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People who feel too much

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This interview occurred at 9 am pacific so the 48 hour free replay should

be up till Saturday morning (and sometimes people leave up teleseminar

replays over the weekend--can't guarantee that though)

I thought this would resonate with at least some of the folks here on the




The replay of Colette Baron-Reid's interview is online at:


Weight Loss for People who Feel Too Much! (Clairsentience

and Weight Gain).

In today's call Colette Baron-Reid shares how she discovered

over the last 22 years of working with clients from around

the world, that clairsentients have a distinct relationship

to food and weight.

How do you know if you are an emotional empath or


If you identify with the term " people who feel too much " ,

it's likely that you're gifted with an intuitive process

known as clairsentience. Clairsentience is the intuitive

faculty that allows us to sense the emotional temperature

of our environment. It allows us to be empathetic, and

opens us up to feel others' feelings as well as our own.

Colette's work with clairsentients on the topic of weight

loss led her to focus on the metaphysical dynamic of body

armor/protection, emotional overload and self-awareness to

successfully assist them in releasing their psychic weight.

During the interview, Colette shared the 12 signs that will

help you discover if you are in emotional overwhelm, and if

you are a clairsentient struggling with psychic weight,

gives you the insights to fully understand why. If we learn

to focus on our feelings and not the food, we can regain our

healthy weight.

There's a whole lot more in this information packed

interview, and you can still listen! But you've only

got 48 hours to check it out:


So you don't want to miss this! Check out the replay of

this amazing interview with Colette Baron-Reid that we've

made available for you. Remember, it's only going to be

online for the next 48 hours, so listen right away!

Also, check out the Special Offer that Colette put

together for everyone on the call.


I'm so grateful to all of you who are participating in the

Inspired Living Secrets Teleseminar. Please check your email

for details of the next interview.

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