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Informed consent

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From: r_d_meyer [mailto: r_d_meyer@...]

Autism Treatment

Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 07:27:34 -0500

Subject: [ ] Informed Consent



Welcome all new members and thank you for your support! If you do not<BR>

wish to receive these emails in the future, please respond<BR>

directly to this message and state your request.<BR>




Australia Pro-Lifers Target Drugs Tested on Unborn Children...<BR>

Merck Battles HLI- Drops Their Charitable Contribution Match...<BR>

Catholic Bishops Bioethics Comm. UK Queries Aborted Fetal Cell Lines...<BR>

Crucell Hunting Down Fresh Aborted Fetuses...<BR>

Japanese obtain release for Measles vaccine...<BR>

SPECIAL REQUEST - Put the Pressure On!<BR>


Australia Pro-Lifers Target Drugs Tested on Unborn Children<BR>

Pro-Life Infonet 5-22-03<BR>

Canberra, Australia -- Australian pro-lifers failed to defeat<BR>

legislation permitting research on human embryos, but their fight<BR>

continues. Now they're hoping to win a government pledge that any drugs<BR>

tested on or using human embryos will carry public<BR>

warnings to that effect. They argue that, if pharmaceutical<BR>

manufacturers are going to test or create drugs by using aborted unborn<BR>

children, consumers should have the right to know which drugs are<BR>

affected, so they can avoid using them on conscience<BR>

grounds.... " <BR>



We need to hear from parents who have used the tainted vaccines only to<BR>

find out later that the vaccines used aborted<BR>

fetal tissue in order that we can pursue such action here in the USA.<BR>

Please respond by letting us know your full name,<BR>

address, contact information, religious affiliation in what year and<BR>

which vaccines your child or you used unknowingly.<BR>

Doctors, pharmacists - we would like to hear from you too!  The current<BR>

product inserts are NOT acceptable!<BR>


Merck Battles HLI- Will No Longer Accept Charitable Contribution Match<BR>

Looks like Merck is so rattled by Human Life International and Children<BR>

of God for Life's joint shareholder resolution and product<BR>

boycott that they are taking measures of their own to get even.  Merck<BR>

informed employees who were in their matching charitable<BR>

contribution program that they are dropping HLI from their list of<BR>

charities they will support.  We are asking everyone reading this<BR>

message to do 2 things:<BR>

1) Send a donation to HLI and let them know you appreciate their efforts<BR>

to help stop the use of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines.<BR>

Thousands of you are reading this..even if you can only send 1 dollar<BR>

each it will make a big difference!<BR>

2) Send a letter to Merck CEO Gilmartin and tell him you will<BR>

agressively support the boycott of all Merck products.  For a<BR>

complete listing of Merck products and their competitors go to:<BR>


href= " http://www.cogforlife.org/merckproducts.htm " >http://www.cogforlife.org/mer\


Write to Merck at:<BR>

Merck & Co.<BR>

V. Gilmartin, CEO<BR>

770 Sumneytown Pike   P.O. Box 4<BR>

Westpoint, PA  19486<BR>


Write to HLI at:<BR>

Human Life International<BR>

Attention: Father J. Euteneuer, President<BR>

4 Family Life Lane<BR>

Front Royal, VA. 22630<BR>


Catholic Bishops Bioethics Comm. UK Queries Aborted Fetal Cell Lines...<BR>

In a letter to Parliament from the Catholic Bishops Bioethics Committee<BR>

President, Bishop Donal Murray, an inquiry has been<BR>

posted as to the continued use of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines.<BR>

His primary concern was on the life expectancy of the existing<BR>

fetal cell lines, whether more fetal tissue is being used and the rights<BR>

of parents to abstain and boycott the products.  Children of<BR>

God for Life has responded to the Committee's concerns, citing the<BR>

ongoing use of new fetal tissue and included the documents from<BR>

the article below, as well as full history on the abortions used in<BR>

present day vaccines.  We have also cited the problems facing<BR>

parents in the US who have been denied the right to adhere to their<BR>

conscience.  More to follow on this story in the weeks ahead...<BR>


Crucell Hunting Down Fresh Aborted Fetuses<BR>

Crucell, NV, the Dutch biomedical firm that produces the aborted fetal<BR>

cell line PER C6 for use in new vaccines is not stopping in<BR>

their horrific attempts to acquire more and more fetuses for developing<BR>

new vaccines.  Press releases this week from both New<BR>

Zealand and Australia reveals their attempt to enter into secret fetus<BR>

trade deals with abortionists in both countries.  Read the stories<BR>

on our website at: <a

href= " http://www.cogforlife.org/crucell.htm " >http://www.cogforlife.org/crucell.h\


