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Re: Doctor Visit yesterday

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Dear Ang:

Hi. I think you need to change docs--she sounds like an ass.

I'm going to see my friend tonight who knows about homeopathic docs in NC.

Meanwhile consider seeking help from Dr. Kolb.

I think it's very belittleing of your doctor to suggest that this is all in

your head aand you need a shrink. Perhaps if she has suffered as you have, I'm

sure she'd be hummimg a different tune.

Don't give up Sweetie.

Take care.


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dear angelika

Hi. I don't know what your symptoms are, but your dr.

is an ass. I know, i have been there. last march I

started having all kind of symptoms that made me think

i was going to die--dizziness, joint pain, swelling in

fingers and toes, cold fingers and toes, heart

palpations, overwhellming fatigue, muscle spasms

everywhere, tight neck and so on. I have had fms for

over 15 years and I am telling you this stuff was

DIFFERENT. I went to my dr. numerous times and was

handed the old it is stress, see a therapist because

my tests were negative. I then found this website and

believed God has led me here. In oct. dr. feng

removed the saline implants that I have had for eleven

years--all intact. Since then I have become convinced

that my body needs big time detox to regain my health.

I also tested postive for mycoplasma and found the

www.roadback.org website. They are on an antibiotic

protocol to kill mycoplasma that they believe has

caused their lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma,

fms, and even autoimmune diseases that have no name

because the symptoms don't fit a neat category. Many,

many people have recovered from this terrible diseases

using this approach. Well, as soon as i started the

antibiotics I got much worse. This is called a herx

and is to be expected. It means the antibiotics are

reaching their target. This therapy can take months

to years. I suggest you check out the website--they

are finding that minocycline can even impact multiple

sclerosis. Most dr. are idiots--my rhematologist is a

waste of time. you have to be your own dr. Many who

get better, do so by rebuilding their health on their

own. Juicing, liver and colon cleansing, altered

diets, supplements, etc. YOu often have to do alot of

juggling of things to see what works. ONe thing is

for sure, most people feel worse before they feel

better. and most cycle in and out of this for a year

or more. so you think you are not making progress and

you are. I AM GETTING BETTER. I know it will take

more time, but getting out the implants and doing the

anibiotic protocol are the best things I have done. I

am so much better than last year, but I stillhave

cycles where I feel bad and think I am never going to

get well. If you want more info, please write. but

know this--pain meds, and prednisone and just cover up

symptoms--the cause is still there and most of the

meds a rheumy will offer you are very toxic. DO NOT


helped. I know other things that help fms if you are

interested. truthfully, you probably don't have true

fms--which is an autoimmune condition by the way--you

problably have silicone implant syndrome. It will

respond to the measures talked about above. Have

hope. Many women who recovered fought it out for

ayear or more to get to feelling better. Inform

yourself and know that it will be a long haul, but you

can and will improve.

In God's love,



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Hang in there. That doc you saw is an asshole, as most docs are these days.

That said, there are good docs out there who want to understand your

illness and truly help you. They are few and far between, and require lots

of research and time to find. But if you hang in there, you will find

someone. I had to go through 3 neurologists and 2 rheumatologists before I

found my current docs. I no longer see my rheumy just because his prices

are overinflated and I think he's guilty of insurance fraud, but he does

understand implant illness and has listened to me for 2 yrs. I don't see my

neuorologist anymore either, simply because I am under the care of my

neurosurgeon and he is handling everything for me now. But finding my

neurosurgeon was a godsend as he is just stymied by the whole implant issue

and truly believes that implants are bad. If he had the time and the

expertise, he would be doing research to support us. But I singlehandedly

convinced him that implants are bad, and he saw first hand how my body

reacted to foreign objects and failed to heal from any insult. And now he

is a believer. And then there is my cardiac surgeon. He no longer treats

me, and we are good friends. But while I was under his care, he was so

supportive and willing to listen and even went on the internet and

researched various sites and printed out studies for me, and I for him. Now

he, too, is a believer.

But my point is that I had to do a lot of asking around the hospitals, and

other docs who they would recommend and who they would trust completely to

take their own family members to. I asked questions such as what is his

reputation like? Does he have good results? Do his pts like him? Do staff

members at the hospital like him? Does he have a good bedside manner? Does

he listen to his pts? Do his pts genuinely like and trust him? Is he open

to alternative treatments and therapy? Is he available for his pts? And

then I called their offices and found out how I was treated when I called.

