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Need support

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It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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, Below is some info I found on Vicodin and withdrawl, these are quotes from several articles:

"If you are physically dependent on narcotics, you will have an easier time becoming narcotic free if you get medically detoxified. If gradual tapering of the Vicodin does not work, then use of clonidine, buprenorphine or methadone might be called for. You should discuss these treatment options with a physician who is familiar with narcotic detoxification." (http://www.medhelp.org/forums/addiction/archive/322.html)

"If you hang in there, things should gradually improve. Talking with others who have been there (you can find them at NA meetings) can help, as can a variety of non-addictive medications such as anti-inflammatories, anti-spasmodics, and certain anti-depressants which may used for insomnia. Clonidine, in patch or pill form, also helps, and might be prescribed by any addiction medicine specialist (for one in your area, check out asam.org ). Prayer, exercise, and above all, contact with other recovering addicts, can make the difference."DrSteve - http://www.HeadDocs.com

"Two medications which can help with narcotic withdrawal are buprenorphine and clonidine. If your doctor is not familiar with their use in opiate withdrawal, you and your doctor should attempt to find a physician who is." DrSteve - http://www.HeadDocs.com

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:27 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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Thanks for all this info Ang it really is amazing that I ended up with this issue, and I have the implants and the chronic pain to thank for that as well. Some might say I was weak to get caught up in this, but as it is I was so ill that I could not move to get out of bed and had no life anyway when I took my first vicodin and that was it, from then on I was capable of a life that I thought was lost to me, however over time, the vicoding became such a crutch to me that I was unable to stop or control it, now I am paying for it.

I am doing better though, excpet the bathroom issues and the stomach cramps and the anxiety, I would like to take something but I have to be strong, I am doing lots of juicing and relaxing at home today, I am also very dizzy.

While I was with my hubby in hawaii I guess I didn't notice it as much as I have since I have been home. It is really tough, my pain is not as bad physically as it is emotionally but I can do this.


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:32 AM

Subject: Re: Need support

This post I found at http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum/AddictionF/mainwithdrawalsymtoms.html

"The main withdrawal symtoms are sort of reversals of the side effects coming on. Opiods kind of quiet things down generally. Constipation going on, diarhea coming off. Sleepiness going on, insomnia coming off. Muscular lassitude going on, muscular squirmies coming off. A drying of mucus membranes going on, congestion coming off. If you have FMS with sore muscles, disturbed sleep and irritable bowel syndrome and low level househould allergies to dust then you may never notice the withdrawal. Sneezing can also pick up for a while while withdrawing. Personally I have stopped cold from 60 mg oxycodone (which is equiv to maybe 100 mg hydrocodone, 20x5mg vicodin) a day and never noticed any difference except the return of pain. Of course I already have all of the specified symtoms and had for years before ever using opiods. Fear of withdrawal produces the worst symtoms."

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:27 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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Vicodin combines a narcotic analgesic (painkiller) and cough reliever with a non-narcotic analgesic for the relief of moderate to moderately severe pain. It is actually hydrocodone and acetaminophen (Tylenol). Other brand names: Anexsia, Co-Gesic, Hydrocet, Lorcet, Lortab, Zydone. A person who takes Vicodin recreationally will feel dizzy and light. The effects can be compared to those of general painkiller effects. It is a narcotic. As a narcotic, Vicodin is a depressant, which means that it will slow down your Central Nervous System.

Side effects may include Dizziness, light-headedness, nausea, sedation, vomiting, many others that cannot be anticipated. Less common effects: Allergic reactions, anxiety, blood disorders, constipation, decreased mental and physical capability, difficulty urinating, drowsiness, fear, itching, mental clouding, mood changes, restlessness, skin rash, slowed breathing, sluggishness. In long term use of Vicodin, the only side effect is addiction.

Typical dosing is 2.5-5.0 mg Hydrocodone every 4-6 hours. Total Acetaminophen use should not exceed 4 grams (4000 mg) per day because of the increased risk for developing liver toxicity. A severe overdose of Vicodin can be fatal. If you suspect an overdose, seek emergency medical treatment immediately. Symptoms include: blood disorders, bluish tinge to skin, cold and clammy skin, extreme sleepiness progressing to a state of unresponsiveness or coma, general feeling of bodily discomfort, heart problems, heavy perspiration, kidney problems, limp muscles, liver failure, low blood pressure, nausea, slow heartbeat, troubled or slowed breathing, vomiting.


