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fish oil

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Hi All,

This is the kind I get and that my kids love and call them candy. I know not all

kids will do that, but it is worth a try. If they won't they are a perfectly

great source of vitamins for you and you can swallow them without having the

nasty fish burping that typically comes with taking fish oil pills. They also

have a liquid form of this that you can mix into orange juice or apple juice and

my kids do not notice at all. My son has recently " Lost his diagnosis " due to

eating these so much. That is my firm belief, although the idiots just want to

say that he must have been misdiagnosed. But either way these have worked

miricles for my son. They have helped my girls, but have not helped them nearly

to the extent they have helped him. Good luck!


Subject: Fish Oil

To: francis.joanna@..., autism_in_girls

Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 2:18 PM

We started giving Melody (3 Autism) fish oil a few months ago, and it was a

significant, noticeable difference in her.

She became more attentive and verbal! It was like our little miracle supplement!

The tough part is getting it into her. The most successful way I have found is

to blend it into a smoothie, but 90% of the time she doesn't drink the smoothie,

so I drink it before it goes to waste. I now have a shiny coat (just kidding).

So, basically I have stopped giving it to her, but I honestly believe it was a

kick-start to get her going! She is now in preschool and is doing phenomenally


I keep hearing from different people (like her speech therapist and one of her

ABA therapists) that she may lose her diagnosis! This excites me and frightens

me at the same time.

Anyhow, enough of my tangent. Go with the fish oils, and try blending them into

a smoothie if she'll drink it.

Good luck!

Lynn Shoop


www.novatomotherscl ub.com

Creative Memories Senior Consultant

www.mycmsite. com/lynnshoop

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Congrats, Esther. My kids like them too, just not the one with autism.

<sigh> We're gonna test her vit A levels in a couple of weeks, the

morons at the lab botched that test, she's low in so many others, vit

A wouldn't surprise me, either.


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Flax Seed oil had the same benefit for my kids -- mine swallow capsules

but I bet if you had to break them open they wouldn't taste as bad as

fish oil. I don't know how the omega-3s in flax seed compare to those

in fish oil.

-- Cassie

MikeandLynnShoop wrote:

> We started giving Melody (3 Autism) fish oil a few months ago, and it

> was a significant, noticeable difference in her.


> She became more attentive and verbal! It was like our little miracle

> supplement!


> The tough part is getting it into her. The most successful way I have

> found is to blend it into a smoothie, but 90% of the time she doesn't

> drink the smoothie, so I drink it before it goes to waste. I now have

> a shiny coat (just kidding). So, basically I have stopped giving it to

> her, but I honestly believe it was a kick-start to get her going! She

> is now in preschool and is doing phenomenally well!


> I keep hearing from different people (like her speech therapist and

> one of her ABA therapists) that she may lose her diagnosis! This

> excites me and frightens me at the same time.


> Anyhow, enough of my tangent. Go with the fish oils, and try blending

> them into a smoothie if she'll drink it.


> Good luck!


> Lynn Shoop

> Co-Director

> www.novatomothersclub.com


> Creative Memories Senior Consultant

> www.mycmsite.com/lynnshoop




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The problem is that flax oil contains ALA, but not EPA and DHA, which

are essential for our kids (and for us). ALA *can* be converted to

DHA and EPA, but very slowly, and most of the time it does not get

converted because the high omega 6 in flax oil and other supposedly

(but not) healthful oils in most people's diet (canola, etc.) compete

for enzymes that convert ALA to EPA and DHA. Therefore, fish oil

supplementation becomes necessary. We also need GLA for the proper

balance, so borage or another GLA oil must be added as well.

> Flax Seed oil had the same benefit for my kids -- mine swallow

> capsules

> but I bet if you had to break them open they wouldn't taste as bad as

> fish oil. I don't know how the omega-3s in flax seed compare to those

> in fish oil.


> -- Cassie


> MikeandLynnShoop wrote:

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try Omega-cure.com

no smell or taste but expensive

Subject: Fish Oil

To: francis.joanna@..., autism_in_girls

Date: Tuesday, July 22, 2008, 8:18 PM

We started giving Melody (3 Autism) fish oil a few months ago, and it was a

significant, noticeable difference in her.

She became more attentive and verbal! It was like our little miracle supplement!

