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----- Original Message -----

From: " ilena rose " <ilena@...>

<Recipient List Suppressed:;>

Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2002 10:23 PM

Subject: I.A.S. IMPLANT AWARENESS SOCIETY ~ Spring Newsletter

> ilena@...

> From: Implant Awareness Society <implantas@...>

> Subject: Newsletter


> Please post my spring newsletter. It likely will be the last that I


> for B.C. Woman's Hospital, as they will be closed down. I appreciate more

> than words can tell of the good things that come from us helping one

> another.We must never stop, or lose the networking. Love always Adella.






> 102 - 6086 Boundary Drive West

> Surrey, B.C., Canada V3X 2B3

> Telephone: (604) 572-8486

> Website: http://www.info-implants.com/BC/index.html

> e-mail: implantas@...




> This may be our last Newsletter. They are talking about closing the Centre

> because of cutbacks. I will miss all of you. Many thanks for all the many,

> many contacts. I want you to know our I.A.S. Implant Awareness Society


> carry on as before. I am on call to take all enquiries day, or evening, by

> telephone, and your e-mails as well. May our Loving Saviour guide and

> inspire us to make the correct decisions for our health




> I want to thank Martha Murdock for sending this letter to me January 8,

> 2002. When you read this letter from a doctor that treats many of us


> implant victims, you begin to understand WHY YOU ARE ILL. Our imagination,

> no. The longer the Dow's take to settle with the women, the more we learn

> that the Dow's have lied, silicone is not inert in the human body. Plastic

> surgeons in their own journals also know this, yet they continue to





> Remember when you read this letter that saline breast implants also have

> silicone shells. The elastomer shell that holds all breast implant

> substances is silicone. Those hundreds of thousands of salines now being

> implanted, leak and fall apart in our beautiful bodies. When I gave a copy

> of this letter to a friend she said, " you are so lucky to be alive " . Yes,

> that is true. With a painful oversized liver and pain from fatigue daily,


> just hope I live long enough to see my grandchildren marry. Some of the

> simple treasures of life may elude me because I also believed those lies

> and had the Dow's for 21 years.



> No way breast implants should be considered safe





> The public controversy over silicone-gel breast implants simply won't go

> away. And neither, apparently, will the implants themselves. Recent data

> suggest that growing numbers of women are once again choosing breast

> implants of all types, lulled, perhaps, by a series of recent news


> implying that the safety of these devices has finally been established. As

> a physician who treats many women suffering serious medical consequences

> associated with silicone-gel implants, I find this new trend very

> disturbing.


> Much has been made in the news media of a recent report issued by a

> National Science Panel at the direction of U.S. District Court Judge Sam


> Pointer. However, this report does not exonerate silicone-gel breast

> implants.


> Indeed, a vast literature of medical studies of " in vitro " immunoassays,

> human cell cultures, and experimental animal research published in leading

> medical journals all document a host of complex immune system effects

> linked with silicone exposure. But perhaps more important, what's being

> lost in this highly charged public debate is the human suffering that

> doctors like myself confront on a daily basis.


> Dozens of women have come to my office seeking help. By now the

> similarities in their medical histories are familiar. They were told the

> devices involved little or no risk. Later their bodies began to exhibit

> alarming symptoms - extreme pain centered in the joints and muscles,

> debilitating fatigue, scary and unsettling memory lapses, dry eyes, night

> sweats, chronic inflammations, and other ailments signaling that something

> clearly is wrong. The consistent appearance of these diverse health

> problems in implanted women suggests an underlying problem.


> Dr. Louise Brinton, the National Cancer Institute's chief environmental

> epidemiologist, along with other top researchers, has suggested that women

> with implants may be suffering from a " silicone-related " disease. Based on

> my own examinations, and on those of my colleagues, women with implants do

> appear to have a higher than average likelihood of being afflicted by this

> unusual set of symptoms.


> Very little of the research (epidemiology in particular) has focused on


> " atypical " symptoms of women with implants, an inadequacy that a panel

> convened by the National Institutes of Health said needs to be addressed.

> Dr. Brinton herself is conducting a large epidemiological study with some

> clinical review. With the results due out later this year, it is hoped her

> data will shed much-needed light on the subject


> On one point, however, there is no doubt - the implants themselves fall

> apart in the body. A number of safety studies, including one by


> at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, report that the envelope


> the silicone gel, itself made of silicone, deteriorates as the devices


> After 10 years, more than half of implants begin to break apart: after 20

> years, nearly all have fallen apart. Furthermore, there is no doubt that

> implants cause painful and debilitating complications. A Mayo Clinic Study

> shows one in four women require additional surgery within five years due


> medical complications with their implants. These include deformity,


> rashes, rotting breast tissue, and migration of the implant away from the

> breast area. Hardly a safe product!




> Studies have shown that silicone leaking from implants may travel

> throughout a woman's body. Using animal models, researchers have found


> the silicone leaking from implants collects at the highest concentrations

> in the brain, uterus, ovaries and lungs. What happens when silicone


> these vital organs? There is evidence of a systemic autoimmune response to

> silicone in some women.


> Recently, researchers at Baylor College of Medicine reported that an

> injection of silicone compounds like those used in implants induced, in

> some cases, fatal liver and lung damage in mice. They write, " Our findings

> indicate that these compounds (silicones) are highly toxic and produce

> extensive tissue injury and death in these mice. "


> As a treating physician, my job is to alleviate the suffering of my

> patients and protect the health of others. On behalf of my patients

> suffering debilitating complications from silicone-gel breast implants,


> on behalf of those still contemplating implants, I anxiously await


> and independent scientific research that gets to the truth behind these

> illnesses and these faulty products.


> We still do not have the results of such research available. In the

> meantime, I appeal to the public - and especially the news media - to


> judgment and to view the safety of these devices with suspicion.


> is a neurologist who practices in Dallas. He has a long-standing

> interest in autoimmune diseases and the management of chronic pain.


> Dr. reinforces the science work of Dr. Pierre Blais and


> Guidoin.


> Important web sites to look at

> " http://www.cpr4womenandfamilies.org/implantfacts.html "


> " http://www.cpr4womenandfamilies.org/news.html "

> " http://www.info-implants.com/IAS/index.html "


> And the largest website in the word, doctors, letters, secret information

> posted for all to see on our parent site operated by Tony Lambert in

> Quebec, of which we are a part " http://www.info-implants.com "


> Enquiries invited.


> Sincerely,


> Adella , Founder, president of the Implant Awareness Society.





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