Was the person answering the phone nice and pleasant? Did she put me on

hold right away? Did she take the time to answer my questions and not rush

me off the phone? If I called an office and was put on hold right away or

the person was rude to me, I chose not to go there because I've found that

if that's the way you're treated right away, then chances are that's the way

you will be treated the entire time. Also, I always ask the receptionist

several questions about the doc. Like where did he/she go to school? How

long has he/she been practicing? What is his/her practice style? Is he/she

easy to talk to? How old is he/she? What kind of system do they have in

place for emergencies after hrs? How easy is it to get an appt?

So, ask your questions and keep looking. There is a doctor out there for

you, you will just need to do your homework. And in the meantime, keep your

chin up!!!


>From: " Angelika " <angmattoni@...>


>< >

>Subject: Doctor Visit yesterday

>Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 13:47:26 -0500



>I just wanted to ask if anyone knew of a doc in VA with knowledge of

>silicone disease/saline implant disease? I have still been feeling awful

>and need to see a doc. My primary physician that diagnosed me FMS told me

>that she looked over Blais report and thinks it is all bull. She told me

>that all of this alternative healing is bull and the Gershon

>Therapy........ even though she has never heard of the book? She told me

>that she doesn't think that I will ever find something to help me and that

>the only thing she thinks I need is a good therapist???????????? I don't

>need therapy, I have tried that, many, and nobody helped. I don't have any

>problems except for my health! I don't have family problems, my

>relationship is great, what the hell else? I can't take much more of this

>crap. I knew I should not have gone yesterday. This is such crap. She

>really disapointed me. She said colonics is wrong. I believe in cleansing

>my body because I feel that sometimes with the crap we put into our system

>plugs it up. I don't know. I am going to go the health food store and

>find that fiber drink. I am so disapointed. I said to her " I am getting

>the chills, fever, etc and a therapist is going to help me? " She said she

>believes I have FMS no doubt but I am not going to find anything to help

>it. She believes that there is nothing she can do or give to me that will

>help me. I said to her " what about the micro organisms " She said that the

>implants were probably exposed when they were taken out. How did it then

>travel into the implants? The implants were taken out in tact inside of

>the capsule? I am so upset that I smoked cigarettes yesterday. I quit

>over 3 years ago but decided what is the point. I feel crappy and am not

>going to get better why make my life go on longer? I don't mean to sound

>like I am feeling sorry for myself, but I am just so mad. I wouldn't try

>to harm myself because I would not want to disapoint all of my family,

>friends, spouse and my pugs. They love me too much that I couldn't leave

>them. I just wish that I could get through this with the help of a doctor.

> I need help by someone overseeing that I get proper treatment and

>understand this. This sucks!!!!!!!!


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Hi Kathy

Thank you for responding. I briefly looked at the website. It is hard for

me to read long things since I suffer from alot of brainfog and find it

difficult to continue to read on. I have all of the symptoms you wrote

about plus some. I don't know how to follow this protocol when I don't even

have a primary care physician to refer me. The doc I saw was my primary and

I am not going to see her anymore. I am scheduled to see my rheumy on 3/25

to follow up on some tests that were done before I had my explant. I fear

that that will be a waste also. I went to the health food store today and

know a lady that works there that knows what I have been going through. She

has been so helpful and understanding and refered me to an alternative

doctor that used to be a pathologist and has a lot of patients with FMS. I

will go since the consultation is free. I also got colloidal silver and

hope that that will help as well. Kathy, I really appreciate your help and

want to truly thank you! :) I will print out the info from the website and

present it to my rheumy. I will never go on those drugs/painkillers. I

never even took them for my surgery, I sure will not do it now. It is toxic

as well. I believe that cleansing and juicing will help. I know!!!!



----- Original Message -----

From: " mikat " <mikat828@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 3:35 PM

Subject: Re: Doctor Visit yesterday

> dear angelika

> Hi. I don't know what your symptoms are, but your dr.

> is an ass. I know, i have been there. last march I

> started having all kind of symptoms that made me think

> i was going to die--dizziness, joint pain, swelling in

> fingers and toes, cold fingers and toes, heart

> palpations, overwhellming fatigue, muscle spasms

> everywhere, tight neck and so on. I have had fms for

> over 15 years and I am telling you this stuff was

> DIFFERENT. I went to my dr. numerous times and was

> handed the old it is stress, see a therapist because

> my tests were negative. I then found this website and

> believed God has led me here. In oct. dr. feng

> removed the saline implants that I have had for eleven

> years--all intact. Since then I have become convinced

> that my body needs big time detox to regain my health.

