. That's

it. I wish all of us luck.

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I am glad for your progress, and for everyone who is sharing progress

stories. PSSD is a physical problem that is psychologically

challenging to live with. Finding a way to live with the PSSD that is

self-accepting and hopeful (of course inevitably sadness, outrage,

anger, despair are part of the picture, but these feeling hurt only

us). But Vinky, I want to take issue with your saying that 'you have

to admit that 50% of PSSD is all in OUR heads'. You can legitimately

state that perspective for yourself, but you are overstepping to

assume this is true for everyone here. I think what can be said is

everyone is going to be challenged emotionally to find a way to live

with this outrage committed against us. Finding emotional peace

(sometimes) and leading a healthy lifestyle has not been enough to

for any progress for me. My genitals have remained numb for for three

years now (with very minor fluctuations with my menstrual cycle), and

I am nearly immune to responding to sexual stimuli or fantasy that

pre SSRI would get me instantly aroused. There are many group

members, including myself, who lead exceptionally healthy lifestyles

and have had little in the way of recovery sustained for years.I

don't mean this to be discouraging, but I do believe the physical

aspects of PSSD are certainly not in our heads and waht we've got to

work with is the emotional part. I appreciate 's lovely

explanation of how she makes herself feel sexy. On the occasions in

which I can do this, I enjoy sex considerably more on an emotional

level, but it does little to change my physical limits.



> Hi, I don't want to get your and my hopes up but I think I'm on a


> way to recovery. My med history is in database under 85jinx85. I've

> been off SSRIs for about 1.5-2 yrs now. My libido is at approx. 80

> percent and my erections are getting there with virtually no

> supplements except fish oil taken,which was prescribed for my


> not sexual health btw. I'm still on meds for my condition (acute

> psychosis), them being Rispolept and Leponex but they are in a


> dosage so I only get a little sedated during the day, I'd say they


> no or very small effect on my sex. function. That's about it. No

> supplements except 2 pills of fish oil per day for about 3 yrs now.


> plus I recently stopped smoking (4 months now), am trying to be

> physically active, watching what I eat, avoiding sugar and soft


> and FEELING BETTER. I know that we all hate our docs for saying


> it's all in our head,but I gotta admit that at least 50 percent of


> is in our head. I think it's no coincidence that when I got my shit

> together (mentally) , my sex. ability became better. I can't say

how I

> would perform in bed cause I haven't tried yet. It's been over 4


> now since I last had sex.But I really think I'm getting better.


> it. I wish all of us luck.


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Excellent points, everyone.

I've been in this group for 1.5 years now, and I believe that people on here

basically fall

into two camps:

a) One, like Jutta, experiences significant physical impairment of sexual

functioning tied

directly to their use of SSRIs. No erections, genital numbness, a total or


absence of sexual desire and ability. They had good sexual functioning, went on

SSRIs, and

the functioning stopped and when they went off them it didn't help. I believe

these are the

true PSSD sufferers, and that their impairment really isn't mental at all.

B) Another, like Vinky and possibly myself, experience a reduced sexual


maybe as a result of the SSRIs, maybe as a result of the mental/emotional issues

that led

us to the SSRIs, maybe as a result of hormonal imbalances, or possibly a

combination of

all three. I am thankful that I can function sexually almost all the time. I

wish I had the

libido I used too, I wish I could get erections like I used to, I wish I had the

sensitivity that

I used to. But for the most part, it works – just not as well as it used to.

There have been

times in the past 2.5 years when I have felt almost back at 100%. I think for us

in this

group, a lot of it is mental as Vinky said.

I will say that all the blaming that goes on around here, aimed at the doctors

of pharm

companies, or whomever, isn't going to get us anywhere. It will only exacerbate


mental anguish and further your suffering. Learn to let that go, it's done, it's

in the past. I

personally don't believe my doctor or drug company, however ill-informed they


have been, meant to harm me in any way.

