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Me Too! This is great news!

Thanks for this update.


> I'm just really excited that he is trying this and

> that they are telling their friends. What a way to

> get the word out!



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So he is glad to be able to hold onto

another organ if he can!!


Dear ,

I'm glad that it's worked for him. I hope that he can try it again in a few

weeks if he's up to it. Maybe this will have such a positive effect on him

that it will make him so much better.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi everyone, I honestly can't remember if I updated everyone on my doctor appt on Thurs, so bare with me if I did and am repeating myself. I saw my neurosurgeon on Thurs and had my first set of xrays since surgery. Everything is healing the way it should be, thank God. I have a mild subluxation at C5-6, but I guess it is not any worse than the films that were taken during surgery, and my neurosurgeon feels that it is as a result of the bone pieces not being able to match up exactly. My sutures were removed from my neck and hip and that has helped tremendously. The incisions are very well approximated and are healing well. I'll tell you, my neurosurgeon is like a ps when he sutures. Once these incisions heal completely, you won't be able to tell they're there. Wish my sternal incision looked like that!!:) Maybe one of these days I will have to see a ps for a scar revision of my sternal incision..... The other good news is that because the xrays look so good, my neurosurgeon says I can probably come out of the collar in 4 wks. That decision is contingent on xrays that I have to get in 4 wks, but if they're okay, then he will start weaning me out of the cervical collar. So, total collar time will be 6 wks vs the original 12. That was such good news as I think I can wear this collar for 4 more wks. If the xrays are okay in 4 wks, then I will start physical therapy, and I can already tell I will need it. My neck is so stiff and tight, that it will take some time to get used to moving it again. In addition, the neck muscles are going to be a little atrophied, so I will need to work on those. My parents are due to arrive in Denver on March 13. My parents have rented a U-Haul so that I can take my stuff out of storage and bring it back to Tucson. We will all leave Denver on March 15. I am actually excited. I am looking forward to warm weather, company, and things to do to occupy my time. And my hip has been reacting to the frigid weather we've been having here in Denver. I could barely walk yesterday, and we had a major snowstorm come through. Today it is much better. As for the GE job, I talked to my headhunter on Thurs and he said that the RN they interviewed on Wed was their first choice and I was the second choice. Apparently she had more senior management experience, plus she is already living in Milwaukee. However, he told me that I was the first choice for the position in Tustin, CA, but that GE had put a hiring freeze on all positions because the end of their first quarter is coming up and apparently they have not made the profits they anticipated. So, it is entirely possible that even the Milwaukee position will be affected by the hiring freeze. However, my headhunter is trying to see if since these positions were available prior to the hiring freeze, could they still offer me the position in CA. Unfortunately, I haven't heard from him. So, I'm a little leery now about whether he's telling me the truth. I just don't know what to believe. I so desperately want the job, but I think I've been patient long enough and I think my headhunter and GE owe me a yes or no--not something in between. Don't you all agree? My headhunter had asked me if I would be willing to wait until April 1 or 15 for the job to start, and of course I would because that will be perfect timing for me since I will hopefully be out of my collar and well into my physical therapy. But I think I deserve a solid offer; something in writing. Don't you all? So, that has been somewhat of a disappointment, and at this point, I am going to apply for an AZ license so that I can begin looking for a job in Tucson. I just feel so hopeless when it comes to the job situation. I absolutely refuse to work in a hospital again, yet I may be forced to just to pay bills. I just want, for once, something to work out for me. So everyone, please say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed that I get either the GE job or find something quickly in Tucson. So, that is what is going on at my end. My panic attacks aren't as bad, but are still present. I take the klonopin just prn (as needed), which isn't very often. Night is still the worst for me. I hope that I wake up from this nightmare soon...... e

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Hey girl I have missed you on the group allot and I think that from all you are saying here that it is pretty good news all in all. I think you need to take it easy and not stress on the work thing too much, can't you just take some time off to heal and then worry about it? I mean will your parents let you chill there for awhile and heal? You and I are allot alike, I remember getting here in Idaho and just was in a state of panic over getting a job, it wound me up so much, of course it is a different situation, however I do need to work for my self-esteem and self worth, anyhow I am so glad your neck is healing.