> I also tested postive for mycoplasma and found the

> www.roadback.org website. They are on an antibiotic

> protocol to kill mycoplasma that they believe has

> caused their lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma,

> fms, and even autoimmune diseases that have no name

> because the symptoms don't fit a neat category. Many,

> many people have recovered from this terrible diseases

> using this approach. Well, as soon as i started the

> antibiotics I got much worse. This is called a herx

> and is to be expected. It means the antibiotics are

> reaching their target. This therapy can take months

> to years. I suggest you check out the website--they

> are finding that minocycline can even impact multiple

> sclerosis. Most dr. are idiots--my rhematologist is a

> waste of time. you have to be your own dr. Many who

> get better, do so by rebuilding their health on their

> own. Juicing, liver and colon cleansing, altered

> diets, supplements, etc. YOu often have to do alot of

> juggling of things to see what works. ONe thing is

> for sure, most people feel worse before they feel

> better. and most cycle in and out of this for a year

> or more. so you think you are not making progress and

> you are. I AM GETTING BETTER. I know it will take

> more time, but getting out the implants and doing the

> anibiotic protocol are the best things I have done. I

> am so much better than last year, but I stillhave

> cycles where I feel bad and think I am never going to

> get well. If you want more info, please write. but

> know this--pain meds, and prednisone and just cover up

> symptoms--the cause is still there and most of the

> meds a rheumy will offer you are very toxic. DO NOT


> helped. I know other things that help fms if you are

> interested. truthfully, you probably don't have true

> fms--which is an autoimmune condition by the way--you

> problably have silicone implant syndrome. It will

> respond to the measures talked about above. Have

> hope. Many women who recovered fought it out for

> ayear or more to get to feelling better. Inform

> yourself and know that it will be a long haul, but you

> can and will improve.

> In God's love,

> kathy


> __________________________________________________


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Thank you! I am sorry I have not written much lately, I have been down

about the whole thing. I am trying to keep a positive attitude and think I

am doing pretty well without any drugs. Today I bought silver coloidal,

have you had any experience with using this in the liquid form? It is

antifungal and will help if there is any infection and kill it. It was

expensive for a small bottle but I have faith. I belive more in pure

extracts/liquid form rather than the pill form since it is more potent.

Well, tomorrow, I think a friend of mine is coming down for the weekend and

we are going to enjoy the weather and maybe go out for a drink. I would

really enjoy a glass of red wine.

I hope you are doing well, I am sorry I have not called you. Did your

parents pick you up? My sister lives in AZ but she is in Phoenix. I wish

you luck with the job market in AZ. There is no doubt in my mind that you

will get a great job quickly. You are so well educated that you will knock

their socks off. I wish you the best!

Love and prayers,


----- Original Message -----

From: " e Rene " <e_Rene@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 4:38 PM

Subject: Re: Doctor Visit yesterday

> Angelika,


> Hang in there. That doc you saw is an asshole, as most docs are these


> That said, there are good docs out there who want to understand your

> illness and truly help you. They are few and far between, and require


> of research and time to find. But if you hang in there, you will find

> someone. I had to go through 3 neurologists and 2 rheumatologists before


> found my current docs. I no longer see my rheumy just because his prices

> are overinflated and I think he's guilty of insurance fraud, but he does

> understand implant illness and has listened to me for 2 yrs. I don't see


> neuorologist anymore either, simply because I am under the care of my

> neurosurgeon and he is handling everything for me now. But finding my

> neurosurgeon was a godsend as he is just stymied by the whole implant


> and truly believes that implants are bad. If he had the time and the

> expertise, he would be doing research to support us. But I singlehandedly

> convinced him that implants are bad, and he saw first hand how my body

> reacted to foreign objects and failed to heal from any insult. And now he

> is a believer. And then there is my cardiac surgeon. He no longer treats

> me, and we are good friends. But while I was under his care, he was so

> supportive and willing to listen and even went on the internet and

> researched various sites and printed out studies for me, and I for him.


> he, too, is a believer.


> But my point is that I had to do a lot of asking around the hospitals, and

> other docs who they would recommend and who they would trust completely to

> take their own family members to. I asked questions such as what is his

> reputation like? Does he have good results? Do his pts like him? Do


> members at the hospital like him? Does he have a good bedside manner?


> he listen to his pts? Do his pts genuinely like and trust him? Is he


> to alternative treatments and therapy? Is he available for his pts? And

> then I called their offices and found out how I was treated when I called.

> Was the person answering the phone nice and pleasant? Did she put me on

> hold right away? Did she take the time to answer my questions and not


> me off the phone? If I called an office and was put on hold right away or

> the person was rude to me, I chose not to go there because I've found that

> if that's the way you're treated right away, then chances are that's the


> you will be treated the entire time. Also, I always ask the receptionist

> several questions about the doc. Like where did he/she go to school? How

> long has he/she been practicing? What is his/her practice style? Is


> easy to talk to? How old is he/she? What kind of system do they have in

> place for emergencies after hrs? How easy is it to get an appt?


