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Interesting... I use " Sweet 'n Low " but can not use things with that

" Nutrasweet " in them and YES, I know the difference and " Nutrasweet " makes me

sick and blows me up like a big 'ol weather balloon.


the cloud



Oh don't drink crystal light!! It has nutrasweet in it. I can't say

enough bad about that stuff..i'd rather see you eat sugar than that!

But I stopped having some troubles after cutting it all out of my

diet, until I got steroid injections now my blood sugar is all messed

up. Hope you continue to do well for as long as you can, Take care

> Hi all,

> I have been doing really well lately and needed to share that with

> you. I am prohibited from any meds, caffein and artificial

> sweeteners for a while due to persistant headaches following my


> steroid epidural injection. The Dr. did not do the second


> because of these headaches. So far I have done well with all


> the meds. I cheat when I absolutely have to which is almost every

> night. The headaches are not as often (1 since last week) so I


> it was just caffeine or artificial sweetener withdrawal, because it

> was after I had a crystal light drink.


> I walked again yesterday with the family. We put my daughter in


> stroller (I bought a jogging type stroller when she was a baby)


> took me 13.25 minutes on Thursday to walk only took me 10.10

> yesterday. That was encouraging. I have also lost 4 lbs in one

> week. I know it's not a lot but I am encouraged about that too. I

> will continue walking the same route this week, and next week add

> more to it. I also did 20 crunches until I got a cramp in my thigh

> from having my feet under the couch.


> Thanks for listening to my update.

> Ronda

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That is really great Ronda, and 4 pound is very good, I need to do something too

as I would like to lose the 40 pounds I have gained over the last year... I

expected ( and was told by my GP ) to lose weight naturally when I started

taking the med Levoxyl for Hypothyroidism...Well I didn't and I feel rather

depressed over it... Now the GP thinks my weight is from the combination of the

meds I take daily....Do you have much more weight that you want to lose?


Hi all,

I have been doing really well lately and needed to share that with

you. I am prohibited from any meds, caffein and artificial

sweeteners for a while due to persistant headaches following my first

steroid epidural injection. The Dr. did not do the second injection

because of these headaches. So far I have done well with all except

the meds. I cheat when I absolutely have to which is almost every

night. The headaches are not as often (1 since last week) so I think

it was just caffeine or artificial sweetener withdrawal, because it

was after I had a crystal light drink.

I walked again yesterday with the family. We put my daughter in her

stroller (I bought a jogging type stroller when she was a baby) What

took me 13.25 minutes on Thursday to walk only took me 10.10

yesterday. That was encouraging. I have also lost 4 lbs in one

week. I know it's not a lot but I am encouraged about that too. I

will continue walking the same route this week, and next week add

more to it. I also did 20 crunches until I got a cramp in my thigh

from having my feet under the couch.

Thanks for listening to my update.


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Hey, everyone. If anyone is interested in a weight loss site with an emphasis

on medical problems also, I have a community at MSN. We're always looking for

new members. Check us out and see what you think.



wendy schmidt wrote: That is really great Ronda, and 4

pound is very good, I need to do something too as I would like to lose the 40

pounds I have gained over the last year...

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.......


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  • 2 weeks later...

It was very wrong of your son to steal your phone card and he should be the one

that pays...My guess would be is that someone has to pay the phone bill,

services rendered. As far as the phone company is, calls were made from a phone

card issued to you and they don't know who made the calls, but you will have to

pay... What I would do is call AT & T and explain the situation with them again,

but keeping your cool. Ask if you can make small payments has you cannot aford

to pay the $400 all at once. They should agree to that... Then I would hunt

down my son and tell him that you are going to pay the phone bill of the calls

that HE made, but you want the $400 back from him... Tell him he can make

payments of $50 a week and if he does not make payments tell him that you will

take him to small claims court! Make sure that you take the telephone bill and

have copies made, also a IOU with your sons signature would be proof of it being

your son that used the card.. You will need proof to show the Judge... Also

once you get sorted out with AT & T cancel all your service with them and get

signed up with another telephone company and don't get a calling card...

