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ThreeLac? Probiotic?

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Where do you get this ThreeLac? I have almost every

problem that you listed that can be caused by candida,

so does my husband and children. And which probiotic

do you use or suggest using, because I have tried many

brands and none seem to do much, but maybe without the

other stuff to get rid of the bad, it won't help. I

would really appreciate the info on all this. Thanks,


--- Gwen Moyers wrote:

> Thanks Amy :) This gives me a direction to go.

> Gwen

> Re: Re: -soy, used

> to be GFCF


> ,

> I like how you think! You stated that beautifully!

> Candida is not just something that is contained in

> the intestines. It has also been linked and blamed

> for disorders like:

> recurring yeast infections

> thrush

> melancholy

> depression

> anxiety

> recurring irritability or mood swings

> fatigue

> lethargy

> Fibromyalgia

> Chronic Fatigue

> autoimmune disorders

> heartburn

> indigestion

> acid reflux; (gastro-esophageal reflux disease


> irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

> dry, itchy, flaky skin

> jock itch

> acne or other skin problems

> extreme food and environmental allergies

> lactose intolerance

> sinusitis

> joint soreness

> chest pain

> cholesterol problems

> headaches and migraines

> recurring cystitis/vaginal yeast

> overgrowth/infections

> premenstrual tension/menstrual problems


> Most, not all, Md's do not even consider candida

> as the cause of these disorders. Many people are

> tested for everything under the sun, with no DX and

> no help. For those Md's that are aware of candida,

> medications are often perscribed which does nothing

> but temporarily give relief....when meds are

> stopped, conditions will come back....Not to mention

> the side affects that now you experience from taking

> medications. Candida can be naturally treated, and

> gone for good. You will find that once you body is

> in balance, your other symptoms will disappear also.

> Amy


> cathylynn2 wrote:

> Yeast overgrowth can definitely cause allergies.

> People with

> dysregulated immune systems are particularly

> susceptible to chronic,

> systemic yeast overgrowth. Many autistic children

> are particularly

> vulnerable. Candida can eventually evolve from a

> yeast form into a

> fungal form, and very long, root-like structures

> called rhizoids

> puncture the intestinal lining, leading to leaky

> gut syndrome. This

> creates holes in the digestive tract, allowing

> many foreign and toxic

> substances to pass into the bloodstream. When

> undigested food

> particles leak through these holes and enter the

> bloodstream, the

> body views them as foreign invaders. The candida

> organisms that pass

> through the blood stream have been found to

> produce over 70 known

> toxins that will poison and strain the major

> organs in the body,

> including the liver, kidneys, heart, colon,

> bladder, and central

> nervous system. The ability to absorb and digest

> the necessary

> nutrients from foods eaten is dramatically

> reduced.


> Among the toxins produced is acetaldehyde, a

> poison that is converted

> by the liver into alcohol. As alcohol builds up in

> the system,

> symptoms associated with alcohol intoxication

> develop. This is why

> one of the most common symptoms of candida is

> brain fog, confusion,

> inappropriate laughter....almost like being drunk.

> The body's immune

> system may also respond to candida toxins and food

> molecules in the

> bloodstream with high histamine production. This

> in turn can result

> in classic symptoms of allergies and food

> intolerances, and if left

> untreated, can eventually lead to autoimmune

> disorders such as

> arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome,

> Crohn's disease or

> colitis, diabetes, lupus, as well as many skin

> disorders.






> > I think it's the other way around, allergies

> leading to candida, not

> > candida leading to allergies. I don't know

> though, I haven't seen any

> > research on cause/effect.

> > Amnesty

> >

> >

> >

> >>

> >> Thats correct! I just wondered if anyone

> thought that candida was

> > the cause of allergies also...I do. I know it

> plays a huge role in our

> > autistic childs cerebral allergies!

> >> Amy

> >>


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


> Chef Amy

> Reel Thyme Cooking, LLC


> ---------------------------------

> Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them

> fast with Yahoo! Search.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]


> Chef Amy

> Reel Thyme Cooking, LLC


> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all

> with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]





=== message truncated ===



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You do not have to use exactly treelac, which is good for candida

because it contains saccharomyces boulardii which is a probiotic that

fights the yeast and candida, you canget it at klaire's labs or

kirkmans, you should try it by itself first before trying treelac.