> So, ask your questions and keep looking. There is a doctor out there for

> you, you will just need to do your homework. And in the meantime, keep


> chin up!!!


> e



> >From: " Angelika " <angmattoni@...>

> >Reply-

> >< >

> >Subject: Doctor Visit yesterday

> >Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 13:47:26 -0500

> >

> >Hi

> >I just wanted to ask if anyone knew of a doc in VA with knowledge of

> >silicone disease/saline implant disease? I have still been feeling awful

> >and need to see a doc. My primary physician that diagnosed me FMS told


> >that she looked over Blais report and thinks it is all bull. She told me

> >that all of this alternative healing is bull and the Gershon

> >Therapy........ even though she has never heard of the book? She told me

> >that she doesn't think that I will ever find something to help me and


> >the only thing she thinks I need is a good therapist???????????? I don't

> >need therapy, I have tried that, many, and nobody helped. I don't have


> >problems except for my health! I don't have family problems, my

> >relationship is great, what the hell else? I can't take much more of


> >crap. I knew I should not have gone yesterday. This is such crap. She

> >really disapointed me. She said colonics is wrong. I believe in


> >my body because I feel that sometimes with the crap we put into our


> >plugs it up. I don't know. I am going to go the health food store and

> >find that fiber drink. I am so disapointed. I said to her " I am getting

> >the chills, fever, etc and a therapist is going to help me? " She said


> >believes I have FMS no doubt but I am not going to find anything to help

> >it. She believes that there is nothing she can do or give to me that


> >help me. I said to her " what about the micro organisms " She said that


> >implants were probably exposed when they were taken out. How did it then

> >travel into the implants? The implants were taken out in tact inside of

> >the capsule? I am so upset that I smoked cigarettes yesterday. I quit

> >over 3 years ago but decided what is the point. I feel crappy and am not

> >going to get better why make my life go on longer? I don't mean to sound

> >like I am feeling sorry for myself, but I am just so mad. I wouldn't try

> >to harm myself because I would not want to disapoint all of my family,

> >friends, spouse and my pugs. They love me too much that I couldn't leave

> >them. I just wish that I could get through this with the help of a


> > I need help by someone overseeing that I get proper treatment and

> >understand this. This sucks!!!!!!!!





> _________________________________________________________________

> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com





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Thank you -Marie, you are right she is an ass. I spoke to my husband

today and told him what she said and he agreed that I should seek help

through an alternative doctor. Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it.



----- Original Message -----

From: <perlesetlacet@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 8:02 PM

Subject: Re: Doctor Visit yesterday

> Dear Ang:

> Hi. I think you need to change docs--she sounds like an ass.


> I'm going to see my friend tonight who knows about homeopathic docs in NC.

Meanwhile consider seeking help from Dr. Kolb.

> I think it's very belittleing of your doctor to suggest that this is all

in your head aand you need a shrink. Perhaps if she has suffered as you

have, I'm sure she'd be hummimg a different tune.

> Don't give up Sweetie.


> Take care.

> -Marie




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Hi, Sounds like my experience with doctors! My first rhuematologist

said my illness has absalutely nothing to do with implants. But that women

with implants were the type of women who usually gets FMS. What TYPE of

women might you be referring to? I asked. They all have simular personalities,

she says. I say she's NUTS!

Angelika wrote:


just wanted to ask if anyone knew of a doc in VA with knowledge of silicone

disease/saline implant disease? I have still been feeling awful and

need to see a doc. My primary physician that diagnosed me FMS told

me that she looked over Blais report and thinks it is all bull. She

told me that all of this alternative healing is bull and the Gershon Therapy........

even though she has never heard of the book? She told me that she

doesn't think that I will ever find something to help me and that the only

thing she thinks I need is a good therapist???????????? I don't need

therapy, I have tried that, many, and nobody helped. I don't have

any problems except for my health! I don't have family problems,

my relationship is great, what the hell else? I can't take much more

of this crap. I knew I should not have gone yesterday. This

is such crap. She really disapointed me. She said colonics

is wrong. I believe in cleansing my body because I feel that sometimes

with the crap we put into our system plugs it up. I don't know.

I am going to go the health food store and find that fiber drink.

I am so disapointed. I said to her "I am getting the chills, fever,

etc and a therapist is going to help me?" She said she believes I

have FMS no doubt but I am not going to find anything to help it.

She believes that there is nothing she can do or give to me that will help

me. I said to her "what about the micro organisms" She said

that the implants were probably exposed when they were taken out.