To: BackPain24-7

Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 9:39 AM

Subject: (unknown)

I know that what I'm about to post is off topic for this group. I apologize

and ask for your forebearance. I'm at my wit's end. If there had been a spare

bed in the psych hospital last night my counselor and my sweetie would have

Baker Acted me. I'd like some feedback and maybe some help if anyone has any


This is the situation. As of the this date, I have spent over eight hours on

the telephone with AT & T customer service and billing departments trying to

resolve this issue. On about February 25th of 2000, I called Earthlink customer

service number to cancel all of my accounts with the AT & T company. I cancelled

the accounts because of poor service and a lack of the company to provide the

safeguards I had requested on my accounts, namely no long distance service on my

modem line. The representative that I spoke with at that time assured me that

the long distance account, calling card account, and Earthlink accounts would

all be closed as of that time.

In the intervening time one of my sons has grown up and moved out. During the

time when he was asked to leave our home, he apparently acquired the account

number for the calling card. Since the beginning of June, 2001 he has made

upwards of $400.00 of calls on an account I was assured was cancelled. He DOES

NOT and DID NOT have permission to use that card. He has committed a crime, (I

think it's called " theft of services " ), and I have filed legal charges against


I have found out through the customer " no " service division, that none of the

accounts were terminated as I had requested. " " , a supervisor in your

Dallas office, was the most rude and singularly unhelpful person I have ever

dealt with. He not only had a very poor attitude but he also refused to assist

me with any further recourse options on my part. When I asked to speak with his

supervisor he said he didn't have one. I asked if he was the president of the

company, he said no. I asked who he reported to and he was really rude and told

me that I'd just have to pay the bill and it was " just too bad. " I have also

talked with Donna in the Billing department in Texas. I explained this whole

situation to her. She did some research and could not find anywhere that the

accounts had been cancelled.

I was given information that ATT does not get into " Family Disputes " and this

is why the charges won't be removed from my bill. Also my understanding of their

definition of " Family " is anyone that a client knows. I.E., if I know someone

and they illegally use my account, that is a family dispute according to your

definitions. In the first place, the account was supposed to have been cancelled

18 months ago. Second, my account was used illegally by another adult without

permission and in violation of the law. I fail to understand why, when I've done

everything I was supposed to do, they are still trying to hold me accountable

for charges that I did not make.

I am also filing charges with the Public Service Comission and I'm including

all of this information.

I suffer from amny types of chronic pain and PTSD. This has put my pain and

stress levels at more than I can handle. Literally, I don't have the money to

pay this and don't believe I should be made to anyway. If I had been able to get

within arm's reach of my son, I would have beat him to death last night. (That's

part of why the psych wanted to keep me!)

Can anyone give me some advice here?


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I am so sorry to read of your trials with your son. Part of the problem is

that you are embarrassed to think a son of yours would do such a thing.

First; It is not your fault, it sounds like a fraud was committed on you and

a consultation with community police may be a good idea. If he does not care

enough about your pain and the stress he is adding to it then you should

take of the kid gloves. Our children seem to think that as long as we live

we owe them for whatever, and it is their right to take. Tough Love is

painful but so is your condition. Think about it. I have been down that road

and it takes determination. In the long run he may learn something valuable.

Good Luck


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I fully empathise with you! We've noticed several things since all the kids are

out. The house stays clean. The milk lasts usually until it goes bad! We only

buy one gallon at a time. We can make food and it will last several days so we

can use it for lunches and a dinner or two. We can go out and not have to worry

about what they are doing.

I strongly suggest you change your locks ASAP! We found out that one of our boys

knew how to pick the brand of lock we had been using for years. We switched to

Schlage locks. Surprise, surpise! No more mysterious visits while we were out. I

had to carry a shopping bag with me to keep all my medicine with me because they

would steal it. Before we had changed locks, one night we found a dirty hand

print on the wall inside our bathroom window where they broke in. We now have

very good quality window locks on each window and 2 on most of them.

I'm shocked that my boys would do this stuff as it's not how they were raised.

Our girls turned out just fine.

Thanks for the support.



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What has the world come to when we have to sue our own children? How did our

very own children learn to disrespect us as parents? I think it is the gov't and

if they would just butt out of family lives and let parents raise their children

and quit filling kids' heads with garbage then maybe kids would not kill kids

and not kill parents and maybe, just maybe, we can teach them the respect which

has become more an artifact then a right. Okay... I just had to get that off my

chest and feel better.

