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Fw: Gerson editorial

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----- Original Message ----- From: Patty


Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 9:19 AM

Subject: Fw: Gerson editorial

Thought you might like to see this, from the Gerson website:

Subject: Gerson editorial

This is Charlotte’s response to the produces of ABC’s Primetime, who aired a segment called “False Promises” on January 25th, 2002 using the delicensed Dr. Barrett as an ‘expert’ supposedly uncovering the ‘quackery’ behind alternative medicine and clinics in Tijuana. Although nothing was mentioned about the Gerson Therapy or the Oasis of Hope Hospital, they do mention coffee enemas and unjustly and ignorantly attack alternative medicine as a whole.

Sirs:Congratulations! I am sure you have pleased your advertisers mightily with your piece on the Mexican clinics. And, perhaps even, in your minds, you have given a 'balanced' presentation? But now, let's look at some facts that along with other media shows, are often twisted or not discussed at all. Why did you not tell the public that Barrett has been delicensed since 1993?

He doesn't earn a living, so who pays him for his "Quackbusting"? The pharmaceutical companies that profit from chemotherapy and painkillers? He has tried to prosecute honest physicians and a dentist in Florida for warning patients against the use of mercury, for instance. The 'expert' he put on the stand perjured himself, lied about his license, his affiliations, etc. tried other lawsuits, one in California, and was laughed out of court. He looked for a 'quackbuster' who should take up the cudgel after his demise; and picked on Dr. Polevoy in Canada. Dr. Polevoy, an American, fled from the US to avoid going to Viet Nam and is now under attack by the Canadian Medical Association for malfeasance. ---- A bunch of 'nice' guys, your heroes! While some of the treatments given in Mexico are not of value, and may be charged heavily, then let's look at orthodox medicine. You didn't tell the audience that chemotherapy drugs have never been double blind tested. Dr. Ulrich Abel, a German oncologist and long-term student of chemotherapy, states that these drugs don't work. Further, in his book he reports that more than 70% of other oncologists have confirmed to him that if they had cancer, they would refuse chemotherapy! The FDA is supposed to allow drugs only if they are "safe and effective.” How many stories have been published of people dying of chemotherapy? And why, 25 years after Nixon declared the "War on Cancer" and $39 billion research dollars later, the death rate of cancer had more than doubled? (From 220,000 Americans in 1971 to 560,000 in 1996 - per Newsweek and USA Today). You didn't tell the public. Why? You state that the alternative treatments are expensive. Chemotherapy, which is ineffective, can cost over $25,000 for some 5 treatments and the patients report growth of tumors! When the doctors give up on chemo and do a "bone marrow transplant," the cost goes up to above $175,000-250,000. Or, as with Mickey Mantle, they give a liver transplant for over $300,000 which extended his life by some 4 weeks. You didn't tell the public. You didn't tell the public that a Professor of Medicine at a Northern Japanese University refused chemo when he had colon cancer with liver metastases and has completely recovered now for almost 10 years - and healed an additional 12 patients on a nutritional therapy. (He wrote and published a book on his recovery.) And yes, he did use coffee enemas! But nobody said that coffee enemas alone cure cancer.We are not surprised that the public more and more distrusts the media and its reports. The media deserves the mistrust. After all, they are in the pockets of the big money advertisers and not worried about the long-suffering public. They don't care that each year the numbers of deaths from cancer goes up by another 10-plus percent. Cancer, according to Dr. Ralph Moss (formerly assistant director of public affairs at Sloan--Kettering) is an industry yielding over $100 BILLION (not million) a year in the US alone. This is published information you chose to disregard.It would be nice if we could get the whole truth.Better luck next time,Charlotte Gerson Straus

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