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Re: Fun vs. Renewal

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so when I look up renewal, I find the following words used to describe it: 

refresh, replenish, freshen up, restore, update so I don't know that renewal is

a Calgon moment for all of us but I think we all have something that makes us

feel that way (whether it's for a moment or for a day or for a lifetime) for

some period of time!

I know when I wake up from a good, long, deep sleep - I feel renewed (like I can

take on the world!) and having a massage makes tensions seep out of my pores and

when I leave, I feel no mental or physical tension at all and like I'm totally

relaxed.  Neither of these feelings last a long time because the real world

starts up again in short order.  When I have a catchup lunch date with my best

friend, time passes so quickly, we talk as if we just saw each other yesterday

and when we head our separate ways, the feeling of her friendship and the things

we shared and laughed about also renew my spirit (I'm lighter, with a more

positive outlook and have renewed faith about a number of things).  I didn't 

really think about these as renewal moments until you asked the question and I

started to think about what brings me up when I'm down or tired or depleted - so

that's my description of renewal for me.

am curious as to how the rest of you view Eldred's question!

AND Eldred - how is your training going??  how's eating your meals at the table

or counter (and not in front of the TV or computer) going?



To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 5:20 AM

Subject: " Fun " vs. " Renewal "


How do find what renews you? I mean, I have several things that I like to do.

Things like bowling, playing computer games, watching TV, reading, playing

instruments or listening to music. But I associate the term 'renewal' with

something that makes you say, " Ahhhh... " You know, like those old Calgon

commercials. I don't have that. Is that a bad thing?


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Well for me this is an easy one....

I feel renewed after a long, quiet walk in the woods.  I also feel renewed


a long walk in the cool evening air with dark fast approaching.



To: " insideoutweightloss " <insideoutweightloss >

Sent: Thu, June 16, 2011 8:44:56 AM

Subject: Re: " Fun " vs. " Renewal "


so when I look up renewal, I find the following words used to describe it: 

refresh, replenish, freshen up, restore, update so I don't know that renewal is

a Calgon moment for all of us but I think we all have something that makes us

feel that way (whether it's for a moment or for a day or for a lifetime) for

some period of time!

I know when I wake up from a good, long, deep sleep - I feel renewed (like I can

take on the world!) and having a massage makes tensions seep out of my pores and

when I leave, I feel no mental or physical tension at all and like I'm totally

relaxed.  Neither of these feelings last a long time because the real world

starts up again in short order.  When I have a catchup lunch date with my best

friend, time passes so quickly, we talk as if we just saw each other yesterday

and when we head our separate ways, the feeling of her friendship and the things

we shared and laughed about also renew my spirit (I'm lighter, with a more

positive outlook and have renewed faith about a number of things).  I didn't 

really think about these as renewal moments until you asked the question and I

started to think about what brings me up when I'm down or tired or depleted - so

that's my description of renewal for me.

am curious as to how the rest of you view Eldred's question!

AND Eldred - how is your training going??  how's eating your meals at the table

or counter (and not in front of the TV or computer) going?



To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 5:20 AM

Subject: " Fun " vs. " Renewal "


How do find what renews you? I mean, I have several things that I like to do.

Things like bowling, playing computer games, watching TV, reading, playing

instruments or listening to music. But I associate the term 'renewal' with

something that makes you say, " Ahhhh... " You know, like those old Calgon

commercials. I don't have that. Is that a bad thing?


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> am curious as to how the rest of you view Eldred's question!


> AND Eldred - how is your training going??  how's eating your meals at the

table or counter (and not in front of the TV or computer) going?


Thanks for asking! I've gotten on the bike for 12 out of the first 15 days in

June. Haven't gotten the *mileage* that I need, though. I need to be doing

20-30 miles a day, and I don't have the time in the morning to do that.

I've been eating quite a few meals(but not all) at the table, usually listening

to the radio or a CD. Breakfast I still eat in front of the computer, as well

as any snacks.

I'm still eating way too much.


