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Re: Can a traumatic event trigger RA?

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There's no doubt about when my RA started. In December 1989, while preparing

for a seminar for all our field reps from all over the world, I had a bad

case of the flu. I couldn't take time off and didn't even talk to a doctor.

Usually when I get sick, it gives up after a few days or so, and it's done.

This one held on for about 3 weeks, but was gone by the time the seminar was

over in early January 1990. The job I was doing was stressful also, and

didn't help my situation. I truly think it was a combination of these things

that did me in.

One morning in early March 1990, I woke up with pain from my hair to

toenails! I immediately went to my doctor and was immediately diagnosed

strictly from symptoms. He is really a good doctor and has moved to another

area so I can't use him now. He figured out that the RA was a result of an

over-active immune system that still was waging war in my body after getting

the flu out of me. Anyhow, my pain began to move on an hourly basis and

finally settled mostly in my hands with excursions to other parts of my body

at the same time. I lost my job in 1991 because of it, and was

bed-ridden/house-bound for most of 1993-96. I've since improved, but still

have all the problems most of us have. We just need to remember to not give


Dennis in Eastexas

" It's not Rocket Surgery "

[ ] Can a traumatic event trigger RA?

> Hi All,


> Another " investigative " question to throw yet another spanner into the

> group

> works! ;)))


> In addition to a possible infection, there is the theory that RA may also

> be

> triggered by a traumatic event or a prolonged period of stress that puts a

> lot

> of strain on the immune system. Around the time that I got Lyme's (Labor

> day

> weekend in Cape Cod), my Mum was suddenly diagnosed with late stage,

> aggressive breast and liver cancer and passed away in only 5 short weeks.

> It was a

> horrible shock to all the family and I was devastated by her loss. I think

> the

> combination of this traumatic event in my life, while coping with an

> infection

> that was diagnosed too late to treat easily, was what triggered my RA.


> I was speaking with someone (not in this group) recently who said she

> could

> definitely place the start of her RA with two events - she was the victim

> of a

> vicious crime and then had a very severe chest infection.


> Can anyone else in the group pinpoint occurrences that may have triggered

> their RA?


> Peace, n

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Dear All,

I was so overwhelmed and moved by all the responses (both on-site and off) to

my query about stress and traumatic events triggering an autoimmune response

in the body. All warriors are we! Bless you all for sharing such personal

stories with me, for which I am very grateful.

The reason I asked this question is because I've been mulling over something

in my own mind and I'd be interested to know how you all feel about this. If

you hate the idea or think it's hokey, that's okay. If you are open to it and

want to try it out, then please do!

I'm a real advocate of the body to self heal and sincerely hope that everyone

who responded to my first question would consider replying to this one as a

follow-up! Okay, here goes....

I find that when I am stressed or upset, my emotional pain is generally

internalized and turned inwards - in effect, an attack on myself - and it is no

wonder that this pain then goes on the attack within the body, creating exactly

what I've unconsciously intended for myself. It is because of this that I have

to wonder at the potential enormity of our power to transform this

unconscious, self-destructive behavior to heal ourselves.

A few posts ago, I mentioned a book by Gregg Braden, called " The Divine

Matrix " . In his book, Braden talks about the power of visualization, backed by

scientific study. I know when I'm in emotional pain, the visuals are very real


filled with all kinds of fear-based emotions, as my mind goes over and over

every conceivable disastrous scenario and outcome. If these kinds of

stress-related visualizations have the power to trigger such dis-ease (lack of


within the body, then why wouldn't visualizations of complete healing, embued

with the emotions of joy, happiness and inner peace create a similar, but


effect within the body?

I'd love to hear any and all input on this and whether members would be

willing to try this visualization on a daily basis for a while? I'm not saying

that we'd all be miraculously healed and go into remission, but I'm not

discounting the possibility either! I just feel that " where two or more are

gathered "

there is great potential for healing.

Blessings, n

" In the subtle realms, intention is action " ...Leonard Laskow, " Healing With

Love " .

" Expect miracles! "

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I was at a company picnic and played badminton for many games, after that,

my wrist hurt badly. I wasn't diagnosed with RA until a year later. That

wrist is now very damaged from RA and practically has fused itself together.

Another company party, someone threw me in a pool and my ankle jammed on the

bottom. I also have damage in that ankle to this day. No, I don't work for

that company anymore!!


----- Original Message -----

> Can anyone else in the group pinpoint occurrences that may have triggered

> their RA?