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My husband has severe Crohn's and I am actually mainly

trying to figure out this ThreeLac for him. My kids

probably would benefit from using it, but I think that

he and I would actually benefit the most. He doesn't

believe that anything will work for his Crohn's. He

has given up on believing it would ever go into

remission, but I have not. He has been hospitalised

for up to 9 days at a time and a lot recently. Nothing

has worked. He has been on Remecaid for 3+ years and

it has lost it's effectiveness to the point that he

gets biweekly infusions and yet still has around 6

bowel movements a day and regular bleeding.

He is the pickiest eater alive, he is worse than our 4

year old with Autism and he basically lives off of,

white flour tortillas with cheese melted on them, coco

crispies, A & W rootbeer, white engilsh muffins with

Jam, homemade hamburgers with no veggies and Juice.

He has been willing to try diets in the past, but the

thing is, nothing works fast enough for him. We have

tried every diet out their to get his body to rid

itself of the yeast, but because it takes a while he

gives up and gets mad and says, " see it didn't work "

The longest he was willing to change his diet was for

3 months and he really did amazingly. I know he didn't

cheat either, because he was at home with no job or

anywhere that he could go, and I do not keep such

foods at home. He is the one who always gets them.

Anyhow, after three months of a very strict diet and

using wormwood and all sorts of Supposed ways to get

rid of yeast, he said, " That's enough, obviously your

way doesn't work. So I will go back to what I enjoy at

least " .

He says that vegetables make his crohn's worse and

they give him indegestion. That is true, but will it

improve if he gets rid of the yeast?

I am just so fed up with his health and his bad

example on eating healthy. He is a wonderful man in

nearly every other aspect, so I feel bad for

complaining, but it is so hard for me. I will make up

a lovely meal, that is perfectly balanced and very

tasteful and even good in his opinion, and then he

will say, well I ate some nachos already so I am not

really hungry and then he will make himself an English

muffin with Jam and then the kids throw a fit and cry

and say no and they won't eat my food either. So I

waste all my time cooking for 5 and end up eating my

own left overs for a week.

I know it is not because I am a bad cook. I used to

work as a cook, and I have never had so many

compliments on cooking in my life as then. I can make

almost anything under the sun, and yet he and my

children won't eat anything, or try anything.

With them, I can somewhat enforce it, because I can

not allow it in the house, but he just goes out and

buys what he wants and eats it and I can't force him

not to, and don't think that that is a wife's place


Will this ThreeLac even work, if he doesn't change his

diet drastically? I do not want to say that his

Crohn's is his fault, because even when he was on IVs

and TPN in the hospital, his Crohn's was still acting

up, but I am sure that his diet and the yeast are not

helping the circumstances.

Thanks for the suggestions! Is there anywhere else to

get the stuff that you know of?

Thanks, Esther

--- Amy Wittman wrote:

> Hi Ester,

> I get my ThreeLac from a lady in Florida that is

> also a powerseller for the product on ebay. Her

> number is ...her name is Cher...very

> nice, and very knowledgable on the product,

> especially when autism is involved. I have used

> silver before which is great for candida, however,

> the diet is super strict, and because her diet is

> already limited to no gluten and casein, restricting

> it even more with no fruits etc. made it very hard

> for me to find things that a 4 year old could

> eat....Obviously she wasn't going to be munching

> down salads :) So, I searched around and found this

> product. The nice thing about this is, she can still

> eat everything on her GFCF diet, and heal also. They

> do recommend that you keep on a low sugar regimen,

> inwhich my girls dont eat sugar anyways. You can

> expect that after 2 - 3 days, you will feel crappy

> for a day or so. This is completely normal during

> the " die-off " stages of the candida. Breaking out in

> a rash is very normal also. Alot of

> people think that they are allergic to

> ThreeLac....that is not it...it is how your body

> gets rid of some of the toxins, through your skin

> and pores. Adding probiotics after two weeks or so

> into it, starts the balancing of the flora. You have

> to kill the bad with specific flora to be

> effective...using just probiotics will not work to

> achieve that. I was told that our bodies need 16

> million of probiotics a day to maintain. I use the

> product called MegaFlora, and I get it at the health

> food store. If you cannot find it, I will be happy

> to give you their website. My oldest daughter has

> crohns (20 yr old) and she has turned her crohns

> around in a week by killing the candida. Between

> both of my girls, I know that it works.

