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Re: Sorry I haven't posted

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They can't refuse to give him an IEP simply because he doesn't have a

dx of AS yet. The IEP is based on his need alone and not on any dx.

Put your request for a full evaluation in writing and send it to the

head of sped at your school, CCing copies to every else along the

food chain.


> Things have been crazy around here since the move. I am still

unpacking boxes and bins.


> We had a meeting a few weeks ago, kinda like a pre SST meeting.

(sorry if I mentioned this already). The school won't give Zach(14,

AS) an IEP until we get a current diagnosis of his AS. I about died

laughing when they said that. Like AS is going to go away? If

anything it has gotten a lot worse.


> Zach is refusing to go to school. He has missed 10dys already this

year. He has served ISS and detention numerous times because he can't

get to class on time. The teacher said it isn't a mater of being a

few minutes late, he is 15-25min late.

> His latest obsession has been a video they saw in school predicting

the end of the world. My Aspie son has taken the date they gave very

literally and is a mess over it.


> Ok, sorry if this sounds like a letter. Just a lot to say and lots

of advice needed.


> SAHM to some special kids!!!


> Excuse Me While I Go

> Raise Tomorrow's Future.



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I'm sorry I think I missed this earlier. Does Zach not have an IEP?

Has he ever been tested? I'd ask for a full evaluation. No dx is

required. Why are they too stupid to even read the law? Ugh. I hope

things get better. Keep us posted!


> > Things have been crazy around here since the move. I am still

> unpacking boxes and bins.

> >

> > We had a meeting a few weeks ago, kinda like a pre SST meeting.

> (sorry if I mentioned this already). The school won't give Zach(14,

> AS) an IEP until we get a current diagnosis of his AS. I about died

> laughing when they said that. Like AS is going to go away? If

> anything it has gotten a lot worse.

> >

> > Zach is refusing to go to school. He has missed 10dys already


> year. He has served ISS and detention numerous times because he


> get to class on time. The teacher said it isn't a mater of being a

> few minutes late, he is 15-25min late.

> > His latest obsession has been a video they saw in school


> the end of the world. My Aspie son has taken the date they gave


> literally and is a mess over it.

> >

> > Ok, sorry if this sounds like a letter. Just a lot to say and


> of advice needed.


> > SAHM to some special kids!!!

> >

> > Excuse Me While I Go

> > Raise Tomorrow's Future.

> >

> >

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Hi a,

No Zach doesn't have an IEP and that is one roadblock we have right now. We

had the pre-SST meeting and the VP sat there and told me they would not

accept the diagnosis made when he was 7 in 2nd grade. She said they needed a

current diagnosis. I thought I was going to laugh in her face over that.

She said once we get it then the school psychologist will look it over and

then we can have an SST meeting to begin the IEP process. The psychologist

can't dispute the diagnosis she just has to sit in on everything.

Meanwhile my son is failing, and I mean FAILING. He and his father are also

at each other's throats and it is getting old really quick. We do have an

appt on the 22nd with a psychologist and I am calling tomorrow to see if it

can be moved up at all.


SAHM to some special kids!!!

Excuse Me While I Go

Raise Tomorrow's Future.

( ) Re: Sorry I haven't Posted

> I'm sorry I think I missed this earlier. Does Zach not have an IEP?

> Has he ever been tested? I'd ask for a full evaluation. No dx is

> required. Why are they too stupid to even read the law? Ugh. I hope

> things get better. Keep us posted!


> a



> > > Things have been crazy around here since the move. I am still

> > unpacking boxes and bins.

> > >

> > > We had a meeting a few weeks ago, kinda like a pre SST meeting.

> > (sorry if I mentioned this already). The school won't give Zach(14,

> > AS) an IEP until we get a current diagnosis of his AS. I about died

> > laughing when they said that. Like AS is going to go away? If

> > anything it has gotten a lot worse.

> > >

> > > Zach is refusing to go to school. He has missed 10dys already

> this

> > year. He has served ISS and detention numerous times because he

> can't

> > get to class on time. The teacher said it isn't a mater of being a

> > few minutes late, he is 15-25min late.

> > > His latest obsession has been a video they saw in school

> predicting

> > the end of the world. My Aspie son has taken the date they gave

> very

> > literally and is a mess over it.

> > >

> > > Ok, sorry if this sounds like a letter. Just a lot to say and

> lots

> > of advice needed.

> > > MISSY

> > > SAHM to some special kids!!!

