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pain management

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Hi all,

I have been off line for a week since our last Wednesday night chat on Dr.


Don't forget to come on over at 8 pm tonight for an hour PA chat. To get

there you go to: <A HREF= " http://www.drkoop.com/ " >drkoop.com</A> Our chat is

always Wednesday nights at 8 pm. If you have a chance go there ahead of time

and log in as a user and set up your password that way you can come right in

at 8pm.

Pain management is something I have a lot of experience with. I have been to

pain management specialists. In my area, anesthesiologists have set up a

practice for this specialty. They are very helpful and can work in

conjunction with your rheumatologist. You do not need to take

PREDISONE or nothing! Predisone is generally contraindicated in PA with the

exception of short term use for extreme flares. The side effects are weight

gain (permanent fat cells develop in your body) moon face, bloated abdomen,

diabetes, thinned skin, brittle bones, etc...

Even anxiety at higher doses.

I agree that it is very sad that a few drug

seeking individuals and now the government DEA are keeping doctors from

prescribing potent pain meds to legitimate pain patients.

If anyone wants to e mail me separately, I can tell them specifically what

meds I have tried and how successful they all were for me.

If anyone wants to read more about this dilemma and what is going on in pain

management, I am enclosing some web sites that I have found helpful:

<A HREF= " aol://4344:1643.MES_Top.12323799.530898146 " >PRC Message

Center</A> on AOL

<A HREF= " http://www.aapainmanage.org/index.html " >american academy of pain


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  • 1 month later...

In my experience, doctors try the NSAIDS first and of course the new ones

Celebrex and Vioixx. Next there is the codeine, demerol, tylenol with

codeine etc. Next is the morphine derivatives like MSContin etc. and of

course the Duragesic Patch (fentanyl).

For myself, I was advised that the codeine, demerol, etc were not a good idea

for long term pain management since they do not work as well as the longer

acting meds and they are very addictive. The longer acting Ms Contin and

OXycontin as well as the Duragesic Patch are recommended by pain management

specialists for long term pain control instead.

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  • 9 months later...
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Hi June,

Dr. Stuart Weg is a pain management specialist and has written a pain management

protocol for our website. It's at rheumatic.org/weg.htm and you might find it



>Im wondering if anyone has gone to a pain management center.

>Ive just come from my chiropractor and she suggested a specialist in the


>Im not in severe pain all the time but there are times when I feel I

>would function better if I had some relief. I don't know if the pain is

>really addressed with always the focus on the inflammation. I know

>prednisone probably helps with the pain and inflammation but Im not

>ready to go there.

>I still take the vioxx for inflammation but it doesn't help the pain any

>more and hasn't for a while.

>I haven't heard anyone mention a specialist for the pain.

>Has anyone tried this?

>Im curious to hear some feedback on it.






>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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Thanks Chris

I read that months ago and pretty much take all of what is there and more of

vitamins and supplements long before I started on AP

It just doesnt seem to be cutting it and I dont take prednisone nor do I

want to take prednisone.

I have really good alternative therapies also. It all offers some relief but

it doesnt seem to be enough.

Im looking for more


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  • 6 months later...

Hi All, For those of you who do not get Dr. Mercola's newsletter, I thought the following article might be of interest considering the talk of pain recently. It may be helpful for many of you. Carol/Piney

Bad Fall With Knee Pain Improved Immediately With NST

Dr. Mercola:

Thank you for sharing about NST. I received a treatment from Gene Dobkin while he was here in the Dallas area! WOW!

I have been receiving your e-mail newsletter for several months and have started researching the Bowen/NST treatment on the Internet.

Well, a little over a week ago, I had quite a bad fall, breaking my toe and twisting me knee, getting out of the old-fashioned tub to a step stool and missing the rug as I stepped down.