> Amy


> Esther wrote:

> Where do you get this ThreeLac? I have

> almost every

> problem that you listed that can be caused by

> candida,

> so does my husband and children. And which probiotic

> do you use or suggest using, because I have tried

> many

> brands and none seem to do much, but maybe without

> the

> other stuff to get rid of the bad, it won't help. I

> would really appreciate the info on all this.

> Thanks,

> Esther


> --- Gwen Moyers wrote:


> > Thanks Amy :) This gives me a direction to go.

> > Gwen

> > Re: Re: -soy, used

> > to be GFCF

> >

> > ,

> > I like how you think! You stated that beautifully!

> > Candida is not just something that is contained in

> > the intestines. It has also been linked and blamed

> > for disorders like:

> > recurring yeast infections

> > thrush

> > melancholy

> > depression

> > anxiety

> > recurring irritability or mood swings

> > fatigue

> > lethargy

> > Fibromyalgia

> > Chronic Fatigue

> > autoimmune disorders

> > heartburn

> > indigestion

> > acid reflux; (gastro-esophageal reflux disease

> > GERD)

> > irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

> > dry, itchy, flaky skin

> > jock itch

> > acne or other skin problems

> > extreme food and environmental allergies

> > lactose intolerance

> > sinusitis

> > joint soreness

> > chest pain

> > cholesterol problems

> > headaches and migraines

> > recurring cystitis/vaginal yeast

> > overgrowth/infections

> > premenstrual tension/menstrual problems

> >

> > Most, not all, Md's do not even consider candida

> > as the cause of these disorders. Many people are

> > tested for everything under the sun, with no DX

> and

> > no help. For those Md's that are aware of candida,

> > medications are often perscribed which does

> nothing

> > but temporarily give relief....when meds are

> > stopped, conditions will come back....Not to

> mention

> > the side affects that now you experience from

> taking

> > medications. Candida can be naturally treated, and

> > gone for good. You will find that once you body is

> > in balance, your other symptoms will disappear

> also.

> > Amy

> >

> > cathylynn2 wrote:

> > Yeast overgrowth can definitely cause allergies.

> > People with

> > dysregulated immune systems are particularly

> > susceptible to chronic,

> > systemic yeast overgrowth. Many autistic children

> > are particularly

> > vulnerable. Candida can eventually evolve from a

> > yeast form into a

> > fungal form, and very long, root-like structures

> > called rhizoids

> > puncture the intestinal lining, leading to leaky

> > gut syndrome. This

> > creates holes in the digestive tract, allowing

> > many foreign and toxic

> > substances to pass into the bloodstream. When

> > undigested food

> > particles leak through these holes and enter the

> > bloodstream, the

> > body views them as foreign invaders. The candida

> > organisms that pass

> > through the blood stream have been found to

> > produce over 70 known

> > toxins that will poison and strain the major

> > organs in the body,

> > including the liver, kidneys, heart, colon,

> > bladder, and central

> > nervous system. The ability to absorb and digest

> > the necessary

> > nutrients from foods eaten is dramatically

> > reduced.

> >

> > Among the toxins produced is acetaldehyde, a

> > poison that is converted

> > by the liver into alcohol. As alcohol builds up in

> > the system,

> > symptoms associated with alcohol intoxication


=== message truncated ===



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My husband has severe Crohn's and I am actually mainly

trying to figure out this ThreeLac for him. My kids

probably would benefit from using it, but I think that

he and I would actually benefit the most. He doesn't

believe that anything will work for his Crohn's. He

has given up on believing it would ever go into

remission, but I have not. He has been hospitalised

for up to 9 days at a time and a lot recently. Nothing

has worked. He has been on Remecaid for 3+ years and

it has lost it's effectiveness to the point that he

gets biweekly infusions and yet still has around 6

bowel movements a day and regular bleeding.

