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Re: PS..from Sue. ...More on MB12 reactions...etc.

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--- jsthorpe wrote:

> My Dan doctor just started using Monavie now, too!

> Fun to share:))

> He likes the Gel packs better than the Juice...(but

> we love both).

> I think he likes the gel packs so he can give

> samples to his patients.??

> Only Time will tell... He's an immunologist.


> RE: ...More on MB12 reactions...etc.



> Hi eblair..and others ...from Sue,


> Yes--- below is an old post explaining more about

> the juice.

> You can also email me at st@... if you want

> me to send

> some individual Gel packs...at 3.00 each...plus

> shipping...to try.

> They are nice for lunches, snacks, and travel..or

> before sports,etc.


> We get Cases of the Monavie Active as that muscle

> tests best for us.

> And you will note from the feedback BELOW most kids

> with ASD do better on

> the ACTIVE type than the original juice. ..We find

> the Active juice and the Original GEL

> muscle test very comparable... for us.


> That's probably because the Gel has a bit more Acai

> in it --wheras the Active juice

> has glucosamime added.... One balances the other in

> effectiveness..it seems.

> The GEl is also good over ice cream or yogurt...or

> in smoothies...

> Or if you are GFCFSF... it can be mixed with any

> beverage or whatever.


> Here's more info in the former post....Sue:)


> Hi from Sue,


> We've been using the anti-inflammatory juice drink

> called MonaVie

> which has eliminated over 90% of the PILL form of

> supplements that we had been using for our

> Spectrum disorders ( Depression, Anxiety, and ADD)

> for the past year. This is a whole food source which

> is more absorbable than pills

> and is recommended by many doctors....and we are so

> " healthy " we switched.


> There are accounts from 7 families below as to how

> Monavie helped their children with AUTISM Spectrum

> Disorders.


> You'll also see much on the anitinflammatory

> properties...at the NON PROFIT

> Website www.mymonavie.com/fundingASDresearch which

> I opened in honor of my adult ASD son...GARY...now

> 26. We are donationg 100% of the proceeds from this

> site to the Autism Research Institute in San Diego.

> MonaVie juice is also an outstanding whole food

> source for the general public.


> Monavie has 19 different fruits in it with the Acai

> berry being the foremost fruit.

> (It also has the best process for Harvesting the

> Acai berry known as OptiAcai unique to

> MonaVie.)


> While Dr. Perricone writing the book= the Perricone

> Promise, has noted the ACAI berry ( which is the

> Main fruit in MonaVie) has the highest ORAC value of

> any known fruit or veggie... and is rated by HIM to

> be #1 on his superfood antioxidant list; (Dr.

> Perricone has MonaVie.. everywhere on display in his

> Manhattan office.)

> Dr. Ralph Carson said--- " Perhaps most

> important to know about phytonutrients and fruits is

> that they appear to be far more beneficial and

> effective in promoting health when a combination of

> fruits (not just a single fruit) is consumed. "

> (That's why MonaVie blended the 19 together.)

> berry.


> As I mentioned before... That Acai berry is an ANTI

> inflammatory since it is found to have cox 1 and cox

> 2 inhibitors INHERENTLY in it.

> And that's why it helps so many different

> conditions.. It has a low glycemic index... and

> also has the protein equivalent to an egg..

> It has EFA's 3,6, & 9

> More than 16 phytonutrients and antioxidants

> Anthocyanins

> Fiber,

> Phytosterols

> Amino acids,

> Plant sterols

> large amts. of vitamins A,Bs,C, C,E, etc..

> Minerals such as CA, Magnesium, potassium,

> phosphorus, & micronutrients

> Glucosamine

> Glyconutrients and much more....


> It is widely known to help PAIN due to the 1 and

> 2 inhibitors that are inherent in the fruit.

> So ANTI-inflammation is a #1 benefit.. and you

> already know --inflammation is one of the the root

> causes of disease...including Autism Spectrum

> disorders. Tribal people in Brazil have known for

> centuries the Acai berries wonderful benefits for

> all types of skin conditions... including acne.

> Blood pressure, vision, blood sugar levels , &

> HDL/LDL are things that are commonly helped by

> eating Acai as well.

> Below are 7 summaries of how families with ASD have

> been helped by using MonaVie:

> (There is also a School for Autism in Chicago using

> Monavie )


> MY STORY ( from the Hartigans)

> August 2006

> Let me tell you how Monavie has touched my

> life. I am the father of 8 year old triplets B/G/G,

> one of whom has autism. My son was diagnosed with

> autism 6 years ago and I thought his life was over.

> We consulted with doctor after doctor, and even

> traveled around the state to try and find help for

> our son. After trying everything the doctors

> recommended, we did not see any change in our son's

> condition. We sought out the best therapist and

> tried to enroll him in a special program in our

> public school district. After numerous meeting with

> the school and therapists, we decided to pull him

> out of public school and home school him. This was

> a huge responsibility on my wife and was rewarding

> to see his academic achievement. But, the one thing

> he was lacking in was social interaction and

> awareness of others. Being home schooled put a huge

> deficit in an area he was already lacking in. So we

> decided to move to another county and try a new

> special education program to try and recapture the

> socialization deficiency our son had. During the

> first year back in public school, there was

> regression in the skills our son had already

> mastered. We opted to request for a one on one

> personal aide to help our son focus on academics and

> engage in more social settings with regular

> education students. This was very challenging due

> to his lack of communication skills. In the summer

> of 2006 my family was introduced to Monavie. With

> huge skepticism because of all that we have been

> through, I decided to try a bottle of Active Monavie

> without telling anyone. I started feeling great,

> had more mental focus, and was not nearly as tired

> as I was before. I decided to give my wife a bottle

> of Active and have her try it to see if it would

> help her bad hip and back. She had been in 2 car

> accidents over the last 4 years resulting in a

> broken hip and bad SI joints in her back causing

> large amounts of inflammation. She noticed a

> difference after 1 week. She started decreasing her

> medications and eventually stopped taking them all.

> After these huge successes, we started doing private

> research on Monavie. We found that it was helping

> all kinds of conditions and parents were having huge

> success treating ADHD. (For those who don't know

> ADHD is on the Autism spectrum) We decided to try

> our son on a bottle of Original Monavie to see what

> results we would see. We saw some improvements with

> speech and mental focus but not a huge amount. My

> wife decided to research Monavie Active to see what

> the different ingredients were and why our son did

> not see huge results on the Original. She found out

> that the Active contained essential fatty acids and

> glyconutrients. These ingredients were deficiencies

> in children with autism. Because of the autoimmune

> disorders most autistic children have, these were

> key nutrients that their bodies needed. Once we

> started our son on the Active he did a 360 degree

> turn around. He is now speaking full sentences and

> has much better mental clarity. We have received

> reports back from Speech and OT therapist that have

> asked what are we doing that has created an

> explosion of growth and communication in our child.

> Our son has is now being mainstreamed into regular

> education for Language Arts and Reading, five days a

> week. This is something we never thought he would

> be able to accomplish. By the end of the second

> nine weeks they want to mainstream for Math too!


> Update 2/16/07 Our son is doing so awesome.

> Attended yet another IEP meeting to find

> out-starting next school year(Aug 07) our son will

> be completely released from the autism program at

> school

=== message truncated ===



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