My 20 year old son just moved out of our apartment after more then a year of

working when he feels like it, eatting our food and then instead of taking

plates and food items from his room, he would stash them beneath the mattress

and boxspring, in the closet, under the bed, in the drawers... well, you name

it! There you would find forks, knives, empty food boxes and cans and even a

coffee cup full of mayonnaise. He even had a macaroni & cheese box stuck under

the bathroom sink. We have a dishwasher and begged with him, screamed at him,

pleaded with him to stop but he continued. When my husband and I fought, it was

over him and how we would buy groceries and never even get to eat the food. I

never denied him food but he never shared his food with us neither! He worked

landscaping when he felt inclined to work, often taking days and sometimes weeks

off. He gave us money ($200 a month for rent, food, utilities... everything!) He

would spend hours in his room doing who knows what and we would have to talk to

him through a door. He often would keep his door locked. After no rent for two

months we told him he would have to move out. I could not take the stress of him

living here any longer and the stench of his room. Also, I had a newly refilled

prescription of medicine become suddenly depleted and there was no one but him

to have taken it. Well, there is our dog but we get dog proof caps. : )

This all must have hurt you as it has me. There is so much more to this story

and yes, phone bills too but the cut to the heart hurts much deeper. I just pray

he learns life's lessons soon and his world does not come crashing in on him.

All this and it was just about narrowed down to either he move out or I was sure

I would become increasingly more ill from the stress of his being here. Boy...

do i know where you are coming from.

It is hard when you deal with chronic pain as we do and the stress and our good

days are like pennies from heaven.

I read your email about how you were resolving the situation and I know this in

itself has been stressful but hopefully you are feeling some accomplishment for

all you have done.

I do not work and am disabled and my husband, bless is heart, does all he can

working and paying my medical bills and so forth. We were buying a gallon of

milk daily because the son was drinking most of it! I only used it to take my

medicine with. A gallon of milk daily figures out to almost $90.00 a month!

Anyways, the sun has been out for 2 weeks now. He called once early on and said

he would pick up the rest of his stuff that weekend but he never showed. I

called his boss' house last night and the little girl answered the phone and

told me he had just left from there, so I do know he's alive. Hey, odd huh... he

has never called to see if I am still alive! We are still going to have to fish

out money to change the locks as he still has a key

I know that what I'm about to post is off topic for this group. I apologize

and ask for your forebearance. I'm at my wit's end. If there had been a spare

bed in the psych hospital last night my counselor and my sweetie would have

Baker Acted me. I'd like some feedback and maybe some help if anyone has any


This is the situation. As of the this date, I have spent over eight hours on

the telephone with AT & T customer service and billing departments trying to

resolve this issue. On about February 25th of 2000, I called Earthlink customer

service number to cancel all of my accounts with the AT & T company. I cancelled

the accounts because of poor service and a lack of the company to provide the

safeguards I had requested on my accounts, namely no long distance service on my

modem line. The representative that I spoke with at that time assured me that

the long distance account, calling card account, and Earthlink accounts would

all be closed as of that time.

In the intervening time one of my sons has grown up and moved out. During the

time when he was asked to leave our home, he apparently acquired the account

number for the calling card. Since the beginning of June, 2001 he has made

upwards of $400.00 of calls on an account I was assured was cancelled. He DOES

NOT and DID NOT have permission to use that card. He has committed a crime, (I

think it's called " theft of services " ), and I have filed legal charges against


I have found out through the customer " no " service division, that none of the

accounts were terminated as I had requested. " " , a supervisor in your

Dallas office, was the most rude and singularly unhelpful person I have ever

dealt with. He not only had a very poor attitude but he also refused to assist

me with any further recourse options on my part. When I asked to speak with his

supervisor he said he didn't have one. I asked if he was the president of the

company, he said no. I asked who he reported to and he was really rude and told

me that I'd just have to pay the bill and it was " just too bad. " I have also

talked with Donna in the Billing department in Texas. I explained this whole

situation to her. She did some research and could not find anywhere that the

accounts had been cancelled.