The tough part is getting it into her. The most successful way I have found is

to blend it into a smoothie, but 90% of the time she doesn't drink the smoothie,

so I drink it before it goes to waste. I now have a shiny coat (just kidding).

So, basically I have stopped giving it to her, but I honestly believe it was a

kick-start to get her going! She is now in preschool and is doing phenomenally


I keep hearing from different people (like her speech therapist and one of her

ABA therapists) that she may lose her diagnosis! This excites me and frightens

me at the same time.

Anyhow, enough of my tangent. Go with the fish oils, and try blending them into

a smoothie if she'll drink it.

Good luck!

Lynn Shoop


www.novatomotherscl ub.com

Creative Memories Senior Consultant

www.mycmsite. com/lynnshoop

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-- Cassie

cathylynn2 wrote:

> The problem is that flax oil contains ALA, but not EPA and DHA, which

> are essential for our kids (and for us). ALA *can* be converted to

> DHA and EPA, but very slowly, and most of the time it does not get

> converted because the high omega 6 in flax oil and other supposedly

> (but not) healthful oils in most people's diet (canola, etc.) compete

> for enzymes that convert ALA to EPA and DHA. Therefore, fish oil

> supplementation becomes necessary. We also need GLA for the proper

> balance, so borage or another GLA oil must be added as well.






> > Flax Seed oil had the same benefit for my kids -- mine swallow

> > capsules

> > but I bet if you had to break them open they wouldn't taste as bad as

> > fish oil. I don't know how the omega-3s in flax seed compare to those

> > in fish oil.

> >

> > -- Cassie

> >

> > MikeandLynnShoop wrote:




-- Cassie Zupke

Director, Open Doors Now

Click the link below to join our new Open Doors Now group information site to

access all our group news, calendar, forums, and current autism information.



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-- Cassie

cathylynn2 wrote:

> The problem is that flax oil contains ALA, but not EPA and DHA, which

> are essential for our kids (and for us). ALA *can* be converted to

> DHA and EPA, but very slowly, and most of the time it does not get

> converted because the high omega 6 in flax oil and other supposedly

> (but not) healthful oils in most people's diet (canola, etc.) compete

> for enzymes that convert ALA to EPA and DHA. Therefore, fish oil

> supplementation becomes necessary. We also need GLA for the proper

> balance, so borage or another GLA oil must be added as well.






> > Flax Seed oil had the same benefit for my kids -- mine swallow

> > capsules

> > but I bet if you had to break them open they wouldn't taste as bad as

> > fish oil. I don't know how the omega-3s in flax seed compare to those

> > in fish oil.

> >

> > -- Cassie

> >

> > MikeandLynnShoop wrote:




-- Cassie Zupke

Director, Open Doors Now

Click the link below to join our new Open Doors Now group information site to

access all our group news, calendar, forums, and current autism information.



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-- Cassie

cathylynn2 wrote:

> The problem is that flax oil contains ALA, but not EPA and DHA, which

> are essential for our kids (and for us). ALA *can* be converted to

> DHA and EPA, but very slowly, and most of the time it does not get

> converted because the high omega 6 in flax oil and other supposedly

> (but not) healthful oils in most people's diet (canola, etc.) compete

> for enzymes that convert ALA to EPA and DHA. Therefore, fish oil

> supplementation becomes necessary. We also need GLA for the proper

> balance, so borage or another GLA oil must be added as well.






> > Flax Seed oil had the same benefit for my kids -- mine swallow

> > capsules

> > but I bet if you had to break them open they wouldn't taste as bad as

> > fish oil. I don't know how the omega-3s in flax seed compare to those

> > in fish oil.

> >

> > -- Cassie

> >

> > MikeandLynnShoop wrote:




-- Cassie Zupke

Director, Open Doors Now

Click the link below to join our new Open Doors Now group information site to

access all our group news, calendar, forums, and current autism information.



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  • 2 months later...

There was a naturopath on TV the other day who recommended putting fish

oil capsules in the freezer. She said they'd stay frozen thru the

stomach, dissolving in the small intestine where they are absorbed and

thus prevent belching fish oil. Haven't tried it yet, just throwing it out.


Dennis Lipter wrote:


> Duncan,


> Which type of fish oil do you recommend, enteric coated or regular for

> general use with whey isolate?


> Thanks,


> Dennis


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