Remind me again what your sternum scar is that you mentioned please.

Also tell me exactly what was wrong with your neck again, forgive me I am a little forgetful I guess. What exactly did they do to you again honey? Bone graft or something?

Also did you find out anything about the bone marrow biopsy and I am assuming you didn't have the CA right?

I will pray for you and I know others will too. I agree the cold is hard on us. I woke up and immediately new that it was below zero today, yeah like 14 degrees below, cause I was so achy, but I admit that the pain from the weather is different than that pain I had from implants, I can tell the difference believe it or not.

anyhow, I am sure things will get better for you , I know they will you just wait, something good will be right around the corner for you, your way too smart and educated and nice to not find an awesome job.

Good luck and please keep us up to date on things.



:) :)

----- Original Message -----

From: e Rene

; SalineInfo

Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 8:35 PM

Subject: Update

Hi everyone,

I honestly can't remember if I updated everyone on my doctor appt on Thurs, so bare with me if I did and am repeating myself.

I saw my neurosurgeon on Thurs and had my first set of xrays since surgery. Everything is healing the way it should be, thank God. I have a mild subluxation at C5-6, but I guess it is not any worse than the films that were taken during surgery, and my neurosurgeon feels that it is as a result of the bone pieces not being able to match up exactly. My sutures were removed from my neck and hip and that has helped tremendously. The incisions are very well approximated and are healing well. I'll tell you, my neurosurgeon is like a ps when he sutures. Once these incisions heal completely, you won't be able to tell they're there. Wish my sternal incision looked like that!!:) Maybe one of these days I will have to see a ps for a scar revision of my sternal incision.....

The other good news is that because the xrays look so good, my neurosurgeon says I can probably come out of the collar in 4 wks. That decision is contingent on xrays that I have to get in 4 wks, but if they're okay, then he will start weaning me out of the cervical collar. So, total collar time will be 6 wks vs the original 12. That was such good news as I think I can wear this collar for 4 more wks. If the xrays are okay in 4 wks, then I will start physical therapy, and I can already tell I will need it. My neck is so stiff and tight, that it will take some time to get used to moving it again. In addition, the neck muscles are going to be a little atrophied, so I will need to work on those.

My parents are due to arrive in Denver on March 13. My parents have rented a U-Haul so that I can take my stuff out of storage and bring it back to Tucson. We will all leave Denver on March 15. I am actually excited. I am looking forward to warm weather, company, and things to do to occupy my time. And my hip has been reacting to the frigid weather we've been having here in Denver. I could barely walk yesterday, and we had a major snowstorm come through. Today it is much better.

As for the GE job, I talked to my headhunter on Thurs and he said that the RN they interviewed on Wed was their first choice and I was the second choice. Apparently she had more senior management experience, plus she is already living in Milwaukee. However, he told me that I was the first choice for the position in Tustin, CA, but that GE had put a hiring freeze on all positions because the end of their first quarter is coming up and apparently they have not made the profits they anticipated. So, it is entirely possible that even the Milwaukee position will be affected by the hiring freeze. However, my headhunter is trying to see if since these positions were available prior to the hiring freeze, could they still offer me the position in CA. Unfortunately, I haven't heard from him. So, I'm a little leery now about whether he's telling me the truth. I just don't know what to believe. I so desperately want the job, but I think I've been patient long enough and I think my headhunter and GE owe me a yes or no--not something in between. Don't you all agree? My headhunter had asked me if I would be willing to wait until April 1 or 15 for the job to start, and of course I would because that will be perfect timing for me since I will hopefully be out of my collar and well into my physical therapy. But I think I deserve a solid offer; something in writing. Don't you all?

So, that has been somewhat of a disappointment, and at this point, I am going to apply for an AZ license so that I can begin looking for a job in Tucson. I just feel so hopeless when it comes to the job situation. I absolutely refuse to work in a hospital again, yet I may be forced to just to pay bills. I just want, for once, something to work out for me. So everyone, please say a prayer and keep your fingers crossed that I get either the GE job or find something quickly in Tucson.

So, that is what is going on at my end. My panic attacks aren't as bad, but are still present. I take the klonopin just prn (as needed), which isn't very often. Night is still the worst for me. I hope that I wake up from this nightmare soon......


