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PS..from Sue. ...More on MB12 reactions...etc.

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My Dan doctor just started using Monavie now, too!

Fun to share:))

He likes the Gel packs better than the Juice...(but we love both).

I think he likes the gel packs so he can give samples to his patients.??

Only Time will tell... He's an immunologist.

RE: ...More on MB12 reactions...etc.

Hi eblair..and others ...from Sue,

Yes--- below is an old post explaining more about the juice.

You can also email me at st@... if you want me to send

some individual Gel packs...at 3.00 each...plus shipping...to try.

They are nice for lunches, snacks, and travel..or before sports,etc.

We get Cases of the Monavie Active as that muscle tests best for us.

And you will note from the feedback BELOW most kids with ASD do better on

the ACTIVE type than the original juice. ..We find the Active juice and the Original GEL

muscle test very comparable... for us.

That's probably because the Gel has a bit more Acai in it --wheras the Active juice

has glucosamime added.... One balances the other in effectiveness..it seems.

The GEl is also good over ice cream or yogurt...or in smoothies...

Or if you are GFCFSF... it can be mixed with any beverage or whatever.

Here's more info in the former post....Sue:)

Hi from Sue,

We've been using the anti-inflammatory juice drink called MonaVie

which has eliminated over 90% of the PILL form of supplements that we had been using for our

Spectrum disorders ( Depression, Anxiety, and ADD) for the past year. This is a whole food source which is more absorbable than pills

and is recommended by many doctors....and we are so "healthy" we switched.

There are accounts from 7 families below as to how Monavie helped their children with AUTISM Spectrum Disorders.

You'll also see much on the anitinflammatory properties...at the NON PROFIT

Website www.mymonavie.com/fundingASDresearch which I opened in honor of my adult ASD son...GARY...now 26. We are donationg 100% of the proceeds from this site to the Autism Research Institute in San Diego.

MonaVie juice is also an outstanding whole food source for the general public.

Monavie has 19 different fruits in it with the Acai berry being the foremost fruit.

(It also has the best process for Harvesting the Acai berry known as OptiAcai unique to MonaVie.)

While Dr. Perricone writing the book= the Perricone Promise, has noted the ACAI berry ( which is the Main fruit in MonaVie) has the highest ORAC value of any known fruit or veggie... and is rated by HIM to be #1 on his superfood antioxidant list; (Dr. Perricone has MonaVie.. everywhere on display in his Manhattan office.)

Dr. Ralph Carson said--- "Perhaps most important to know about phytonutrients and fruits is that they appear to be far more beneficial and effective in promoting health when a combination of fruits (not just a single fruit) is consumed." (That's why MonaVie blended the 19 together.)


As I mentioned before... That Acai berry is an ANTI inflammatory since it is found to have cox 1 and cox 2 inhibitors INHERENTLY in it.

And that's why it helps so many different conditions.. It has a low glycemic index... and also has the protein equivalent to an egg..

It has EFA's 3,6, & 9

More than 16 phytonutrients and antioxidants




Amino acids,

Plant sterols

large amts. of vitamins A,Bs,C, C,E, etc..

Minerals such as CA, Magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, & micronutrients


Glyconutrients and much more....

It is widely known to help PAIN due to the 1 and 2 inhibitors that are inherent in the fruit.

So ANTI-inflammation is a #1 benefit.. and you already know --inflammation is one of the the root causes of disease...including Autism Spectrum disorders. Tribal people in Brazil have known for centuries the Acai berries wonderful benefits for all types of skin conditions... including acne.

Blood pressure, vision, blood sugar levels , & HDL/LDL are things that are commonly helped by eating Acai as well.

Below are 7 summaries of how families with ASD have been helped by using MonaVie:

(There is also a School for Autism in Chicago using Monavie )

MY STORY ( from the Hartigans)