Acetaminophen does not become habit-forming when taken for a long time or in large doses, but it may cause other unwanted effects, including liver damage, if too much is taken. Vicodin can be habit-forming. If you take this drug over a long period of time, you can become mentally and physically dependent on it, and you may find the drug no longer works for you at the prescribed dosage (tollerance). ----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:27 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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This post I found at http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum/AddictionF/mainwithdrawalsymtoms.html

"The main withdrawal symtoms are sort of reversals of the side effects coming on. Opiods kind of quiet things down generally. Constipation going on, diarhea coming off. Sleepiness going on, insomnia coming off. Muscular lassitude going on, muscular squirmies coming off. A drying of mucus membranes going on, congestion coming off. If you have FMS with sore muscles, disturbed sleep and irritable bowel syndrome and low level househould allergies to dust then you may never notice the withdrawal. Sneezing can also pick up for a while while withdrawing. Personally I have stopped cold from 60 mg oxycodone (which is equiv to maybe 100 mg hydrocodone, 20x5mg vicodin) a day and never noticed any difference except the return of pain. Of course I already have all of the specified symtoms and had for years before ever using opiods. Fear of withdrawal produces the worst symtoms."

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:27 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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Subject: Hydrocodone - Some words of wisdom..Topic Area: DrugsForum: The Addiction Medicine Forum Question Posted By: G on Monday, November 15, 1999

Over the years, I have been on and off of lots of different drugs. Opiates are my favorite, and hydrocodone has been especially easy and fairly cheap to obtain (at times!). I do experience bad back pain sometimes, but for the most part just like 'em. After having an almost endless supply for around a year and a half, my supply was pretty much gone. Oh, no! What to do when you're up to 10 7.5's a day and have NO CHOICE but to stop? I had a little more than thirty pills when the bad news came, so immediately I started weaning. In one week, I have gone from 10 a day to 0 a day, starting today. That's quite fast and fairly uncomfortable, too. I started by cutting the dose in half, suffered expected w/d symtoms for a couple of days. Once the body had adjusted to the "new dose", I kept cutting back as I could stand to. Four the next day..maybe two days, then only 3, etc. even getting down to taking halves toward the end. Woke up this morning and felt like crap. Still do, but not as bad as if I had not chosen the weaning route. It CAN be done, and CAN be done alone if necessary. I'll be feeling pretty good in about 3-4 days!

Answer Posted By: SA, M.D. - HVMA on Sunday, November 21, 1999

It's always preferable to work with a physician who knows about detox in a situation such as the one you describe. Do keep in mind that staying stopped is often harder than stopping - learning about relapse prevention could help you stay stopped for once and for all. The "I'll do it my way attitude" is often a feature of addiction, and not generally an element of successful recovery.

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:27 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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You are not weak!!! You are a strong person. It is so easy to judge people and point fingers but when the tables turn and you in that situation I think that people would do the same thing. You are a strong person and I know that for a fact. I have seen you fight and push. You don't go blaming yourself. This is your doctor that prescribed it for you. Not to blame him, because he wanted to help you. Alot of doctors don't want to her patients complain and don't know what to do so they give them pain pills to solve it. I don't know what to make of it. I don't want to point the finger at them because if you are in pain and you need to function then you should be able to have it. Be strong, the pain will eventually go away, they are just withdrawl symptoms right now.

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:26 PM

Subject: Re: Need support

Thanks for all this info Ang it really is amazing that I ended up with this issue, and I have the implants and the chronic pain to thank for that as well. Some might say I was weak to get caught up in this, but as it is I was so ill that I could not move to get out of bed and had no life anyway when I took my first vicodin and that was it, from then on I was capable of a life that I thought was lost to me, however over time, the vicoding became such a crutch to me that I was unable to stop or control it, now I am paying for it.

I am doing better though, excpet the bathroom issues and the stomach cramps and the anxiety, I would like to take something but I have to be strong, I am doing lots of juicing and relaxing at home today, I am also very dizzy.

While I was with my hubby in hawaii I guess I didn't notice it as much as I have since I have been home. It is really tough, my pain is not as bad physically as it is emotionally but I can do this.


