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Re: Anyone familiar with NAET?

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Absolutely. I was cured of my milk allergy. My daughter was cured

from asthma. It is absolutely amazing. I go to a guy in Charlotte

North Carolina. I think it is important to find someone experienced

and good! It's not far from a miracle. I don't see why more people

don't know about it. My daughter is currently developing an allergy

to our new house, so what I have to do is get a paper towel and let

it sit in a pan of distilled or reverse osmosis water (1 inch

deep). Then I take the paper towel out after 3 days and put it in

an empty baby jar (has to be glass). This collects toxins from the

air. I take that to my NAET guy and my daughter gets treated. She

has to then stay out of that environment for 25 hours, and after 25

hours she should be able to tolerate the toxins or respond to them

the way a normal body should (detoxify). NAET reprograms using the

body's energy meridians to handle toxins better. SEriously, do you

guys want your kids to be on such a restricted diet for the rest of

their lives because they can't handle it. THey CAN handle it

through NAET. NAET also has treatments for body's reaction to

mercury, viruses and candida of all things! Our children are

hypersensitive plan and simple. NAET is the only thing I know of

that truly cures the body from reacting. I'm tired of depriving my

child. I don't like milk anyway, because I don't think it is very

healthy so I don't drink glasses of it, but if I want a frappacino

from Starbux I can now have one. We gotta think about this

longterm....are our kids going to be able to or WANT to eat like

this forever?? NAET will help them. THe parent plays a crucial

role in the success. You have to be the investigator to find out

things sometimes. Again, we can remove foods all we want but

longterm it is not a fun route. Also, it is pretty much impossible

to prevent toxins from entering the nose through inhaling, so I

don't know how we can help our kids completely ..without NAET. It

is amazing. Maybe it didn't work for everyone, but I think it is

all in how determined the individual is to find out what is causing

the problem by paying attention to reactions and what caused them as

you go through your daily routines. I figured out my daughter had

problems with ragweed, because I kept her indoors for a few days

straight and she got better. Then when she went outside she got

chest infections that led to breathing treatments through a

nebulizer. I knew what road we were headed down and I was scared!

NAET calms the system and it some of the logic behind it has been

used by the Chinese for ages. Again, it is amazing. This is one

way we can heal our kids and give them a somewhat normal life. I

didn't want my daughter to not be able to eat at a birthday

party...so I gave it a try. I'm just a normal mom from SC who wants

the best for their child. I have no financial benefit.

The doc I see is Dr. Prince from NAET of Carolina in Charlotte NC.

I chose him because he is a board of director as well as a regional

instructor for NAET. He is 76 years old and has been practicing for

20 years. He did tell me that he had gotten a boy recovered to the

point of him going to a regular school as it relates to autism.

It's worth trying guys. I'll keep you posted on my daughter's

success with her allergy to our house!

P.S. You usually don't have to bring anything with you, but since

my daughter's allergy is specific to something in our house, I have

to collect the data. They have all of the other things, like milk,

etc. They have tons of things!!

It involves no needles, no medicine, etc. Just a simple

accupressure massage of the spine while holding a vile of something

you are allergic to. My husband was such a skeptic, but even he

couldn't believe it. They use Muscle response testing to test your

allergy to something. There are ten basic treatments that you go

through before you treat specific things unless you have an

emergency to deal with like I did with Chloe's Ragweed reaction.

The ten basic treatments are for all of the essential things

(vitamins, etc) that your body needs for a healthy immune system.