He is the pickiest eater alive, he is worse than our 4

year old with Autism and he basically lives off of,

white flour tortillas with cheese melted on them, coco

crispies, A & W rootbeer, white engilsh muffins with

Jam, homemade hamburgers with no veggies and Juice.

He has been willing to try diets in the past, but the

thing is, nothing works fast enough for him. We have

tried every diet out their to get his body to rid

itself of the yeast, but because it takes a while he

gives up and gets mad and says, " see it didn't work "

The longest he was willing to change his diet was for

3 months and he really did amazingly. I know he didn't

cheat either, because he was at home with no job or

anywhere that he could go, and I do not keep such

foods at home. He is the one who always gets them.

Anyhow, after three months of a very strict diet and

using wormwood and all sorts of Supposed ways to get

rid of yeast, he said, " That's enough, obviously your

way doesn't work. So I will go back to what I enjoy at

least " .

He says that vegetables make his crohn's worse and

they give him indegestion. That is true, but will it

improve if he gets rid of the yeast?

I am just so fed up with his health and his bad

example on eating healthy. He is a wonderful man in

nearly every other aspect, so I feel bad for

complaining, but it is so hard for me. I will make up

a lovely meal, that is perfectly balanced and very

tasteful and even good in his opinion, and then he

will say, well I ate some nachos already so I am not

really hungry and then he will make himself an English

muffin with Jam and then the kids throw a fit and cry

and say no and they won't eat my food either. So I

waste all my time cooking for 5 and end up eating my

own left overs for a week.

I know it is not because I am a bad cook. I used to

work as a cook, and I have never had so many

compliments on cooking in my life as then. I can make

almost anything under the sun, and yet he and my

children won't eat anything, or try anything.

With them, I can somewhat enforce it, because I can

not allow it in the house, but he just goes out and

buys what he wants and eats it and I can't force him

not to, and don't think that that is a wife's place


Will this ThreeLac even work, if he doesn't change his

diet drastically? I do not want to say that his

Crohn's is his fault, because even when he was on IVs

and TPN in the hospital, his Crohn's was still acting

up, but I am sure that his diet and the yeast are not

helping the circumstances.

Thanks for the suggestions! Is there anywhere else to

get the stuff that you know of?

Thanks, Esther

--- Amy Wittman wrote:

> Hi Ester,

> I get my ThreeLac from a lady in Florida that is

> also a powerseller for the product on ebay. Her

> number is ...her name is Cher...very

> nice, and very knowledgable on the product,

> especially when autism is involved. I have used

> silver before which is great for candida, however,

> the diet is super strict, and because her diet is

> already limited to no gluten and casein, restricting

> it even more with no fruits etc. made it very hard

> for me to find things that a 4 year old could

> eat....Obviously she wasn't going to be munching

> down salads :) So, I searched around and found this

> product. The nice thing about this is, she can still

> eat everything on her GFCF diet, and heal also. They

> do recommend that you keep on a low sugar regimen,

> inwhich my girls dont eat sugar anyways. You can

> expect that after 2 - 3 days, you will feel crappy

> for a day or so. This is completely normal during

> the " die-off " stages of the candida. Breaking out in

> a rash is very normal also. Alot of

> people think that they are allergic to

> ThreeLac....that is not it...it is how your body

> gets rid of some of the toxins, through your skin

> and pores. Adding probiotics after two weeks or so

> into it, starts the balancing of the flora. You have

> to kill the bad with specific flora to be

> effective...using just probiotics will not work to

> achieve that. I was told that our bodies need 16

> million of probiotics a day to maintain. I use the

> product called MegaFlora, and I get it at the health

> food store. If you cannot find it, I will be happy

> to give you their website. My oldest daughter has

> crohns (20 yr old) and she has turned her crohns

> around in a week by killing the candida. Between

> both of my girls, I know that it works.

> Amy


> Esther wrote:

> Where do you get this ThreeLac? I have

> almost every

> problem that you listed that can be caused by

> candida,

> so does my husband and children. And which probiotic

> do you use or suggest using, because I have tried

> many

> brands and none seem to do much, but maybe without

> the

> other stuff to get rid of the bad, it won't help. I

> would really appreciate the info on all this.