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:32 AM

Subject: Re: Need support

This post I found at http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum/AddictionF/mainwithdrawalsymtoms.html

"The main withdrawal symtoms are sort of reversals of the side effects coming on. Opiods kind of quiet things down generally. Constipation going on, diarhea coming off. Sleepiness going on, insomnia coming off. Muscular lassitude going on, muscular squirmies coming off. A drying of mucus membranes going on, congestion coming off. If you have FMS with sore muscles, disturbed sleep and irritable bowel syndrome and low level househould allergies to dust then you may never notice the withdrawal. Sneezing can also pick up for a while while withdrawing. Personally I have stopped cold from 60 mg oxycodone (which is equiv to maybe 100 mg hydrocodone, 20x5mg vicodin) a day and never noticed any difference except the return of pain. Of course I already have all of the specified symtoms and had for years before ever using opiods. Fear of withdrawal produces the worst symtoms."

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:27 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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, Your upset stomach and dizziness are related to the withdrawal from the narcotic. These are classic withdrawal symptoms. As I suggested previously, meclizine helped me a lot when I stopped taking Lorcet and Soma almost 2 yrs ago. The meclizine is OTC and helped the dizziness quite a bit, as well as some of the anxiety I had. I had to get the meclizine from behind the pharmacy counter, so if you can't find it anywhere else, ask the pharmacist. The best thing you can do is to just "tough it out" if you really want to be off the Vicodin completely. Unfortunately, even though you were taking the vicodin as directed, you develop a tolerance and your body is going to need to adjust to not having the narcotic. Upset stomach, dizziness, shakiness, sweating, tremors, inability to sleep, and diarrhea are the most common withdrawal symptoms. And while not everyone experiences every one of these, most do experience some with varying degrees of severity. Try the meclizine and see if that helps you. I know that it is cheap--if I remember correctly, I only paid about $4 for a bottle of 120 and I only needed to take the prn (as needed). I still have some too because I only used about 1/4 of the bottle. Hang in there---this will pass. This is probably the worst part and then it slowly starts getting better. Well, I'd better go. I'm going with my parents to the unveiling of the new Mercedes SLK class. It's by invite only, and I'm sure my parents will come home with a new Mercedes tonight (and $85,000 car!). They pay cash for cars about 2-3x/yr, and my dad wants to trade in his convertible BMW. So, my parents are ready to go. Talk to you later. e ----- Original Message ----- From: Heer Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 8:35 AM Subject: Need support It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is. I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from. I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow? Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling. Love and hugs

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Thanks Ang I really am trying to be strong, I just wish I could feel better, I went to work tonight and it helped kind of take my mind off of things, yes this group is awesome isn't it.

I have been going to explant.com but I must tell you as much as I love the ladies there, sometimes when they post things that seem pro implant it makes me just cringe, I just could never in all good consiousness recomend or tell anyone to get implants, no matter what the reason, not after what we have all been through. They think that makes me a hardliner, but I just can't help the way I feel either. I just know what they did to me and I cannot forget it either, I wouldn't wish implants on even my very worse enemy.

love ya


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 5:30 PM

Subject: Re: Need support


You are not weak!!! You are a strong person. It is so easy to judge people and point fingers but when the tables turn and you in that situation I think that people would do the same thing. You are a strong person and I know that for a fact. I have seen you fight and push. You don't go blaming yourself. This is your doctor that prescribed it for you. Not to blame him, because he wanted to help you. Alot of doctors don't want to her patients complain and don't know what to do so they give them pain pills to solve it. I don't know what to make of it. I don't want to point the finger at them because if you are in pain and you need to function then you should be able to have it. Be strong, the pain will eventually go away, they are just withdrawl symptoms right now.

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:26 PM

Subject: Re: Need support

Thanks for all this info Ang it really is amazing that I ended up with this issue, and I have the implants and the chronic pain to thank for that as well. Some might say I was weak to get caught up in this, but as it is I was so ill that I could not move to get out of bed and had no life anyway when I took my first vicodin and that was it, from then on I was capable of a life that I thought was lost to me, however over time, the vicoding became such a crutch to me that I was unable to stop or control it, now I am paying for it.

I am doing better though, excpet the bathroom issues and the stomach cramps and the anxiety, I would like to take something but I have to be strong, I am doing lots of juicing and relaxing at home today, I am also very dizzy.

While I was with my hubby in hawaii I guess I didn't notice it as much as I have since I have been home. It is really tough, my pain is not as bad physically as it is emotionally but I can do this.