Yes you can be ALLERGIC TO VITAMINS and YES you can be allergic to

your own self. It's quite crazy how allergies are, but after

understanding this, I knew that without NAET I was going to have to

live a life of deprivation. I noticed when my daughter was dealing

with her RAGWEED allergy she was wild. As soon as she got treated,

she calmed down. That's when I realized how her little body was

responding to allergies! REalize that if you are allergic to

vitamins that it doesn't matter how much you pump in, you are not

going to absorb them, and it is only going to make you worse in some

cases! I have so much to say because I have learned so much. They

can treat you for a vaccine before you get vaccinated so you odn't

have a reaction to anything. I chose not to vaccinate anyway, so I

didn't do this, but even if you have already vaccinated they have a

whole protocol for treating those who are already vaccinated. The

best thing to do is to go to www.NAET.com and buy a few books, and

yes they have one on autism. I liked the food allergies one as

well. I couldn't believe the things people were allergic to. I

mean who would think that someone could be allergic to their own

stomach acid. Okay, I'll get off my soapbox but I am continuing

NAET, and I promise to be honest about everything. I only pay 45

dollars per visit which I think is unbelievable, so try not to get

ripped off out there. I promise if you buy one of these books and

educate yourself on how NAET works, you will thank God you found out

about it. Again, find someone experienced, but my doc is a miracle

maker for myself and my daughter! It's safe for infants a day old

also. My daughter needed two treatments for the ragweed but so far

I have only needed one treatment per allergy. They did a calcium

mix because I was allergic as well as my daughter, and the calcium

includes anything with calcium in it (including milk). If you ahve

a severe milk allergy, then they will test you on the subcomponents

of milk to be sure that you are able to eat/drink. Okay well guys

please check it out for the sake of your child. As an adult, it

has not been fun saying no to everything that I wanted to eat, and I

was thinking last night. One day ...these SCD kids are not going to

want to eat like this. Maybe I am wrong but it makes you feel like

you are different. For me I say healthy habits (organic, no

milk ,etc is a great way to live your life) and teach this to your

kids. But at the same time, when my child is at a party whether it

be a birthday party or a Christmas one, I don't want them sitting in

the corner eating their broccoli, and that is why I searched until I

found NAET.

Best of luck guys. I am rambling I know, but I just couldn't stop!!

If we don't teach the body how to handle toxins, then we will have a

losing battle because our allergic children are allergic to far more

than we know. NAET calms the body down as it teaches it by

reprogramming, and then the body is able to cope with the normal

functions that it previously could not.





> I was reading a blog about a child that has recovered and they


> used this treatment and it was successful in treating his food

> allergies so that he could go back to eating a normal diet.


> http://www.naet.com


> Have any of you heard of this? What are your thoughts? There

happen to

> be several doctors in our area that came up on the list, and I

> contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so we are going

to go

> in and learn a little more about it. It would be a miracle if

there was

> a treatment that could actually cure allergies, seems way to good

to be

> true.


> Thanks for any input that you might have.

> Lynn


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Yes, it is very helpful in treating food/supplement


We see Dr. Harry Hong who incorporates NAET with

Bioset and Chinese Medicine-

EXCELLENT Naturopath-he has cured his own son-the guy

has performed miracles for our ds and his

allergies/intolerances to most supplements.




--- Lynn wrote:

> I was reading a blog about a child that has

> recovered and they recently

> used this treatment and it was successful in

> treating his food

> allergies so that he could go back to eating a

> normal diet.


> http://www.naet.com


> Have any of you heard of this? What are your

> thoughts? There happen to

> be several doctors in our area that came up on the

> list, and I

> contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so

> we are going to go

> in and learn a little more about it. It would be a

> miracle if there was

> a treatment that could actually cure allergies,

> seems way to good to be

> true.


> Thanks for any input that you might have.

> Lynn



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Thanks for the quick response Kersten, do you seem to get results

pretty quickly? Do you think it helps so the kids can go to a

totally normal diet eventually?

I am so glad to hear that it's working for your DS.


> > I was reading a blog about a child that has

> > recovered and they recently

> > used this treatment and it was successful in

> > treating his food

> > allergies so that he could go back to eating a

> > normal diet.

> >

> > http://www.naet.com

> >

> > Have any of you heard of this? What are your

> > thoughts? There happen to

> > be several doctors in our area that came up on the

> > list, and I

> > contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so

> > we are going to go

> > in and learn a little more about it. It would be a

> > miracle if there was

> > a treatment that could actually cure allergies,

> > seems way to good to be

> > true.

> >

> > Thanks for any input that you might have.

> > Lynn

> >

> >


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I am a beliver if you dont have to work your butt off it won't work. Nothing is easy and nothing is ever free. I wish for you that this could happen and I pray that it will happen God bless you and be with you.

-------------- Original message --------------

I was reading a blog about a child that has recovered and they recently used this treatment and it was successful in treating his food allergies so that he could go back to eating a normal diet.http://www.naet.comHave any of you heard of this? What are your thoughts? There happen to be several doctors in our area that came up on the list, and I contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so we are going to go in and learn a little more about it. It would be a miracle if there was a treatment that could actually cure allergies, seems way to good to be true. Thanks for any input that you might have.Lynn

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Hi Lynn-

NAET is 'our miracle' to say the least!

