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[StemCellDR] 2months ago...

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I hope you don't consider this spam. I think it is important for parents who are

looking at stem cell as an alternative treatment. I am posting it with


--- [stemCellDR] 2months ago...

Date: Sun, 07 Aug 2011 04:05:47 -0000

Reply-To: StemCellDR

To: StemCellDR

2 months ago I sat in a lovely hotel in the DR exhausted from the long

day that we had just been through. I was overwhelmed with emotions,

hoping and praying we saw just any signs of improvement that we could

garner from the transplant my son had just had ..

2 months ago ... I didn't know what to expect ..

Since that day my son has :

1. become fully 100 percent toilet trained and completely independant

with the routine of wiping too!

2. started talking in sentences more and more with each passing day...

still an area of weakness ... but has made huge gains!

3. started saying complete words rather than just approximations of

words ...

4. Has been making request for what he wants to do ..

5. Has started acknowledging people by calling them by name .

6. Has started making request for what he would like to eat/drink.

7. Is independantly now putting together 45 piece puzzles.

8. Is playing appropriately now with a handful of toys(didn't play with

anything before ..)

9. Is reading along with books and requesting books be read to him.

10. Is independantly running his IPAD and its programs now ... even

turning on his IPOD section to listen to his praise and worship music,

pausing it, choosing different songs to listen to.

11. Is independently praying each evening, saying each word.

12. Is singing more and more praise and worship songs ... loving music.

13. Is participating in praise and worship time at church, clapping his

hands, standing when requested by the pastor ... etc.

14. Has written his name for the first time ever independantly.

15. Is beginning to spell simple 3 letter words.

16. Is beinning to name shapes, numbers, colors, letters

17. Dresses himself now with about 70 percent accuracy (always before

didn't care ...)

18. Is eating far far neater ... not making huge messes like before ...

19. Is sleeping longer and going to sleep easier ..

20. Is acknowledging good-bye and hello greetings and saying them.

21. Is learning to follow 2 and 3 step commands, rather than just 1 step


22. Is interacting more with his puppy ... actually wanting to pet him etc.

23. Is willing to wear sunglasses and a ball cap to keep the sun out of

his eyes.

24. Is expressing things like Sun hurts my eyes ..

25. Is enjoying movies ... actually repeating lines from them and

giggling at appropriate times ...

26. Is now mostly independant with bathing, brushing teeth, shaving

etc.... whereas before we had to do those things for him ... now we just

have to make sure he does it thouroughly.

27. Is givning awesome eye contact.

28 . Is wanting to play games with us and participate in family activities.

29 Is much easier to redirect if angry and reason with ... seems to

understand cause/effect so much more.

30. Is reading some simple words ..

whew ... and that is just what I can easily think of without taking much

time. I know there is so much I have left out ...


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