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:32 AM

Subject: Re: Need support

This post I found at http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum/AddictionF/mainwithdrawalsymtoms.html

"The main withdrawal symtoms are sort of reversals of the side effects coming on. Opiods kind of quiet things down generally. Constipation going on, diarhea coming off. Sleepiness going on, insomnia coming off. Muscular lassitude going on, muscular squirmies coming off. A drying of mucus membranes going on, congestion coming off. If you have FMS with sore muscles, disturbed sleep and irritable bowel syndrome and low level househould allergies to dust then you may never notice the withdrawal. Sneezing can also pick up for a while while withdrawing. Personally I have stopped cold from 60 mg oxycodone (which is equiv to maybe 100 mg hydrocodone, 20x5mg vicodin) a day and never noticed any difference except the return of pain. Of course I already have all of the specified symtoms and had for years before ever using opiods. Fear of withdrawal produces the worst symtoms."

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:27 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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Thanks e, I am doing a little better tonight, it has been tough but I think I am going to be ok. I appreciate your advise, and I am happy that you are with your parents and doing better, that is so awesome. I really love you and respect your advise and am so grateful to all of you for your support.

Love and hugs

----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 5:32 PM

Subject: Re: Need support


Your upset stomach and dizziness are related to the withdrawal from the narcotic. These are classic withdrawal symptoms. As I suggested previously, meclizine helped me a lot when I stopped taking Lorcet and Soma almost 2 yrs ago. The meclizine is OTC and helped the dizziness quite a bit, as well as some of the anxiety I had. I had to get the meclizine from behind the pharmacy counter, so if you can't find it anywhere else, ask the pharmacist.

The best thing you can do is to just "tough it out" if you really want to be off the Vicodin completely. Unfortunately, even though you were taking the vicodin as directed, you develop a tolerance and your body is going to need to adjust to not having the narcotic. Upset stomach, dizziness, shakiness, sweating, tremors, inability to sleep, and diarrhea are the most common withdrawal symptoms. And while not everyone experiences every one of these, most do experience some with varying degrees of severity.

Try the meclizine and see if that helps you. I know that it is cheap--if I remember correctly, I only paid about $4 for a bottle of 120 and I only needed to take the prn (as needed). I still have some too because I only used about 1/4 of the bottle. Hang in there---this will pass. This is probably the worst part and then it slowly starts getting better.

Well, I'd better go. I'm going with my parents to the unveiling of the new Mercedes SLK class. It's by invite only, and I'm sure my parents will come home with a new Mercedes tonight (and $85,000 car!). They pay cash for cars about 2-3x/yr, and my dad wants to trade in his convertible BMW. So, my parents are ready to go.

Talk to you later.


