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Thanks Stan, Cheryl, Dana, Christel and all...more words and more gains...

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Per a specialist at UCLA Med Center today... " Gee, I don't know...he

doesn't look that bad to me...autism is it? Really? " Not a very

fruitful appointment, but on the other hand, Matt really DOESN'T look

that bad these days, though we are still far from out of the woods.

Compared to four months ago or even four weeks ago...I am so damn

grateful to all of you on this list. Where would I be without this

list and those who take the time to answer posts...

Matt 8/24/05, ASD diagnosis about six months ago, has gone from

staring off into space, drooling on himself, and having crazy

twitches, tics, and jerky movements and eating only carbs and

starches or things with sugar on GFCF..to looking like an almost

normal little boy. He begs for fruit, raw veggies, and chicken these

days. He has moved form the lower 10 percentile to a healthier 50

percentile...27 lbs and 88 inches as of today. He has started to

SAY: all done, no, more, go, baby for people, joo for drinks, apple

for fruit,yeah-for yes, hewo - while playing with a telephone,and

chicken, several animal names and sounds. He jargons. He says bye

now....AND TODAY HE WAVED. He approaches children sometimes at the

playground and likes to be near them. His stims are MUCH MUCH LESS.

He no longer opens and closes doors and drawers hypnotically. He

does not head bang, scream ALL the time...he kisses, answers to his

name, follows very simple one or two word commands, tolerates being

touched again, makes eye contact again...and has met all his

Floortime one year goals in about three months. Most nights he

sleeps through, and when he does not - thanks to this list - we have

a clue WHY and strategies for jelping him. We met a family today

whose child is almost 5. Their boy remains non verbal, has behaviors

like Matt's when he has gut pain, yeast or bacterial issues, and his

case history reads like a classic VIRAL kid's all the way. He will

probably be heading to Dr. Goldberg soon, and the beginning to the

end of much of his suffering, poor baby. They did not change his diet

or attempt biomed bc of their ped's emphatic advice against it - they

threw themselves into the proven therapies intead...they will be

signing on to this site soon, as will five or six other families who

have witnessed Matt's turn around. Thank all of you so much for

Matt's progress so far and for your prompt generous responses to all

the posts we have made. We would be that family we met today if not

for this support. THANKS STAN for the calls and the courage to press

on with the RXs and an anti infectious disease strategy. Love, The


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