August 2006

Let me tell you how Monavie has touched my life. I am the father of 8 year old triplets B/G/G, one of whom has autism. My son was diagnosed with autism 6 years ago and I thought his life was over. We consulted with doctor after doctor, and even traveled around the state to try and find help for our son. After trying everything the doctors recommended, we did not see any change in our son's condition. We sought out the best therapist and tried to enroll him in a special program in our public school district. After numerous meeting with the school and therapists, we decided to pull him out of public school and home school him. This was a huge responsibility on my wife and was rewarding to see his academic achievement. But, the one thing he was lacking in was social interaction and awareness of others. Being home schooled put a huge deficit in an area he was already lacking in. So we decided to move to another county and try a new special education program to try and recapture the socialization deficiency our son had. During the first year back in public school, there was regression in the skills our son had already mastered. We opted to request for a one on one personal aide to help our son focus on academics and engage in more social settings with regular education students. This was very challenging due to his lack of communication skills. In the summer of 2006 my family was introduced to Monavie. With huge skepticism because of all that we have been through, I decided to try a bottle of Active Monavie without telling anyone. I started feeling great, had more mental focus, and was not nearly as tired as I was before. I decided to give my wife a bottle of Active and have her try it to see if it would help her bad hip and back. She had been in 2 car accidents over the last 4 years resulting in a broken hip and bad SI joints in her back causing large amounts of inflammation. She noticed a difference after 1 week. She started decreasing her medications and eventually stopped taking them all. After these huge successes, we started doing private research on Monavie. We found that it was helping all kinds of conditions and parents were having huge success treating ADHD. (For those who don't know ADHD is on the Autism spectrum) We decided to try our son on a bottle of Original Monavie to see what results we would see. We saw some improvements with speech and mental focus but not a huge amount. My wife decided to research Monavie Active to see what the different ingredients were and why our son did not see huge results on the Original. She found out that the Active contained essential fatty acids and glyconutrients. These ingredients were deficiencies in children with autism. Because of the autoimmune disorders most autistic children have, these were key nutrients that their bodies needed. Once we started our son on the Active he did a 360 degree turn around. He is now speaking full sentences and has much better mental clarity. We have received reports back from Speech and OT therapist that have asked what are we doing that has created an explosion of growth and communication in our child. Our son has is now being mainstreamed into regular education for Language Arts and Reading, five days a week. This is something we never thought he would be able to accomplish. By the end of the second nine weeks they want to mainstream for Math too!

Update 2/16/07 Our son is doing so awesome. Attended yet another IEP meeting to find out-starting next school year(Aug 07) our son will be completely released from the autism program at school and placed in a VE classroom. He will continue to attend an regular education class for Reading, Language Arts, Lunch and specials. He is on grade level in all academics, and has even scored one of the highest on his Dibbles test in regular ed reading. We have been speaking with several different families lately about the success of Monavie and their children. Every child is different when it comes to dosage, so depending on your childs metabolism, he or she may need more or less.

Most of the testimonials Below -----

were found on the site :"Calming Weight...Weighted products for Children with special needs" ?

1. "HiI have another success story. One of my patients in OT who is a teen age Aspergers child started Monavie active-2oz in morning and 2oz in evening. Within 3 days, mom called me to order more. Child told mom he feels calmer and his stomach does not hurt like it was hurting. His mother described nighttime as very difficult as child usually has meltdowns and irritable. He had no trouble calming down for bedtime, and although he took it later at night (possible kept him awake) he did not fret. He went to sleep and actually slept a little later in the morning. Mom said this never happens. He is always up at the same time no matter when he went to sleep. I asked his mom to keep a behavior journal for me so that I can share it with others. Mom stated she is going to try to take him off all his meds as he drinks the juice longer. This child has other diagnoses as well-OCD, Bipolar, ADD-HD. I am so excited for this family as well as my other families. I will keep you posted."

2. " I have a nine year old autistic son that has been taking Monavie for a month now. I can't believe the results that we have had in just this short of time. He is now using descriptive words something he has never done .We are actually having some real conversations now!!! He seems so much happier and peaceful he can actually concentrate and sit still for more than a few seconds! He is also sleeping something he has never done from the time he was born. He averages about 5 to 6 hours a night if I'm lucky but since taking Monavie he actually has slept for 12 hours one night. I awoke and was scared out of my mind I immediately thought something was wrong with him!!! I have now begun to write in a journal so I can keep up with his progress. Everyday is now filled with hope and excitement he does or says something new everyday. It is almost like having a baby that is beginning to talk. He did not talk until he was almost five so this is very exciting for us. This product is the miracle we have been praying for. I can't wait for what the future now holds for him and others who have been diagnosed with such a heartbreaking illness. I hope now that I can help other families who are going through this horrible nightmare!!!!!" ( Posted on the web = Monavie Moms)"Just wanted to give an update about my 7 year old son, Caleb. He has a diagnosis of Down Syndrome, ADHD, SID and possibly other undiagnosed challenges. I began giving him the MV Active due to the benefits for his loose joints and low muscle tone. He started on it on Dec. 29, 2006. Started with 1/2 ounce and now up to one ounce in the morning."3. "Gradually, we got him off his Adderall. He is a totally different child now!! No awful side effects. His special ed. teachers are documenting his progress from an academic standpoint as well as his behavior. I am so thankful for his progress. His OT is very impressed with his progress as well. His speech has improved, he is more calm now and can focus on the task at hand so much better.I have seen significant results in me as well with regards to the reduction of my Candida overgrowth from yeast due to hypothyroidism. I have renewed strength and am detoxing much better. My digestive system is eliminating much better. I feel less toxic each day and with less "brain fog."

