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THE BEST Workshop I have EVER Attended

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Hi- I want to give you early notice of GAO’s foundational training event, known as Social Role Valorization. It is the cornerstone to all of my work and an incredible

learning opportunity. If you are receiving this notice and have already attended this event, please forward (with your opinion of the event!) to your friends and colleagues. Please contact me if you have questions and if you want to receive the registration

form. Thank you-

Social Role Valorization (SRV) Workshop


When and

March 6 – 9, 2012, 9AM – 5PM each day

Where: Atlanta, Georgia


Social Role Valorization (SRV)

The basic idea of SRV is that people are much more likely to experience the

“good things in life” if they hold valued social roles than if they do not.

The major goal of SRV is to create or support socially valued roles for people in their society. If a person holds valued social roles, that person is highly likely to receive those good things in life that are available to that society.

There is a high degree of agreement about what the good things in life are. To mention only a few major examples, they include

being accorded dignity, respect, acceptance; a sense of belonging; an education, and the development and exercise of one’s capacities; a voice in the affairs of one’s community and society; opportunities to participate; a decent material standard of living;

and opportunities for work and self-support.

Who: Presented by Darcy Elks

Sponsored by the

Georgia Advocacy Office

Registration Registration for this 4 day event includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon


and Fees: and all materials.

The fee will be $200. Scholarships will be available by request. Full details on the event, and registration information, will follow on January 18, 2012. To add names to our invitation mailing list please contact Donna Champion via email (dchampion@...)

or call .

K. Lipson, JD

Director, Parent Leadership Support Project

The Georgia Advocacy Office

One Decatur Town Center

150 E. Ponce de Leon Ave., Suite 430

Decatur, GA 30030

(404) 885- 1234 or 1 (800) 537- 2329 (voice or TDD)

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GAPLSP

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