My left knee over extended and crackled, while my other leg went sprawling, and somehow my L big toe got caught in the screw that holds the toilet down (talented, huh??). Well in all of the commotion and panic, my left leg twisted and contorted to get free and I broke the tip of the first bone of the big toe clear through. I FELT like my toe was hanging from my foot and I didn't want to even look!

My knee also felt pretty badly torn. Oh, by the way, I was in the shower to help myself breathe better due to asthma and pneumonia, so I was not in the most alert state of mind to start with. And, I was alone. So this was a scary experience for me. But the Lord took care of me abundantly.

I checked the web site and clicked on "Practitioners in Your Area" and found Holcomb, right in Irving, TX where I live. So I called her and she said, "Wow! Gene is staying with me and he could see you tomorrow night!" I was thrilled.

But, nothing can describe the wonderful nurturing of being under those tender, healing WARM hands of Gene Dobkin!!! After an hour and half of therapy, with breaks in between, where I prayed for the Lord to keep me open to receive any benefit and to keep Gene open for Him to flow through him as healing, I FELT really relaxed and recalibrated as it were.

That night was the first night I did not use the Hydrocordone and Skelaxin in order to sleep, and my asthma was very light also. I will be seeing for four more treatments on a weekly basis. Even my blood pressure measured 10 points less at the doctors.

Thank you SO MUCH for mentioning this in your newsletter! May my Lord bless you and grant you more of Himself for your complete transformation into His image!

In Christ,

Pat Blanton

Irving, TX 972-255-9962



Thanks to Pat for permission to share her unsolicited e-mail regarding the improvement she received with NST. She was actually fortunate enough to be treated by one of the best practitioners of NST in the country. But the real beauty of this work is that most people trained in NST can produce similar results.

I was at a seminar in San Diego this week with about 30 medical doctors and chiropractors. I demonstrated the work on 7 of them and 6 had instant relief of their pain, some of which had been present for many years. One chiropractor had a ruptured cervical disc from a car accident six months ago with chronic pain. He also had instant relief.

Another chiropractor had shoulder pain for 7 months that was immediately relieved. Only one person with severe shoulder pain and restriction only had partial improvement. The amazing thing with all these treatments is that they were all brief five minute treatments or less. The full treatment is 45 minutes. They would have had even further improvements to their health had I had the time to give them full treatments.

Wouldn't You Like To Get Rid of Any Pain? Neurostructural Therapy (NST) is unrivaled by any technique I have ever seen. I have been working with it for 3 months and our success rate is well over 90%, and nearly all of these are in 3 or less visits. I am quite surprised that our May courses are not yet filled. However, the closer to May you wait to register the greater the likelihood there will be a waiting list.

I would have paid $10,000 to learn this technique and felt I got the better end of the arrangement. It is the most incredible tool I have ever acquired. If you are a clinician and already treat pain in patients this course is a must. If you are a patient you can go to www.usbowen.com for a list of the 100 practitioners in the US.

©Copyright Dr. ph Mercola, 2001. . This content may be copied in full, as long as copyright, contact, and creation information is given, only if used only in a not-for-profit format. If possible, I would also appreciate a personal endorsement and encouragement to subscribe to the newsletter. If any other use is desired, written permission is required.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Lynne, thank you for sharing that

information on pain management

which is an area that many of us

are getting short changed on.

The enclosed URL contains Dr Belgrade's article on appropriate

use of opiads for chronic pain:






Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

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Ray -

Thanks for the good website. I think most of us feel we have to fight so

much for the AP, who needs another battle?! Yet I for one am not going to

accept the pain I'm living in. It's not fair, when there are ways to control




>From: Ray Barrett <raybarrett@...>

>Date: 22 Mar 2001 19:07:02 PST


>Lynne, thank you for sharing that

>information on pain management

>which is an area that many of us

>are getting short changed on.

>The enclosed URL contains Dr Belgrade's article on appropriate

>use of opiads for chronic pain:






Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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  • 5 months later...