I was given information that ATT does not get into " Family Disputes " and this

is why the charges won't be removed from my bill. Also my understanding of their

definition of " Family " is anyone that a client knows. I.E., if I know someone

and they illegally use my account, that is a family dispute according to your

definitions. In the first place, the account was supposed to have been cancelled

18 months ago. Second, my account was used illegally by another adult without

permission and in violation of the law. I fail to understand why, when I've done

everything I was supposed to do, they are still trying to hold me accountable

for charges that I did not make.

I am also filing charges with the Public Service Comission and I'm including

all of this information.

I suffer from amny types of chronic pain and PTSD. This has put my pain and

stress levels at more than I can handle. Literally, I don't have the money to

pay this and don't believe I should be made to anyway. If I had been able to get

within arm's reach of my son, I would have beat him to death last night. (That's

part of why the psych wanted to keep me!)

Can anyone give me some advice here?


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Anyways, I pushed the send button too soon. That was the end of the story

though. Just wanted to say hang in there and you are not alone.



I know that what I'm about to post is off topic for this group. I apologize

and ask for your forebearance. I'm at my wit's end. If there had been a spare

bed in the psych hospital last night my counselor and my sweetie would have

Baker Acted me. I'd like some feedback and maybe some help if anyone has any


This is the situation. As of the this date, I have spent over eight hours on

the telephone with AT & T customer service and billing departments trying to

resolve this issue. On about February 25th of 2000, I called Earthlink customer

service number to cancel all of my accounts with the AT & T company. I cancelled

the accounts because of poor service and a lack of the company to provide the

safeguards I had requested on my accounts, namely no long distance service on my

modem line. The representative that I spoke with at that time assured me that

the long distance account, calling card account, and Earthlink accounts would

all be closed as of that time.

In the intervening time one of my sons has grown up and moved out. During the

time when he was asked to leave our home, he apparently acquired the account

number for the calling card. Since the beginning of June, 2001 he has made

upwards of $400.00 of calls on an account I was assured was cancelled. He DOES

NOT and DID NOT have permission to use that card. He has committed a crime, (I

think it's called " theft of services " ), and I have filed legal charges against


I have found out through the customer " no " service division, that none of the

accounts were terminated as I had requested. " " , a supervisor in your

Dallas office, was the most rude and singularly unhelpful person I have ever

dealt with. He not only had a very poor attitude but he also refused to assist

me with any further recourse options on my part. When I asked to speak with his

supervisor he said he didn't have one. I asked if he was the president of the

company, he said no. I asked who he reported to and he was really rude and told

me that I'd just have to pay the bill and it was " just too bad. " I have also

talked with Donna in the Billing department in Texas. I explained this whole

situation to her. She did some research and could not find anywhere that the

accounts had been cancelled.

I was given information that ATT does not get into " Family Disputes " and this

is why the charges won't be removed from my bill. Also my understanding of their

definition of " Family " is anyone that a client knows. I.E., if I know someone

and they illegally use my account, that is a family dispute according to your

definitions. In the first place, the account was supposed to have been cancelled

18 months ago. Second, my account was used illegally by another adult without

permission and in violation of the law. I fail to understand why, when I've done

everything I was supposed to do, they are still trying to hold me accountable

for charges that I did not make.

I am also filing charges with the Public Service Comission and I'm including

all of this information.

I suffer from amny types of chronic pain and PTSD. This has put my pain and

stress levels at more than I can handle. Literally, I don't have the money to

pay this and don't believe I should be made to anyway. If I had been able to get

within arm's reach of my son, I would have beat him to death last night. (That's

part of why the psych wanted to keep me!)

Can anyone give me some advice here?

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Hi: Perhaps it is off topic--however it is stuff like this that compounds and

contributes to the stress that DOES have an effect on our PHYSICAL STUFF. "

Why is it that others at times are so totally blind as to how much their

total lack of respect and caring has become the toxins that create a combined

formula for a lifetime of pain and suffering. It is a known fact that our

immune system is directly impacted by the total of our life's

experiences..both mental and physical. The other side of the picture is that

we must not allow others to mistreat us because we in essence are working in

tandem with them to erode our very mind, bodies and spirits.

