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Re: Hi all, Newbie Here

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I have a question for you. In all this testing did they ever do a

bone scan to detect osteoporosis?? I ask because your description of

your bone aching sounds too familiar to me!!! And I never realized

just how painful it could be until I was diagnose with it...and still

I did not believe it until my PCP sat me down and said...this is

where that " unGodly " pain that you describe is coming from. You need

more than just a vicodin for this.....it is just a thought if you

haven't yet had this done...it takes very little time, is virtually

painless ...(except for the postiions you must lie in at

times!)...and may be the cause of your pain being so intense! it

might be worth it for you to request the test if you haven't had it

yet! THen you would get the meds you need to help with this intense


In , " " <swtlisab@...> wrote:



> Anyway, I really don't know a whole lot about any of the three

> disease/illnesses other than the pain I face ever day. I've been

> suffering for many years with pain in my neck, migraines, shoulder

> pain, deep bone aches (only way to describe it) in right arm, joint

> aches in wrists, ankles, right elbow and very tender spots (almost

> all the fibro spots). If you touch the bone areas directly under

> any joint in say my fingers, the joints aren't necessarily tender


> I'm as open as any book, so if you have any questions please feel

> free to ask. And if you can think of anything to tell me please


> me know.. cause I really am lost at sea with all three of these

> diagnoses.


> For now




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Oh My Gosh !

I read your intro and I feel for you I have the same fibro pains you

do and have done the same things you have to find answers. I to am

newly dx and finding my way. this is a great place to be. You can

find friends to listens. " Not doctors " to give you some advice on

great tips to help you get throught the rough spots. Feels free to

come here to scream, cry or laugh when you need to. We're all here

for each other.

Sounds like you have been through the whole dr and pain thing more

than me but have you tried lidoderm patches? I was told that I

needed to get more rest also. I find that committing myself to

taking at least one nap during the day and trying to sleep with out

the ambien is better than taking it. I only take it when I have to

because taking it long term puts me in a fog that's hard to clear

and then I'm tired all the time and I get put on something else to

make me sleep at night " because I'm not getting enough rest at

night " so say the great doctors.



> I guess I'll start by introducing myself. I'm in Florida. I

> just joined the group yesterday. I was recently diagnosed with

> carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I'm 37, married

> with two teenage sons (who are driving me crazy lol!)


> Anyway, I really don't know a whole lot about any of the three

> disease/illnesses other than the pain I face ever day. I've been

> suffering for many years with pain in my neck, migraines, shoulder

> pain, deep bone aches (only way to describe it) in right arm,


> aches in wrists, ankles, right elbow and very tender spots (almost

> all the fibro spots). If you touch the bone areas directly under

> any joint in say my fingers, the joints aren't necessarily tender

> but the bones above and below are. I have chronic snap, crack, and

> popping so loud and painful, others around me feel it. Sometimes

> when I look sideways I think my neck broke. Believe it or not a

> couple doctors told me this was " normal " . The Rheumy doctor

> explained this as osteo boney spurs that rub together . I've been

> to countless doctors who have told me everything from you just


> to learn to live with it (basically making me feel like I'm making

> it up) to one doctor who wanted to give me a cervical spine fusion

> (thank god I didn't do it!). I've been through 4 years of steriod

> shots, nerve blocks, costersteriod injections, physical therapy,

> botox injections, massage therapy, etc, etc, etc. Think you get


> idea.


> History: Fractured T-7/T-8 Seventeen years ago, fell off porch,

> Whiplash injury Fourteen years ago, auto accident, Whiplash injury

> last november, auto accident. Daily computer work 8-12 hours per



> Anywho, I was having a problem with my right thumb totally


> up on me every morning and it would take about an hour before I

> could get it to move. My primary sent me to a Rheumatologist.


> appt. with the Rheumatologist was last Thursday (5 months


> He did the expected blood test, xrays, and poking and proding.

> During the exam he said " you definetly have Fibromyalgia and you

> have ostearthritis in your thumbs and cervical probably your knees

> too, I'll get some xrays order for these " . He also said he


> care what the Neurologist said I definetly have carpal tunnel. He

> said this after he did the physical tests to see if the numbness

> tingling presented, and of course it did. (I had a carpal tunnel

> electrical impulse test that was negetive). I had the xrays taken

> yesterday. He ordered many xrays of the neck, back, hands, knees


> hips. I also had blood drawn. I go back for my follow up the end


> Sept. Half of me expects him to say " well, I was wrong. All the

> xrays and blood work show you're normal. Nothing wrong with you.

> Must be in your mind " . What a cruel joke that would be. How can


> physical exam tell you one thing but the xrays and bloodwork tell

> you something else? grrrr.. now I'm going to stress over this.


