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Re: : Why This ASD Mom Supports Him...

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My computer isn't so hot with the YouTube, does he

mention adults? Or is it just children? I'm concerned

about not just the current adults but the children

growing into adults. Is there somewhere that I can

read a summary?

Personally I support Obama (and I have many reasons

which I am happy to go into as to why, including

having met him-and been taken seriously, which

surprised me given that I was soaking wet and look

half my age- and his policies on many issues, incl.

those you listed), but as only one person from each

party can get the nomination I like to be as informed

as possible. Voting I take very seriously.

Thanks for sharing,


--- Muench Seidel wrote:

> Since government officials have decided that the

> presidential

> campaigns have to start so early, I've given a lot

> of thought to what

> type of person we need to lead our country and look

> out for our

> children's future. It is so important that we all

> find a way to

> participate (caucus/vote) in electing our next

> president. I look at

> my daughter as she journeys through Autism and know

> that in this

> election it is vital that we choose someone who will

> stand up to the

> big insurance companies {that now cover little or

> nothing for Autism

> treatment}; someone who will be a champion of those

> who's voices are

> silenced; someone who will work to keep toxins from

> endangering our

> kids; someone who doesn't look at our kids as cookie

> cutter/one

> treatment fits all.


> I've looked at all the candidates web sites, read

> many blogs and

> watched a looooot of YouTube video. In my opinion,

> is

> intensely skilled at seeing both the forest and the

> trees. has

> a remarkable ability to look at the whole picture,

> then zero in like a

> laser on problematic issues and using excellent

> problem solving skills

> to come up with the most effective solution. I don't

> know if he was

> always that way or whether he grew into that, since

> I only became

> aware of him in 2004, but it is a vital attribute

> for a great

> president. has such a marvelous

> empathetic quality as

> well. He knows what it is like to be in dire

> circumstances and it

> shows. I've met a few of his volunteers (including

> a lovely woman

> with Asperger's) and have noticed that '

> passion seems to

> fuel their passion and vice versa. There is just

> such a positive

> energy coming from this campaign.

> I believe it is to ' benefit that he has been

> away from

> Washington DC since 2004. ' work with

> the University of

> North Carolina, Center on Poverty, Work and

> Opportunity and other

> public issues has been a catalyst for great growth

> from .

> is the candidate with the integrity to

> change things for the

> better. I agree with Harry Belafonte that it speaks

> volumes that

> is the only viable candidate focusing on

> poverty. Finally,

> after Rhutto's assassination last week, I noticed

> every candidate get

> in front of a camera to say what they would

> do... instead

> called Musharraf in Pakistan to discuss the

> situation. From all I've

> seen, is a do-er, not just a talker.

> Please take a look for yourself:

> http://www.johnedwards.com/issues/

> Here are just a few of the videos that I've watched:



> on Autism and Mental Health (Note: I

> had to adjust my

> speakers for this one, since the acoustics were not

> great in the room.)



> answers a voter's question on

> health care and autism

> in particular at a house party in Hampton Falls, NH

> on 11/18/2007


> on No Child Left Behind

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDnrP9MbPDg


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEhGyhJy7Yw

> on Health Care



> A Conversation with and



> - Interview with local podcaster

> Some domestic life questions, but also more

> pertinent questions like

> about Darfur; health care, etc.


> Peace be with you!---





Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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My computer isn't so hot with the YouTube, does he

mention adults? Or is it just children? I'm concerned

about not just the current adults but the children

growing into adults. Is there somewhere that I can

read a summary?

Personally I support Obama (and I have many reasons

which I am happy to go into as to why, including

having met him-and been taken seriously, which

surprised me given that I was soaking wet and look

half my age- and his policies on many issues, incl.

those you listed), but as only one person from each

party can get the nomination I like to be as informed

as possible. Voting I take very seriously.

Thanks for sharing,


--- Muench Seidel wrote:

> Since government officials have decided that the

> presidential

> campaigns have to start so early, I've given a lot

> of thought to what

> type of person we need to lead our country and look

> out for our

> children's future. It is so important that we all

> find a way to

> participate (caucus/vote) in electing our next

> president. I look at

> my daughter as she journeys through Autism and know

> that in this

> election it is vital that we choose someone who will

> stand up to the

> big insurance companies {that now cover little or

> nothing for Autism

> treatment}; someone who will be a champion of those

> who's voices are

> silenced; someone who will work to keep toxins from

> endangering our

> kids; someone who doesn't look at our kids as cookie

> cutter/one

> treatment fits all.


> I've looked at all the candidates web sites, read

> many blogs and

> watched a looooot of YouTube video. In my opinion,

> is

> intensely skilled at seeing both the forest and the

> trees. has

> a remarkable ability to look at the whole picture,

> then zero in like a

> laser on problematic issues and using excellent

> problem solving skills

> to come up with the most effective solution. I don't

> know if he was

> always that way or whether he grew into that, since

> I only became

> aware of him in 2004, but it is a vital attribute

> for a great

> president. has such a marvelous

> empathetic quality as

> well. He knows what it is like to be in dire

> circumstances and it

> shows. I've met a few of his volunteers (including

> a lovely woman

> with Asperger's) and have noticed that '

> passion seems to

> fuel their passion and vice versa. There is just

> such a positive

> energy coming from this campaign.

> I believe it is to ' benefit that he has been

> away from

> Washington DC since 2004. ' work with

> the University of

> North Carolina, Center on Poverty, Work and

> Opportunity and other

> public issues has been a catalyst for great growth

> from .

> is the candidate with the integrity to

> change things for the

> better. I agree with Harry Belafonte that it speaks

> volumes that

> is the only viable candidate focusing on

> poverty. Finally,

> after Rhutto's assassination last week, I noticed

> every candidate get

> in front of a camera to say what they would

> do... instead

> called Musharraf in Pakistan to discuss the

> situation. From all I've

> seen, is a do-er, not just a talker.

> Please take a look for yourself:

> http://www.johnedwards.com/issues/

> Here are just a few of the videos that I've watched:



> on Autism and Mental Health (Note: I

> had to adjust my

> speakers for this one, since the acoustics were not

> great in the room.)



> answers a voter's question on

> health care and autism

> in particular at a house party in Hampton Falls, NH

> on 11/18/2007


> on No Child Left Behind

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDnrP9MbPDg


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEhGyhJy7Yw

> on Health Care



> A Conversation with and



> - Interview with local podcaster

> Some domestic life questions, but also more

> pertinent questions like

> about Darfur; health care, etc.


> Peace be with you!---





Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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