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I am so sorry for your troubles, I for one do not mind it being aired on the

open form, as it does contribute to your health problem big time. I think

what you must do is forget he is your son, in this matter, and think of him

as a neighbour or some other non-family person. What would be the course of

action in this case?? His disrespect for his home removes his right to its

use. Tough Love is difficult but sometime it is the only way to go. Don't be

guilty he is grown and what he has become is not your fault. Something

happens from adolescence to adult.Quit beating yourself up and do what you

need to you. Remember he changed the rules not you

Good Luck


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


We arn't all that happy either but, misery loves company and maybe being

here will make it a bit easier

Terry M


> thank you for letting me join the group i to have

> chronic pain iand i dont like it one bit roy higgins.


> =====

> roy higgins


> __________________________________________________


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hey, vent all you want; i am only one person..... this is

my last letter to you

--- muddlissa@... wrote:

> I dont' really feel comfortable staying here now. I feel

> like I

> should be defensive that is my instinct but then I think

> that I have

> felt enough like that in my life and I don't need another

> place.


Quote of the Day

There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn

by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for


- From 'The Wisdom of Will '


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have we learned nothing of sept. 11th ! we are only here to share are

experiences, are we not? hopefully learn from one another.... we are

only authorities of our own experiences. let's realize, we really DONT

know each other intimately, and LIGHTEN UP. i dont think (hope) that any

of us would like to see any members leave the group, particularly at

this CRUCIAL time in AMERICA we should be bonding closer . i know we see

things in each other, that may not seem right, or have worked in our own

lives. we are all different, and yet the same. lets stick together huh?

with sincere LOVE


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E{:-}Greetings: Lynn, thank you oh so much that really says it all.

Be Blessed


Moderator - Chronic Pain



These are my three treasures,

Compassion, Frugality, & Humility.

Being Compassionate one has Courage,

Being Frugal one has Abundance.

Being Humble one becomes the chief of all vessels.

~~Lao Tzu~~


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Carole,

Yes, music is very very important for me too! I've been dealing with almost two

years of chronic pain from IBD-related arthritis plus a few other autoimmune

diseases (I'm 26, female) and just a couple of weeks ago my brother died in an

accident, so these are hard times for me and music seems to be one of my best


Unfortunately I don't play music myself but I listen to it with a lot of passion

live as well as from recordings, my midnight MP3 swaps would deserve a page of

musings! I think music is a neglected area in pain research, I guess the idea

doesn't sit that comfortably with all orthodox doctors and researchers. Mind you

the pain clinic I attend here in Sydney are very good and they strongly support

such innovative ways of healing that point beyond drugs and despair. No chance

though for a partial Medicare refund on my next Hi-Fi! :)



Hypothyroid, celiac, IBD, arthritis, PTSD.

in Sydney, Australia

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Hi Carole,

Terry here, music is a large part of pain management as it tends to increase

seratonin which relaxes one. However, the wrong kind of music can have an

opposite effect. When I was having a massage, wonderful for pai relief, my

masseuse had flute music playing and I had to ask her to change it. I love

flute music as I am a big fan of Galway. In this instance I was in a

lot of pain, and found the flute irritating.Strauss seems to have the best

effect at these times and the relaxation tapes with earth sounds is

absolutely wonderful.

Your question about the TENS machine covers the belief that it is a cure,

when actually just like a heating pad, an aid to comfort. It does help if

you have a muscle spasm. Of course, it must be placed correctly.

Good Luck


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At 11:17 AM 10/19/01 +0000, you wrote:

>My doctor (finally) gave me a prescription for

>oxycontin. Does anyone have any advice about taking this drug?

Hi ,

I've been taking OxyContin and OxyIR for 2 years and had taken MSContin and

MSIR before that. Everyone adjusts and reacts differently to meds, but for

most, OxyContin will allow you to function much better than you currently

are. For chronic pain patients, the drug simply reacts to the pain and does

not give you a feeling of euphoria, as it would for someone who does not

need it for pain treatment. I've never had a problem with nausea with

OxyContin; OxyIR occasionally will cause a little upset if I need to take

close to the maximum dosage.

The best advice I could give you is to take your first doses, as scheduled,

on a day when it really won't matter too much if you do get sleepy from it.