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 8:35 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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, I am now in Tucson, hoping to stay here permanently. Unfortunately, the job prospects don't look too hot. There are several case management positions open but they all want case management certification, which I don't have. I would be more than happy to get it, but apparently, it is only offered through certain companies, and I was told that a class has not been offered in the Tucson area for a few yrs. So, much as I dread it, I may be forced to do clinical work. However, I am so desperately trying to get into sales/marketing, and at the unveiling of the Mercedes C class tonight, I talked to a salesperson, and she said that they had sales positions open. I just want out of nursing so bad, and while everyone looks at car salesmen/women as scum, if you're good, you can make a lot of money. Plus, working for a Mercedes dealer you can make lots of money off commission. My sister's friend I was talking to makes anywhere from $6500-8000/month commission! I can live with that!! So, tomorrow I am stopping by the dealer and she will get me an application and put in a good word with her manager. In the meantime, I have 3 job interviews next wk. One on Mon for a case manager position with a homecare/hospice company; the other with the University Medical Center Homecare Division as a Homecare Clinical IV Coordinator; and then on Thurs a marketing position for a homecare company. I sent out 12 resumes on Tues, and of those, only 2 people have called me back. Pretty depressing. I'm starting to get real worried that I will not be able to find a job here in Tucson. My last travel position, in Denver, will not provide me with a good reference because I had to break my contract for my surgery, so I'm sure they will not provide me with any good references. So, that doesn't look too good. Oh well, I guess I will have to do what it takes to bring in some money, whether it be secretarial or whatever. I don't mind doing that, it's just the difference in pay that worries me. Going from $30/hr as a RN to $8-10/hr doing secretarial work is worrisome. Time will tell, I suppose. Plus, those damn credit checks that are done are going to be the death of me. Everyone runs one on you, and if your credit is less than desirable, that often means that you will be automatically disqualified, no matter how qualified you are for the job. And I think it's discrimination, because it says nothing about my character---so I ran into hard times with medical bills. But I'm paying them off now, just a slow pay. So that makes me a bad, questionable person????? And no one will rent an apt to me because of my credit, and most places here won't allow a co-signor on the lease. So, again I'm screwed. Guess I'm stuck living with my parents, which wouldn't be so bad if only my father and I could get along. But I guess the alternative was worse and that would be being homeless in Denver right now because my money has run out. Hopefully, I will have some work with & as I work for their vascular access division doing sales/marketing and they have some work coming up within the next 2 months. Everyone says that I shouldn't even be looking for jobs yet since I'm not out of my collar, and even when I do get out next wk, I will need some adjustment and some visits with PT before jumping right back into the workforce. Aaarrghh!!! I guess I need to learn to be patient and just wait. I have been lying out in the sun the last 2 days, and I have such a nice tan. It's so weird to be lying out in 89 degree temps in the middle of March when I know that back in Denver it has been very cold and they've had snow. But I love it. I have a nice brown color, and I just feel better in general. The only thing I notice here is that I get real congested at night and have to take sudafed to clear up my nasal passages. But otherwise, my hip no longer hurts unless I strain it too much, and my neck doesn't hurt at all (I'm sure it will when I start PT next Wed!). So I think making this move to a warmer climate was the right thing to do. Now if I can only get a job and a place to live, then I will truly be happy...... Well, all, take care and we will be talking soon, I'm sure. e ----- Original Message ----- From: Heer Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:39 PM Subject: Re: Need support Thanks e, I am doing a little better tonight, it has been tough but I think I am going to be ok. I appreciate your advise, and I am happy that you are with your parents and doing better, that is so awesome. I really love you and respect your advise and am so grateful to all of you for your support. Love and hugs ----- Original Message ----- From: e Rene Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 5:32 PM Subject: Re: Need support , Your upset stomach and dizziness are related to the withdrawal from the narcotic. These are classic withdrawal symptoms. As I suggested previously, meclizine helped me a lot when I stopped taking Lorcet and Soma almost 2 yrs ago. The meclizine is OTC and helped the dizziness quite a bit, as well as some of the anxiety I had. I had to get the meclizine from behind the pharmacy counter, so if you can't find it anywhere else, ask the pharmacist. The best thing you can do is to just "tough it out" if you really want to be off the Vicodin completely. Unfortunately, even though you were taking the vicodin as directed, you develop a tolerance and your body is going to need to adjust to not having the narcotic. Upset stomach, dizziness, shakiness, sweating, tremors, inability to sleep, and diarrhea are the most common withdrawal symptoms. And while not everyone experiences every one of these, most do experience some with varying degrees of severity. Try the meclizine and see if that helps you. I know that it is cheap--if I remember correctly, I only paid about $4 for a bottle of 120 and I only needed to take the prn (as needed). I still have some too because I only used about 1/4 of the bottle. Hang in there---this will pass. This is probably the worst part and then it slowly starts getting better. Well, I'd better go. I'm going with my parents to the unveiling of the new Mercedes SLK class. It's by invite only, and I'm sure my parents will come home with a new Mercedes tonight (and $85,000 car!). They pay cash for cars about 2-3x/yr, and my dad wants to trade in his convertible BMW. So, my parents are ready to go. Talk to you later. e ----- Original Message ----- From: Heer Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 8:35 AM Subject: Need support It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is. I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from. I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow? Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling. Love and hugs

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I think that things will work out for you honey just hang on.

I am so curious I have to ask you since I know you had a diagnosis of lupus at one time, do you find that laying out in the sun makes you ill at all?

I am really tan right now too and for the first time I didn't feel weird after laying out in Hawaii. I guess if I want to stay tan I will need the tanning salon here, although today it was in the 60's here and absolutely beautiful I don't think it is tan weather yet.

You are lucky to be out of pain, while my feet and hands have finally stopped hurting after almost 3 years of it, my back ache is so bad that it is worse than having sore feet all the time.

I sure wish I could figure out why my back hurts!

Well take it easy on yourself about the job and relax you will def find something when the time is right.

I wouldn't worry to much about the credit report either, I was really worried about that too and it was not a problem for me at all.