I am currently taking my daughter for both naturopathic and NAET

treatment. She is not on the spectrum, but there is speculation that

if she had been exposed to more shots, etc. as a young child that she

might be. (I occasionally toy with the idea of having the genetic

testing done to find out.) We recently realized the link between a

round of 3 Hepatitis shots at the age of 12 and the mysterious 5-year

down-hill spiral with her health.

I posted 'our story' here:

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/mb12 valtrex/message/25432

Since starting NAET treatments, her health has improved greatly. Two

years ago, she was kicked out of her regular high school because of

her medical absences. She's now attending a magnet high school at the

community college, taking all college classes. While last year getting

allergy shots caused a big turn around for her, she still missed 3 or

4 days each semester. This past semester after starting NAET, she's

only missed one day and only because she was 'kinda tired' and 'didn't

feel like going to school for just one class' since her other class

had been cancelled. (I'll let her have that! ;) )

The low point for her was the onset of fainting/seizure episodes. The

neurologist wanted to medicate her immediately. I was less gung-ho

than he was about my daughter being put on a psychoactive drug and

decided that I wanted some answers first.

We fortunately had recently run into an old acquaintance who shared

her own naturopathic/NAET miracle with us. After years of debilitating

illness and many doctors, she was finally diagnosed with MS. Through

the naturopath we are currently seeing, it was discovered that she did

was infected with a blood parasite. The parasite was eradicated and

she is now completely healthy again- no MS!

Through NAET we discovered many, many 'hidden' allergies that have

been undermining my daughter's health. Every allergen tested to date

has shown as affecting her brain, hence the episodes. Removing the

offending foods of course has been very helpful. She started with a

very restricted diet, but working through all the basic allergens (

vitamins, minerals, milk, eggs, grains, etc.) has increased her diet

steadily and made things easier to deal with.

There are more complex foods that is still avoiding until she reaches

the point in the treatment plan where she can be treated for them,

including wheat and gluten. When she was treated for grains, we

mistakenly undertood wheat to be included so she began to eating it

again. Within 8 hours, she was experiencing mild tremors/seizures. She

then stopped eating wheat and has had no more episodes.

This proved the naturopath's diagnosis of wheat/gluten allergies was

correct and shows me we are headed in the right direction. Our

traditional allergist never even suggested testing for any food

allergies beyond the most common: soy and peanuts, both of which she

is slightly allergic to.

There are three NAET books that would be helpful to you:

" NAET: Say Good-bye to Your Allergies "

" NAET: Say Good-bye to Allergy-Related Autism "

" NAET: Say Good-bye to Children's Allergies "

We are amazed with the results we have seen so far. It is a process

that takes time, but I know it won't be long now before my daughter

will be allergy-free and completely healthy again. (And icing on the

cake to me: pharmaceuticals-free!)

Let us know how NAET works out for you...

*PS: NAET may be covered on your health plan, either under Naturopath

or Allergies. It's worth a shot!


> I was reading a blog about a child that has recovered and they recently

> used this treatment and it was successful in treating his food

> allergies so that he could go back to eating a normal diet.


> http://www.naet.com


> Have any of you heard of this? What are your thoughts? There happen

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Who said it was easy, and who said it was free? Not

I-again, we are treated through Dr. Harry Hong-who is

not free but every cent of his billing is worth it.

And....like the RDI we do, many hours of treatments

are gone into restoring his health.

Just my humble opinion,


--- AngelinaKennedy@... wrote:

> I am a beliver if you dont have to work your butt

> off it won't work. Nothing is easy and nothing is

> ever free. I wish for you that this could happen

> and I pray that it will happen God bless you and be

> with you.


> -------------- Original message --------------


> I was reading a blog about a child that has

> recovered and they recently

> used this treatment and it was successful in

> treating his food

> allergies so that he could go back to eating a

> normal diet.


> http://www.naet.com


> Have any of you heard of this? What are your

> thoughts? There happen to

> be several doctors in our area that came up on the

> list, and I

> contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so

> we are going to go

> in and learn a little more about it. It would be a

> miracle if there was

> a treatment that could actually cure allergies,

> seems way to good to be

> true.


> Thanks for any input that you might have.

