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Colon Cleanse and Grape cure

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Since my colon cleanse I am so much better it is like a miracle has occurred, I am almost off all my pain meds, and mostly I am still taking them to wean because I don't want to go through a bad withdrawal, I am almost pain free and it is so cold here, but it is dry so is that why??? I do not know but the last two days for me have been amazing since that stuff all came out of me. Last night I ate some raw garlic and today I am pain free as I have never been in almost 3 years.

I did start some new supplements, that I think are some of the best ever. They are called FM relief and have allot of great stuff in them .

I think that to clean the colon with out the help of medication is key for us, but if you are completely backed up you can get things moving with an over the counter laxative and then follow that up with a good colon cleanse like the natural one I have that is so horrible tasting it is hard to get down, however the results are good. I think the main ingredient is the phsyllium husks which are in allot of over the counter fiber drinks too.

I am taking them in capsules as well, but it is hard to get enough that way.

I think that a good warm water enema with filtered water if possible is also helpful and then I will follow up with the coffee enema soon, just want to be off the pain meds first, since I am weaning by one a day I won't be off them for a few more days, so the coffee enema will have to wait till after this weekend, also since I am working so much lately it is difficult to continue cleansing, as you need to be able to be home and near the toilet.

The enemas don't hurt at all and contrary to what so many people think in their minds, it really isn't that bad at all. I know I didn't even want to think about doing that at one time, but now it is simple.

First you need to just get over the whole fear that everyone has about it, enemas date back to ancient times, but in our society today people have this thing about dealing with problems at that end, literally.

I know of women like Patty who do enemas everyday and look at her, she is healed completely, so that is good enough for me.

I got my enema(hot water bottle) at Wal-Mart for under $10.00 Don't get the ready ones by fleets, they are nasty.

Then just get it full of the warm water, not too hot just comfortable, hang it up above you in the bathroom and put a towel on the floor, then insert it into your rectum and not too far, it won't hurt, if your really sensitive you can lubricate the tip with something like KY jelly, then just let the water in till you feel a fullness and stop. You should not hold in the water enemas, just go ahead and get on the toilet and go. If the results aren't that great I usually will wait for the colon cleanse to kick in, go to the bathroom and then use the cleansing enema to clean out anything left behind.

I know that this seems extreme to some, and also some think this is dangerous, but I disagree in the case where you have been poisoned this is a good way to remove toxins from the intestines. It really is.

I will repost the coffee enema directions as it is different from the regular enema.

Angelika give it a shot honey, esp with you being home and not having to go out much, this gives you the time you need to do detoxing and now is a perfect time since you were explanted over 4 weeks ago.

I would also consider doing a modified juice fast if I was you.

I did a quickie two day one and that seemed to get me over the bad flare I had remember, I only did juices both fruit and veggie and then the garlic sandwiches.

I also did a grape cure diet that was awesome, grapes are known for their bowel stimulating ability and what I did was called the grape cure diet.

My father in law had arthritis so bad he couldn't even hold a pen. He did the grape cure for 5 days and now he has no arthritis at all and he is 71 years old and fit as a fiddle LOL!

Get a whole bunch of grapes(organic is best) get grape juice or juice your own, there are some good ones that have no added stuff, just pure grape juice, and raisins are allowed on the grape cure, also water is ok.

You need to eat every 2-3 hours on this plan, to keep your energy levels and blood sugar levels normal.

Alternate what you eat, a big glass of grape juice, followed in a couple of hours by a bunch of grapes, then later some raisins, drinking water in between.

Do this for 2-5 days as long as you feel you can go, you will be amazed how good you feel and how long you can stick to this.

You can take your usual supplements during this diet or not it is all up to you, I chose not to.

This is a great colon cleanser in itself.

Good luck to you if you decide to do it let me know, I will probably do it again myself soon, maybe we could do it together, also when I come back from Hawaii I may do it then as well.


----- Original Message -----

From: Angelika

Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 6:16 PM

Subject: Re: Colon Cleanse

ha,ha! Good for you! Let me know what to do as well? Where do I buy them and what brand? I truly felt really good after a day of cleansing, except I was given something from the radiology dept the day before my IVP (intravenous pyelogram) for the kidney stones I continued to get. I really felt much better after the cramping went away. I wonder if that is a bad type of cleansing to use again? I really just cannot drink those nasty things. The fizzy stuff I did drink during that cleanse wasn't that bad. Then the next step was a pill. It wasn't that bad? Does the enema hurt? I was told before about the coffee enema but can you tell me how you do it? I forget a lot of things, but it is a little better.

Thanks again for the info !!



Original Message -----

From: Heer

Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 10:23 AM

Subject: Colon Cleanse

HA I did a radical cleanse yesterday and I don't mean to be nasty here but the stuff that came out of me was insane and gross! I am almost off all my meds so it was time to get things cleaned out and let me tell you it was GROSSS ha ha.

I used a natural colon cleanse drink that is disgusting and almost cannot be choked down, then I took all the psyhlium (sp?) husks and did many juices and worked out hard.

I was backed up totally inside it was awful, so I gave myself about 4 enemas yesterday over the day, it seemed like nothing was working and by 8pm I was doubled over with cramping, then my stomach started to bubble, literall I could feel it was starting, I was talking to my daugher and had to hang up fast and barely made it to the bathroom where I spent much of my night and morning into the wee hours and was not able to go spinning this am as I was drained and exhausted, but whole pieces of food came out of me, stuff I had not seen in ages ha that is gross.

This morning I did a juice with oranges and grapefruits and then drank my green tea and boom, it hit again, so off I went to get the final round going, oh my, I feel 10 pounds lighter ha ha.

I did one last enema and think I am cleaned out, though I will continue with the physillium husks on a daily basis and the colon cleanse drink as much as possible, then follow up with the enema. I have not done the coffee enema yet not till I am completely off the pain meds, but soon, in the meantime I believe I was going through some kind of healing crisis the meds may not have mattered in that sense since, the last few days I have been doing so good, including now I am almost out of pain completely.

It is good to be clean of that gunk that was plugging me up.

I plan to do more of these but the are hard on your bum, really tough.

Worth it though.

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