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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


Hi, I read all your emails and from the group. My computer was done for a

while. I was curious about the symptoms you had besides your numbness and

tingling with your subluxation. I had a cervical fusion done 2 years ago and

that is when i got really worse and developed the FM. Can you please tell me

a little more? we had the same fusion at C5 and 6. I am so glad you will be

with your parents and you can stay at home with them while looking for a job.

Take care and I will keep you in my prayers. You have been through so much.

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, Hi. Good to hear from you. Hope you are doing okay. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, but the move out to Tucson, AZ and trying to find a job, AND having to deal with my parents has been very time consuming, to say the least. Remember those damn roaches I was so worried about in the South? Well, here in Tucson, it's scorpions!!! I need to move someplace where they don't have any bugs/rodents/insects, etc!!!! I vaguely remember you telling me that you had a cervical fusion done. My first fusion was back in June, 2000. Almost within 6 wks postop, we knew it had failed. But I was not really compliant. I was short on money, and had to go back to work within 3 wks, so I started lifting almost immediately. And I did not wear my cervical collar faithfully from day 1. I wore it probably a total of 2 days 24/7, then started taking it on and off, which obviously is not good. And I was also on prednisone, Celebrex, and ibuprofen, so none of those allowed for healing. My neurosurgeon was not the one who had me on those meds, and in fact preferred that I not be on them, but I needed them for my lupus. Unfortunately, my neck worsened, and I found myself in the predicament I'm in now. I had my second fusion done on Feb 13 this yr. Actually, it was a C4-5 corpectomy with a fusion redo of C6-7 using my iliac crest bone. Today I have been out of my cervical collar for 1 wk, after wearing it for 6 wks, 24/7. I also was pretty adamant that he not use any hardware, as he and I both think that a partial reason for the failure was my body rejecting the hardware, as the screws had pistoned out and the plates had settled the wrong way. Also, there was quite a bit of bone erosion, hence the reason for the corpectomy. My neurosurgeon originally thought that he would have to use a plate, and prepared me for that. I finally okayed it, but he said that he felt comfortable enough once he opened me up that he wouldn't need to use the plate. He thought that he would have to do one large strut graft which would make it virtually impossible to not use a plate, but he was able to do 2 strut grafts and I guess that strengthens it. The drawback to not having any hardware is having to wear that damn Miami J collar 24/7 for 6 wks. He originally told me 12----there is no way in hell I could have done that. Did you have to wear a collar after your fusion? I know that people with plates typically only have to wear a collar for 2-4 wks. But wearing that collar for 6 wks has so weakened my neck muscles that I'm having a hard time moving. I started PT, which has helped, but my surgeon told me it may take 6 more wks to even feel comfortable moving my neck! I'm so used to moving my entire body when I turn, it's just habit now. I have to relearn how to use my neck muscles. In addtion, my insurance company is denying EVERY claim for this surgery, claiming it is pre-existing. The clause I have states I can't seek treatment for this condition for 3 months prior to my effective date, and I didn't. The last time I saw my surgeon about this was back in May before I started travel nursing. So, I'm in the process of documenting EVERYTHING and will more than likely have to get a lawyer. Unbelievable. $23,000 worth---all I need is to have to be looking at that amt to pay. I will have to declare bankruptcy. Anyway, to your question. The symptoms I had other than numbness and tingling were pain in bilat arms and legs, burning in left scapula, weakness in bilat arms, numbness in groin area and severe, frequent migraines, as well as limited ROM. I also occasionally had dizziness. Since my fusion 7 wks ago, everything has gone away (knock on wood) except some residual numbness in my first 3 fingers of my right hand. I talked to my surgeon's nurse today and she said that some people just take longer to heal and the numbness may last up to a yr postop. But it's nowhere near as bad as it was. I also had FM prior to my first fusion. But you know, they say that any triggering event can cause/activate FM, including major surgery. I just hope that everything heals okay and this one doesn't fail. The consequences if it fails are bad. I just started driving last wk, and what scares me is that a car accident can fx the grafts in there--even someone rear ending me at a slow speed. Also, a trip or fall can fx the grafts. Scary! Everytime I move my neck, I think of whether I'm breaking the grafts or causing them to slip. It is a constant source of anxiety. Anyway, I hope this answers your questions. If not, just ask away. I start work on Thurs (yeah) and will finally not be stuck at home with my parents all day long. It has been HELL living with them. I will be lucky if I get out this situation with my sanity completely intact!! Take care and write soon. e ----- Original Message ----- From: sholsombeck@... Sent: Friday, March 29, 2002 7:02 PM Subject: Re: Update e,Hi, I read all your emails and from the group. My computer was done for awhile. I was curious about the symptoms you had besides your numbness andtingling with your subluxation. I had a cervical fusion done 2 years ago andthat is when i got really worse and developed the FM. Can you please tell mea little more? we had the same fusion at C5 and 6. I am so glad you will bewith your parents and you can stay at home with them while looking for a job.Take care and I will keep you in my prayers. You have been through so much.