How did it then travel into the implants? The implants were taken

out in tact inside of the capsule? I am so upset that I smoked cigarettes

yesterday. I quit over 3 years ago but decided what is the point.

I feel crappy and am not going to get better why make my life go on longer?

I don't mean to sound like I am feeling sorry for myself, but I am just

so mad. I wouldn't try to harm myself because I would not want to

disapoint all of my family, friends, spouse and my pugs. They love

me too much that I couldn't leave them. I just wish that I could

get through this with the help of a doctor. I need help by someone

overseeing that I get proper treatment and understand this.

This sucks!!!!!!!!

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I have warned many women that this is what most Dr's will do and how they will treat us, I don't believe that you need a Dr to heal, she is full of it, these Dr's are not god and they do not know everything.They know nothing about what we have been through. I learned allong time ago that Dr's are only good for a few things, blood tests and other diagnostic tools and maybe if you need prescriptions,other than that unless you have a traumatic injury they are useless and esp if you bring up implants.

I hate to say it but the only way you will get better is time, and energy spent on healing and staying away from Dr's as much as possible.

They are so negative and always leave you second guessing yourself when your gut instincts tell you more than any Dr can in any 15 minute visit.

You know your body and you know your young, you are not depressed, you are like all the rest of us, sickened from toxic exposure. These Dr's have no clue, they really are useless.

Forget them honey, do some natural stuff, you will get better, it takes time, look at me, it has been 15 months since explant and I still am healing, but I am way better than I was and you will get there too.

Smoking and self destructive behavior is natural when you feel so let down and alone, but it won't do anything to help the situation.

be strong, don't give up, you are way too early in the game for that.

hang on honey you can heal.

Forget Dr's for now, they won't ever do anything for you.

We are here for you and you and I both know that you will heal, given time and circumstances, then one day you can go back to this wicked woman and show her the proof.


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 11:47 AM

Subject: Doctor Visit yesterday


I just wanted to ask if anyone knew of a doc in VA with knowledge of silicone disease/saline implant disease? I have still been feeling awful and need to see a doc. My primary physician that diagnosed me FMS told me that she looked over Blais report and thinks it is all bull. She told me that all of this alternative healing is bull and the Gershon Therapy........ even though she has never heard of the book? She told me that she doesn't think that I will ever find something to help me and that the only thing she thinks I need is a good therapist???????????? I don't need therapy, I have tried that, many, and nobody helped. I don't have any problems except for my health! I don't have family problems, my relationship is great, what the hell else? I can't take much more of this crap. I knew I should not have gone yesterday. This is such crap. She really disapointed me. She said colonics is wrong. I believe in cleansing my body because I feel that sometimes with the crap we put into our system plugs it up. I don't know. I am going to go the health food store and find that fiber drink. I am so disapointed. I said to her "I am getting the chills, fever, etc and a therapist is going to help me?" She said she believes I have FMS no doubt but I am not going to find anything to help it. She believes that there is nothing she can do or give to me that will help me. I said to her "what about the micro organisms" She said that the implants were probably exposed when they were taken out. How did it then travel into the implants? The implants were taken out in tact inside of the capsule? I am so upset that I smoked cigarettes yesterday. I quit over 3 years ago but decided what is the point. I feel crappy and am not going to get better why make my life go on longer? I don't mean to sound like I am feeling sorry for myself, but I am just so mad. I wouldn't try to harm myself because I would not want to disapoint all of my family, friends, spouse and my pugs. They love me too much that I couldn't leave them. I just wish that I could get through this with the help of a doctor. I need help by someone overseeing that I get proper treatment and understand this. This sucks!!!!!!!!

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Silcone patients need to be treated with the immune protocol and yeast

medicine when they are on this protocol. If not, they will become ill.


----- Original Message -----

From: mikat <mikat828@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 3:35 PM

Subject: Re: Doctor Visit yesterday

> dear angelika

> Hi. I don't know what your symptoms are, but your dr.

> is an ass. I know, i have been there. last march I

> started having all kind of symptoms that made me think

> i was going to die--dizziness, joint pain, swelling in

> fingers and toes, cold fingers and toes, heart

> palpations, overwhellming fatigue, muscle spasms

> everywhere, tight neck and so on. I have had fms for

> over 15 years and I am telling you this stuff was

> DIFFERENT. I went to my dr. numerous times and was

> handed the old it is stress, see a therapist because

> my tests were negative. I then found this website and

> believed God has led me here. In oct. dr. feng

> removed the saline implants that I have had for eleven

> years--all intact. Since then I have become convinced

> that my body needs big time detox to regain my health.

