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Attn. T. /Risperdal ?

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Hi, I'm chiming in!

> My son, now 14yrs. is Asperger's and ADHD. We have adjusted his meds many,

many times throughout the years. He too, was on Risperdal for about 1yr and we

had the same problem with the weight gain. He was previously on Abilify for

about 2yrs. and it lost its effectiveness, so we made a change. His

Psychiatrist suggested that we try the Risperdal but for only about a year

because of the severe side effects. He seemed to do very well on it with the

exception of the weight gain, about

> 25 lbs. Although he was doing well as far as his behavior and the number of

meltdowns, we were still very concerned about the effects with long term usage.

We changed him last year to Seroquel 200mg and he is doing fabulous! At first,

the dosage was too low, 100mg, but once we changed it, we saw a change in him

almost immediately. He will be starting high school next year and we are hoping

that the Seroquel will contiune to help. I know every child reacts differently

to each medication but this might be worth trying if your dr. agrees. Good

luck, to you and your family. in Baton Rouge, LA

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Thank you SO MUCH for this information.

It means ALOT and I will tell you why!

Prior to taking my son to the shrink, and he was put on Risperdal, His physician

had him on Seroquel 50mg in the morning and 50 mg at night. He combined this

with 15 mg of Abilify a day.

I can now see it should have been one or the other at max. dose.(Abilify max.

dose is 30 mg per day.)I don't know what Seroquel max dose is, but we were

giving only 100mg back then...as you describe.

I will print out your response to this discussion and put it into my notebook.

If, after my son reaches the max. with Abilify, and it quits working for him, I

have another avenue to go...with Seroquel at 200 mg.

This is a problem I see with my child and other children:

These meds work for awhile and then loose effectiveness...it's sad and hard to

deal with.

Since my son was 5 yrs old, and I eventually aquired the knowledge, I have spent

thousands and thousands of dollars on amino acids, vitamins, minersals, detox

supplements, omega oils, creams, NAME IT!

After he reached puberty, these type of supplements ment nothing...other than

keeping him healthy...the behaviors began.

Broke and exausted, I give into his physician for help and the drugs began,

along with a teen multi-vitamin, and eventually led to a shrink a few months


NO MORE! G-Boy is back!!!

I evaluated his last blood work and his prior supplement list.

I ordered 250.00 dollars worth of supplements last night. I have a few more to

pick up.

I have a appointment with his physician on the 26th of this month and will have

a couple of blood panels done and see where he is.

I'm dropping the shrink and will get with the physician to handle his meds. and

my son will have a physical as well.

I've been doing this for 16 years...it's like riding a bike, you don't forget.

I know my sons metabolism better than his body does.

I'm excited and know I will succeed. I'm also grateful that I have the money at

this time to do this again...and I'm good at it.

If medicaid would cover the expense of Kirkman Labs supplements and others I

buy, I would have never stopped.

I got to provide shelter and food for him, so it came first.

And, for what it's worth, the thousands of dollars spent on suplements over the

years kept my son from having to be on any type of drug, until puberty

began...so with that, it was worth it.

His body is finally settling down, no major changes anymore in growth or

otherwise, it's time to take hold of his metabolism again as it was controlled

in the past.

He will be 19 on August 20th of this year.

Yup, he is an adult now.

Kind Regards,



> Hi, I'm chiming in!

> > My son, now 14yrs. is Asperger's and ADHD. We have adjusted his meds many,

many times throughout the years. He too, was on Risperdal for about 1yr and we

had the same problem with the weight gain. He was previously on Abilify for

about 2yrs. and it lost its effectiveness, so we made a change. His

Psychiatrist suggested that we try the Risperdal but for only about a year

because of the severe side effects. He seemed to do very well on it with the

exception of the weight gain, about

> > 25 lbs. Although he was doing well as far as his behavior and the number of

meltdowns, we were still very concerned about the effects with long term usage.

We changed him last year to Seroquel 200mg and he is doing fabulous! At first,

the dosage was too low, 100mg, but once we changed it, we saw a change in him

almost immediately. He will be starting high school next year and we are hoping

that the Seroquel will contiune to help. I know every child reacts differently

to each medication but this might be worth trying if your dr. agrees. Good

luck, to you and your family. in Baton Rouge, LA


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