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Re: learning to cope

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Rena'in Texas

Yes, things will get better. I cant stress how important it is to take

care of yourself. I'm not sure if you heard of the airplane metaphor used

here. " When on a plane they always instruct you to put on your own mask, and

then take care of anyone else. " This applies to you being a parent too.

Rena, I know that its hard for you right now, but once you get rid of

that headache, you'll feel so much more prepared to cope!! Go to bed and get

some rest.

Best wishes, wendy, in canada

(mom to 3 ocd kids and married to another one!)

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Dear Rena,

There is nothing harder, I think, then learning that your child is ill. It

rips us in the stomach and hurts beyond measure. I spent years wondering

what I could have done different, wondering if my dear sweet Molly would

ever get a normal life. I felt so much rage, confusion and frustration.

And so many many tears. And Rena....yes, it does get better. I wish that

there was a way to escape this part of the journey but there is not. As

much as your world is probably totally wrapped around your child right now,

please realize that taking care of yourself is in your child's best

interest. Go sit under a tree, feel warm breezes, ride a bike, get a

message. Do something for yourself for at least 30 minutes a day. It will

help you get through the initial shock and pain.

And remember there are a lot of parents out here who truly do understand.

Be gentle to yourself,

patti r

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  • 6 years later...

Hi brit

I know it can be very hard when you are so young as yes people do tend to

judge us differently. We are meant to fit, strong etc.

Hold on to what you love doing the most for as long as you can, and try not to

listen to other peoples judgements you yourself know just how much you can do

and for how long.

Take care

horse_n_joy <horse_n_joy@...> wrote:

I developed RA after the birth of my first child in 2000.

My health has slowly declined over the last 5 years. I n the early

stages when it only affected my feet and hands I managed fairly well.

Now it has severely invaded nearly every joint. My knees have gotten

so bad that I cannot get up and down off the floor anymore, and I

can't pull myself up with my hands or wrists. My husband an I own a

horse boarding and training center, and I still manage to get my work

done, but the pain is so draining that I barely enjoy my favorite

things in life. I am still able to train horses but I feel like my

time is running out. I don't know how much more I can cope with

before somethig has to change. I have been able to hide this disease

from clients up until about 6 months ago... but trying to explain to

people that a once strong and healthy 26 year old is cutting back

because she has arthritis is often embarassing, not to mention

pointless because no one seems to get what Im going through.

Any suggestions?

Just sounding off, Brit

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I have no answers to your dilemma, but I know that it helps me to explain to

people that

it's RHEUMATOID arthritis, not just osteo. Before they even ask for

clarification (or fail to),

I bust out with " you know, it's very different than osteoarthritis, it's an


disease, the body attacks itself " . I like for people to know that it's not

caused by

something I did or didn't do, that it just happened to me. Well, that sounded

kinda bad

(like I think folks with osteo did or didn't do something that caused it), but I

think you

know what I mean. Your business sounds TERRIFIC!!! I have always wanted to do

something like that, but I know it is very physical. Don't give up. Maybe the

" something

that needs to change " is your meds? You didn't mention anything about that. Of

course, I

assume you're doing everything you can on that front, but you never know. There


always new stuff out there! Sounds like you have a really neat life to protect

and make the

most of so you can't afford to the let this get the best of you mentally.


> I developed RA after the birth of my first child in 2000.

> My health has slowly declined over the last 5 years. I n the early

> stages when it only affected my feet and hands I managed fairly well.

> Now it has severely invaded nearly every joint. My knees have gotten

> so bad that I cannot get up and down off the floor anymore, and I

> can't pull myself up with my hands or wrists. My husband an I own a

> horse boarding and training center, and I still manage to get my work

> done, but the pain is so draining that I barely enjoy my favorite

> things in life. I am still able to train horses but I feel like my

> time is running out. I don't know how much more I can cope with

> before somethig has to change. I have been able to hide this disease

> from clients up until about 6 months ago... but trying to explain to

> people that a once strong and healthy 26 year old is cutting back

> because she has arthritis is often embarassing, not to mention

> pointless because no one seems to get what Im going through.

> Any suggestions?

> Just sounding off, Brit


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