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----- Original Message ----- From: MARTHA-NSIF

Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 10:40 PM

From: " Patty" <fdp@...>

"Ilena Rosenthal" <ilena@...>

Subject: The War Against Ilena--Please Post

I have been very saddened at the letters I have received about those persons warring against Ilena. For the life of me, I cannot understand this. Ilena has been the one person in this whole implant ordeal who has given

her all, has bonded the women together, has put her whole life and soul into the issue, has spent her inheritance, given up her career, and been

so outspoken as to have the wrath of the manufacturers tear her life

apart in a court of law, even though she has never been the "beneficiary"

of their product. She has been so totally selfless in her devotion of her time and resources. She has been an angel of light to so many of us who were lost in the dark. What women of those warring against her can say the same?

Ilena's skill at leadership way surpasses that of any of those persons

who are speaking against her, and this is an issue that requires an

effective leader with the ability to communicate strength. In the 4 years that I have been involved in this issue, I have seen so

much damage done to those within the ranks by their own soldiers that it

grieves me. What is it? Jealousy? Envy? Being bought out? Wanting to wrest control for person gain? Self-promotion? Self exaltation? Think you can do it better?

In my humble opinion, none of the women speaking against Ilena have the

competence in communication to take over the reigns of the silicone

issue. I have no faith, judging from what I have seen written by Lawrence,

Martha Murdock, Myrl Jeffcoat, SS, or any other who endeavors to "take

over", that they have what it takes to be an effective leader, and take

on the likes of Barrett or O'Leary. Ilena has had to take these monsters on because of her outspokenness on

the silicone issue, and no other reason. Who of these other women have

the nerve to take on what Ilena has? I shudder to think of what she had

been through on our behalf. Who of the other women has been published?

Pardon me if I have missed their letters, but I seem to be able to recall

many more letters of Ilena's that have brought attention in the media to

women harmed by silicone. Ilena has the gift...she has talent with

the pen that others lack. Not only that, she has the tenacity, the

moxie, the nerve, the strength, the professional support, the stamina and

the intelligence to deal with the severely injurious daggers that are

thrown her way by those on the other side of the issue. How disgusting that the daggers have been thrown by her own fallen

comrades! The motivation of these women smells evil.

Even if they have not been in agreement of some of the actions of Ilena's

what benefit is it to attack her? Many of us have put our faith in God, that truth will prevail over

deceit, that good will win over bad, that those who are taking the higher

road will prevail over those who are motivated by evil intentions and

have caused harm to the innocent. It is necessary that the group of

women harmed by implants remains free from divison and self serving

intentions that come from evil passions.

To me, these women speaking against Ilena are on the wrong side of the fence.

Self interest will never bring about the final victory for the group as a

whole. It will only bring about destruction. As the Bible states, and this is a

truth confirmed through historical experience, "a house divided cannot

stand." There are women here who are bringing down the house. We would do well to listen to the wise admonition of the great Rabbi

Gamaliel, who said, "Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their

purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from

God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourself

fighting against God." We need to let God take the lead in our fight, ladies, or it will fail. Quarrels and divisions among us are not of God, and will only lead to our

destruction. Those who have taken the role of instigating the fight carry the responsibility for the damage that has been done, and

ultimately, for our defeat.

I pray that Ilena has not been so mortally injured by those she came to

help that she has lost the strength to fight. I am distraught at the

evilness that has befallen her by women themselves harmed by implants.

It is sickening. I urge you to recognize evil for what it is, and to take a stand against

it. Never allow yourself to be carried away by those who urge division within

the ranks.

For those who want to take part in the fight differently, do it your way,

but leave your comrades alone. Let us tend to the wounds of our leader

and remain united. God bless you Ilena. I love you, and I am praying for you! Love, Patty

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