From talking to others, the few who have had this reaction find that it

quickly passes as your body adjusts to the med. Same goes fro driving. I

feel that I'm a better and safer driver when taking my pain meds, but you

should know how you react to it before driving. You might want to take it

for a couple of days before you drive. You'll then know if it causes

drowsiness or makes you feel groggy. That, too, should pass as you adjust.

Good luck. Let us know how it works for you.



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Hi . Ditto on what said.

You should know that all the negative press OxyContin has been getting is

from abuse cases, and not from people legitimately using the drug as


In these cases, the abuser has to change the OxyContin¹s form, (i.e. crush

or powder the drug before ingesting), and thus render the time-release

aspect of it useless. As a result, they get a concentrated Œhit² of the

drug, whereas we who use it have that entire dose spaced across 8-12 hours,

depending on tolerance.

Your doctors are not gonna start you at a high dose in any case, and you¹ll

hopefully be very surprised after a couple days ³getting used to it² how

well you feel. I can only speak for myself, and for me, it¹s been a lifeline

! I actually sleep at night, for up to 6 hours at a time, which I had

forgotten how that felt. So, when I first took it, it was literally bliss,

not from the effects, but from what it allowed me to do with my life.


Robbie in Mass ­ RS (ReA), AS, 17 years+


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i took percodan prior to oxycontin, which is the same things only percodan

has asa, perecocet-tylenol +oxycodone. so oxycontin is the same only long

acting-usually 12 hours, but many find it only lasts 8. the lowest dose i

believe is 10 mg. every 12 hours. i didn't experience any side-effects.

however when i first started taking percodan)same-oxycodone+asa), i felt

euphoria, NO PAIN!, and a bit like feeling good after a few glasses of wine.

i t can make you drousy, so don't drive,.etc. hope it helps.dianne


> hello everyone,

> I have been lurking in the shadows for a while and this

> is my first post. I have RSD in my left hand following a surgery. I

> also have peripheral neuropathy in both legs/feet. I have a question

> for the group: My doctor (finally) gave me a prescription for

> oxycontin. Does anyone have any advice about taking this drug? I

> haven't started it yet because I am a little afraid after all the

> things I have heard and read about this stuff. Am I going to fall

> asleep after I take it? Or get nauseous ? If someone could just tell

> me their experience it would make me feel more comfortable.


> Thanks a million,

> in Mass.



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Hi everyone I wanted to ask some ? on the subject of Oxycontin my self and this

seems like the right time to do it.

I just started taking Oxycontin 30 mgs twice a day on the first of October and I

have had sleepy days since. I also take Soma 350 mgs and Amitiptyline 25 mgs at

bedtime. I want to know how long the sleepiness will last since it has been

three weeks now with no end in site. I am also in pain for about 8 hours into

the med with 4 hours to go till the next dose. Should I tell my doctor this?

With the hopes he will not think I am just a drug seeker. He has told me in the

past that if he put me on Valium for muscle spasms that I would get addicted to

it and would never get off it with out help. This is when I put in to my

Attorney for a new Doctor but I can't change Doctors for I have used all my

requests according to the Workers Comp laws in my State.

Thanks Copper

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In this message I ment to say I don't have pain for 8 of the 12 hours but then

I suffer for 4 hours till my next dose. Does that make sence? Sorry about the

type O thanks......... Copper

Penny Hutcheson wrote:

Hi everyone I wanted to ask some ? on the subject of Oxycontin my self and this

seems like the right time to do it.

I just started taking Oxycontin 30 mgs twice a day on the first of October and I

have had sleepy days since. I also take Soma 350 mgs and Amitiptyline 25 mgs at

bedtime. I want to know how long the sleepiness will last since it has been

three weeks now with no end in site. I am also in pain for about 8 hours into

the med with 4 hours to go till the next dose. Should I tell my doctor this?

With the hopes he will not think I am just a drug seeker. He has told me in the

past that if he put me on Valium for muscle spasms that I would get addicted to

it and would never get off it with out help. This is when I put in to my

Attorney for a new Doctor but I can't change Doctors for I have used all my

requests according to the Workers Comp laws in my State.