I have been lucky enough to see three diplomates of the society of Pain

Management specialists- one anesthesiologist, one PhD psychologist, and one

pharmacist. All three do not recommend the four hour pills like Demerol,

Tylenol with codeine and the like for people with long term pain issues like

us. For one thing they do not work well and for another thing they tend to

be the most addictive of all the narcotics aside from the illicit ones. The

three I mentioned in my earlier post are the ones most often recommended by

the pain management specialists in my area. In addition, I was also once

recommended an internal pump that is inserted under the fat in your stomach

and a small tube makes its way around to your spine and is placed in the

epidural space where tiny drops of morphine are fed into you. This method

allows use of a minuscule amount of the drug compared to the usual PO amounts

and it also lessens the usual side effects-like fatigue and dopiness from too

much pain medicine that occur occasionally. Unfortunately, here is the big

catch........If you have autoimmune difficulty you should not get any

implants if possible. Our immune systems are already on over drive-having an

implant the size of a big yo-yo would really be a bad idea, so my

rheumatologist tells me, and I canceled the procedure--oh well...good thing

he is my primary care physician and I tell him everything first!!

Hope this info helps someone.

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Actually, for me, Demerol has been very effective. When the pain is

really bad, it makes the difference between whether or not I can get out

of bed, go to work, and generally have a normal life. Some people do

get addicted to them, and many do not. If I had a doctor who did not

understand this, my life would be as good as over.

[ ] Re: Pain Management

I have been lucky enough to see three diplomates of the society of Pain

Management specialists- one anesthesiologist, one PhD psychologist, and


pharmacist. All three do not recommend the four hour pills like Demerol,

Tylenol with codeine and the like for people with long term pain issues


us. For one thing they do not work well and for another thing they tend


be the most addictive of all the narcotics aside from the illicit ones.

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  • 4 months later...


Since you haven't seen your Reumy in 2 years do you get your meds

from a primary doctor? I firmly believe that the Pa needs to be

treated " from the inside out " . Right now you are taking nothing to

fight the arthritis. I had to stop methotrexate because of an

irritated liver. I've done much better on Enbrel. If it is a matter

of insurance based on income you might try for getting the Enbrel or

another arthritis fighting medicine for free.

for pain I have Oxycontin at 10 mg since it is easier on the system

but it is strong enough for the pain I have at times now. No telling

what the doctor could offer you to make you more comfortable.

For my psoriasis I use Dovonex. Again , a prescription but works for

me when I use it;-)


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Hi Connie,

Sounds like you need to get to the arthur doctor now. I will be 40

this year and have had PA since I was 22. I am currently awaiting my

prescription for EnBrel, and am now taking prednisone and hydrocondone

for the pain. My rheumologist is very good about helping me out when I

am in extreme pain, as a matter of fact--I just went to him about 3

weeks ago, because not only could I no longer stand the rotten pain I

was in all day, everyday (even with the hydrocondones), but I could not

move or function any more because of the arthur. My rheumologist shot

me full of steroids at that time, gave me oral steroids until the Enbrel

could be started (which seems to take an act of God), and more quantity

of the pain medication hydrocondone. You really need to see the

specialist, so he can deal with your problems. He knows more about your

problems and pain then any regular family doctor or general doc. Please

help yourself by going to the rheumologist and letting him help you. I

bet if you called him right now, he could squeeze you in today or

tomorrow and get you the help you so desperately need. Please call the

rheumologist now, you would be so surprised at how much he can help you.

Also you asked about the skin. Have you had your tonsils out yet?

I had my tonsils out when I was 33 and for the first time since I was 4,

I had clear skin. The methatrexate you don't want to take, is also a

good way to fight the psoriasis. I have been taking it on and off for

close to 11 years without any problems with my liver. Of course, I get

my liver checked regularly to make sure that there is no problems. I

was told by my doctor, that if I had a problem with my liver tests, that

if I stopped taking the methrexate, that the problem would probably go

away and my liver would heal itself back to normal. I also use Temovate

as a cream to help my skin when it is acting up--it is a God-send. You

do need a prescription for the Temovate, but the good news is that there

is a generic.

