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x-factor st week 1 breakdown

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x-factor st week 1 breakdown (courtesy of VF)

Warm up (6 minutes)

Plank (30 sec)

Reverse Table Top (45 sec)

Alternating " T " lunge (90 sec)

Bicycles (30 sec)

Superman (45 sec)

Sumo Squats w/alternating knee raises (90 sec)

Knee Huggers (30 sec)

Wide Base Pushups (45 sec)

Shadow Boxing: Jabs (30 sec)/Hooks (30 sec)/Upper Cuts (30 sec)

Rope Twist (30 sec)

Scuba Diver (45 sec)

Frog Leap (90 sec)

***Repeat each of the the segments above again***

Cool Down

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