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woo hoo!!  it's like one step at a time (and practice is how they become

habits!) -- so great job on the biking!!  your getting 12 out of 15 days is a

great track record! plus you do need to give the body a break from the physical

so it can both mend & grow the muscle to support what you're going to be doing

(in crossfit, they recommend three days on, one day off as the cycle - biking

would seem to me to be as intense as cf!). 

I ride our city's bus to work a couple of days a week and they just fitted the

buses with bike racks - so I'm going to give a try to bringing my bike to work

(and getting off a stop or two before my real one and pedaling in the rest of

the way as well as biking at lunch (we're really close to some nice paved

walking paths) as I usually walk during my lunch hour.  Could you take your

bike to work and bike at lunch?  or do the miles need to be contiguous for your

training?  I've never trained for anything so am clueless!

does eating your meals at the table feel any different now than it did when you

started (I remember you talking about how you seemed to eat really fast and that

it was boring and I think you were going to try some music??)?

thanks for the update!  we're all rooting for your fund raising bike ride for




To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2011 11:47 AM

Subject: Re: " Fun " vs. " Renewal "


> am curious as to how the rest of you view Eldred's question!


> AND Eldred - how is your training going??  how's eating your meals at the

table or counter (and not in front of the TV or computer) going?


Thanks for asking! I've gotten on the bike for 12 out of the first 15 days in

June. Haven't gotten the *mileage* that I need, though. I need to be doing

20-30 miles a day, and I don't have the time in the morning to do that.

I've been eating quite a few meals(but not all) at the table, usually listening

to the radio or a CD. Breakfast I still eat in front of the computer, as well

as any snacks.

I'm still eating way too much.


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> woo hoo!!  it's like one step at a time (and practice is how they become

habits!) -- so great job on the biking!!  your getting 12 out of 15 days is a

great track record! plus you do need to give the body a break from the physical

so it can both mend & grow the muscle to support what you're going to be doing

(in crossfit, they recommend three days on, one day off as the cycle - biking

would seem to me to be as intense as cf!). 


I want to finish the charity ride this year, so I want to get 800 miles in

before we go. I need to find a way to create more time in the day...


> I ride our city's bus to work a couple of days a week and they just fitted the

buses with bike racks - so I'm going to give a try to bringing my bike to work

(and getting off a stop or two before my real one and pedaling in the rest of

the way as well as biking at lunch (we're really close to some nice paved

walking paths) as I usually walk during my lunch hour.  Could you take your

bike to work and bike at lunch?  or do the miles need to be contiguous for your

training?  I've never trained for anything so am clueless!


I only get 1/2 hour for lunch, so I wouldn't have enough time. No, the miles

don't have to be contiguous. The big problem with riding in the evening after

work is that there is more traffic then, so it's a bit more hectic.

> does eating your meals at the table feel any different now than it did when

you started (I remember you talking about how you seemed to eat really fast and

that it was boring and I think you were going to try some music??)?


Nope - it's still boring. That may be something that I just have to work


> thanks for the update!  we're all rooting for your fund raising bike ride for





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What a great question Eldred! Just what I needed to think about today...

(i'm physically exhausted today). It was actually a lot harder for me to

answer than I thought!

For me taking a sauna is renewing, playing with my dog, walking in the woods

by the river, listening to music, zumba, showering before bed, helping

friends, nice long nap or good nights sleep, sitting with friends at dusk on

my front stoop, cleaning my room!

One thing I realized is that all of these things can give me that feeling of

renewal and ahhhh feeling, but they all have their right moments. For

example today I am physically tired and sore, so a sauna and stretching felt

great. Some times I need more of a mental break but I have a lot of

physical energy, so dancing and zumba feel great. I think I am slowly

staring to really listen to my body and correctly identify what it needs. I

no longer think, " i'm exhausted, maybe watching tv and eating food will make

me feel better " .

Thanks everyone!

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> What a great question Eldred! Just what I needed to think about today...

> (i'm physically exhausted today). It was actually a lot harder for me to

> answer than I thought!