Best of luck to everyone,


> >

> > Hi, I don't want to get your and my hopes up but I think I'm on a

> good

> > way to recovery. My med history is in database under 85jinx85. I've

> > been off SSRIs for about 1.5-2 yrs now. My libido is at approx. 80

> > percent and my erections are getting there with virtually no

> > supplements except fish oil taken,which was prescribed for my

> mental

> > not sexual health btw. I'm still on meds for my condition (acute

> > psychosis), them being Rispolept and Leponex but they are in a

> small

> > dosage so I only get a little sedated during the day, I'd say they

> have

> > no or very small effect on my sex. function. That's about it. No

> > supplements except 2 pills of fish oil per day for about 3 yrs now.

> And

> > plus I recently stopped smoking (4 months now), am trying to be

> > physically active, watching what I eat, avoiding sugar and soft

> drinks,

> > and FEELING BETTER. I know that we all hate our docs for saying

> that

> > it's all in our head,but I gotta admit that at least 50 percent of


> > is in our head. I think it's no coincidence that when I got my shit

> > together (mentally) , my sex. ability became better. I can't say

> how I

> > would perform in bed cause I haven't tried yet. It's been over 4

> years

> > now since I last had sex.But I really think I'm getting better.

> That's

> > it. I wish all of us luck.

> >


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> Excellent points, everyone.


> I've been in this group for 1.5 years now, and I believe that

people on here basically fall

> into two camps:


> a) One, like Jutta, experiences significant physical impairment of

sexual functioning tied

> directly to their use of SSRIs. No erections, genital numbness, a

total or near-total

> absence of sexual desire and ability. They had good sexual

functioning, went on SSRIs, and

> the functioning stopped and when they went off them it didn't

help. I believe these are the

> true PSSD sufferers, and that their impairment really isn't mental

at all.


> B) Another, like Vinky and possibly myself, experience a reduced

sexual functioning

> maybe as a result of the SSRIs, maybe as a result of the

mental/emotional issues that led

> us to the SSRIs, maybe as a result of hormonal imbalances, or

possibly a combination of

> all three. I am thankful that I can function sexually almost all

the time. I wish I had the

> libido I used too, I wish I could get erections like I used to, I

wish I had the sensitivity that

> I used to. But for the most part, it works – just not as well as

it used to. There have been

> times in the past 2.5 years when I have felt almost back at 100%.

I think for us in this

> group, a lot of it is mental as Vinky said.


> I will say that all the blaming that goes on around here, aimed at

the doctors of pharm

> companies, or whomever, isn't going to get us anywhere. It will

only exacerbate your

> mental anguish and further your suffering. Learn to let that go,

it's done, it's in the past. I

> personally don't believe my doctor or drug company, however ill-

informed they might

> have been, meant to harm me in any way.


> Best of luck to everyone,


> Joe



> > >

> > > Hi, I don't want to get your and my hopes up but I think I'm

on a

> > good

> > > way to recovery. My med history is in database under 85jinx85.


> > > been off SSRIs for about 1.5-2 yrs now. My libido is at

approx. 80

> > > percent and my erections are getting there with virtually no

> > > supplements except fish oil taken,which was prescribed for my

> > mental

> > > not sexual health btw. I'm still on meds for my condition


> > > psychosis), them being Rispolept and Leponex but they are in a

> > small

> > > dosage so I only get a little sedated during the day, I'd say


> > have

> > > no or very small effect on my sex. function. That's about it.


> > > supplements except 2 pills of fish oil per day for about 3 yrs


> > And

> > > plus I recently stopped smoking (4 months now), am trying to


> > > physically active, watching what I eat, avoiding sugar and


> > drinks,

> > > and FEELING BETTER. I know that we all hate our docs for


> > that

> > > it's all in our head,but I gotta admit that at least 50

percent of

> > PSSD

> > > is in our head. I think it's no coincidence that when I got my


> > > together (mentally) , my sex. ability became better. I can't


> > how I

> > > would perform in bed cause I haven't tried yet. It's been over


> > years

> > > now since I last had sex.But I really think I'm getting


> > That's

> > > it. I wish all of us luck.