> I also tested postive for mycoplasma and found the

> www.roadback.org website. They are on an antibiotic

> protocol to kill mycoplasma that they believe has

> caused their lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma,

> fms, and even autoimmune diseases that have no name

> because the symptoms don't fit a neat category. Many,

> many people have recovered from this terrible diseases

> using this approach. Well, as soon as i started the

> antibiotics I got much worse. This is called a herx

> and is to be expected. It means the antibiotics are

> reaching their target. This therapy can take months

> to years. I suggest you check out the website--they

> are finding that minocycline can even impact multiple

> sclerosis. Most dr. are idiots--my rhematologist is a

> waste of time. you have to be your own dr. Many who

> get better, do so by rebuilding their health on their

> own. Juicing, liver and colon cleansing, altered

> diets, supplements, etc. YOu often have to do alot of

> juggling of things to see what works. ONe thing is

> for sure, most people feel worse before they feel

> better. and most cycle in and out of this for a year

> or more. so you think you are not making progress and

> you are. I AM GETTING BETTER. I know it will take

> more time, but getting out the implants and doing the

> anibiotic protocol are the best things I have done. I

> am so much better than last year, but I stillhave

> cycles where I feel bad and think I am never going to

> get well. If you want more info, please write. but

> know this--pain meds, and prednisone and just cover up

> symptoms--the cause is still there and most of the

> meds a rheumy will offer you are very toxic. DO NOT


> helped. I know other things that help fms if you are

> interested. truthfully, you probably don't have true

> fms--which is an autoimmune condition by the way--you

> problably have silicone implant syndrome. It will

> respond to the measures talked about above. Have

> hope. Many women who recovered fought it out for

> ayear or more to get to feelling better. Inform

> yourself and know that it will be a long haul, but you

> can and will improve.

> In God's love,

> kathy


> __________________________________________________


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What I do not understand is why these Dr's are so dead set on trying to disprove us instead of trying to help us.

It baffles me!

And makes me sick.

I have proven them wrong though, everyday I prove them wrong .

----- Original Message -----

From: Tim Farley

Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 9:32 PM

Subject: Re: Doctor Visit yesterday

Hi, Sounds like my experience with doctors! My first rhuematologist said my illness has absalutely nothing to do with implants. But that women with implants were the type of women who usually gets FMS. What TYPE of women might you be referring to? I asked. They all have simular personalities, she says. I say she's NUTS! Angelika wrote:

HiI just wanted to ask if anyone knew of a doc in VA with knowledge of silicone disease/saline implant disease? I have still been feeling awful and need to see a doc. My primary physician that diagnosed me FMS told me that she looked over Blais report and thinks it is all bull. She told me that all of this alternative healing is bull and the Gershon Therapy........ even though she has never heard of the book? She told me that she doesn't think that I will ever find something to help me and that the only thing she thinks I need is a good therapist???????????? I don't need therapy, I have tried that, many, and nobody helped. I don't have any problems except for my health! I don't have family problems, my relationship is great, what the hell else? I can't take much more of this crap. I knew I should not have gone yesterday. This is such crap. She really disapointed me. She said colonics is wrong. I believe in cleansing my body because I feel that sometimes with the crap we put into our system plugs it up. I don't know. I am going to go the health food store and find that fiber drink. I am so disapointed. I said to her "I am getting the chills, fever, etc and a therapist is going to help me?" She said she believes I have FMS no doubt but I am not going to find anything to help it. She believes that there is nothing she can do or give to me that will help me. I said to her "what about the micro organisms" She said that the implants were probably exposed when they were taken out. How did it then travel into the implants? The implants were taken out in tact inside of the capsule? I am so upset that I smoked cigarettes yesterday. I quit over 3 years ago but decided what is the point. I feel crappy and am not going to get better why make my life go on longer? I don't mean to sound like I am feeling sorry for myself, but I am just so mad. I wouldn't try to harm myself because I would not want to disapoint all of my family, friends, spouse and my pugs. They love me too much that I couldn't leave them. I just wish that I could get through this with the help of a doctor. I need help by someone overseeing that I get proper treatment and understand this. This sucks!!!!!!!!

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Yes, , she is the one who's 'nuts'! And what kind of personality do we ALL have? Regardless of our ages, stages, and professions in life? Does this doctor also have an IQ # in mind for all of us, from every possible 'walk of life'?


Martha MurdockNational Silicone Implant Foundationwww.topica.com/lists/BreastImplantNews/

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Thank you Dr. Kolb, I will check out Plastikos.com for the info on the



----- Original Message -----

From: " Dr. Kolb " <drkolb@...>

< >

Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 11:45 PM

Subject: Re: Doctor Visit yesterday

> Silcone patients need to be treated with the immune protocol and yeast

> medicine when they are on this protocol. If not, they will become ill.