> Thanks,

> Esther


> --- Gwen Moyers wrote:


> > Thanks Amy :) This gives me a direction to go.

> > Gwen

> > Re: Re: -soy, used

> > to be GFCF

> >

> > ,

> > I like how you think! You stated that beautifully!

> > Candida is not just something that is contained in

> > the intestines. It has also been linked and blamed

> > for disorders like:

> > recurring yeast infections

> > thrush

> > melancholy

> > depression

> > anxiety

> > recurring irritability or mood swings

> > fatigue

> > lethargy

> > Fibromyalgia

> > Chronic Fatigue

> > autoimmune disorders

> > heartburn

> > indigestion

> > acid reflux; (gastro-esophageal reflux disease

> > GERD)

> > irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

> > dry, itchy, flaky skin

> > jock itch

> > acne or other skin problems

> > extreme food and environmental allergies

> > lactose intolerance

> > sinusitis

> > joint soreness

> > chest pain

> > cholesterol problems

> > headaches and migraines

> > recurring cystitis/vaginal yeast

> > overgrowth/infections

> > premenstrual tension/menstrual problems

> >

> > Most, not all, Md's do not even consider candida

> > as the cause of these disorders. Many people are

> > tested for everything under the sun, with no DX

> and

> > no help. For those Md's that are aware of candida,

> > medications are often perscribed which does

> nothing

> > but temporarily give relief....when meds are

> > stopped, conditions will come back....Not to

> mention

> > the side affects that now you experience from

> taking

> > medications. Candida can be naturally treated, and

> > gone for good. You will find that once you body is

> > in balance, your other symptoms will disappear

> also.

> > Amy

> >

> > cathylynn2 wrote:

> > Yeast overgrowth can definitely cause allergies.

> > People with

> > dysregulated immune systems are particularly

> > susceptible to chronic,

> > systemic yeast overgrowth. Many autistic children

> > are particularly

> > vulnerable. Candida can eventually evolve from a

> > yeast form into a

> > fungal form, and very long, root-like structures

> > called rhizoids

> > puncture the intestinal lining, leading to leaky

> > gut syndrome. This

> > creates holes in the digestive tract, allowing

> > many foreign and toxic

> > substances to pass into the bloodstream. When

> > undigested food

> > particles leak through these holes and enter the

> > bloodstream, the

> > body views them as foreign invaders. The candida

> > organisms that pass

> > through the blood stream have been found to

> > produce over 70 known

> > toxins that will poison and strain the major

> > organs in the body,

> > including the liver, kidneys, heart, colon,

> > bladder, and central

> > nervous system. The ability to absorb and digest

> > the necessary

> > nutrients from foods eaten is dramatically

> > reduced.

> >

> > Among the toxins produced is acetaldehyde, a

> > poison that is converted

> > by the liver into alcohol. As alcohol builds up in

> > the system,

> > symptoms associated with alcohol intoxication


=== message truncated ===



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I don't think I emailed you about this before, but if I did I apologize for

repeating myself. I have had Ulcerative Colitis since I was 20 years old.

(that's 20 years now) It is not the same, but very similar to Crohns. During

my last pregnancy (12 years ago) I was so ill, we all thought for sure I would

not be able to carry the baby. I had to go for bi weekly blood tests to make

sure my count wasn't below 20. (normal is around 40). I was on prednisone for

the entire pregnancy. Gained millions of pounds which I still struggle with.

Never had a weight problem before that. Any way, many bowel movements a day,

many just blood. my teenagers would say TMI! (too much information) It's

important to the story. I was on Azulfadine, Rowasa, steroids, and too many

others to list. This went on for about 14 years with no relief. I was weak,

nauseous and too ill to enjoy my children or even venture outside with them most

days. As you know with these diseases they usually go in and out of remission.

Mine never did, I was sick straight for 14 years. Then because my husband was

being a real pain in the neck about it, I tried acupuncture. I didn't want to,

didn't believe in it and certainly could not afford it. In the end it cost used

a lot of money. I went to an acupuncturist who was also an herbalist, I drank

many nasty potions, and sustained many pokes and strange therapies from this

wonderful man. About 3 months in, I woke up one day and was able to walk not

crawl to the living room. It began like that, a normal day and gradually I got

stronger and stronger and have been well and colitis free for about 6 years now.