I hope you get to your doctor and get the relief that you need and

deserve. Good luck Connie--

bestmomanddad1965 wrote:

> Hi guys, I'm a lurker here, never post much, but need some help in

> managing my pain. I'm 36 years old, also have MS, although i am still

> walking and driving, went on disability 2 years ago. Had PA since 97,

> with painful hips, shoulders, neck, lower back, wrists. My hands are

> swollen evey morning. I already take a large dose of Ibuprofen, i was

> on mtx for awhile, but got scared of liver damage, and stopped. Is

> there anything else that is avalable for pain? I also have psorisis

> patches on my left elbow, left foot,left ear, navel,and lower back.

> Is there anything that helps this clear up ever????? Have not seen my

> Rheumy in 2 years...i know that's a no no,guess I'll have to go soon,

> this pain in getting the best of me. Hope all of you have a pain-free

> day!-------Connie





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Hi Connie,

It sounds like you're having a pretty bad flare. If you weren't happy

with you old rheumy, maybe look for a new one. But you should

definitely go visit. They could at least offer some temporary relief.

And when you're having a flare, any relief is helpful. I used to be

really against MTX and cortizone shots. But when the pain got to be

too much all the time, I had to give in (personally). They might also

prescribe some P.T. (like ultrasound, gentle massage, heat, etc) that

might help.

Anyway, I really hope you find some relief soon!


> Hi guys, I'm a lurker here, never post much, but need some help in

> managing my pain. I'm 36 years old, also have MS, although i am


> walking and driving, went on disability 2 years ago. Had PA since


> with painful hips, shoulders, neck, lower back, wrists. My hands


> swollen evey morning. I already take a large dose of Ibuprofen, i


> on mtx for awhile, but got scared of liver damage, and stopped. Is

> there anything else that is avalable for pain? I also have psorisis

> patches on my left elbow, left foot,left ear, navel,and lower back.

> Is there anything that helps this clear up ever????? Have not seen


> Rheumy in 2 years...i know that's a no no,guess I'll have to go


> this pain in getting the best of me. Hope all of you have a pain-


> day!-------Connie

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I guess I'm not the only one out there with PA and with MS. It's an

interesting combination. Are you also taking any of the ABC drugs for MS.

I'm on Copaxone, two different muscle relaxants, Klonopin (for twitching)

for as well as Azulfedine and vioxx for PA. I was taking Celebrex but got to

too large a dose (800 mgm/day) and stomach acted up. now on Vioxx (50mg/day)

but it's not doing much.

Biggest problem at this point is constant burning pain in neck, shoulders,

butt, feet, and left arm and hand. Can't tell which disease is causing what.

Rheumy tends to blame burning pain on MS while neuro blames it on PA. I

don't care which it is, but I want it to stop. Can deal with joint pain and

stiff ness, but this burning pain is equal to a 2nd degree burn...can't

touch areas and want to put ice on them. None of pain killers used help.

Also on neurontin for pain from neuro.

I can't seen t otolerate Vicodin, Ultram and others, which I have here,

without nausea, so if any one has other suggestions, I'd like to here them


[ ] pain management

> Hi guys, I'm a lurker here, never post much, but need some help in

> managing my pain. I'm 36 years old, also have MS, although i am still

> walking and driving, went on disability 2 years ago. Had PA since 97,

> with painful hips, shoulders, neck, lower back, wrists. My hands are

> swollen evey morning. I already take a large dose of Ibuprofen, i was

> on mtx for awhile, but got scared of liver damage, and stopped. Is

> there anything else that is avalable for pain? I also have psorisis

> patches on my left elbow, left foot,left ear, navel,and lower back.