> > >

> > > Excuse Me While I Go

> > > Raise Tomorrow's Future.

> > >

> > >

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The school won't evaluate him. they won't test him. They will take what an

outside doc gives us but they can't do anything due to man power shortage.

During the meeting they told us he is capable of doing the work(which we

already knew) and that he just chooses not to do it.( hello he has ODD!!)

I requested a book from the Georgia Advocacy on Education. I just found it

after the move and will go thru it cover to cover. I am pretty sure I will

need to find an advocate to sit in on the the meeting with us. I will play

hardball and not think twice about it.


SAHM to some special kids!!!

Excuse Me While I Go

Raise Tomorrow's Future.

( ) Re: Sorry I haven't Posted

> They can't refuse to give him an IEP simply because he doesn't have a

> dx of AS yet. The IEP is based on his need alone and not on any dx.

> Put your request for a full evaluation in writing and send it to the

> head of sped at your school, CCing copies to every else along the

> food chain.


> Roxanna



> > Things have been crazy around here since the move. I am still

> unpacking boxes and bins.

> >

> > We had a meeting a few weeks ago, kinda like a pre SST meeting.

> (sorry if I mentioned this already). The school won't give Zach(14,

> AS) an IEP until we get a current diagnosis of his AS. I about died

> laughing when they said that. Like AS is going to go away? If

> anything it has gotten a lot worse.

> >

> > Zach is refusing to go to school. He has missed 10dys already this

> year. He has served ISS and detention numerous times because he can't

> get to class on time. The teacher said it isn't a mater of being a

> few minutes late, he is 15-25min late.

> > His latest obsession has been a video they saw in school predicting

> the end of the world. My Aspie son has taken the date they gave very

> literally and is a mess over it.

> >

> > Ok, sorry if this sounds like a letter. Just a lot to say and lots

> of advice needed.


> > SAHM to some special kids!!!

> >

> > Excuse Me While I Go

> > Raise Tomorrow's Future.

> >

> >

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NO NO NO! Request in writing that due to your ds's dx(which is what

by the way?) and his failing grades, etc that you wish to formally

call an Elgibility meeting ASAP. And tell her you know she has 10

count them 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 to call for a screening to get


Hugs, a

> No Zach doesn't have an IEP and that is one roadblock we have right

now. We

> had the pre-SST meeting and the VP sat there and told me they would


> accept the diagnosis made when he was 7 in 2nd grade. She said they

needed a

> current diagnosis. I thought I was going to laugh in her face over


> She said once we get it then the school psychologist will look it

over and

> then we can have an SST meeting to begin the IEP process. The


> can't dispute the diagnosis she just has to sit in on everything.

> Meanwhile my son is failing, and I mean FAILING. He and his father

are also

> at each other's throats and it is getting old really quick. We do

have an

> appt on the 22nd with a psychologist and I am calling tomorrow to

see if it

> can be moved up at all.


> SAHM to some special kids!!!


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In a message dated 10/5/2003 7:58:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

itchy10@... writes:

The school won't evaluate him. they won't test him. They will take what an

outside doc gives us but they can't do anything due to man power shortage.

During the meeting they told us he is capable of doing the work(which we

already knew) and that he just chooses not to do it.( hello he has ODD!!)

I requested a book from the Georgia Advocacy on Education. I just found it

after the move and will go thru it cover to cover. I am pretty sure I will

need to find an advocate to sit in on the the meeting with us. I will play

hardball and not think twice about it.

Put your request in writing. Are you in Georgia? Georgia Department of

Education - Exceptional Students (Special Education) <---- Here is your states

webpage for sped. You might find a lot of interesting things here. Definitely

put your request for testing in writing and date it! Their staffing shortages

are not your problem....er, not supposed to be your problem!

Roxanna ö¿ö

Autism happens...

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In a message dated 10/6/2003 9:04:01 PM Eastern Standard Time,

kneeleee@... writes:

Georgia Department of

Education - Exceptional Students (Special Education) <---- Here is your


webpage for sped.

Argh, I don't know why I have so much trouble sending links anymore. AOL and

are not playing nice together. Here is the web addy to the georgia

dept of education sped site -->


Roxanna ö¿ö

Autism happens...

