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Re: Bulimia as a limiting belief

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Hi Jenna,

I was just listening to two of the episodes on limiting beliefs this morning! I

never thought about the belief that you have an eating disorder could be a

limiting belief before you mentioned it in your post.

It took me a long time to come to terms with the idea that I had an ED and I

felt that it was helpful for me to accept this idea because it made me take my

eating behaviors seriously and, I thought, work on healing from them. But

perhaps you are right, and believing " I have an ED " is keeping me stuck in the

pattern to some extent. Hmm. Perhaps I need to change my beliefs about my

disordered eating and start believing I can have a healthy and peaceful

relationship with food.

Thanks for posting this " food for thought " !


Amy in Belgium


> Hello list,


> I have been revisiting 's talks on limiting beliefs and had a

> revalation that I would very much appreciate feedback on. I binge, horribly,

> painfully and manically. Not all the time and more during stressful periods.

> In the past I have popped appetite suppresors that made me feel weird,

> fasted and exercised, now I have no desire to take them even though a little

> bit of me would like help in fasting as I've put on a few pounds of the 30

> or so I've released this year. I fit all the diagnostic criteria for

> atypical bulimia nervosa and have been building myself up to ask for help

> with this.


> However, while investigating EDs and realising that this is a label that

> could apply to myself I started binging again and suspect that labelling

> myself gives me permision and a reason to binge.


> Now, even if I have an ED, its not for ever, and it doesn't even effect me

> all the time so I feel it is not healthy to say I have an ED. It is better

> for me to say that I have tendencies that way and that I am learning better

> ways of dealing with stress.


> And .. like many people here I've had severe stress - a baby that died some

> years ago that I've still got issues around, a husband struggling with

> alcohol addiction before his real problem of being bi-polar was addressed, a

> boy with difficulties who has been in hospital for months due to extreme

> anxiety, now diagnosed as being on the Autistic Spectrum, a teenage daughter

> with whom I have had some problems now mostly past - I could go on.


> The stressors have lessened a lot as my son has been improving, my husband

> has got help - so why binge again?


> My point though is that saying I have an ED holds me back, it is more

> helpful to make positive affirmations about my recovery. Can anyone point me

> to specific episodes that might be particularly helpful to me?



> Thanks for reading


> Jenna




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