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Winsor Pilates Buns & Thighs + more

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Still confining myself to the mat this week. My right foot is really bugging me tonight and I'm not sure why, I've been mostly really careful. I'm seeing the foot doc tomorrow, hopefully he'll be able to solve it. Left is doing better though. Anyway, today I took on Mari Winsor's Pilates Buns & Thighs. It was pretty challenging at times, I kept saying to the TV, where are we in the count, please tell me we're almost done! Then she'd say 1 more and I'd breathe more easily. Speaking of breathing, when it is that challenging/painful (in a good way), I cannot manage to breathe through my nose. She reminds you to do that and of course I'm blowing out through my mouth at just that moment. I'll work on it though. While the tape was rewinding I did 15 pushups (still on knees for now) and 12 rolls with the ab wheel. Then I put in Madeline ' A.M. Stretch which was very nice (but, like Donna, I like P.M. Stretch even better). That reminds me, Mari Winsor cracks me up in an irritating way, she just seems so pleased with herself and it strikes me as no surprise that, in at least this and 20 Minute Workout she has a woman in front whose legs seem to have no hip sockets. Lying on her side and doing a leg lift, I swear the woman could probably touch her toes to her forehead she seems so flexible. My leg is lucky if it is past 45 degrees and the knee straight! I notice that even though she has a beginner modifier in 20 Minute workout (not in Buns & Thighs though) she never says anything like "Don't worry about if your leg doesn't extend quite as far as the Barbie doll in front of me" and just get the feeling that's part of her show. Just cracks me up in a way.

Quick DH update: he got a call from a recruiter today for an entry level job with no benefits that would take about 90 minutes one way for him to drive to (lousy salary too). Recruiter told him he wouldn't expect him to take it and that he thought he could come up with better but just wanted to float it past him anyway. I told DH to say no, he agreed. Then same recruiter emailed him 4 other possibilities that DH will look at tomorrow (today was spent totally redoing his resume). Got lots of leads from lots of people so I'm feeling confident it was the right thing to do. Wow, feeling very thankful today.

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