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Re: What a difference

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That's great, ! It's amazing what having a good morning can do for the

rest of your day.

Could I make a suggestion? Instead of setting your intent to " not have " Easter

candy, maybe you could set an intention to be hungry for dinner so that you

really enjoy it? If you tell yourself not to eat Easter candy, you might end up

thinking about it all day. Just a thought.

Have a wonderful day!

With love,



> Last night, before bed I made first entry in my control journal. I went to

sleep feeling wonderful. My alarm was set to go off at 5 am so I could walk on

my treadmill for 30 minutes. I woke up, got on the treadmill and did my thing.

When I was done I got a shower, got ready for work and now the baby is watching

cartoons as I sit here and write this. Normally my mornings are filled with

chaos. Running around like a crazy person and rushing. Not today. It's so

calm and peaceful.


> I am having a hard time figuring out what my intent should be today so I am

going to go simple. Today I intend to think like a slim person and not eat one

piece of Easter candy at work.


> Hope you are all well.




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> Last night, before bed I made first entry in my control journal. I went to

sleep feeling wonderful. My alarm was set to go off at 5 am so I could walk on

my treadmill for 30 minutes. I woke up, got on the treadmill and did my thing.

When I was done I got a shower, got ready for work and now the baby is watching

cartoons as I sit here and write this. Normally my mornings are filled with

chaos. Running around like a crazy person and rushing. Not today. It's so

calm and peaceful.


How did you convince yourself to get up that 1/2 hour early? I keep setting my

alarm early, but when it goes off I always reset it even later.


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Hi Eldred,

I am a very early morning person, but I never used to be. I used to think that

the later my day started, the better! But once I took up running, and found

that my preferred time was first thing in the morning, then I started getting up

early. Now, it's a habit. I haven't used an alarm clock in almost a decade

because I naturally wake up early.

I'm not saying running is the answer! ;-) But you have to WANT to get up early.

Or at least plan an activity that you will like better than staying in bed to

help motivate yourself to get up.

With love,



> How did you convince yourself to get up that 1/2 hour early? I keep setting

my alarm early, but when it goes off I always reset it even later.


> Eldred


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> How to wake up when your alarm goes off & not sleep in

> This matter is something that is very personal. Everyone has

> different body clocks. Some people respond to one technique while others will

not respond at all. Make sure you experiment with a variety of

> different techniques and find out what works best for you.

> 1. Put your alarm away from the bed

> The first thing you need to do is move your alarm away from your bed.

> This will stop you from just hitting the snooze button and diving back

> under the covers. And we all know what that means †" another hour of

> sleep!

> Ideally you should have to get out of bed in order to turn off your

> alarm. Once you are out you will have a much better chance of staying

> out. Try this and see if it helps.

I've even gotten up, gone to the bathroom, then crawled back into bed.

> 2. Go to bed early

> If you do not go to bed early it will be extremely hard to get up when

> your alarm goes off. You will not wake up fresh and alive and instead

> will feel groggy and tired. The comfortable blankets will be too

> tempting and you will fall right back to sleep.

> If you are having problems getting up early you need to go to bed

> earlier. It is not rocket science. In fact, this is one of the most

> simple points that people overlook. Find your optimal time and go with

> it.

This would probably make the biggest difference. But I don't know why I don't

go to bed earlier. It's just as confusing as why I overeat. It's probably

because I'd have to go to bed WAY too early. If I don't set an alarm, I usually

sleep for 8-9 hours. That would mean I'd have to be asleep by at least 9pm.

Some days, I don't even get HOME until after that. I usually go to bed at about

11pm or midnight. But yeah, I have to figure out how to make SOMETHING work...

> 3. Get up at the same time everyday

> You need to get out of bed at the same time everyday, even on weekends.

> If you change times everyday you will irritate your body clock and find

> it extremely difficult to get out of bed when you actually want to. Pick

> a time and set your alarm to it and never change it. After a few weeks

> you will find it quite normal to get up early.


I've heard that before. Problem is, I have to get up at 6am just to get to work

on time. If I want to exercise, I'd have to get up at 5am. I have no good

reason to get up that early on the weekend... Unless something special is going

on, I usually get up at 8 or 9 on the weekend.

And I can't *stand* coffee...<g>


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> * Before you go to sleep, try telling yourself what time you want to wake up.

It may sound strange, but often works.


I have a friend who can do that. She can do it even if she only gets 4-5 hours

of sleep. Amazing. I've read somewhere that if you need an alarm clock to get

up, you aren't getting enough sleep. If that's the case, I've been

sleep-deprived for YEARS...


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> oh goodness ... how about setting an alarm to go to bed then instead?


> my version of 'working on it' was trying to figure out why I had a hard time

getting up with the alarm!  I tried a number of different solutions before it

dawned on me that my lack of sleep was the culprit!


At one point, I considered putting my computer or TV on a timer to shut OFF when

it was time to go to bed. I decided that would just make me mad when it went

off in the middle of something... :-)


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> Hi Eldred,


> I am a very early morning person, but I never used to be. I used to think

that the later my day started, the better! But once I took up running, and

found that my preferred time was first thing in the morning, then I started

getting up early. Now, it's a habit. I haven't used an alarm clock in almost a

decade because I naturally wake up early.


> I'm not saying running is the answer! ;-) But you have to WANT to get up

early. Or at least plan an activity that you will like better than staying in

bed to help motivate yourself to get up.


It's not that I *want* to exercise, but I know logically that it would be good

for me. Because of where I live, cycling in the morning would work better

because I don't have to worry as much about idiot drivers out on the street.

Hopefully, I can find one or two ideas that work out of the 20 or so that

Colleen posted. Given just the law of averages I should be able to use

SOMETHING, y'know?


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I downloaded a Deepak Chopra sleep meditation that is only a few mins long but I

enjoy it and has some good sleep reminders (on itunes). You can also search for

Deepak Chopra for free station on Pandora. There are also some free sleep

meditation podcasts avail


> Last night, before bed I made first entry in my control journal. I went to

sleep feeling wonderful. My alarm was set to go off at 5 am so I could walk on

my treadmill for 30 minutes. I woke up, got on the treadmill and did my thing.

When I was done I got a shower, got ready for work and now the baby is watching

cartoons as I sit here and write this. Normally my mornings are filled with

chaos. Running around like a crazy person and rushing. Not today. It's so

calm and peaceful.


> I am having a hard time figuring out what my intent should be today so I am

going to go simple. Today I intend to think like a slim person and not eat one

piece of Easter candy at work.


> Hope you are all well.




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Fantastic, !



>To: insideoutweightloss

>Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 2:13 PM

>Subject: What a difference




>Last night, before bed I made first entry in my control journal. I went to

sleep feeling wonderful. My alarm was set to go off at 5 am so I could walk on

my treadmill for 30 minutes. I woke up, got on the treadmill and did my thing.

When I was done I got a shower, got ready for work and now the baby is watching

cartoons as I sit here and write this. Normally my mornings are filled with

chaos. Running around like a crazy person and rushing. Not today. It's so

calm and peaceful.


>I am having a hard time figuring out what my intent should be today so I am

going to go simple. Today I intend to think like a slim person and not eat one

piece of Easter candy at work.


>Hope you are all well.








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