> Is there anything that helps this clear up ever????? Have not seen my

> Rheumy in 2 years...i know that's a no no,guess I'll have to go soon,

> this pain in getting the best of me. Hope all of you have a pain-free

> day!-------Connie






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Hi my name is Cheryl, I am a new member of this great group. I had both

great toe toenails removed about 8 years ago . It did nothing for my skin,

but a lot for foot pain. I have had a lot of swelling, bone spurs and

tendonitis in my feet at the beginning of my first flare up, the p is in my

scalp, before mtx I had small patches in ears, navel, elbows, eyebrows,

underarms, sitdown.

peace and health to you

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---Is there any proof other than the fact that your skin is clear

that taking out the tonsils helps the skin? Just curious A

In @y..., Siam <RnCSiam@C...> wrote:

> Hi Connie,

> > Also you asked about the skin. Have you had your tonsils out


> I had my tonsils out when I was 33 and for the first time since I

was 4,

> I had clear skin.

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  • 1 month later...
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In a message dated 3/20/02 2:37:13 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dianna@... writes:

> does anyone know a natural remedy for pain? i'm using organic essential oils

> with some relief, but need something stronger perhaps. i don't want to take

> drugs. i have a 3cm tumor between my rectum and uterus. i am not using any

> western medicine, except for tests.

> thanks

> -dianna



You might also want to post this question on an aromatherapy list.......

you don't mention which oils in what dilution/carrier you have been using and

the method of administration...............


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In a message dated 03/20/2002 3:15:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,

foxhillers@... writes:

> does anyone know a natural remedy for pain?

I've read that the following relieve cancer pain and have

cancer-fighting properties (CAPITALIZED items are particularly

powerful pain relievers):




MAITAKE mushroom-- alleviated pain in 83% of patients

shiitake mushroom


Pau d'Arco

goldenseal root poultices

turmeric (particularly the curcumin in it), burdock, and ginger

reduce inflammation.

mistletoe (e.g., Iscador)-- use only under medical supervision

chaparral-- check with a health practitioner on hazards of this

herb before using it


Vitamin B-3 (Niacin)-- 50 mg, up to 6x/day

Vit. C-- I've seen 500 mg, 6x/day recommended

Vit. K

amygdalin/Laetrile-- relieves pain, nausea, and vomiting. Available

in the form of ground apricot pits. Do NOT exceed recommended oral

dosage. " potentially toxic taken orally. " (Moss, 1992, p. 367).

Avoid eating (sweet) almonds while taking amygdalin. Do NOT take

megadoses of Vit. C while taking Laetrile/amygdalin (unless

directed by physician), and do NOT use Laetrile/amygdalin at times

of fever. Take it with food, in several small dosages throughout

the day (NOT 1 large dosage). Use a good brand.


homeopathic remedies

CoQ10-- at least 200mg/day

CESIUM-- may take up to 3 days to be effective; use ONLY under

medical supervision

COFFEE ENEMAS (Check w/health practitioner before using them.) and

other detox methods

magnets-- see Diamond et al. (1997, pp. 1032-1046)


Reiki & other energy healing



For more info on mind-body approaches,



Pain Control and Surgical Support Series audiotapes by Hemi-Sync

(www.hemi-sync.com/catalog)-- I've been told they can be powerfully



neural therapy

For more info on cancer pain relief, see www.alkalizeforhealth.org

For healing cancer, it's best (if possible) to avoid chemical

painkillers other than (possibly) aspirin.

Let me know if you have any questions about any of the above.

For more info on cancer pain relief, see www.alkalizeforhealth.org

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  • 11 months later...
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Dr Sherry has a book I'am reading now entitled: PAIN FREE IN 6 WEEKS,

which is sold by:


Gamon told us about her work, as she takes a on nonsenese approach to

getting rid of pain. She tells the unvarnish truth about the harm drugs such as

NSAIDS, methotrexate, etc, can do. Her book has many suggestons of what

to try in the battle against pain.