> > >

> >


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That sounds admireable Joe, but Breggin, Loren Mosher etc, had

consistanly warned the drug companies that their drugs do more harm

than good and might even cause permanent depression. I have no

intention of letting them off the hook.

Xanax was shown to be an efective tranquiliser for the first six

weeks but after that most people suffered far worse anxiety on the

drug. So the drug companies only published the first six weeks.

Millions of people became addicted to Zanax making them ill.

Breggin, through the freedom of information ACT, eventually got the

last two weeks of the drug companies trials published which showed

the devastating truth. The drug companies are crooks.

And they lied about how effective their antidepressants were, and a

whole lot else. Doctors do take risks when they prescribe drugs, and

many people need the medicines - for cancer, diabetes, etc. But I bet

most of you here, like me, didn't really need an antidepressant,

which doctors just prescribe like harmless sweets. They didn't work

for me, and not for most people either it seems, but I now suffer

from something that makes my depression far worse. I hate the drug

companies, they are are run by big finance, not by people that care

about medicine. Don't let them pull the wool over your eyes.


> > >

> > > Hi, I don't want to get your and my hopes up but I think I'm on


> > good

> > > way to recovery. My med history is in database under 85jinx85.


> > > been off SSRIs for about 1.5-2 yrs now. My libido is at approx.


> > > percent and my erections are getting there with virtually no

> > > supplements except fish oil taken,which was prescribed for my

> > mental

> > > not sexual health btw. I'm still on meds for my condition


> > > psychosis), them being Rispolept and Leponex but they are in a

> > small

> > > dosage so I only get a little sedated during the day, I'd say


> > have

> > > no or very small effect on my sex. function. That's about it.


> > > supplements except 2 pills of fish oil per day for about 3 yrs


> > And

> > > plus I recently stopped smoking (4 months now), am trying to be

> > > physically active, watching what I eat, avoiding sugar and soft

> > drinks,

> > > and FEELING BETTER. I know that we all hate our docs for saying

> > that

> > > it's all in our head,but I gotta admit that at least 50 percent


> > PSSD

> > > is in our head. I think it's no coincidence that when I got my


> > > together (mentally) , my sex. ability became better. I can't


> > how I

> > > would perform in bed cause I haven't tried yet. It's been over


> > years

> > > now since I last had sex.But I really think I'm getting better.

> > That's

> > > it. I wish all of us luck.

> > >

> >


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i have had pssd for 15 months now and have some fluctuations too.

visual stimulation, sensitivity and erections can all sometimes seem

closer to normal on occasions, rarely at the same time, however and

orgasm quality is always severely reduced. i have felt nothing from

orgasms for 15 months. the point i want to make, however, is that i

think everybody on this board is suffering different degrees of pssd.

for example, some have had genital numbness for some time that never

abates, others have a degree of genital numbness from time to time.

when i first came off paxil 15 months ago i had genital numbness that

was similar to being on the drug i.e. it made it very difficult for

me to reach a climax. recently, however it appears to be not as bad,

it still makes sex far less enjoyable, but not to the extent that it

did last year. i also remember occasions when i could not even

attempt intercourse due to my erection suddenly and within a split

second dissapearing. this has not happened for a while. erections are

often weak and dissapear, but not so suddenly and can generally,

although not always be brought back with some manual stimulation. i

have also noticed fluctuations with my libido. the only thing that

does not fluctuate is my orgasms which always feel like nothing.

which brings me to my second point: that i truly believe that the

majority of people do and will see gradual improvements over time,

but it is a long time and only when one looks back are they evident.

the fact is that i have searched posts from the past few years and

many people have recovered or seen good improvements, some in a

little over a year, some in 2,3 or more, one guy even claimed to have

recovered fully after five years. others have recovered almost

spontaneously. i think that the most worrying thing about all of this

is that it is all in the realms of the unknown and i for one am far

more traumatized and anxious than i ever was before paxil, which

ironically was the rason that i was prescribed it. i truly believe

that time is the only healer where this condition is concerned. there

may also be something in the theory that being in a loving and caring

relationship helps, but other than that there is no magic pill. i

have been visiting this group for quite some time now and have always

been dismayed at the lack of support offered. weeks can pass with

every post relating to this or that herb or pill and no real talking

and helping each other live with this hellish condition. i have been

away for the weekend and have just read the last few posts and hope

that the tide is finally tuning and that this forum might finally

become a beneficial support network for all of us.

