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RDI: Creating a Meaningful Holiday - Top 10 Tips

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Creating a Meaningful Holiday

Creating a Meaningful Holiday - Top 10 Tips


In this issue:

Feature Article

Creating a Meaningful Holiday - Top 10 Tips.

Story of the Week:

" Not only is Lincoln THINKING, he's THINKING about his thinking in

relation to OTHERS' thinking. It's a total miracle. "

Video of the Week:

Peek-a-boo Progression (Part 1)

Upcoming Events

New on the Web Site

DVD Excerpt:

Reducing Stress

Dr. Gutstein Quotable

Research Summary:

A study of memory functioning in individuals with autism. (2001)


New to the

RDI® Program?

Relationship Development Intervention® Program

Download the Introduction to the RDI® Program

(32-page Booklet)

Preview the 5-hour " Going to the Heart of Autism " DVD

LISTEN! Radio interview with Dr. Gutstein about the RDI® Program (40



2-day Introductory Workshops for Parents and Professionals:


New York, NY Jan. 5-6

Ft. Lauderdale, FL Feb. 23-24

Washington, DC March 9-10,

Group rates available

Email Shaunna, at Villareal@... for information.


4-day Parent Seminars

Houston, TX

January 30-February 2, 2007



Many thanks to all those who contributed and helped put the newsletter



Bev C


Connections Center

4120 Bellaire Blvd.

Houston, TX 77025





© 2005, 2006

Connections Center.

All rights reserved




Shop from Home & Help families fund their RDI® Program!

Order It's All About Attitude - loving and living well with autism

before the end of January, 2007 and 20% of your sale will be donated to the RDI®

Program Scholarship Fund. Makes a great gift!

Order any Kay product from this web site, and 20% of your sale

will be donated to the RDI® Program Scholarship Fund. Just specify " RDI " on your

online order sheet. Your products will be delivered right to your door!


New York 2-Day Workshop

Regular registration deadline extended

The deadline for regular registration ($275) has been extended to:

Wednesday December 20, 2006.

After that, late registrations ($300) will only be accepted if space

is available.

The 2-day Workshop runs January 5-6, 2007. Download the NY workshop



RDI® Program referenced in the New York Times!

See the article, " Studying Autism Isn't Enough. "


Dr. Gutstein quoted in United Press International

Read his comments in the article, " Ped Med: Clash of the

researchers. "


Workshop Spotlights


Upcoming 2-Day Introductory Workshops

" The information seems to be the 'missing link' in remediation of

autism. " - a Poracsky, Professional

" This workshop really is the key to making a lifelong impact for a

person with ASD. " - Beth Dardis

New York, NY - Jan. 5-6, 2007

Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Feb. 23-24, 2007

Washington, DC - March 9-10, 2007


4-day Parent Seminar - Houston, TX (Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2007)

“This workshop far surpassed my expectations! I leave the workshop

feeling very motivated to continue and feel that this workshop has given me

confidence to work with my child. ” - Bernadette Barber (Syracuse, NY)

To receive your Free Parent Seminar Info-Pak, email us at

parents@... or call Jill, our Parent Training Coordinator, at

ext. 108. (For calls within the U.S. or Canada, use our toll-free

number 1-, x108.) If you are interested in the seminar, we suggest

you register now to hold your space, as almost all of our seminars have waiting


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Featured Resource


My Baby Can Dance: Stories of Autism, Asperger's and Success Through

the Relationship Development Intervention® (RDI®) Program

" My Baby Can Dance is one of the most hopeful books yet on the

treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders. The success of the approach -- as

beautifully told in a series of personal accounts by families and RDI® Program

Certified Consultants -- lies in taking a whole systems orientation in which all

family members become committed participants. Coupled with the ability of RDI®

to harness the inherently creative power of open family communication, what

emerges is an intense drama of love, patience, and a deepening appreciation of

the humanity we all share. " Alan Fogel, author of Developing Through

Relationships. More information about the book.


Spotlights for Professionals


Dr. Gutstein's latest Chat on the new OS:

Master-Apprentice/Guided Participation; Pre-Apprentice/Parent

Readiness Issues.

On the Resources Group (for Professionals only)

Recent Discussions: Annual ASA Conference; Preventing autism; RDI

School book; Angelman Syndrome; RDI with Tourette's; Greetings from Bombay;

Older, good language; Ami Klin quote; Holiday crafts and activities; Christmas

songs; Paper snowflakes; Christmas Countdown activity.


Professional Seminars:

Professionals talk about the Certification Process

Next Beginning & Intermediate Seminars:

Register for January 16-19 (Beginning) and January 22-25


Next Advanced Seminar:

Register for April 24-27, 2007

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New on the Web Site:


Tuesdays, 8 p.m. CENTRAL TIME: Live Chat Calendar


Message Board

Our message board is no longer a general public forum regarding

Autistic Spectrum Disorders but is now for those parents already doing an RDI®

Program. This board allows parents who are actively doing an RDI® Program to

seek help, insight, and share their knowledge about RDI®.