----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 11:08 PM

Subject: Re: Need support


I am now in Tucson, hoping to stay here permanently. Unfortunately, the job prospects don't look too hot. There are several case management positions open but they all want case management certification, which I don't have. I would be more than happy to get it, but apparently, it is only offered through certain companies, and I was told that a class has not been offered in the Tucson area for a few yrs. So, much as I dread it, I may be forced to do clinical work. However, I am so desperately trying to get into sales/marketing, and at the unveiling of the Mercedes C class tonight, I talked to a salesperson, and she said that they had sales positions open. I just want out of nursing so bad, and while everyone looks at car salesmen/women as scum, if you're good, you can make a lot of money. Plus, working for a Mercedes dealer you can make lots of money off commission. My sister's friend I was talking to makes anywhere from $6500-8000/month commission! I can live with that!! So, tomorrow I am stopping by the dealer and she will get me an application and put in a good word with her manager.

In the meantime, I have 3 job interviews next wk. One on Mon for a case manager position with a homecare/hospice company; the other with the University Medical Center Homecare Division as a Homecare Clinical IV Coordinator; and then on Thurs a marketing position for a homecare company. I sent out 12 resumes on Tues, and of those, only 2 people have called me back. Pretty depressing. I'm starting to get real worried that I will not be able to find a job here in Tucson. My last travel position, in Denver, will not provide me with a good reference because I had to break my contract for my surgery, so I'm sure they will not provide me with any good references. So, that doesn't look too good. Oh well, I guess I will have to do what it takes to bring in some money, whether it be secretarial or whatever. I don't mind doing that, it's just the difference in pay that worries me. Going from $30/hr as a RN to $8-10/hr doing secretarial work is worrisome. Time will tell, I suppose. Plus, those damn credit checks that are done are going to be the death of me. Everyone runs one on you, and if your credit is less than desirable, that often means that you will be automatically disqualified, no matter how qualified you are for the job. And I think it's discrimination, because it says nothing about my character---so I ran into hard times with medical bills. But I'm paying them off now, just a slow pay. So that makes me a bad, questionable person????? And no one will rent an apt to me because of my credit, and most places here won't allow a co-signor on the lease. So, again I'm screwed. Guess I'm stuck living with my parents, which wouldn't be so bad if only my father and I could get along. But I guess the alternative was worse and that would be being homeless in Denver right now because my money has run out. Hopefully, I will have some work with & as I work for their vascular access division doing sales/marketing and they have some work coming up within the next 2 months. Everyone says that I shouldn't even be looking for jobs yet since I'm not out of my collar, and even when I do get out next wk, I will need some adjustment and some visits with PT before jumping right back into the workforce. Aaarrghh!!! I guess I need to learn to be patient and just wait.

I have been lying out in the sun the last 2 days, and I have such a nice tan. It's so weird to be lying out in 89 degree temps in the middle of March when I know that back in Denver it has been very cold and they've had snow. But I love it. I have a nice brown color, and I just feel better in general. The only thing I notice here is that I get real congested at night and have to take sudafed to clear up my nasal passages. But otherwise, my hip no longer hurts unless I strain it too much, and my neck doesn't hurt at all (I'm sure it will when I start PT next Wed!). So I think making this move to a warmer climate was the right thing to do. Now if I can only get a job and a place to live, then I will truly be happy......

Well, all, take care and we will be talking soon, I'm sure.


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:39 PM

Subject: Re: Need support

Thanks e, I am doing a little better tonight, it has been tough but I think I am going to be ok. I appreciate your advise, and I am happy that you are with your parents and doing better, that is so awesome. I really love you and respect your advise and am so grateful to all of you for your support.

Love and hugs

----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 5:32 PM

Subject: Re: Need support


Your upset stomach and dizziness are related to the withdrawal from the narcotic. These are classic withdrawal symptoms. As I suggested previously, meclizine helped me a lot when I stopped taking Lorcet and Soma almost 2 yrs ago. The meclizine is OTC and helped the dizziness quite a bit, as well as some of the anxiety I had. I had to get the meclizine from behind the pharmacy counter, so if you can't find it anywhere else, ask the pharmacist.

The best thing you can do is to just "tough it out" if you really want to be off the Vicodin completely. Unfortunately, even though you were taking the vicodin as directed, you develop a tolerance and your body is going to need to adjust to not having the narcotic. Upset stomach, dizziness, shakiness, sweating, tremors, inability to sleep, and diarrhea are the most common withdrawal symptoms. And while not everyone experiences every one of these, most do experience some with varying degrees of severity.

Try the meclizine and see if that helps you. I know that it is cheap--if I remember correctly, I only paid about $4 for a bottle of 120 and I only needed to take the prn (as needed). I still have some too because I only used about 1/4 of the bottle. Hang in there---this will pass. This is probably the worst part and then it slowly starts getting better.