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Thanks for your reply. I am so sorry that you have been through all this. I

think it is so strange that I never had to wear a collar. I had the hardware

and everything and I asked him about collars and he said I did not need one.

At 6 months, my MRI stated that it had not gone through bony incorporation,

and now I had a bone spur under C6 that was not there before surgery. I had

my surgery in June 2000 too!!Then after surgery everything started going

wrong. That is when I started hurting all over was dx with FM.

I hope things go good at work. I do not know how you are able to work right

now. Have you applied for any disability? I have work disability that pays

for 2 years and I have been out of work since Sept. The work dis. has finally

approved it. I had to go through a awful functional capacity test over 2

days. It set me back for about 1 month and I failed that test. I was in bed

in pain 24/7 after that test 6 weeks ago, but it did verify that I was unable

to perform my job. My range of motion in my neck is 6 degrees and I was

supposed to be able to do 65. They made me lift, carry, do things with my

hands, did alot with my hips. Ever since the test, I have barely been able to

walk because they irritated my hips so bad. My doctor's seemed to think that

I could try for disability because of my back pain, problems with the fusion,

TMJ, and FM. I have had 3 surgeries in 2 years and went back to work after

each one and have been working steadily for 20 years.

I know it is rough living with your parents. My mother and father live 10

minutes from me, but they have really been so supportive. It seems like your

Dad could help you out financially because I know you have been through hell


Let me know how you are. You are in my prayers e.

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Do you feel that all these back and neck problems are related to having

implants? I am curious about this too, as I have been told I have weak

bones, not osteoporosis but I have osteopenia which is what you have before

osteoporosis and is not good or common in women my age, I am only 37 years

old and not post menopausal.

Thanks for you response

Hope you feel better soon


----- Original Message -----

From: <sholsombeck@...>

< >

Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 7:04 PM

Subject: Re: Update

> e,

> Thanks for your reply. I am so sorry that you have been through all this.


> think it is so strange that I never had to wear a collar. I had the


> and everything and I asked him about collars and he said I did not need


> At 6 months, my MRI stated that it had not gone through bony


> and now I had a bone spur under C6 that was not there before surgery. I


> my surgery in June 2000 too!!Then after surgery everything started going

> wrong. That is when I started hurting all over was dx with FM.


> I hope things go good at work. I do not know how you are able to work


> now. Have you applied for any disability? I have work disability that pays

> for 2 years and I have been out of work since Sept. The work dis. has


> approved it. I had to go through a awful functional capacity test over 2

> days. It set me back for about 1 month and I failed that test. I was in


> in pain 24/7 after that test 6 weeks ago, but it did verify that I was


> to perform my job. My range of motion in my neck is 6 degrees and I was

> supposed to be able to do 65. They made me lift, carry, do things with my

> hands, did alot with my hips. Ever since the test, I have barely been able


> walk because they irritated my hips so bad. My doctor's seemed to think


> I could try for disability because of my back pain, problems with the


> TMJ, and FM. I have had 3 surgeries in 2 years and went back to work after

> each one and have been working steadily for 20 years.


> I know it is rough living with your parents. My mother and father live 10

> minutes from me, but they have really been so supportive. It seems like


> Dad could help you out financially because I know you have been through


> lately.

> Let me know how you are. You are in my prayers e.





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