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DVD Excerpt

Reducing Stress

What we find is that when a family is feeling stress, it is the most

vulnerable member who is going to experience that the most. So if you are

stressed out, if your quality of life is poor, don’t be surprised if the child

with autism is having stress as well. -From Chapter 49, Principle #7, Modify

Lifestyle for Family Health

DVD Preview: If you're interested in learning more about the DVD,

view the video preview, The five-hour Going to the Heart of Autism DVD can be

ordered on-line from our secure, on-line store.


Dr. Gutstein Quotable

If you are looking for a way out of desperation and crisis; if you

are looking for a way to feel empowered; if you are looking for a way to build a

real future for your child -- then consider the RDI® Program.

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Going to the Heart of Autism

Creating a Meaningful Holiday - Top 10 Tips

As we move into the holidays, RDI® Program Certified Consultants and

Consultants-in-Training have been discussing how they can help their families

not get caught up in the chaos, but instead, how to create a meaningful and

enjoyable holiday time this year. Thanks to all those who contributed these

great ideas, we've compiled our " Top 10 Holiday Tips " :

1. First, think about what settings and conditions support you and your

child to be most competent and successful.

Before thinking specifically about the holidays, consider what you already

know about you and your child. Life, and especially the holidays are " MESSI "

(Multiple, Emotional, Simultaneous, Surprising and Imperfect) so being clear

about what settings best support you will help you make better decisions as you

navigate through the next few weeks.

2. Write up a mini “mission statement preview” just for the holidays.

What are some holiday traditions you would like to share with your

child(ren) and what role could you provide them where they would feel competent?

Think of a few memorable moments you would like to create with your child(ren)

this year. How do you want everyone to feel before, during, and after the

holidays? Creating a holiday mission statement will give you a reference point

to aim for and it will also help get you back on course when things throw you

off track.

3. Review your holiday schedule so it supports your holiday mission


Block off specific times in your schedule for down time, for slowing down,

and for creating those memorable moments, rather than seeing if there will be

any time " left-over " from other invitations and commitments.

4. Give yourself permission not to do everything.

This is the time of year when there are more expectations on almost all

fronts: sending cards, buying and wrapping presents, seeing friends and family,

doing seasonal baking, decorating the house, preparing special meals, going to

services, etc. The holidays can be overwhelming and stressful for everyone! It

can be much more enjoyable for the whole family if you can give yourself

permission not to do everything. Choose the things which are really important to

you and give yourself the time and space for them to be truly meaningful.

5. Be pro-active in anticipating and planning for obstacles.

Every family will have their own unique challenges at this time of year,

and being aware of potential " stress-triggers " can help you prevent or cope with

them. For example, if you're traveling to spend time with relatives, consider

staying in a hotel or bed and breakfast so you have the option of going to a

quieter space to regroup. Or if relatives are coming to stay with you, consider

putting them up in a hotel instead. If you are going out to visit, consider

where your hosts might have a space your child could retreat to, or bring your

own small fold-up tent or tunnel.

6. Take your time. Slow down.

Don't feel you have to rush through the festivities. For example, one

Consultant-in-Training shared that her family takes over two weeks to decorate

their tree. Play slower-paced holiday music to encourage everyone to slow down

and relax the overall tempo in your home. Do fewer things and enjoy them more.

7. Prepare for times with extended family.

If you think they would be receptive, send your family information in

advance about experience-sharing communication or activities they might plan to

do one-on-one with your child. Consider giving them the book, " My Baby Can

Dance " to read. Have realistic expectations about your relatives' desire and

ability to understand and accommodate your family's needs.

8. Shorten or simplify (opening gifts, social gatherings, activities,


Sometimes a little of something is enough, so if your child is easily

overstimulated, think of ways to shorten or simplify an activity. For example,

consider opening presents over several days (or weeks) if unwrapping them all at

once would be overwhelming. Or " practice " anticipation in advance. (See the

video clips, " What's in the Bag! " #1 with Mom and " What's in the Bag! " # 2 with

Dad.) If you're going to a party or dinner, maybe shorten the time and plan to

go later or leave earlier, or take two cars so you have more flexibility.

9. Frame activities so your child has an active role.

No matter what the activity, your child can be an active participant and

be given a clear role: ringing a bell during a song, swaying to Christmas

carols, passing out presents, putting a donation into a basket, handing over an

ornament, hanging up the tinsel, dunking a cookie (and saying " Oh No! " when half

the cookie lands in the milk!), putting sprinkles on the cookies, basting the

turkey, turning on the switch for the Christmas tree, putting the Jesus figure

in the manger, placing candles into a menorah, helping an adult with a two-man

saw to cut down the Christmas tree, carrying the Christmas tree together,

carrying the decorations into the house from their storage place, being the tape

passer, gift wrap tosser, marshmallow dropper into hot chocolate...

10. Try to eat well, get enough sleep, and stay regulated!

While regular routines tend to be disrupted over the holidays, it's easier

to enjoy this special time if everyone stays as regulated as possible. Don't

forget the basics of eating well, consuming goodies in moderation, exercising,

and getting enough sleep.

Have a happy holiday season!

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