> Lynn




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Yup, been doing it for 3 months. Allergies are eliminated and my 6 year old loves going back. He says things like "mom, let's go back to the doctor. I feel better there"Lynn wrote: I was reading a blog about a child that has recovered and they recently used this treatment and it was successful in treating his food allergies so that he could go back to eating a normal diet.http://www.naet.comHave any of you heard of this? What are your

thoughts? There happen to be several doctors in our area that came up on the list, and I contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so we are going to go in and learn a little more about it. It would be a miracle if there was a treatment that could actually cure allergies, seems way to good to be true. Thanks for any input that you might have.Lynn

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read the book...

Re: Anyone familiar with NAET?

Yup, been doing it for 3 months. Allergies are eliminated and my 6 year old loves going back. He says things like "mom, let's go back to the doctor. I feel better there"

Lynn <lkmcrsbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote:

I was reading a blog about a child that has recovered and they recently

used this treatment and it was successful in treating his food

allergies so that he could go back to eating a normal diet.


Have any of you heard of this? What are your thoughts? There happen to

be several doctors in our area that came up on the list, and I

contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so we are going to go

in and learn a little more about it. It would be a miracle if there was

a treatment that could actually cure allergies, seems way to good to be


Thanks for any input that you might have.


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Interesting book. Passed it on to a few others who are deciding which route to take. Does anyone know of an online chat group specifically for NAET Autism?personalcargo@... wrote: read the book... Re: Anyone familiar with NAET? Yup, been doing it for 3 months. Allergies are eliminated and my 6 year old loves going back. He says things like "mom, let's go back to the doctor. I feel better there"Lynn <lkmcrsbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote: I was reading a blog about a child that has recovered and they recently used this treatment and it was successful in treating his food allergies so that he could go back to eating a normal diet.http://www.naet.comHave any of you heard of this? What are your thoughts? There happen to be several doctors in our area that came up on the list, and I contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so we are going to go in and learn a little more about it. It would be a miracle if there was a treatment that could

actually cure allergies, seems way to good to be true. Thanks for any input that you might have.Lynn Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now. More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail!

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We did Bioset (similar to NAET) for a long time in hopes that it would help me and my son. It helped both of us only slightly, and then we got worse! I am not against it, and maybe it was the practitioner, but that was our experience. I have seen it help others though. Not sure what went wrong with us.


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Glad to get a recommendation to Dr. Hong. It will be a 3 hr drive for

us from Madison, WI, plus costs.

Now, which kid shall I bring, the daughter with ADD & seizures or son

with Aspergers ( & poor short-term memory, little sympathy, poor

cognition)? I suspect both have food intolerances but have not been

able to pin it down. (They must not be severe in any case.)

I suppose I should read the book but it seems like hocus-pocus to me

so it is hard to read.

Anything, I should know as a first-time client to Dr. Hong?



> > I am a beliver if you dont have to work your butt

> > off it won't work. Nothing is easy and nothing is

> > ever free. I wish for you that this could happen

> > and I pray that it will happen God bless you and be

> > with you.

> >

> > -------------- Original message --------------

> >

> > I was reading a blog about a child that has

> > recovered and they recently

> > used this treatment and it was successful in

> > treating his food

> > allergies so that he could go back to eating a

> > normal diet.

> >

> > http://www.naet.com

> >

> > Have any of you heard of this? What are your

> > thoughts? There happen to

> > be several doctors in our area that came up on the

> > list, and I

> > contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so

> > we are going to go

> > in and learn a little more about it. It would be a

> > miracle if there was

> > a treatment that could actually cure allergies,

> > seems way to good to be

> > true.

> >

> > Thanks for any input that you might have.

> > Lynn

> >

> >

> >


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I'm surprised to see so many positive responses to NAET, so I'll

voice in with my negative one. I believe that there is a subset of

children that do suffer from allergies and relieving the allergies

can make them better. However, my son did not fall into that

subset. We were skeptical of NAET to begin with, as both my husband

and I come from analytical backgrounds and I myself have a degree in

molecular cell biology, so the idea of just holding a vial while

massaging the back can clear someone of a particular allergy was

pretty unbelievable for us.