> >

> > I have been suffering from pssd and i joined this group in hopes


> > finding an answer and a solution to this problem. but i have not


> > one motivating thing on this site.

> >

> > Has anyone fully recovered from the sexual effects of zoloft


> > numbness, weak orgasm)?? if so. how did u??

> >


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What kind of consulting do you do?

> > > >

> > > > Hi, I don't want to get your and my hopes up but I think I'm

> on a

> > > good

> > > > way to recovery. My med history is in database under 85jinx85.

> I've

> > > > been off SSRIs for about 1.5-2 yrs now. My libido is at

> approx. 80

> > > > percent and my erections are getting there with virtually no

> > > > supplements except fish oil taken,which was prescribed for my

> > > mental

> > > > not sexual health btw. I'm still on meds for my condition

> (acute

> > > > psychosis), them being Rispolept and Leponex but they are in a

> > > small

> > > > dosage so I only get a little sedated during the day, I'd say

> they

> > > have

> > > > no or very small effect on my sex. function. That's about it.

> No

> > > > supplements except 2 pills of fish oil per day for about 3 yrs

> now.

> > > And

> > > > plus I recently stopped smoking (4 months now), am trying to

> be

> > > > physically active, watching what I eat, avoiding sugar and

> soft

> > > drinks,

> > > > and FEELING BETTER. I know that we all hate our docs for

> saying

> > > that

> > > > it's all in our head,but I gotta admit that at least 50

> percent of

> > > PSSD

> > > > is in our head. I think it's no coincidence that when I got my

> shit

> > > > together (mentally) , my sex. ability became better. I can't

> say

> > > how I

> > > > would perform in bed cause I haven't tried yet. It's been over

> 4

> > > years

> > > > now since I last had sex.But I really think I'm getting

> better.

> > > That's

> > > > it. I wish all of us luck.

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Eid Mubarak to you and your familiy.

I am very glad to know that a psychiatrist is on this site and

therefore interested in our plight. Thank you for reading. Please do

what you can to create awareness among psychiatrists that PSSD is

devastating lives.


> > > > >

> > > > > Hi, I don't want to get your and my hopes up but I think I'm

> > on a

> > > > good

> > > > > way to recovery. My med history is in database under


> > I've

> > > > > been off SSRIs for about 1.5-2 yrs now. My libido is at

> > approx. 80

> > > > > percent and my erections are getting there with virtually no

> > > > > supplements except fish oil taken,which was prescribed for


> > > > mental

> > > > > not sexual health btw. I'm still on meds for my condition

> > (acute

> > > > > psychosis), them being Rispolept and Leponex but they are

in a

> > > > small

> > > > > dosage so I only get a little sedated during the day, I'd


> > they

> > > > have

> > > > > no or very small effect on my sex. function. That's about


> > No

> > > > > supplements except 2 pills of fish oil per day for about 3


> > now.

> > > > And

> > > > > plus I recently stopped smoking (4 months now), am trying to

> > be

> > > > > physically active, watching what I eat, avoiding sugar and

> > soft

> > > > drinks,

> > > > > and FEELING BETTER. I know that we all hate our docs for

> > saying

> > > > that

> > > > > it's all in our head,but I gotta admit that at least 50

> > percent of

> > > > PSSD

> > > > > is in our head. I think it's no coincidence that when I got


> > shit

> > > > > together (mentally) , my sex. ability became better. I can't

> > say

> > > > how I

> > > > > would perform in bed cause I haven't tried yet. It's been


> > 4

> > > > years

> > > > > now since I last had sex.But I really think I'm getting

> > better.

> > > > That's

> > > > > it. I wish all of us luck.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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