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X-Factor Week # 7, Yoga

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Hi Everyone,

Today was X-Factor Week # 7 - it is funny, I am building up a major dread to doing these - in part, I'm sure b/c it is week # 7 and I'm just ready for something different. Although the workouts are different, the structure is basically the same and you do see some of the same moves over again. Just burning out on them - but, once i get going the workout time does FLY by and before I know it is over. Today's wasn't too hard either - some tough stuff, but nothing crazy. This week seemed to focus a lot on the abs. Hopefully I will remember it all:rope twist 30 seconds - kept my feet on the ground for these - not badkick up claps 45 seconds - not bad quick feet/pushup drop - 90 seconds (1 pushup, 3,2,1, 5, 1 hold down)I can tell I'm better at push-ups b/c I can do them more quickly now!sumo squat knee lift - 90 seconds not too bad!heels to sky - 45 seconds - not too bad!knees to chest - 90 seconds

- not too bad!water breaksquat jumps 30 seconds _ have gotten better w/ these!mountain climbers 45 seconds - These are better too, but not "fun"!MMA knees - 45 seconds each side - Not bad! side plank pulse - 45 seconds each side - I left out the pulse, it seems to aggravate my upper/mid back - just did a static holdplank pulse - 45 seconds - not bad!lunge w/extension - 45 seconds each side - not bad - a good glute exercise!water breakrepeatAfter X-Factor I did the twisting practice from AM Yoga for Your Week - aahh! That felt good. It is funny how two things I avoided b/c I thought they would hurt my back actually help it - twists and back bends! Go figure.

I have to go to the dentist again this afternoon - boo!Talk to everyone later!Donna

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