If a person has very severe pain, it is well worth a visit to a MD who is a

pain specialist.

Enclosed is link web site for pain management:




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  • 4 weeks later...
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Sounds great. I have a terrible time with my hands and feet. I have not

been able to post much, due to the sausage finger thing. I'll try anything.


Carol M.

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  • 1 month later...
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I am wondering about the best methods for pain management.

I am now taking 12.5 mg of MTX each week plus Vioxx every day and still have bad

pain in my index finger.

I started on Prednisolan 30mg a day and worked fantastic but you can´t stay on

that stuff for long. I also used pain killers and they didn´t work.

Can anyone tell me what works? Has anyone had any experiences with Canabis etc?



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  • 11 months later...
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Hi " Stressed Out " ! Geoff here.

> I have pain in my low back and both my knees. I've done pt. I've

> used ice, heat, Ben gay, and epsom salt baths. Tylenol doesn't

> help. I can't use Vioxx, Celebrex, or naproson because of severe

> stomach pain. I've spent a lot of time in hospital emergency rooms

> because of vomiting up blood. [snip]

Some place, some time, you have to make a decision. Do you want a

" relationship " with the disease or do you want to be rid of it. A

" relationship " is what most Rheumatologists offer these days. You will

recognize it under words like: " Living with Arthritis, " " Coping with

Arthritis, " and " pain management. " Replace " arthritis " and " pain " with

husband/wife and you can see the point easily.

Before any real help comes your way, this question needs to be answered

because the your answer dictates the direction and flow of information that

will come to you.

The next thing that needs to be answered is, " why? " As in why do you need

pain management? Not to ignore the obvious (you're in pain) but the detail

is important, i.e., what disease(s) are you fighting, if any?


soli Deo gloria

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Hi everyone! , 5 1/2, did not get her methyl B-12 injection for nearly

2 weeks due to our vacation. She got teary eyed, whiny, and started

complaining of foot pain. The first week, she was fine. We walked all over

Disney and

did not complain. About 12 days since her last injection, I noticed the above

symptoms. I waited and watched for two days then gave her the shot of mB-12. The

very next day, NO crying, NO whining, NO pain complaints. This is not the

first time I have noticed this. Every once in a while I will skip a shot or two.

It seems that when her body needs it, she can tell. Has anyone out there tried

methyl B-12? has severe polyarticular JRA and I swear by these shots.

Just my two cents...


" A dream is in the mind of the believer, and in the hands of the doer "

" You are not given a dream, without being given the power to make it come

true. "

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I always read your emails and I just wanted to let you know your

Mom must be very proud to have such a wonderful daughter. Enjoy each

moment with her. Blessings, Zoella

" If you think you are too small to make a difference, you have never

been in bed with a mosquito. "

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  • 2 years later...

I went to my internist two weeks ago thinking I needed a referral to a pain

dr... I was on 60 mg of morphine 2x day, taking lortabs about every 4 hrs,


Talked to my doc...it takes forever to wait for him, but once he's in the room

with you, you have his undivided attention. He spent almost 30 min. with me that


Anyway, I was thinking I am taking too much pain meds and they still arent

working, and I start getting nervous about dependence, etc.

He explained that it had been 2 yrs since we raised my morphine, and my body is

tolerant. I used the term 'dependent' and he said , no, tolerant.

He convinced me to raise the morphine to 90mg 2xday and add Tramadol.

Once he got the prescription right --seems that mscontin doesn't come in a 90mg

pill, have to use 60 and 30, which means two scripts, etc..

I've been on it for almost two weeks now, and am beginning to notice a

difference. I'm not stiff for as long in the am.

I'm also back in physical therapy from my knee replacement (11/06). Turns out

that home PT discharged me too early and didn't show me all the exercises I'm

supposed to do, and my

kneecap has frozen up. So, PT 2x week for a few more months for me.


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