Here were our problems - In the test kit, each glass vial that

contains a particular allergen was all clear, looked like water, with

label maker labels or taped on labels. You would think that the

professional kit would come with clearly etched on labels so the

allergens don't get mixed up. Again, all the vials were clear - but

NOT EVERY substance is clear. For example, the B vitamins vial was

clear, but B vitamins should be either yellow/orange/red. What is

the " essence " of the B vitamin they captured in that vial, so that

while holding it and massaging the back can clear one of the allergy??

They also had vials for egg, milk, dust, etc. that should also have

some color to the vial if the offending allergen was in the vial.

As for the muscle testing, they require that you hold your thumb and

pinky strongly together and while holding the vial, if the

practitioner can open your fingers, that means you are allergic. If

your fingers cannot be pulled open, that means you are not allergic.

According to the physics principle of leverage, if one pulls higher

up on the the fingertips, one can open the fingers no matter how

strongly the other person is resisting. And to make it look as if

the practitioner is pulling hard, but not opening the fingers, they

merely have to be pulling lower on the fingers. We tried this with

several friends and family and we were able to open their fingers

when we wanted or let them feel like we were trying very hard to pull

but were not able to.

We saw a NAET practitioner who was highly recommended by another

family with autistic children. Our practitioner had a protocol for

autistic children, with a list of items, that need to cleared in

sequence, for approximately 50 visits. After each visit, there are

strict guidelines as to what to avoid for the following 24 hours.

And if we violated the guidelines, we need to go back and re-clear

that item before continuing. Also, only one item can be cleared a

visit - hence leading to more fees and more visits, and more fees,


Perhaps we weren't seeing the right practitioner, or it was our

skeptic attitude to begin with, but we stopped going after 5 visits.

My son didn't show any improvement. What has helped him is digestive

enzymes, supplements, and now oral chelation with DMSA/ALA. When

chelation is done right, it will help heal the body and brain, and

the allergies issues will resolve itself if the body is healthy and

functioning properly.

Just my two cents... I did a lot of research as well, and there are

people who swear by it and people who have gone for 50+ sessions w/

minimal results. So do your own due diligence.


> We did Bioset (similar to NAET) for a long time in hopes that it

would help me and my son. It helped both of us only slightly, and

then we got worse! I am not against it, and maybe it was the

practitioner, but that was our experience. I have seen it help

others though. Not sure what went wrong with us.


> Jenn






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Yes I have used NAET to help with some allergies... The MOST impressive response was to the treatment for chicken & eggs. For years I would not go NEAR eggs let alone eat them. When I was 12 years old I was "EGGED"... some local boys decided to throw eggs at me one Halloween & they threw them HARD. It actually HURT! I started crying & shaking as soon as my doctor left the room. Not sure how MUCH this treatment helps as I was allergic to EVERYTHING except 2 of the items doc tested me for. I also took 2 or 3 trtments for me to clear!! I have heard that this is NOT the "norm" but that was my own experience. I had MUCH better results with homeopathy! I went from crying hysterically at each visit to becoming more composed & some of my anxiety lifted as well. I also had good results with "standard" acupuncture as long as I was seen every 3 weeks.

Needless to say I need to add in BACK into my budget BUT I get SSI as my ONLY source of income PLUS I pay out of pocket for my Gluten Free Diet, my massage therapist who uses "Craniosacral Therapy" & also full body massage, I also see a EFT provider... www.lifescriptcounseling.com As you can imagine I pray that money will fall from the Heavens & land magically in my pockets... NO luck with that so far lol! I am getting these services for asthma, allergies, fibromyalgia, fatigue, post concussive syndrome/traumatic brain Injury, bladder issues, stomache & headaches, etc. Do not let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can do. - Wooden

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I completely agree with your thoughts.

I would like to make a point about homeopathy though. Its a system of

medicine which will be very powerful only if its the accurate or

close to the accurate remedy.

Traditional chinese medicine is the other modality that will look at

the whole body and treat it rather than put band-aids on symptoms.

Unfortunately, I believe there are only a few traditional chinese

doctors left to practice it the way its supposed to be done. Its the

same story with classical homeopaths, there are very few of them left.


> Again, we need to hand tailor our protocal's for our children-and

trust our gut, and go with what works for our children.


> Neither positive, no negative-what worked for my child may not

work for yours-and that is what I struggled with the most in the

beginning of our journey.




> K

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I am really glad that I started this thread, I appreciate all of the

responses (both positive and negative) I'm glad that so many of you

have experience with this already. We are going to go ahead and make

an appointment, feel the guy out and see what we think. I will give

an update after we see him.