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> Hi a,


> No Zach doesn't have an IEP and that is one roadblock we have right

now. We

> had the pre-SST meeting and the VP sat there and told me they would


> accept the diagnosis made when he was 7 in 2nd grade. She said they

needed a

> current diagnosis. I thought I was going to laugh in her face over


****Whoa. They are doing it all backwards. Besides, a dx of autism

doesn't go away so you don't have to get your card restamped every

few years. I did have this happen once - where the school requested

we get a " more current " dx. My school is very hip to stalling

techniques and I think this was just another ploy to avoid providing

services to my ds. Well, I told them to tell me where they wanted me

to go to get the dx re-dx'd because I personally wasn't going to pay

for it as it is part of the MFE. They could accept the dx already

written or obtain a new one at their expense. Suddenly they did not

need a new dx or re-dx. They could just use the " old " one. Other

thoughts I have for this problem is to call the doc who did the first

eval and dx and tell him the school is giving you a hard time about

the dx and if he would please write a letter confirming his dx that

you can give to the school. He/She might do that for no cost.

> She said once we get it then the school psychologist will look it

over and

> then we can have an SST meeting to begin the IEP process. The


> can't dispute the diagnosis she just has to sit in on everything.

> Meanwhile my son is failing, and I mean FAILING.

***This is incorrect. The law states: <<Subpart C—Services

Evaluations and Reevaluations

§300.320 Initial evaluations.

(a) Each public agency shall ensure that a full and individual

evaluation is conducted for each child being considered for special

education and related services under Part B of the Act—

(1) To determine if the child is a " child with a disability " under

§300.7; and

(2) To determine the educational needs of the child.


Also you can read more about " child find " which requires them to seek

out and find the children who need help due to disabilities -->

<<§300.125 Child find.

(a) General requirement.

(1) The State must have in effect policies and procedures to ensure


(i) All children with disabilities residing in the State, including

children with disabilities attending private schools, regardless of

the severity of their disability, and who are in need of special

education and related services, are identified, located, and

evaluated; and

(ii) A practical method is developed and implemented to determine

which children are currently receiving needed special education and

related services.

(2) The requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section apply to—

(i) Highly mobile children with disabilities (such as migrant and

homeless children); and

(ii) Children who are suspected of being a child with a disability

under §300.7 and in need of special education, even though they are

advancing from grade to grade.

(B) Documents relating to child find. The State must have on file

with the Secretary the policies and procedures described in paragraph

(a) of this section, including—

(1) The name of the State agency (if other than the SEA) responsible

for coordinating the planning and implementation of the policies and

procedures under paragraph (a) of this section;

(2) The name of each agency that participates in the planning and

implementation of the child find activities and a description of the

nature and extent of its participation;

(3) A description of how the policies and procedures under paragraph

(a) of this section will be monitored to ensure that the SEA obtains—

(i) The number of children with disabilities within each disability

category that have been identified, located, and evaluated; and

(ii) Information adequate to evaluate the effectiveness of those

policies and procedures; and

(4) A description of the method the State uses to determine which

children are currently receiving special education and related


© Child find for children from birth through age 2 when the SEA and

lead agency for the Part C program are different.

(1) In States where the SEA and the State's lead agency for the Part

C program are different and the Part C lead agency will be

participating in the child find activities described in paragraph (a)

of this section, a description of the nature and extent of the Part C

lead agency's participation must be included under paragraph (B)(2)

of this section.

(2) With the SEA's agreement, the Part C lead agency's participation

may include the actual implementation of child find activities for

infants and toddlers with disabilities.

(3) The use of an interagency agreement or other mechanism for

providing for the Part C lead agency's participation does not alter

or diminish the responsibility of the SEA to ensure compliance with

the requirements of this section.

(d) Construction. Nothing in the Act requires that children be

classified by their disability so long as each child who has a

disability listed in §300.7 and who, by reason of that disability,

needs special education and related services is regarded as a child

with a disability under Part B of the Act.

(e) Confidentiality of child find data. The collection and use of

data to meet the requirements of this section are subject to the

confidentiality requirements of §§300.560-300.577.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1412 (a)(3)(A) and (B))


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  • 2 years later...

Beth, I hope you get some rest very soon. It's so hard to take care of

everyone else and yourself, too.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Sorry I haven't posted

> Sorry that I haven't posted much lately. My daughter

> and husband have been sick. So I am exhausted. My

> daughter has had strep, and my husband has two

> absessed teeth. So I have not been getting very much

> sleep. My daughter is better now and back in school.

> She ran a fever for three days.

> I hope everyone has a pain free day. You are all in my

> prayers.

> Beth in AR

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