> .

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: mikat <mikat828@...>

> < >

> Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 3:35 PM

> Subject: Re: Doctor Visit yesterday



> > dear angelika

> > Hi. I don't know what your symptoms are, but your dr.

> > is an ass. I know, i have been there. last march I

> > started having all kind of symptoms that made me think

> > i was going to die--dizziness, joint pain, swelling in

> > fingers and toes, cold fingers and toes, heart

> > palpations, overwhellming fatigue, muscle spasms

> > everywhere, tight neck and so on. I have had fms for

> > over 15 years and I am telling you this stuff was

> > DIFFERENT. I went to my dr. numerous times and was

> > handed the old it is stress, see a therapist because

> > my tests were negative. I then found this website and

> > believed God has led me here. In oct. dr. feng

> > removed the saline implants that I have had for eleven

> > years--all intact. Since then I have become convinced

> > that my body needs big time detox to regain my health.

> > I also tested postive for mycoplasma and found the

> > www.roadback.org website. They are on an antibiotic

> > protocol to kill mycoplasma that they believe has

> > caused their lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma,

> > fms, and even autoimmune diseases that have no name

> > because the symptoms don't fit a neat category. Many,

> > many people have recovered from this terrible diseases

> > using this approach. Well, as soon as i started the

> > antibiotics I got much worse. This is called a herx

> > and is to be expected. It means the antibiotics are

> > reaching their target. This therapy can take months

> > to years. I suggest you check out the website--they

> > are finding that minocycline can even impact multiple

> > sclerosis. Most dr. are idiots--my rhematologist is a

> > waste of time. you have to be your own dr. Many who

> > get better, do so by rebuilding their health on their

> > own. Juicing, liver and colon cleansing, altered

> > diets, supplements, etc. YOu often have to do alot of

> > juggling of things to see what works. ONe thing is

> > for sure, most people feel worse before they feel

> > better. and most cycle in and out of this for a year

> > or more. so you think you are not making progress and

> > you are. I AM GETTING BETTER. I know it will take

> > more time, but getting out the implants and doing the

> > anibiotic protocol are the best things I have done. I

> > am so much better than last year, but I stillhave

> > cycles where I feel bad and think I am never going to

> > get well. If you want more info, please write. but

> > know this--pain meds, and prednisone and just cover up

> > symptoms--the cause is still there and most of the

> > meds a rheumy will offer you are very toxic. DO NOT


> > helped. I know other things that help fms if you are

> > interested. truthfully, you probably don't have true

> > fms--which is an autoimmune condition by the way--you

> > problably have silicone implant syndrome. It will

> > respond to the measures talked about above. Have

> > hope. Many women who recovered fought it out for

> > ayear or more to get to feelling better. Inform

> > yourself and know that it will be a long haul, but you

> > can and will improve.

> > In God's love,

> > kathy

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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ha,ha. Thank you all for the support and Martha for making me laugh. I love you all and thank you for making me feel a lot better about the situation. I have become so strong because of this group.

----- Original Message -----


Sent: Saturday, March 09, 2002 12:35 AM

Subject: Re: Doctor Visit yesterday

Yes, , she is the one who's 'nuts'! And what kind of personality do we ALL have? Regardless of our ages, stages, and professions in life? Does this doctor also have an IQ # in mind for all of us, from every possible 'walk of life'?


Martha MurdockNational Silicone Implant Foundationwww.topica.com/lists/BreastImplantNews/

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You basically took the words right out of my mouth. I look at myself and

see how many doctors I have been to in the last 5 yrs, and it blows my mind.

And of them all, less than a handful believe that implants cause illness,

and have believed me when I've told them about my health problems. And I

have seen approx 15 doctors, and now only 4 truly believe me---my

neurosurgeon, my cardiac surgeon (one of my dearest friends now), Dr. Huang,

and my ex rheumy. Pretty sad. And then I look back at how pro medicine I

used to be, and I want to throw up. , you're absolutely right,

doctors are worthless unless you need a rx or tests done. And the only time

I can honestly advocate for doctors is when they listen without prejudice

and can empathize with you and truly want to find out what's going on.

Otherwise, they look at you like you have 2 heads, they raise their eyebrows

in suspicion, and basically write you off as being depressed or have a

psychosomatic illness. I'd like to see each and every one of the doctors

who do this to us go through what we've all been through, and then see if

they'd be singing the same song....Or have their wife or daughter go

through this and I can bet money I don't have that they would be taking them

to the best doctors and doing whatever needed to be done to find out what

was going on. And they would be relentless in their quest for an answer.