> One thing I realized is that all of these things can give me that feeling of

> renewal and ahhhh feeling, but they all have their right moments.  For

> example today I am physically tired and sore, so a sauna and stretching felt

> great.  Some times I need more of a mental break but I have a lot of

> physical energy, so dancing and zumba feel great.  I think I am slowly

> staring to really listen to my body and correctly identify what it needs. I

> no longer think, " i'm exhausted, maybe watching tv and eating food will make

> me feel better " .


I don't think my body and I are on speaking terms. I mean, I really

CAN'T tell what it wants or needs. Eating 'junk food' doesn't make me

feel bad, nor does eating 'healthy food' make me feel good. Eating

too MUCH food(good or bad) might make me feel bad, but most times I

still do it. I haven't figured out how that benefits me, what part of

me wants to be fat, or what the positive intent is.



Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.

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I definitely notice this, too. That timing is everything.... For me, singing is

renewing. I love my choir. But I get home late (for me). So there are times when

I know it's better for me to skip the emotional renewal, because I need my


Yeah, sleep is renewing, too! LOL!


To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Thu, June 16, 2011 11:46:59 PM

Subject: Re: " Fun " vs. " Renewal "

One thing I realized is that all of these things can give me that feeling of

renewal and ahhhh feeling, but they all have their right moments. For

example today I am physically tired and sore, so a sauna and stretching felt

great. Some times I need more of a mental break but I have a lot of

physical energy, so dancing and zumba feel great. I think I am slowly

staring to really listen to my body and correctly identify what it needs. I

no longer think, " i'm exhausted, maybe watching tv and eating food will make

me feel better " .

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Is the positive intent of eating too much to make you feel *something*?


To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Fri, June 17, 2011 5:12:32 AM

Subject: Re: " Fun " vs. " Renewal "

I don't think my body and I are on speaking terms. I mean, I really

CAN'T tell what it wants or needs. Eating 'junk food' doesn't make me

feel bad, nor does eating 'healthy food' make me feel good. Eating

too MUCH food(good or bad) might make me feel bad, but most times I

still do it. I haven't figured out how that benefits me, what part of

me wants to be fat, or what the positive intent is.



Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.

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> Is the positive intent of eating too much to make you feel *something*?



In order to answer that question, wouldn't I have to know why I've gone numb in

the first place?


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Is there any reason why you want to lose weight?

To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Friday, June 17, 2011 8:41 AM

Subject: Re: " Fun " vs. " Renewal "


Is the positive intent of eating too much to make you feel *something*?


To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Fri, June 17, 2011 5:12:32 AM

Subject: Re: " Fun " vs. " Renewal "

I don't think my body and I are on speaking terms. I mean, I really

CAN'T tell what it wants or needs. Eating 'junk food' doesn't make me

feel bad, nor does eating 'healthy food' make me feel good. Eating

too MUCH food(good or bad) might make me feel bad, but most times I

still do it. I haven't figured out how that benefits me, what part of

me wants to be fat, or what the positive intent is.



Once the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend.

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> Eldred,

> Is there any reason why you want to lose weight?


There are a FEW reasons: I look like crap, I feel like crap, I get tired doing

simple movement. I know that my current weight puts me at risk for several

health problems(some which seem pretty close). I'm also single, and I'd like to

be attractive to women.


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Hmmm. I'd say no--first gauge your reaction to the question at face value. If

you get a yes, or even a maybe, you know you're eating too much in order to

feel. (Or at least, that it's part of the equation.)

At that point, there might be several ways to approach it besides going straight

to the " why " .

Like, what can you feel instead? Maybe find a way to squeeze in some extra

workout time, so you're feeling a bit of muscle soreness? (The good, yes I've

worked out kind, not injury....) Or focus on the way you feel while you're

training for your race?

Or with a food-centered approach, what would happen if for a specific meal, you

make a point of not eating to fullness--and see what else you can feel?

And if you get a no--move on to asking other questions until something feels

" right " ....


To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Fri, June 17, 2011 3:36:58 PM

Subject: Re: " Fun " vs. " Renewal "



> Is the positive intent of eating too much to make you feel *something*?



In order to answer that question, wouldn't I have to know why I've gone numb in

the first place?


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