Thanks again to all of you,


> > Again, we need to hand tailor our protocal's for our children-


> trust our gut, and go with what works for our children.

> >

> > Neither positive, no negative-what worked for my child may not

> work for yours-and that is what I struggled with the most in the

> beginning of our journey.

> >

> > HTH

> >

> > K


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Sorry to hear that NAET didn't work out for you.

As much as I am for NAET (it's proving to be our miracle), I believe

you are exactly right. Lots of things can affect whether NAET works

for you or not. Of course, where you are health-wise to begin with,

and not only NAET itself and how open you are to it and how willing

you are to follow the protocols, but, no doubt, even the particular

practitioner, as well.

For us, everything fell into place.

NAET was pretty much our last resort at regaining health without

trading one problem for another. My daughter was faced with having to

take anti-seizure medication which can come with many nasty

side-effects and horrible withdrawal symptoms trying to get off of

them later.

Fortunately for us, the only practitioner anywhere near us not only

has extensive training in NAET but also an extensive background in

Naturopathic Medicine; she has an N.M.D. license. That combination

seems to be a winner for us.

As far as the test vials go, every vial our practitioner has is

clearly marked and the contents are very visible. (There are hundreds;

the room looks like an apothecary shop!) She welcomes us to bring in

our own foods and other items for testing as well. When we do, she

places a small amount of the substance into small jars instead of

vials. We've been able to pin-point problem ingredients in foods and

personal care products doing this.

The muscle testing our practitioner uses does not involve holding your

thumb and pinky together, but instead checks the strength of your

extended arm which follows the principles of Applied Kinesiology. I

was concerned about this procedure, but I've witnessed my daughter

being tested on both a substance in question and an empty jar. She was

not aware of what was happening. She had full arm strength on the

empty jar but lost strength with the other jar, verifying an allergy

to the substance we suspected as causing her migraine headaches. The

practitioner had used the empty jar as a control in the testing to

make sure my daughter's response was not being influenced by what she

'thought' was making her ill.

All that and, of course, that my daughter takes the avoidance period

very seriously are the key to her success. (In NAET, the avoidance

period is actually 25 hours, not just 24.) My daughter has been able

to clear each allergen in one visit so far. She is not letting

anything get in the way of her getting better!

I'm curious: have you checked your practitioner's credentials at


I'm asking because there is an open letter posted to patients at

NAET.com warning there are many 'fakes' out there, claiming to provide

NAET treatments when their techniques are not NAET at all.

So, your warning of doing 'your own due-diligence' is very valid! With

NAET, just like any other new wave in alternative healthcare, there

are a lot of unscrupulous people out there who are willing to prey on

us just to get our money.


> I'm surprised to see so many positive responses to NAET, so I'll

> voice in with my negative one. I believe that there is a subset of

> children that do suffer from allergies and relieving the allergies

> can make them better. However, my son did not fall into that

> subset. We were skeptical of NAET to begin with, as both my husband

> and I come from analytical backgrounds and I myself have a degree in

> molecular cell biology, so the idea of just holding a vial while

> massaging the back can clear someone of a particular allergy was

> pretty unbelievable for us.

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You are so right. I hate to be harsh, but it is the due diligence of

the parent and the practictioner as with anything. That's why I said

it was important to find someone valid and experienced. We were

crawling slowly but surely towards asthma. I'm so glad to hear all

that you said. The parent plays an important role in the NAET

process. I knew something my daughter was inhaling was causing her

constant sinus, ear and eventually chest infections. But for myself

even if I get in my new house for long I get hyperactive, even though

I don't get the sinus or chest infections. Whey I lay down to try to

sleep it gets worse. I feel like I am on an IV of Starbucks.

Through myself, I have had to figure out what is causing things, and

I work with my doctor until we figure it out. Not once have we

failed. Unfortunately, if you are a sensitive individual, then it

may not just be one thing, and it is not always a straight forward

process. I am confident if someone finds an experienced successful

NAET doc, this can be the best thing that has ever happened to them.

I only eat thing things that I am suppose to eat during that 25 hour

avoidance period. It truly is a miracle, but like anything it takes

some strong participation from the parent to identify the culprit.