Well, I'd better go. I'm going with my parents to the unveiling of the new Mercedes SLK class. It's by invite only, and I'm sure my parents will come home with a new Mercedes tonight (and $85,000 car!). They pay cash for cars about 2-3x/yr, and my dad wants to trade in his convertible BMW. So, my parents are ready to go.

Talk to you later.


----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 8:35 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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Hi Angelika,

I think you are smart with your approach to your friends, and anyone else that may listen to you. Ask your medical professional friend, and others, if they have ever heard of "Toxic Shock Syndrome" --- as this can easily happen when any implant suddenly ruptures!



Martha Murdock, DirectorNational Silicone Implant Foundationwww.topica.com/lists/BreastImplantNews/

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I am sorry about your sinus problems sweetie I hope you feel better soon, that surgery sounds scary! I agree I don't want any other plastic surgery either, at one time I really wanted a tummy tuck but I got scared when I saw the size of that incision, yuck, no thankyou!

Take care sweetie!

----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 11:27 AM

Subject: Re: Need support

Roller skating!! My niece had the same party in Feb. I remember going and having the roller skating birthday parties. That was so much fun! My nieces are 12 & 13. Have a great time and a safe trip.

I am feeling okay but had a really bad sinus infection. I still have a lot of blood (dark red) coming out of my nose and spitting up. It is a mixture of blood and mucus but it is really dark and clotty. Well, the good news is that it is the first one I have had since my sinus surgery that i had in July 2001. That was hell! I had a 3 step procedure. They reduced the size of my turbinites? (They were not draining properly) They did a septoplasty, because one side of my nose I couldn't breathe out of and they removed a piece of bone from within. I was scared when I woke up because they told me this and I was afraid I was going to look different. I am too scared to have plastic surgery on my face because if it wasn't the outcome I expected it could not be reversed. Ugggggggghhhhhhhhh!

I have learned after the implants to be happy with what god gave me and just make the best of it. How scary... I got the nose surgery because I thought it was going to solve all of my health problems. It turned out that I went through it really for nothing. I would never do it again if I had to. That was PAIN!!! It was an internal surgery so that is why it was so much pain. OUCH, it hurts talking about it. It turns out that all of my health problems were from my implants.

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 1:01 PM

Subject: Re: Need support

Yes please take some I would love to see it. Are you feeling better these days Ang? I hope so. Miami sounds like fun.

I leave on Friday the 29th for California. I am excited to see my daughter ! It is her 10th birthday and we are throwing a roller skating party for her, it will be really fun, I love to roller skate. I will be back on the day you leave, the 2nd of April. I wish I could stay longer but it has to be a short visit. I wish was coming but I have to make this trip alone. I am hoping to see some of my old friends too.


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 11:08 AM

Subject: Re: Need support

I am leaving April 2. I will have to send pics of my new bikini. It is not too sexy but it suits me fine. It reminds me of 60s bikini.

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 11:57 AM

Subject: Re: Need support

Of course I know your right Ang I really do, and I try not to let things like this upset me, but somehow it usually does. I am so thankful I don't know lots of women personally with implants cause it would probably be difficult for me after everything I have been through ya know.

I really hope that you have a good time in Miami and that things will be good for you there. When do you leave?


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 7:32 AM

Subject: Re: Need support


I know how you feel with the implant issue. It is hard for me since my best friend still has them. We are going to Miami together next week and I am going to have to have a talk with her. Even though I have told her and she is just too into her looks rather than her health. She has had any health problems although she woke up one morning with no breast. Her implant deflated. This happened right when she got them.

I just tell them what I have to say and if they won't listen then they will just have to deal with it. Don't feel sorry for them after that. They were told, we were not! That is the difference between us and them. I can't keep preaching to the same person, I am not going to waste my time and theirs. I could be informing another person that maybe might listen to what I have to say.

I told a lot of strangers my story and as a result about one out of 6 didn't listen to me and kind of brushed me off. This girl was just really vain and had her silicone implants leak and then just put in a new set of saline. The rest were going to get implants but decided not to do it after talking to me. The last person I spoke to was the nurse at my obgyn's office. I think the part that scares them the most is I tell them you can go from being really smart to not being able to come up with words to speak. And also the bugs, bacteria part.... they think the saline solution remains sterile not after 90 days.

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 12:24 AM

Subject: Re: Need support

Thanks Ang I really am trying to be strong, I just wish I could feel better, I went to work tonight and it helped kind of take my mind off of things, yes this group is awesome isn't it.

