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alissa's mommaRe: kelly

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Paisley is now in a PPCD classroom and she gets her therapy there, although she

was suppose to have been prescribed private therapies by her Developmental Ped.

she just hasn't done it yet. I am mostly learning signs from the ASL website

and teaching them to her myself and I am also teaching her teacher because she

knows minimal signs and telling her where to go to get them for free. In her

classroom she is the only girl and there are 4 boys, all but 1 are nonverbal. I

think it will really help all the kids if she signs to them(the teacher) I

think it is important for them to be able to communicate in some way otherwise

they will have alot behavioral problems.

alissasmomma wrote:

I can remember Alissa first signing sit down & stand up! she used

the PECS system for all things at first- now she signs at times but

can usually find the words she needs.

At times she is a bit backwards or we have to ask her a second time

and even go back to what do you want..........but she figures out

what she wants and can tell us. I cannot tell you the happiness &

joy in my heart when we went Xmas shopping just looking & she was

able to give us her want list for the first time!

My heart was broken when she first went into special ed classrooms-

some of the other children with many different problems some who

would never get much better broke my heart both for them & their


I feel lucky that god has blessed us with Alissa.

When she was born I thought she was my fathers angel from heaven- he

had a large stroke in 99 & I took care of him with alissas help

until he passed last year........but I see she is my angel really.

I wish our peds would have figured out what to do with her sooner. I

know she would be farther along but to me she is not that far off

from the others although her biggest gap is socially.

She does the best conversations with my goddaughters little girl

Allina who is 3. They jabber on the phone & can keep it going

although I think Alissa gets bored & lost with long conversations.

What all do they offer for your child? I hope that there is a lot

available wherever you are. I can remember the nonverbal kids in

Alissas K class & 1st grade- and seeing Alissa help and mommy them.

Some we have lost touch with as they group 1 & 2nd here and some of

her favorite kids moved onto 3rd grade- we hope she gets to be with

them again next year.

Sadly Alissa is too high functioning for summer school in Il.

We asked as she LOVES school. But the last 2 years we have been

turned down as they say lower functioning kids benefit more than the

smarter ones........to us just the social factor is importent for

Alissa we hope she will get to go to summer camp- it will be

something for her.



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