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Tara Torme

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TKT: It really isn't about the money, really. But

what angers me the most is how my relatives on my

Father's side screwed me over the $25,000 that

was left to me by my Paternal grandmother when

she died on Dec. 20, 2003. That is what really

angers, upsets and saddens me the most. If I were

a multi - millionaire I would make sure that

every single one of my living relatives - even

those I had never met would have their needs

taken care of. Even if they were mean to me in

life I would make sure that in death I would

leave everybody a little something. To leave any

relative out would be mean, cold, cruel and

selfish and greedy. I don't want to be that mean

lady who left her entire fortune to her dog, not

leaving a penny to her own children (biological

or fake children). Tara Kimberley Torme

Hi Tara,

A similar thing happened to my MIL, twice & also to one of Kim's providers.

It seems like when money is involved, people become selfish & greedy & only

see how they can use the money. I find that when money is involved, even

siblings will fight over it, let alone other relatives. I'm almost glad

that my parents had/have no money to leave us & as my brother is taking care

of our mom, he will get the house that they're living in now & the rest of

us are OK with that. I look at my sister in law who is always after money

in some form, from others & at 50 is still not self sufficient.

I think Sondra's advice is a good one, to look at nonbiological people that

you meet who you can connect with, that will become your support system. If

you can make those connections locally, so you have " live " people to talk

to, hopefully that will be of help.

At one point, I felt like " divorcing " my sister who wouldn't allow us to

stay at her home b/c she was afraid Kim would break their belongings when

Kim was at a stage when she had " behaviors " . I " forgave " them at a later

point when I realized that just b/c they're " family " they don't

understand or be supportive of what we go through. As a mom, I don't even

begin to know what people on the spectrum really go through, but I

appreciate all the input that I get from those on the spectrum that can

express some of the experiences, which is very helpful to me.

I hope it helps to be on this group, as I think being able to talk about

your feelings helps.




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