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Scared of this high

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I have also had a fear, or maybe its more of a limiting belief, pop up

recently.  Mine is around the amount of food it takes to make me feel

satisfied.  The past few days it has been very little.  I will be eating,


in after half a sandwich or maybe a third of my meal, and realize that I am

satisfied (not full but satisfied).  I then look at how much I have eaten and

think " Oh, that's not enough.  I need to eat more. "   So then I eat several


bites and end up feeling uncomfortable for an hour or two.



To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Wed, July 6, 2011 9:37:03 AM

Subject: Scared of this high


So the last few days have been going very well... I feel so good taking care of

my body by eating healthy and exercising. The scare that I have is that it is

only a high and will end soon like it has before in the past.

I don't feel like I am " white knuckling " it, but the worrying is in the back of

my mind a lot. I just can't imagine why I would want to do anything other than

what I am doing now because it makes me feel SO GREAT!!! I am in a better mood

and just feel better.

Thanks for taking the time to read..and thanks to the volunteers that help keep

this group going.

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I am so happy for you.  Chances are  that something will trigger old


and feelings but as long as you keep coming back to your center and work through

those things you can always end up back where you are --- I hope a day like

today will one day be your every day.




To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Wed, July 6, 2011 8:37:03 AM

Subject: Scared of this high


So the last few days have been going very well... I feel so good taking care of

my body by eating healthy and exercising. The scare that I have is that it is

only a high and will end soon like it has before in the past.

I don't feel like I am " white knuckling " it, but the worrying is in the back of

my mind a lot. I just can't imagine why I would want to do anything other than

what I am doing now because it makes me feel SO GREAT!!! I am in a better mood

and just feel better.

Thanks for taking the time to read..and thanks to the volunteers that help keep

this group going.

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> I have also had a fear, or maybe its more of a limiting belief, pop up

> recently.  Mine is around the amount of food it takes to make me feel

> satisfied.  The past few days it has been very little.  I will be eating,


> in after half a sandwich or maybe a third of my meal, and realize that I am

> satisfied (not full but satisfied).  I then look at how much I have eaten and

> think " Oh, that's not enough.  I need to eat more. "   So then I eat several


> bites and end up feeling uncomfortable for an hour or two.


At one point, I considered getting smaller plates to fool my mind into thinking

I had eaten more. I've read somewhere that we naturally think we need to fill

up the entire plate when we eat. If it's a 12 " dinner plate, that's a lot more

food than if we use a 10 " plate. Maybe I should get 8 " plates...


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there's even a web site dedicated to it - http://www.smallplatemovement.org/

(from Cornell university)

and the scientific study to back it up -


I put the dinner plates from my set away & eat off the salad plates -- and I

can't remember the last time I went back for seconds, so you do adjust without

really thinking about it.  It's another reason that I try to portion items out

vs. eating out of the bag or container ... it gets away from me quickly




To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2011 12:33 PM

Subject: Re: Scared of this high



> I have also had a fear, or maybe its more of a limiting belief, pop up

> recently.  Mine is around the amount of food it takes to make me feel

> satisfied.  The past few days it has been very little.  I will be

eating, check

> in after half a sandwich or maybe a third of my meal, and realize that I am

> satisfied (not full but satisfied).  I then look at how much I have eaten


> think " Oh, that's not enough.  I need to eat more. "   So then I eat

several more

> bites and end up feeling uncomfortable for an hour or two.


At one point, I considered getting smaller plates to fool my mind into thinking

I had eaten more. I've read somewhere that we naturally think we need to fill

up the entire plate when we eat. If it's a 12 " dinner plate, that's a lot more

food than if we use a 10 " plate. Maybe I should get 8 " plates...


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> there's even a web site dedicated to it - http://www.smallplatemovement.org/

(from Cornell university)


That's an interesting site! It's a good read...

> and the scientific study to back it up -




> I put the dinner plates from my set away & eat off the salad plates -- and I

can't remember the last time I went back for seconds, so you do adjust without

really thinking about it.  It's another reason that I try to portion items out

vs. eating out of the bag or container ... it gets away from me quickly




I go back for seconds even with the smaller plates(as stated in my

'food thoughts'). I don't know if subconsciously I *know* there's

less food, or what. Or, maybe by eating in front of the computer/TV,

etc. it doesn't register that I *have* eaten. Since eating at the

table is fairly new for me, I'll have to pay more attention for a




" Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.

Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. "

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Hi everyone,

I started eating whatever I am in the mood for when I am physically hungry. I

haven't had a binge in at least a week now. I'm kind of scared of this " high "

and how long it will last. I really don't feel like I'm white knuckling it and

holding on for dear life..but I am worried that the urge to binge will strike

and I won't know how to deal with it. Anyone have similar feelings or has dealt

with something similar?


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Hi ,

I seem to have similar feelings when I am doing the same. Lately though, I have

been eating more than I should so I'm starting to get back on track with the



> Hi everyone,

> I started eating whatever I am in the mood for when I am physically hungry.

I haven't had a binge in at least a week now. I'm kind of scared of this " high "

and how long it will last. I really don't feel like I'm white knuckling it and

holding on for dear life..but I am worried that the urge to binge will strike

and I won't know how to deal with it. Anyone have similar feelings or has dealt

with something similar?


> Thanks!



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went a week without a binge and binged last night.. and already right now


On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 9:49 AM, ultimatelover1988 wrote:

> **



> Hi ,


> I seem to have similar feelings when I am doing the same. Lately though, I

> have been eating more than I should so I'm starting to get back on track

> with the eating.






> >

> > Hi everyone,

> > I started eating whatever I am in the mood for when I am physically

> hungry. I haven't had a binge in at least a week now. I'm kind of scared of

> this " high " and how long it will last. I really don't feel like I'm white

> knuckling it and holding on for dear life..but I am worried that the urge to

> binge will strike and I won't know how to deal with it. Anyone have similar

> feelings or has dealt with something similar?

> >

> > Thanks!

> >

> >





Avie Linden

University of Michigan - Anthropology

Program in the Environment, History of Art

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Hi ,

I think that's one of the biggest fears for those of us who thought we could

only lose weight and keep it off by meticulous tracking of every calorie, in and

out. That if we allow ourselves to trust our hunger, we'll be fine for a day or

two. Even a week. But then The Binge will return. AND NEVER STOP.

This was a hard fear for me to let go of. It didn't happen overnight. But

gradually the little victories started adding up. Each time I was able to extend

the time between binges, each time I realized I skipped my normal snack time

because I wasn't hungry, each time I stopped when I was satisfied--I was able to

question that limiting belief. I was able to enjoy the feeling of appropriate

hunger. To enjoy the feeling of listening to my body instead of my head.

Last month, I was in Paris for a two-week vacation. I decided I'd eat anything I

wanted--as long as I enjoyed it, ate when hungry, and stopped when full.

I lost weight.

I think one of the most important aspects of this change in my attitude is that

I stopped viewing any one event as proof that " now I've got it " or " now I

screwed up so royally I might as well start eating now and stop next Thursday. "

If the binge strikes--I will deal with it. If it doesn't, I'll deal with that,

too. :-)

I'm answering in general terms--if the binge strikes, you'll be OK--as opposed

to what to do if/when the binge strikes. That's because I haven't found any

one-size fits-all solution that can stop any and all binges (or overeating

episodes, or undereating episodes) in their tracks.

In fact, if you don't have a binge (or at least the urge to...) you will not

learn how to deal with it.

So relax. Take time to enjoy the fact that you are currently naturally slender.

And keep listening to the podcasts--you'll get a whole toolkit of ideas for

dealing with any non-hunger-based eating urges that do come your way....



>To: insideoutweightloss

>Sent: Monday, August 8, 2011 7:06 AM

>Subject: Scared of this " high "




>Hi everyone,

>I started eating whatever I am in the mood for when I am physically hungry. I

haven't had a binge in at least a week now. I'm kind of scared of this " high "

and how long it will last. I really don't feel like I'm white knuckling it and

holding on for dear life..but I am worried that the urge to binge will strike

and I won't know how to deal with it. Anyone have similar feelings or has dealt

with something similar?









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