> do I have to be a Type A? LOL


> So, after years of suffering both physically and emotionally now


> anxious that I have words to go with the pain but is it just


> doctor with just another diagnosis? Will they be able to make me

> feel better now? He presribed Ultram for pain, Tramdol at bedtime

> to help sleep and relax (says most ppl with Fibro need to start


> sleeping better) and told me to start taking Move Free Advanced


> Joint (green box). He said it will really take about 6 months for

> this to start working if its going to help but to try it. It's


> the counter. Does anyone else take this? I was surprised he

> recommended an over the counter to tell you the truth!


> This is turning into a novel and I'm not a very good writer so I'm

> going to begin my closing LOL. I'm not sure what else to write

> anyway. I have my setting on Daily Digest as I do get my emails

> while at the office and didn't want to get bombarded (LOL) but I

> will definetly partake in the conversation as I can. =)


> I'm as open as any book, so if you have any questions please feel

> free to ask. And if you can think of anything to tell me please


> me know.. cause I really am lost at sea with all three of these

> diagnoses.


> For now




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Welcome to the group! Yes, getting all the daily e-mails is like a

bombardment, but at least it's from others who share your experiences and who

understand your pain and frustration.

I only joined myself two weeks ago and am glad I did. There are many loving,

helpful people here who are willing to offer sympathy, comfort and


My diagnoses: RA, Fibro & Sjogren's Syndrome. Married mother of 4- hubby and

I both employed full-time. Extremely busy and find it hard to rest. Hubby is

insulin-dependent diabetic. Last week, we got the news that he might have

kidney damage.

Just keep hanging in there. After all, what's the alternative? Lay down and

die? My thinking is, if we're still here, then we still have a purpose in being

here. Perhaps when other people have problems and they want to give in, they

look at people like us and think, " if THEY can keep hanging on, then I can,

too. "

It's easy to get discouraged going through what all of us here do. This

morning, I didn't even want to get out of bed. But, I did and I'm here at work

and thanking God that He gave me the strength to do it.

May you have a blessed and pain free day!

(Alvin, Texas)

<swtlisab@...> wrote:

I guess I'll start by introducing myself. I'm in Florida. I

just joined the group yesterday. I was recently diagnosed with

carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I'm 37, married

with two teenage sons (who are driving me crazy lol!)

Anyway, I really don't know a whole lot about any of the three

disease/illnesses other than the pain I face ever day. I've been

suffering for many years with pain in my neck, migraines, shoulder

pain, deep bone aches (only way to describe it) in right arm, joint

aches in wrists, ankles, right elbow and very tender spots (almost

all the fibro spots). If you touch the bone areas directly under

any joint in say my fingers, the joints aren't necessarily tender

but the bones above and below are. I have chronic snap, crack, and

popping so loud and painful, others around me feel it. Sometimes

when I look sideways I think my neck broke. Believe it or not a

couple doctors told me this was " normal " . The Rheumy doctor

explained this as osteo boney spurs that rub together . I've been

to countless doctors who have told me everything from you just have

to learn to live with it (basically making me feel like I'm making

it up) to one doctor who wanted to give me a cervical spine fusion

(thank god I didn't do it!). I've been through 4 years of steriod

shots, nerve blocks, costersteriod injections, physical therapy,

botox injections, massage therapy, etc, etc, etc. Think you get the


History: Fractured T-7/T-8 Seventeen years ago, fell off porch,

Whiplash injury Fourteen years ago, auto accident, Whiplash injury

last november, auto accident. Daily computer work 8-12 hours per day.

Anywho, I was having a problem with my right thumb totally freezing

up on me every morning and it would take about an hour before I

could get it to move. My primary sent me to a Rheumatologist. The

appt. with the Rheumatologist was last Thursday (5 months later!).

He did the expected blood test, xrays, and poking and proding.

During the exam he said " you definetly have Fibromyalgia and you

have ostearthritis in your thumbs and cervical probably your knees

too, I'll get some xrays order for these " . He also said he doesn't

care what the Neurologist said I definetly have carpal tunnel. He

said this after he did the physical tests to see if the numbness

tingling presented, and of course it did. (I had a carpal tunnel

electrical impulse test that was negetive). I had the xrays taken

yesterday. He ordered many xrays of the neck, back, hands, knees and

hips. I also had blood drawn. I go back for my follow up the end of

Sept. Half of me expects him to say " well, I was wrong. All the

xrays and blood work show you're normal. Nothing wrong with you.

Must be in your mind " . What a cruel joke that would be. How can a

physical exam tell you one thing but the xrays and bloodwork tell

you something else? grrrr.. now I'm going to stress over this. Why

do I have to be a Type A? LOL

So, after years of suffering both physically and emotionally now I'm

anxious that I have words to go with the pain but is it just another

doctor with just another diagnosis? Will they be able to make me

feel better now? He presribed Ultram for pain, Tramdol at bedtime

to help sleep and relax (says most ppl with Fibro need to start with

sleeping better) and told me to start taking Move Free Advanced with

Joint (green box). He said it will really take about 6 months for

this to start working if its going to help but to try it. It's over

the counter. Does anyone else take this? I was surprised he

recommended an over the counter to tell you the truth!