> Peace, n


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My RA started explosively and quickly in the majority of joints in

my body.. during a very stressful time in my life. I had two major

surgeries, ( one gastric bypass with 137 lb weight loss), my mother

passed away, my son was on his first depoyment to Iraq, and I had a

career interuption which was permanent once I got sick.. prior to

all this .. i had several years of prolonged stress, so lots and

lots going on with me.I strongly believe the stress had alot to do

with my onset.


> Can anyone else in the group pinpoint occurrences that may have


> their RA?


> Peace, n




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I'm convinced it's stress.

My symptoms began when I was nine years old. In the eighteen months

prior to the first appearance of my symptoms we moved three times. I

went to four different schools in three semesters. One brother

suffered a skull fracture. I had a bout with Scarletina (a mild form

of Scarlet fever I'm told), Both brothers burned down the barn (Mom

thought they were in it, when they were actually in the cornfield

scared to death, watching) we got evicted and moved for the third

time, my parents were constantly fighting. And when I began

complaining of pain in my knees I was pushed away, accused of just

wanting attention...nice.

When I was officially diagnosed eight years later rheumatoid

arthritis was kind of like the boogy man. People had heard of it but

no one had actually seen it.

Now, it seems " everyone " is getting some form or another of it.

I'm convinced it is stress. Too much to do. Too much to choose from.

Too much competition. And TOO MUCH TELEVISION.

TV today makes me hurt just to look at it. Violence, screaming,

death, destruction, mayhem and murder. And that's just the

commercials! *wink* I can't really watch TV anymore. The constant

scence changes every second or so, the flashing graphics and in your

face screaming of the commercials. I find myself so tensed up that I

have to mentally remind myself to " relax " . Every muscle in my body

is tensed up.

Thank goodness of commercial free radio.

Turn off the TV and take care.


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n, both my PCP and my rheumy feel that a severe auto accident was

the trigger for my PMR. They both say that any major stress, physical

or emotional, can be a trigger. One of the big things they have

worked with me on is managing stress. I'm having some major issues

with one of my sons, and when it gets nasty, I hurt for a couple of

weeks. I use meditation, massage therapy, etc., and it has help as

much as any of the medications. Acupuncture really helps with the

pain, too. On the other hand, my Bible study group makes me feel so

much better! I would definitely work on the visualization, I think it

has great potential.

Good luck and gentle hugs,

On 1/28/07, momazmat@... <momazmat@...> wrote:

> Dear All,


> I was so overwhelmed and moved by all the responses (both on-site and off) to

> my query about stress and traumatic events triggering an autoimmune response

> in the body. All warriors are we! Bless you all for sharing such personal

> stories with me, for which I am very grateful.


> The reason I asked this question is because I've been mulling over something

> in my own mind and I'd be interested to know how you all feel about this. If

> you hate the idea or think it's hokey, that's okay. If you are open to it and

> want to try it out, then please do!


> I'm a real advocate of the body to self heal and sincerely hope that everyone

> who responded to my first question would consider replying to this one as a

> follow-up! Okay, here goes....


> I find that when I am stressed or upset, my emotional pain is generally

> internalized and turned inwards - in effect, an attack on myself - and it is


> wonder that this pain then goes on the attack within the body, creating


> what I've unconsciously intended for myself. It is because of this that I have

> to wonder at the potential enormity of our power to transform this

> unconscious, self-destructive behavior to heal ourselves.


> A few posts ago, I mentioned a book by Gregg Braden, called " The Divine

> Matrix " . In his book, Braden talks about the power of visualization, backed by

> scientific study. I know when I'm in emotional pain, the visuals are very real


> filled with all kinds of fear-based emotions, as my mind goes over and over

> every conceivable disastrous scenario and outcome. If these kinds of

> stress-related visualizations have the power to trigger such dis-ease (lack of


> within the body, then why wouldn't visualizations of complete healing, embued

> with the emotions of joy, happiness and inner peace create a similar, but


> effect within the body?


> I'd love to hear any and all input on this and whether members would be

> willing to try this visualization on a daily basis for a while? I'm not


> that we'd all be miraculously healed and go into remission, but I'm not

> discounting the possibility either! I just feel that " where two or more are

gathered "

> there is great potential for healing.


> Blessings, n


> " In the subtle realms, intention is action " ...Leonard Laskow, " Healing With

> Love " .


> " Expect miracles! "




Shoreview, MN, until April! brrrr!

South Pasadena, CA

You can see my galleries at http://www.pbase.com/arenared986

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