I have been going to explant.com but I must tell you as much as I love the ladies there, sometimes when they post things that seem pro implant it makes me just cringe, I just could never in all good consiousness recomend or tell anyone to get implants, no matter what the reason, not after what we have all been through. They think that makes me a hardliner, but I just can't help the way I feel either. I just know what they did to me and I cannot forget it either, I wouldn't wish implants on even my very worse enemy.

love ya


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 5:30 PM

Subject: Re: Need support


You are not weak!!! You are a strong person. It is so easy to judge people and point fingers but when the tables turn and you in that situation I think that people would do the same thing. You are a strong person and I know that for a fact. I have seen you fight and push. You don't go blaming yourself. This is your doctor that prescribed it for you. Not to blame him, because he wanted to help you. Alot of doctors don't want to her patients complain and don't know what to do so they give them pain pills to solve it. I don't know what to make of it. I don't want to point the finger at them because if you are in pain and you need to function then you should be able to have it. Be strong, the pain will eventually go away, they are just withdrawl symptoms right now.

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 12:26 PM

Subject: Re: Need support

Thanks for all this info Ang it really is amazing that I ended up with this issue, and I have the implants and the chronic pain to thank for that as well. Some might say I was weak to get caught up in this, but as it is I was so ill that I could not move to get out of bed and had no life anyway when I took my first vicodin and that was it, from then on I was capable of a life that I thought was lost to me, however over time, the vicoding became such a crutch to me that I was unable to stop or control it, now I am paying for it.

I am doing better though, excpet the bathroom issues and the stomach cramps and the anxiety, I would like to take something but I have to be strong, I am doing lots of juicing and relaxing at home today, I am also very dizzy.

While I was with my hubby in hawaii I guess I didn't notice it as much as I have since I have been home. It is really tough, my pain is not as bad physically as it is emotionally but I can do this.


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:32 AM

Subject: Re: Need support

This post I found at http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/forum/AddictionF/mainwithdrawalsymtoms.html

"The main withdrawal symtoms are sort of reversals of the side effects coming on. Opiods kind of quiet things down generally. Constipation going on, diarhea coming off. Sleepiness going on, insomnia coming off. Muscular lassitude going on, muscular squirmies coming off. A drying of mucus membranes going on, congestion coming off. If you have FMS with sore muscles, disturbed sleep and irritable bowel syndrome and low level househould allergies to dust then you may never notice the withdrawal. Sneezing can also pick up for a while while withdrawing. Personally I have stopped cold from 60 mg oxycodone (which is equiv to maybe 100 mg hydrocodone, 20x5mg vicodin) a day and never noticed any difference except the return of pain. Of course I already have all of the specified symtoms and had for years before ever using opiods. Fear of withdrawal produces the worst symtoms."

----- Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 10:27 AM

Subject: Need support

It has been really quiet on the group lately, I am not sure where everyone is.

I am into day 12 here of no pain pills and I am just a mess, I had no clue that they had been so much a habit. I am really struggling, of course I have no choice now as I gave the bottle to my hubby so I am not going to take any, my pain seems a bit better today but my stomach is very upset and I am not sure where that is all coming from.

I also really don't know why I am dizzy if anyone here, maybe e, knows what that is all about please let me know. I don't like the way I feel but I know I have to do this for my health, it will get better and I will hang on in the meantime I miss hearing from everyone, where did everyone go anyhow?

Take care and let me know is anyone has any ideas for me to better cope with how I am feeling.

Love and hugs

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Thank you Martha, I will inform my friend as well.

----- Original Message -----


Cc: Angelika Mattoni

Sent: Saturday, March 23, 2002 1:02 PM

Subject: Re: Need support

Hi Angelika,

I think you are smart with your approach to your friends, and anyone else that may listen to you. Ask your medical professional friend, and others, if they have ever heard of "Toxic Shock Syndrome" --- as this can easily happen when any implant suddenly ruptures!



Martha Murdock, DirectorNational Silicone Implant Foundationwww.topica.com/lists/BreastImplantNews/

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  • 3 years later...

I watch my grandson every other week end. I spend time with him. I am in this

group learning. I convey what i learn.I think us advocating for our grand child

helps them the parents to deal. Sandy

brendan8years <brendan8years@...> wrote: My 8 year old grandchild has

been DX with Asperger's. My daughter and

son in law are stressed to the max. What have you other grandparents

done to help? We all need resources. We live in Kennewick, WA and

the grandchild lives in PA. Thank you Miriam

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