4. "Two of my parents who have autistic children have been giving MONAvie for 3 weeks now. Both have had success. One child is starting to become aware of environment and responding to mom leaving room at night for bedtime. Child even aware of massage on hips. Mom stopped massaging hips and child put mom's hand right back on the spot where she was massaging. The other child participated in sing and dance at school in a group of children for first time in school. The teacher was in tears and could not believe it. In therapy, both children are more aware and responding with eye contact. One child caught a ball for the first time with 2 hands without turning head. Eye contact and focus so much better. Speech for both children is improving.....their minds are engaged with tasks. I will continue to recommend this to my patients. Both are on the ACTIVE blend. After speaking with another OT friend, one child she knows is taking 2 oz Active 3x day with food snack. The mom believes the snack helps it work longer. Good luck. It has been working for my OT children who I have in therapy. Both parents are tracking new successes every day."

5. "As I shared on a previous entry, I give my 7 year old (almost 8) son the MonaVie Active. We are seeing fabulous success with his focus and speech. He has Down Syndrome, ADHD, SID and possibly some form of PDD. The teachers are very encouraged by his progress. There are no side effects which we can see. He has been on the juice since Dec. 29, 2006. Started off with 1/2 ounce in the morning and now up to 1 oz. Hope this helps. I spoke with my Certified Nutritionist about the Active versus the Original, and she said there was not any reason which should keep my son from having the Active MV"

"First of all my son is very high functioning and is doing extremely well on the Monavie Active. We did try the original and did not have noticeable changes. Glucosamine is a glyconutrient and glyconutrients are a deficiency in autism. I am not a scientist that studies this for a living, I just know what has helped my son, and what is helping many other autistic children. It is also been noted that the Active is helping ADHD children as well, these children are also on the autism spectrum with positive results with no negative side effects. We have tried many other supplements and treatments, and none have been as great as Monavie."

6. "I wrote on another autism thread about my son but since this one is rolling along, I have to jump in. Zach is 6 and high functioning autistic, and very globally delayed. He is on the MonaVie Original for a little over a month. After 3 weeks we noticed a significant improvement - we thought it might be just wishful thinking on our part. But his teacher made a point of asking what we were doing with Zach, and said "it's like someone flipped a switch". He is now more conversational instead of just echolalic, he will tell us about his day. He listens to instructions and actually follows them. In class he is grasping concepts, his behavior has improved, and he is transitioning well. We spent Saturday with his best friend and his mom was stunned at the changes she sees. Yesterday and today he dressed himself fully for the first time - he was able to disrobe, but had difficulty with getting clothes on because of his gross and fine motor delays. Zachary also takes a product called Ambrotose made by Mannatech - it contains those 8 essential glyconutrients It comes in a powder form and we mix it into his yogurt. Also MannaBears - which are like gummy bears made with fruits and vegetables. He's been on those products since he was 2 or so. We noticed a slight improvement when he started them. Since adding the MonaVie Original, it is like night and day. We are looking forward to seeing what the next month holds...."

Hope these help,


P.S. Note: most do better on MonaVie Active than Original... and now they have a new GEL form which muscle tests equally well for my husband and I so we take 2--0z of ACTIVE in the morning and one GEl packet at night... usually right after the meal as our dessert... Some say it's better with meals..

But sometimes I just take it alone.. if I'm on the go.. and need a quick "meal" to tide me through to the next meal..great protein source --

That's the nice thing about the snack pack Gel.

ALSO RE: ALLERGIES to certain fruits... I have used EFT ( do a google) to clear others and myself of any allergies to fruits that are in THIS drink and they & we are now doing well on it.... Anyone can do EFT... see www.emofree.com .


Re: ... More on MB12 reactions...etc.

Posted by: "eblair3721@..." eblair3721@... eblair123

Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:02 am (PST)

In a message dated 1/11/2008 6:53:43 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, jsthorpesurewest (DOT) net writes:Is that I use Monavie Active juiceHi,Do you have more information on this?Thanks!**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

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Re: ... More on MB12 reactions...etc.

Posted by: "eblair3721@..." eblair3721@... eblair123

Fri Jan 11, 2008 6:02 am (PST)

In a message dated 1/11/2008 6:53:43 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, jsthorpesurewest (DOT) net writes:Is that I use Monavie Active juiceHi,Do you have more information on this?Thanks!**************Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. http://body.aol.com/fitness/winter-exercise?NCID=aolcmp00300000002489

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