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workouts and coworker stunts

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Hi all, First of all, here's a video of some of my crazier coworkers, including the owner of the company. She's the really super thin blonde woman with the greenish yellow top. This is the park across the street from our building. I wasn't there that day, but I probably would have just cheered them on. These women are beasts! Most of those women play or played rugby or soccer. One of those gals even has MS, but she took the dive. Some are in their 50's with bad knees and bad shoulders, and they still fling themselves across a field:http://youtu.be/M32tkCmpQN8As for me, I've been insanely busy. Sorry I keep falling off the list. We just hired a new crew and I'm in the process of getting them trained and up to speed. My work schedule has been varying, but I have been doing Firm workouts, bike commutes and walk commutes. My feet are still dodgy, but not too bad. I'm doing OK, just sometimes don't have a chance to sit and type.I also started doing some workouts with the above women. They hired a trainer from a gym called Ice Chamber. She's amazing. Super tough lady. The company pays for it. All we do is show up on our own time. http://www.icechamber.com/These are incredibly tough workouts. They're very much like Crossfit. We do part of the workout in that same park that you just saw, and then we go back into the company gym for the indoor torture part of the workout. I really like these workouts. The think I like best is that I can do my own subs when I need to. The trainer is really tough, but if she sees that you're pushing through with a substitution, she'll cheer you on.

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