Thanks Copper

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although oxycontin supposedly lasts 12 hours, most people find it lasts 8.

your dr. won't be surprised if he works with chronic pain patients. my

shrink said that anymore than 30 mg./day is addctive. i take 5mg. 4 time's

a day, and 2 clonazepam(valium family) at night. i f your dr. gives you any

" addict vibes " , he is not educated to the fact the people in REAL PAIN,

don't get addicted, just addicts, and they have to crush it to get immediate

release(snort it, or inject it with saline!). angel

Re: (unknown)


> In this message I ment to say I don't have pain for 8 of the 12 hours but

then I suffer for 4 hours till my next dose. Does that make sence? Sorry

about the type O thanks......... Copper

> Penny Hutcheson wrote:

> Hi everyone I wanted to ask some ? on the subject of Oxycontin my self and

this seems like the right time to do it.

> I just started taking Oxycontin 30 mgs twice a day on the first of October

and I have had sleepy days since. I also take Soma 350 mgs and Amitiptyline

25 mgs at bedtime. I want to know how long the sleepiness will last since it

has been three weeks now with no end in site. I am also in pain for about 8

hours into the med with 4 hours to go till the next dose. Should I tell my

doctor this? With the hopes he will not think I am just a drug seeker. He

has told me in the past that if he put me on Valium for muscle spasms that I

would get addicted to it and would never get off it with out help. This is

when I put in to my Attorney for a new Doctor but I can't change Doctors for

I have used all my requests according to the Workers Comp laws in my State.



> Thanks Copper



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ps.(angel), your dr. should also prescribe " break-through pain pills), like

percodan etc. that means that when the oxycontin isn't working, you can

take an immediate release drug similar to the oxycontin. be careful if you

take something like talwin, because it is an opiate-antagonist(stops oxy.

from working). elavil(amytrilline also causes sleepiness and increased

appetite). however, it is very helpful for muscle relaxation, and induiong

phase 3,4 and rem sleep.

if you take the " break-through " pills every day, then the oxycontin has to

be " titrated(increased) accordingly, to a dose that gives you pain relief.

ie/some are on 10mg.(lowest, some are on 180!). angel

Re: (unknown)


> Hi everyone I wanted to ask some ? on the subject of Oxycontin my self

and this seems like the right time to do it.

> I just started taking Oxycontin 30 mgs twice a day on the first of October

and I have had sleepy days since. I also take Soma 350 mgs and Amitiptyline

25 mgs at bedtime. I want to know how long the sleepiness will last since it

has been three weeks now with no end in site. I am also in pain for about 8

hours into the med with 4 hours to go till the next dose. Should I tell my

doctor this? With the hopes he will not think I am just a drug seeker. He

has told me in the past that if he put me on Valium for muscle spasms that I

would get addicted to it and would never get off it with out help. This is

when I put in to my Attorney for a new Doctor but I can't change Doctors for

I have used all my requests according to the Workers Comp laws in my State.



> Thanks Copper



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made a mistake in last post. dr. says 30 mg. of VALIUM can cause addiction,

and i take 5mh. 4 times a DAY AND 1 CLONAZEPAM(VALIUM FAMILY AT NIGHT).

THIS WAS NOT RElated to my post on oxycontin. sorry angel

Re: (unknown)



> >

> > In this message I ment to say I don't have pain for 8 of the 12 hours


> then I suffer for 4 hours till my next dose. Does that make sence? Sorry

> about the type O thanks......... Copper

> > Penny Hutcheson wrote:

> > Hi everyone I wanted to ask some ? on the subject of Oxycontin my self


> this seems like the right time to do it.

> > I just started taking Oxycontin 30 mgs twice a day on the first of


> and I have had sleepy days since. I also take Soma 350 mgs and


> 25 mgs at bedtime. I want to know how long the sleepiness will last since


> has been three weeks now with no end in site. I am also in pain for about


> hours into the med with 4 hours to go till the next dose. Should I tell my

> doctor this? With the hopes he will not think I am just a drug seeker. He

> has told me in the past that if he put me on Valium for muscle spasms that


> would get addicted to it and would never get off it with out help. This is

> when I put in to my Attorney for a new Doctor but I can't change Doctors


> I have used all my requests according to the Workers Comp laws in my


> >

> >

> > Thanks Copper

> >

> >

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