This is turning into a novel and I'm not a very good writer so I'm

going to begin my closing LOL. I'm not sure what else to write

anyway. I have my setting on Daily Digest as I do get my emails

while at the office and didn't want to get bombarded (LOL) but I

will definetly partake in the conversation as I can. =)

I'm as open as any book, so if you have any questions please feel

free to ask. And if you can think of anything to tell me please let

me know.. cause I really am lost at sea with all three of these


For now

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Hi Jenna,

No, I've never been tested for Osteoporosis. It's never even been

mentioned. Maybe because of my age? I know that my mother did in

fact have this (she died at 56) is this something that's hereditary?

I wonder if its something insurance will cover no matter what age?

I'll have to look into this. hmmm.. does this show up on xrays? I

guess not huh.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome Annie. I have not tried

Lidoderm patches. Are those prescription only? I find myself in that

fog also and usually a nap helps.

Does anyone else have a significant other having a hard time accepting

your diagnose(s)? My husband doesn't seem to accept what the doctor

says and/or he doesn't agree. It's not that my husband thinks I'm

making things up, maybe he just doesn't think its as bad as I say it

is, or maybe it just doesn't understand that it is as bad as others

agree it to be. (does this make sense?).

For now.

> >

> >>

> > Anyway, I really don't know a whole lot about any of the three

> > disease/illnesses other than the pain I face ever day. I've been

> > suffering for many years with pain in my neck, migraines, shoulder

> > pain, deep bone aches (only way to describe it) in right arm, joint

> > aches in wrists, ankles, right elbow and very tender spots (almost

> > all the fibro spots). If you touch the bone areas directly under

> > any joint in say my fingers, the joints aren't necessarily tender


> >

> > I'm as open as any book, so if you have any questions please feel

> > free to ask. And if you can think of anything to tell me please

> let

> > me know.. cause I really am lost at sea with all three of these

> > diagnoses.

> >

> > For now

> >

> >

> >


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Hi :

Yep, it makes a lot of sense to me. It is hard for

others to understand our pain, because we generally

look just the same as we did before the pain began.

They are not in our body, cannot feel our pain, and

cannot see our pain like you would if you had

fractured your leg or something. It is very difficult

to get across to others something they cannot touch or

see, and all I can say is that it takes time for them

to adjust. They never really get it, because only

those who have lived with this pain can truly

understand, but with time your hubby should come to

awareness of your pain.

Have you taken him to a doctor's appointment?

Sometimes hearing it from a medical professional helps

get it through. Or find information on the net to

send to him - when I was first dx, I used to send my

hubby email with information on RA (and now fibro

too), because it seemed to be easier on him to read it

than sit and listen to me describe what it was, the

symptoms, the pain, etc. Just some suggestions - I

know that having a loved one not " get it " is very

hard, and to feel that they don't think we have the

kind of pain we do is hard on us emotionally, but just

give him time, and hopefully he will come around. My

hubby did.

As far as the osteoporosis issue, ask your doctor

about a dexascan. My doctor just recently had this

done on me, in her office, and it measures the bone

density from your hips down - the larger joints are

the ones they take the measurements of. My bones are

great - nice and strong. Wish the rest of my body

were as good lol.

Hang in there -

Kathe in CA

--- <swtlisab@...> wrote:

> Hi Jenna,


> No, I've never been tested for Osteoporosis. It's

> never even been

> mentioned. Maybe because of my age? I know that my

> mother did in

> fact have this (she died at 56) is this something

> that's hereditary?

> I wonder if its something insurance will cover no

> matter what age?

> I'll have to look into this. hmmm.. does this

> show up on xrays? I

> guess not huh.


> Thank you so much for the warm welcome Annie. I

> have not tried

> Lidoderm patches. Are those prescription only? I

> find myself in that

> fog also and usually a nap helps.


> Does anyone else have a significant other having a

> hard time accepting

> your diagnose(s)? My husband doesn't seem to accept

> what the doctor

> says and/or he doesn't agree. It's not that my

> husband thinks I'm

> making things up, maybe he just doesn't think its as

> bad as I say it

> is, or maybe it just doesn't understand that it is

> as bad as others

> agree it to be. (does this make sense?).


> For now.





> > >

> > >>

> > > Anyway, I really don't know a whole lot about

> any of the three

> > > disease/illnesses other than the pain I face

> ever day. I've been

> > > suffering for many years with pain in my neck,

> migraines, shoulder

> > > pain, deep bone aches (only way to describe it)

> in right arm, joint

> > > aches in wrists, ankles, right elbow and very

> tender spots (almost

> > > all the fibro spots). If you touch the bone

> areas directly under

> > > any joint in say my fingers, the joints aren't

> necessarily tender

> >

> > >

> > > I'm as open as any book, so if you have any

> questions please feel

> > > free to ask. And if you can think of anything

> to tell me please

> > let

> > > me know.. cause I really am lost at sea with all

> three of these

> > > diagnoses.

> > >

> > > For now

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >









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