Also, Crucell has announced it will pursue the development of a new<BR>

vaccine for West Nile Virus using PER C6.  The vaccine is<BR>

being developed for Israel - we will keep a close watch to see if they<BR>

attempt to market it in the US as well.<BR>


Japanese obtain release for Measles vaccine<BR>

One of the delays we have encountered in our efforts to import both the<BR>

untainted, single dose rubella (Takahashi) and a new MMR<BR>

vaccine from Japan is that Aventis Pasteur of France held licensing<BR>

rights on the measles vaccine.  In a recent meeting with Kitasato<BR>

executives, AP agreed to release all rights, unconditionally back to<BR>

Kitasato for use in the US.  Kitasato has a tentative meeting<BR>

scheduled with Baxter International executives in July to negotiate US<BR>

distribution.  Please keep these efforts in your prayers - many<BR>

delays, such as the SARS problem have halted the international meetings<BR>

up to this point.  We will keep you updated on the<BR>



SPECIAL REQUEST - Put the Pressure On!<BR>

As many of you are aware in April we wrote to President Bush regarding<BR>

the backlog on Merck's ethical single doses for Measles<BR>

and Mumps.  We also urged Merck at their annual shareholder meeting to<BR>

make these vaccines available to the public.  To date, we<BR>

are still getting NO RESPONSE from either the Bush administration or<BR>

Merck on when the vaccines will be taken off back-order.<BR>

Many parents have waited over a year and would like to have them for<BR>

their children before school begins in the fall.  We are asking<BR>

you to write or call the following to complain:<BR>

1) Centers for Disease Control - email: <a

href= " http://www.cdc.gov/netinfo.htm " >http://www.cdc.gov/netinfo.htm</a><BR>


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention<BR>

1600 Clifton Rd.<BR>

Atlanta, GA 30333<BR>


2) President W. Bush  email: president@...<BR>

The White House<BR>

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW<BR>

Washington, DC 20500<BR>


3) Merck CEO Gilmartin (address above)<BR>

1-800-422-9675 (Vaccine Order Line) - Let them know you are calling to<BR>

complain about Attenuvax and Mumpsvax back order<BR>



Many thanks to all of you who are taking the petition to the streets -<BR>

to your respective churches, pro-life groups, family and friends.<BR>

We would especially like to extend our thanks to Christian Patriots for<BR>

Life - <a href= " http://www.cpforlife.org " >http://www.cpforlife.org</a> - who

have gathered hundreds of<BR>

signatures for us and who are working with other large organizations to<BR>

promote the truth!  A special note of thanks also to the<BR>

Archdiocese of Chicago and their Respect Life offices who have had<BR>

Children of God for Life speak at their workshops to educate<BR>

their parishes as they continue to distribute our free brochures and<BR>

petitions.  And I would be remiss if I did not extend our deepest<BR>

gratitiude to Father Euteneuer at Human Life International who is<BR>

relentlessly working to promote our work and boycott of<BR>

Merck products nationwide and in their overseas offices!  HLI Reports<BR>

latest issue was dedicated exclusively to the vaccines and our<BR>

fight against Merck.  The news has spread to other publications as<BR>

evidenced in recent articles in Our Sunday Visitor and the<BR>

National Catholic Register and Faith Works Radio which aired a live one<BR>

hour interview on our work last Sunday.  Please continue to<BR>

do the great job you are doing of spreading the word!  We now offer our<BR>

vaccine brochures in both Spanish and Polish too so if you<BR>

would like free copies, just let us know!  Keep us in your prayers!<BR>

God bless,<BR>

Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director<BR>

Children of God for Life<BR>

2130 Catalina Drive<BR>

Clearwater, FL  33764<BR>

<a href= " http://www.cogforlife.org " >http://www.cogforlife.org</a><BR>



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