For me my mom's house is a safe haven. It rarely causes my daughter


Have you ever seen a kid get hyper after taking a medication? Well,

you knew it was the medicine right, and even though they might not

have gotten a rash or swelled up...wasn't it obvious that they're

body was reacting to it? For some it could be chronic fatigue, etc.

Reactions are not straight forward either.

Don't ever give up on something until your child is well. Go find

another doc whatever it takes. I am going Tuesday to get treated for

my house. We spent 2 years building a house that I currently can't

live in and neither can my daughter. I've been at my mom's living in

bags driving back in forth. It's not fun but I am going to do

whatever I can... I'll let ya know how our NAET treatment goes...

God bless you all!

Best of luck!


> >

> > I'm surprised to see so many positive responses to NAET, so I'll

> > voice in with my negative one. I believe that there is a subset


> > children that do suffer from allergies and relieving the


> > can make them better. However, my son did not fall into that

> > subset. We were skeptical of NAET to begin with, as both my


> > and I come from analytical backgrounds and I myself have a degree


> > molecular cell biology, so the idea of just holding a vial while

> > massaging the back can clear someone of a particular allergy was

> > pretty unbelievable for us.


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My son has had 24 visits so far and there haven't been any huge wows -

- but lots of subtle improvements. For my son (SPD) it helped him

to be more " together " . The biggest change is that he no longer leans

into or grabs other kids. That alone is worth those 24 trips! The

acupunturist was covered in my HMO plan -- so it only cost me $15/

visit. We have at least 20 sessions more to go -- peeling the


The virus and vaccine sessions were the biggest changes for him. One

caution -- it is energy medicine, so I didn't give my son any

supplements for the full 25 hours after a NAET clearing.

> >

> > I was reading a blog about a child that has recovered and they


> > used this treatment and it was successful in treating his food

> > allergies so that he could go back to eating a normal diet.

> >

> > http://www.naet.com

> >

> > Have any of you heard of this? What are your thoughts? There



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My practitioner would treat with several vials at a time -- if the

items were related. For example when treating for mold he treated

for several types of molds at the same time -- a general mold, an

area specific mold and another one - sorry can't remember what that

one was.

> >

> > > I am a beliver if you dont have to work your butt

> > > off it won't work. Nothing is easy and nothing is

> > > ever free. I wish for you that this could happen

> > > and I pray that it will happen God bless you and be

> > > with you.

> > >

> > > -------------- Original message --------------

> > > From: " Lynn " <lkmcr@>

> > > I was reading a blog about a child that has

> > > recovered and they recently

> > > used this treatment and it was successful in

> > > treating his food

> > > allergies so that he could go back to eating a

> > > normal diet.

> > >

> > > http://www.naet.com

> > >

> > > Have any of you heard of this? What are your

> > > thoughts? There happen to

> > > be several doctors in our area that came up on the

> > > list, and I

> > > contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so

> > > we are going to go

> > > in and learn a little more about it. It would be a

> > > miracle if there was

> > > a treatment that could actually cure allergies,

> > > seems way to good to be

> > > true.

> > >

> > > Thanks for any input that you might have.

> > > Lynn

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >






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Can NAET work with Homeopathy or would it cause a problem with the remdies. Also

I live

in raleigh, NC cany anyone recommend someone for us. My son seems more ADHD now

than ADHD with severe gut issues still, and some behaviors and eating habits are

poor so I

would appreciate any help to push us over the edge for the better.


> >

> > > I am a beliver if you dont have to work your butt

> > > off it won't work. Nothing is easy and nothing is

> > > ever free. I wish for you that this could happen

> > > and I pray that it will happen God bless you and be

> > > with you.

> > >

> > > -------------- Original message --------------

> > > From: " Lynn " <lkmcr@>

> > > I was reading a blog about a child that has

> > > recovered and they recently

> > > used this treatment and it was successful in

> > > treating his food

> > > allergies so that he could go back to eating a

> > > normal diet.

> > >

> > > http://www.naet.com

> > >

> > > Have any of you heard of this? What are your

> > > thoughts? There happen to

> > > be several doctors in our area that came up on the

> > > list, and I

> > > contacted one, the first visit is free of charge so

> > > we are going to go

> > > in and learn a little more about it. It would be a

> > > miracle if there was

> > > a treatment that could actually cure allergies,

> > > seems way to good to be

> > > true.

> > >

> > > Thanks for any input that you might have.

> > > Lynn

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >






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