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Re: How are you self-correcting during chaotic/stressful/menstrual times?

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I'm not a big practiser of Kaizan but I do try to make sure I stop eating

before I'm really full. If I do overeat I try and just be aware of it so I

know for next time. As says that each slip up just means that it is

an area you haven't worked out yet. I prefer the hand on the stomach and

tilt your head down technique and the 'how do I want to feel after'


Have you tried the tapping? I've only done it during the podcast and

haven't put it in to practice yet but I'd be interested to hear what

feedback you all have.

Also, I haven't had much luck with the guided journeys. the compulsion

blowouts.. Those brownies still call to me!


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I have begun to use the tapping at least once a day. I had an enormous success

with it in a different arena that validates it's efficiency. 

Here is the story; 

I thought that I got onto a ferris wheel, a nice, gentle ride that would let me

look at the moon and stars. Turns out, I get in and they strap me down with a

metal bar in a enclosed cage. I have an intense adverse reaction to cages.

 This is not a ferris wheel- it's a fast spinning vortex. I notice the anxiety

building, I'm at a 9 on a scale from 1-10. So I use the tapping techniques are

the death machine whines up. I tap tap tap tap tap, " Even though I have this

intense anxiety, I deeply and completely Love and Accept myself " AND A MIRACLE!

After running through the tapping repeating the mantra, I have NO ANXIETY ABOUT

THE RIDE! I was able to just watching the stars move around me really fast, and

listen to every one else scream and freak out. It turned out to be rather

amusing. So I thought, this EFT thing really works. 

Yesterday I applied it to the moon time munchies, and it removed the charge that

about feeling guilty about munching out, I just ate the food and enjoyed it. I

downloaded the free EFT manual offline, and it has scientific evidence and

success stories using the technique. I'm half way though so I'm curious to see

how this tool will aid me in my weight-loss journey. It's taking some practice

to be aware when I'm covering emotions with food. It's been largely subconscious

for a great portion of my life, so for the emotions to start letting themselves

air is a process. Also, the binges have become less frequent and shorter in

time.  I'm focusing on refining my craft.  

J, have you identified any trigger situations for eating brownies? 

I agree with you on the Compulsion Blow Out. I used hummus as mine, and I ended

up bingeing on hummus the very next day. I did switch to coconut icecream in the

middle of the journey, so I don't know. I did have a HUGE amount of success

using NLP similar to the compulsion blow out to stop a craving I had a year ago.

I had a master practitioner work NLP on me with saltine crackers, I use to eat a

whole container in one go, now I seriously have tried to eat one and I cannot

get it to my mouth hahah. It happened instantly, and has lasted a YEAR. I just

put it down and walk away.

For all intensive purposes, I believe the sabotage self-sabotage journey has

made an impact in my life. I feel that it's a seed that was planted. I'll be

watching for that journey to validated by the rapidity of my weight-loss. I felt

more integrated with that journey. I have not done the appetite adjuster. 

May we experience fast, fun and easy weight-loss with active and imaginative

participation with the least amount of hardships beginning now, bringing

fullness to the rest of our lives and bringing our soul's gifts out on the

planet :] You know, typical tuesday kind of stuff. 

Love Invincible, 



To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 12:42 AM

Subject: Re: How are you self-correcting during

chaotic/stressful/menstrual times?


I'm not a big practiser of Kaizan but I do try to make sure I stop eating

before I'm really full. If I do overeat I try and just be aware of it so I

know for next time. As says that each slip up just means that it is

an area you haven't worked out yet. I prefer the hand on the stomach and

tilt your head down technique and the 'how do I want to feel after'


Have you tried the tapping? I've only done it during the podcast and

haven't put it in to practice yet but I'd be interested to hear what

feedback you all have.

Also, I haven't had much luck with the guided journeys. the compulsion

blowouts.. Those brownies still call to me!


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