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Re: ok my turn to whine ;) -

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Hi :

Sorry you are having a rough day. Your doctor should

be letting you know how to taper off the Prednisone -

what dose are you on, and for how long? I know it is

a wonder drug for pain and inflammation, but it really

is not very good for us in the long run, so using it

as sparingly as possible is best. Just don't cold

turkey it lol.

I don't know what you can do about your husband - it's

hard for hubbys to understand that we might not be

able to do the things we used to do or even have the

energy to do them. They get used to us taking care of

the house and the kids on our own, and basically are

in denial of anything being wrong with us. My husband

took about 4 years to begin to really " get it " , and he

now helps me out more, as do my kids, young adults

really, but you have two young children that still

need a lot of help from you. Have you taken your

husband to a doctor appointment with you, read or sent

him articles on RA? I used to email my hubby, as he

was more apt to read something I sent him rather than

listening to me talk about it, and got books on RA

which I left open around the house for anyone to check

on if interested.

Sometimes they just don't understand and never will,

but don't give up hope. Sit him down (when the kids

are no where around and you have his entire attention)

and explain to him that there are things going on with

your body which are beyond your control, and you need

his help. You are in pain, are under too much stress

from taking care of so much on your own, and that this

stress will only lead to more pain and fatigue, making

you even more unable to cope with everything. It's a

vicious cycle. I hope that he is able to wake up and

smell the coffee so to speak, and realize that, even

though you still look like the woman he loves and the

mother of his children, that life has changed for you,

you are fighting a scary, awful and frustrating

disease, and really, really need his help more. Best

of luck -

Kathe in CA

--- N2kids@... wrote:



> Last night was like any other night except for the

> fact i didnt take my

> prednisone before bed...HUGE MISTAKE! I couldnt

> sleep at all. when it was time

> for me to get up i couldnt. This hasnt happened to

> me in years...My son still

> had to get to school. SO, i just sucked it up and

> forced myself thru the

> pain. No offense meant to you older ones, but i

> felt 99 and decrepid. I got him

> halfway to school and he walked the rest of the way

> with a classmate and her

> mom. Let me remind you i had a 2 yr old in tow that

> wanted to jump in every

> puddle she saw... lol kids. Anyways, i came back

> and got her breakfast, took 3

> tylenol pm and passed out on the couch while she

> wached cartoons. All of this

> while my husband slept like a rock... how can i get

> him more involved? How

> can i wean myself off of the prednisone? its the

> only thing that seems to help

> these days.... ty for listening. hugs






> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]



Kathe in CA


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Thank you so much Kathe. Yes you are right prednisone is a love/hate

relationship. I was off of it completely for almost a year, but ever since


xmas time i've had to start back on it. Only 10 mg once a day right now. Next

week i will cut down to 7.5mg and so on. Never again will i forget to take

any meds!!! definately learned my lesson. lol Why is it men are so stubborn?

before i was diagnosed, my hubby thought i was faking it... how rude! Well he

got his foot stuck in his mouth that day. Thanks for the email ideas. I will

definately send him some info after a long talk. Yes he does go with me to RA

appointments, but is usually keeping our 2 yr old occupied by walking her

thru the building! :) In his defense, he does try to underestand, its just


take awhile. So glad i found this group. thank you all so much! hugs

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