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original mssg snt /08-13-06/>>>passed on to me via Alvrez/now, onto YOU!

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Greetings to all!

As explained to me by my very good friend, Pat, the idea behind this is to

read the answers to the questions posed, then delete the answers, add your own

answers, and forward it to the person who sent it (me), and as many others as

ytou feel lead to, in that folks will know a little bit about you!

There were SO MANY NAMES on this " forward " , I HAD to " redo " it. Have

fun with it, and.............pass it on!!!!!!!

Four jobs I have had in my life.

(1) Long Distance professional Truck Driver,over a million miles

(2) 2 nd chef, on board tri-masted schooner " Sea Star "

(3) writer

(4) artist

Four movies I could watch over and over

(1) Pirates of the Carribean(starring " ny Depp " )

(2) Schrek

(3) The thirteenth Warrior(staring " Bandeiro " )

(4) Con Air

Four Places I have Lived

(1) Palm Beach, Florida

(2) St. , Virgin Islands

(3) Albany, New York

(4) Asheville, North Carolina

Four T.V. shows I love to watch.

(1) Mash

(2) Cops

(3) C.S.I.,

(4) Jerry Springer

Four Places I have been on Vacation

(1) Jupiter, Florida (My best friend, Blue, lives there)

(2) Silver Springs Florida

(3) Charlsetown, S.C.

(4) ALL the Virgin Islands

Four Topics of conversation I am thinking about today

(1) Who I am going to write to next

(2) Who, of the " new People on The Group I am GOING to ask if I can write to

(3) We are on the Brink of what may be the start of World War Three

(4) What would Jesus have me do, and think

Four Websites visited daily

(1) " The Group " (R.A. Support,@ .com)

(2) Addicting GamesUnlimited

(3) Pogo.com (another game site)

(4) Games to download.com

Four of my favorite foods

(1) Pizza

(2) oriental foods

(3) Pizza

(4) Pizza

Four Places I'd like to go

(1) Heaven

(2) Oregon, to visit Pat

(3) Ohio, to visit Marina

(4) Arizona, to visit Jan

Friends (or Family) I think will respond

(1) Jan (Cat's Corner)

(2) ...(a new peson who just joined our group)

(3) Any Other new person who would like me to actually write to them

(4) same as above

Now, hjere's what your supposed to do:

Delete My answers, put your OWN answers in place, then send it to as

many people as ytou like INCLUIDING ME , in the theory that we get to know one

another better.

God Bless You ALL, and know

that whoever you are, I love you,

(I'm an ol' hippie),and, whoever you are,

I pray you can find the strength you DO

have inside youy, to BEAT this terrible

medical problem you have,.....and be assured

I AM like no one you have ever met,and it

would give me the GREATEST PLEASURE ,

if you trust me with your address, to write

an ol' fashioned letter to you, which MIGHT

just include some poetry, as the Lord leads me!

Peace be upon you,seasoned with love..ken


Talk is cheap. Use Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates

starting at 1 & cent;/min.

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