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medical feilds

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Debi, I to feel the same in regards to medical fields too as for some

they are of not listening to the patients anymore. they are of not

asking questions in ways for us to communicate effectively or taking

the time to really listen as in a detective sort of fashions to their


I to often go and the doctors, not just my medical one that isof my

primary one, but others and they will tell of me one things and the

next one tells me another and another and each has of thier ideas and

none comes to conclusions for the over all health of me. Each passes

it off to be of things that do not make of logical sense to me of the

cause of an illness for me.

I to also hate when one suggests of a certain disease and I to

research of it much so and it matches of me much so then the next

doctor shares no and will not even pursue to look at that as part of

a dx to me. When I to research of things like some here do on the

autism and htey learn of much things aobut it and such and yet when

you go to a speicalist and share what things you learned tobe of true

for things of it they look at you as if you are of crazy and get of

offeded that you seem to have more info than them and will then

discredit of you words and share the things you learned is garbage

things. yet all the research papers share all teh even minute details

of the disease and you are of on line with many who have of the

disease like thi slist serve , and so you gain insight from first

hands things and yet you speiclaist refuses to acknowledge of it and


Such as my first suspect was of Lupus for self much time back. Then I

to go to the doctor my primary one and she confirms that yes this is

of a possilbitiy but since been having somuch cankers in my mouth and

leasions like shingles to my eye she felt that it was more likely to

be of behcets because it is similar to lupus but you have of those

cankers and skin leasion like things which separates it and makes it

more like a behcets. So I to researched of it and it does match of me

much so. Yet the rheumotologist refuses to acknowledge of it and not

even looking at it being a possible because the info he has is not

full and is of out dated for the real of the disease . Anyways after

me to suggest to him it of maybe lupus or bechets , he had the last

visit mentioned of the possible that after much testing and such he

things it is of lupus and fibromyalgia combined. I to feel we wasted

of much time and could be to have been in treatment already for the

autoimmune things.

But my medical doctor explained to me that the specialist would be of

a bad doctor it he had just dx without taking the time to do testing

and ruling out other causes first. It is of just good medicine as she

explained to rule out other causes medically because if they just dx

wihtout this process they can be to possibly treat for wrong things

and cause more harm even death to some if they do not treat the right

disease. But the truth be if the speicalist had been to explain that

to me in the begin then my logic could be to have understood and

understood the long process of why the wait for treatment. I to go

back at the end of the end of the month to this rheumatologist

speicalist. My medical doctor gave of me the neurontin in between and

it has been to help of the pains some but not in complete but makes

of life barable at times. but the strong happy feelings are no longer

there and so disappointed in that as it seemed like a miracle things

for me in the begin but now is not giving me the same affect.

But for me any mores I to just come to conclusions tired of the

medical things and so no matter how much paines just plan to not

speak of it to the medical because they frustrate of me and it causes

so much poked and such and then added more expectations of testing

and new professionals and such and it just gets to be of too much for

me. To me it is of just as much anxiety producing as it would be to

some who every time you go out the police tend to arrest you at

random times soonb you might fear and panic about to go out. I to

feel that way within the medical care of me.

Also not sure if shared but the lower scope showed of polyps in the

cecum and they removed of them in December. teh research shows that

is of the areas they find much polyps to grow into colon cancers and

the increase of cancer is with those who are of vitamin D defiencent

so I to just feel as no matter how hard I to try to avoid of bad

helath things they are of still a lurking threat to me.


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