Sadly, I now am going to have to leave my current docs behind when I leave

for AZ this upcoming wk. But, thank God, my neurosurgeon is going to follow

me. He has written the script for me to get my next set of xrays done in AZ

and has requested that they be sent directly to him for review. He will

then be in touch with me via phone to tell me if I can start to take the

collar off, or if not. And he will write the script for PT and will follow

my progress via phone calls and discussions with the physical therapists. I

am so glad he is willing to do this, as most docs wouldn't expend the

energy. He feels that he knows me so well and what I've been through, that

it is in my best interest for him to continue to oversee my care. And he so

kindly refilled my rx's with 1 refill so that I would have more than enough

to get by with in AZ until I find an internist or another doctor.

And then there's my cardiac surgeon. He hasn't treated me in over 2 yrs,

but he is my friend, and so sweet and kind. He has provided so much of the

encouragement I've needed these last several months. And he will always be

my supporter and " cheerleader. "

So, even though I will be leaving them geographically, they will still be

there for me no matter what. And these are the kind of doctors that we need

to find to help us, and that need to be going to med school!!

Anyway, I've made a complete 360 when it comes to doctors and healthcare.

Don't go unless you absolutely need to!!!!!!!


>From: " Heer " <idagirl@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: Doctor Visit yesterday

>Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2002 21:39:07 -0700


>I have warned many women that this is what most Dr's will do and how they

>will treat us, I don't believe that you need a Dr to heal, she is full of

>it, these Dr's are not god and they do not know everything.They know

>nothing about what we have been through. I learned allong time ago that

>Dr's are only good for a few things, blood tests and other diagnostic tools

>and maybe if you need prescriptions,other than that unless you have a

>traumatic injury they are useless and esp if you bring up implants.


>I hate to say it but the only way you will get better is time, and energy

>spent on healing and staying away from Dr's as much as possible.


>They are so negative and always leave you second guessing yourself when

>your gut instincts tell you more than any Dr can in any 15 minute visit.


>You know your body and you know your young, you are not depressed, you are

>like all the rest of us, sickened from toxic exposure. These Dr's have no

>clue, they really are useless.


>Forget them honey, do some natural stuff, you will get better, it takes

>time, look at me, it has been 15 months since explant and I still am

>healing, but I am way better than I was and you will get there too.


>Smoking and self destructive behavior is natural when you feel so let down

>and alone, but it won't do anything to help the situation.


>be strong, don't give up, you are way too early in the game for that.


>hang on honey you can heal.


>Forget Dr's for now, they won't ever do anything for you.


>We are here for you and you and I both know that you will heal, given time

>and circumstances, then one day you can go back to this wicked woman and

>show her the proof.




> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Angelika


> Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 11:47 AM

> Subject: Doctor Visit yesterday



> Hi

> I just wanted to ask if anyone knew of a doc in VA with knowledge of

>silicone disease/saline implant disease? I have still been feeling awful

>and need to see a doc. My primary physician that diagnosed me FMS told me

>that she looked over Blais report and thinks it is all bull. She told me

>that all of this alternative healing is bull and the Gershon

>Therapy........ even though she has never heard of the book? She told me

>that she doesn't think that I will ever find something to help me and that

>the only thing she thinks I need is a good therapist???????????? I don't

>need therapy, I have tried that, many, and nobody helped. I don't have any

>problems except for my health! I don't have family problems, my

>relationship is great, what the hell else? I can't take much more of this

>crap. I knew I should not have gone yesterday. This is such crap. She

>really disapointed me. She said colonics is wrong. I believe in cleansing

>my body because I feel that sometimes with the crap we put into our system

>plugs it up. I don't know. I am going to go the health food store and

>find that fiber drink. I am so disapointed. I said to her " I am getting

>the chills, fever, etc and a therapist is going to help me? " She said she

>believes I have FMS no doubt but I am not going to find anything to help

>it. She believes that there is nothing she can do or give to me that will

>help me. I said to her " what about the micro organisms " She said that the

>implants were probably exposed when they were taken out. How did it then

>travel into the implants? The implants were taken out in tact inside of

>the capsule? I am so upset that I smoked cigarettes yesterday. I quit

>over 3 years ago but decided what is the point. I feel crappy and am not

>going to get better why make my life go on longer? I don't mean to sound

>like I am feeling sorry for myself, but I am just so mad. I wouldn't try

>to harm myself because I would not want to disapoint all of my family,

>friends, spouse and my pugs. They love me too much that I couldn't leave

>them. I just wish that I could get through this with the help of a doctor.

> I need help by someone overseeing that I get proper treatment and

>understand this. This sucks!!!!!!!!



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