I know this sounds crazy, most things do! I also know that your husband is

really sick and this may not be an option for him, but it can't hurt.

As I am typing I think I remember sending you this information once, but

everytime I hear of anyone with an inflammatory bowel disease I tell this story,

so I am not sure.

I don't recall where you live, but I know a wonderful man in this area if you

are close.

my thoughts are with you and your husband as I know how he feels. It is not a

very glamorous disease and so few people really understand or get it. It also

is not very easy to talk about either. I know I was always very shy about it so

people that knew me really didn't know what was wrong with me.

Take care,


Re: Re: -soy, used

> > to be GFCF

> >

> > ,

> > I like how you think! You stated that beautifully!

> > Candida is not just something that is contained in

> > the intestines. It has also been linked and blamed

> > for disorders like:

> > recurring yeast infections

> > thrush

> > melancholy

> > depression

> > anxiety

> > recurring irritability or mood swings

> > fatigue

> > lethargy

> > Fibromyalgia

> > Chronic Fatigue

> > autoimmune disorders

> > heartburn

> > indigestion

> > acid reflux; (gastro-esophageal reflux disease

> > GERD)

> > irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

> > dry, itchy, flaky skin

> > jock itch

> > acne or other skin problems

> > extreme food and environmental allergies

> > lactose intolerance

> > sinusitis

> > joint soreness

> > chest pain

> > cholesterol problems

> > headaches and migraines

> > recurring cystitis/vaginal yeast

> > overgrowth/infections

> > premenstrual tension/menstrual problems

> >

> > Most, not all, Md's do not even consider candida

> > as the cause of these disorders. Many people are

> > tested for everything under the sun, with no DX

> and

> > no help. For those Md's that are aware of candida,

> > medications are often perscribed which does

> nothing

> > but temporarily give relief....when meds are

> > stopped, conditions will come back....Not to

> mention

> > the side affects that now you experience from

> taking

> > medications. Candida can be naturally treated, and

> > gone for good. You will find that once you body is

> > in balance, your other symptoms will disappear

> also.

> > Amy

> >

> > cathylynn2 wrote:

> > Yeast overgrowth can definitely cause allergies.

> > People with

> > dysregulated immune systems are particularly

> > susceptible to chronic,

> > systemic yeast overgrowth. Many autistic children

> > are particularly

> > vulnerable. Candida can eventually evolve from a

> > yeast form into a

> > fungal form, and very long, root-like structures

> > called rhizoids

> > puncture the intestinal lining, leading to leaky

> > gut syndrome. This

> > creates holes in the digestive tract, allowing

> > many foreign and toxic

> > substances to pass into the bloodstream. When

> > undigested food

> > particles leak through these holes and enter the

> > bloodstream, the

> > body views them as foreign invaders. The candida

> > organisms that pass

> > through the blood stream have been found to

> > produce over 70 known

> > toxins that will poison and strain the major

> > organs in the body,

> > including the liver, kidneys, heart, colon,

> > bladder, and central

> > nervous system. The ability to absorb and digest

> > the necessary

> > nutrients from foods eaten is dramatically

> > reduced.

> >

> > Among the toxins produced is acetaldehyde, a

> > poison that is converted

> > by the liver into alcohol. As alcohol builds up in

> > the system,

> > symptoms associated with alcohol intoxication


=== message truncated ===


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I don't think I emailed you about this before, but if I did I apologize for

repeating myself. I have had Ulcerative Colitis since I was 20 years old.

(that's 20 years now) It is not the same, but very similar to Crohns. During

my last pregnancy (12 years ago) I was so ill, we all thought for sure I would

not be able to carry the baby. I had to go for bi weekly blood tests to make

sure my count wasn't below 20. (normal is around 40). I was on prednisone for

the entire pregnancy. Gained millions of pounds which I still struggle with.

