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Re:Has anyone ever heard of a rheumatologist that won't treat pain?

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My Rheumy refused to give me anything for pain and even though he agreed I

needed an antidepressant, he wouldn't write a prescription for it. I have read

the thread about the MTX and laughed to myself. I have been off MTX since last

Sept and I'm honestly in constant pain, walk like an old old lady and I have to

hold on to something to get off the couch or chair which takes a while. I would

love to go back on MTX.

I went to my Internist today and gave him my story of all my woes. He

recommended that I get at least a second opinion from the Rheumy that found

for me. He has some patients that see him with no complaints. They will call me

tomorrow with the appt time. He will call my GYN and see if he can straighten

out the mess there. Wrote prescriptions for Lexapro, an anti depressive Daypro

600 Mg to take 2 daily for pain, it's an antinflamatory, Hydrocodne 10mg/650 mg

for pain when I really need it, raised my Synthroid because my thyroid TSH had

gotten higher. I left his office feeling so much better. I sure hope I like this

new Rheumy because after spending the time I did with my Internist and to have

him listen to my concerns and was willing to make suggestions and I didn't feel

rushed and I felt like he cared. I realize I do not have that with the Rheumy I

have now and that just isn't acceptable to me. I have some chronic medical

diseases and I need my doctor to at least listen to me and act like he/she


Thanks for all the feedback I received from you guys. I finally have some hope

for the future.

Nigel, if you are still checking this web site, please accept my condolences and

know my prayers are with you. I recall Annette well. I try and read all the

posts but I don't write very often. I admired her for jumping right in there!


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My original rheumy did not treat my pain, left me under the impression nothing

could be done for it. I spent 2 years in a horrid pain filled fog and totally

unable to move my arms or legs at all. I lost my insurance due to inability to

work, had to wait for my Medicare to kick in.....rheumy would not sign paperwork

for me to get med assistance from med manufacturerer.....had me only on MTX and

nothing else.

That rheumy retired. It took me several months to find a new one, and in

meanwhile the GP at my old rheumys practice flat out refused to see me at

all.....said I had to see a rheumy, noone else-----

My new rheumy originally told me he would not see me unless I quit smoking, then

he put me on pred, mtx and humira......to my delite, pain has not been an issue

since then, BUT I am appalled how too many docs do not address pain and how it

can be so hard to find the correct specialists for things and the LONG waiting

lists to get in by specialists.

And now my current rheumy is pushing on me to see a GP and a psychiatrist for

smoking cessation, and has even tried to demand inpatient rehab for smoking. My

GP still refuses to see me for anything- in spite of me now having a new rheumy,

and keeps trying to tell me " everything " is RA/Lupus.....

My son had an abnormal MRI and he had to wait 2 YEARS to get in to a neurologist

for them to interpret the abnormal MRI. Yeesh.- and they knew he had an

abnormal MRI.

I am weary with docs.

Nope, no pain meds here.....hard enough to get an appt at all.

And first rheumy tried to dismiss me for months.....telling me he thought it was

a manifestation of my....bipolar disorder. And my ER and GP kept trying to

convince me I must have hurt myself and not realized it, and that was their

explanation for my hot red swollen joints and pain. I kept asking how could I

hurt ALL my fingers, both thumbs, both wrists, all my toes, both ankles and my


I also kept asking how bipolar disorder would make joints red hot and swollen?

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