Never had a weight problem before that. Any way, many bowel movements a day,

many just blood. my teenagers would say TMI! (too much information) It's

important to the story. I was on Azulfadine, Rowasa, steroids, and too many

others to list. This went on for about 14 years with no relief. I was weak,

nauseous and too ill to enjoy my children or even venture outside with them most

days. As you know with these diseases they usually go in and out of remission.

Mine never did, I was sick straight for 14 years. Then because my husband was

being a real pain in the neck about it, I tried acupuncture. I didn't want to,

didn't believe in it and certainly could not afford it. In the end it cost used

a lot of money. I went to an acupuncturist who was also an herbalist, I drank

many nasty potions, and sustained many pokes and strange therapies from this

wonderful man. About 3 months in, I woke up one day and was able to walk not

crawl to the living room. It began like that, a normal day and gradually I got

stronger and stronger and have been well and colitis free for about 6 years now.

I know this sounds crazy, most things do! I also know that your husband is

really sick and this may not be an option for him, but it can't hurt.

As I am typing I think I remember sending you this information once, but

everytime I hear of anyone with an inflammatory bowel disease I tell this story,

so I am not sure.

I don't recall where you live, but I know a wonderful man in this area if you

are close.

my thoughts are with you and your husband as I know how he feels. It is not a

very glamorous disease and so few people really understand or get it. It also

is not very easy to talk about either. I know I was always very shy about it so

people that knew me really didn't know what was wrong with me.

Take care,


Re: Re: -soy, used

> > to be GFCF

> >

> > ,

> > I like how you think! You stated that beautifully!

> > Candida is not just something that is contained in

> > the intestines. It has also been linked and blamed

> > for disorders like:

> > recurring yeast infections

> > thrush

> > melancholy

> > depression

> > anxiety

> > recurring irritability or mood swings

> > fatigue

> > lethargy

> > Fibromyalgia

> > Chronic Fatigue

> > autoimmune disorders

> > heartburn

> > indigestion

> > acid reflux; (gastro-esophageal reflux disease

> > GERD)

> > irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

> > dry, itchy, flaky skin

> > jock itch

> > acne or other skin problems

> > extreme food and environmental allergies

> > lactose intolerance

> > sinusitis

> > joint soreness

> > chest pain

> > cholesterol problems

> > headaches and migraines

> > recurring cystitis/vaginal yeast

> > overgrowth/infections

> > premenstrual tension/menstrual problems

> >

> > Most, not all, Md's do not even consider candida

> > as the cause of these disorders. Many people are

> > tested for everything under the sun, with no DX

> and

> > no help. For those Md's that are aware of candida,

> > medications are often perscribed which does

> nothing

> > but temporarily give relief....when meds are

> > stopped, conditions will come back....Not to

> mention

> > the side affects that now you experience from

> taking

> > medications. Candida can be naturally treated, and

> > gone for good. You will find that once you body is

> > in balance, your other symptoms will disappear

> also.

> > Amy

> >

> > cathylynn2 wrote:

> > Yeast overgrowth can definitely cause allergies.

> > People with

> > dysregulated immune systems are particularly

> > susceptible to chronic,

> > systemic yeast overgrowth. Many autistic children

> > are particularly

> > vulnerable. Candida can eventually evolve from a

> > yeast form into a

> > fungal form, and very long, root-like structures

> > called rhizoids

> > puncture the intestinal lining, leading to leaky

> > gut syndrome. This

> > creates holes in the digestive tract, allowing

> > many foreign and toxic

> > substances to pass into the bloodstream. When

> > undigested food

> > particles leak through these holes and enter the

> > bloodstream, the

> > body views them as foreign invaders. The candida

> > organisms that pass

> > through the blood stream have been found to

> > produce over 70 known

> > toxins that will poison and strain the major

> > organs in the body,

> > including the liver, kidneys, heart, colon,

> > bladder, and central

> > nervous system. The ability to absorb and digest

> > the necessary

> > nutrients from foods eaten is dramatically

> > reduced.

> >

> > Among the toxins produced is acetaldehyde, a

> > poison that is converted

> > by the liver into alcohol. As alcohol builds up in

> > the system,

> > symptoms associated with alcohol intoxication


=== message truncated ===


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