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Re: New to the group and looking for a buddy!!!

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Thank you both for your kind words and for understanding how significant 10

binge-free days really is!

I keep track of it on my calendar by highlighting the binge free day the morning

after. It is a good way to keep myself on track and if I do end up having a

binge, I can go back and see that I really have made progress and that I'm not

" always binging " though my negative self-talk tries to tell me otherwise.

Have a great day ladies!


> Welcome and congratulations on being binge free for 10 days I know that

is a big deal, well done.


> Unami



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Welcome , and congrats! I also know how HUGE it is to go binge-free. I

am just a few days away from being 9 months binge/purge free, which is when I

found IOWL! Haha, that's almost a gestational period! But maybe there's

something significant about that time period, because I feel like now I'm done

with " getting ready to be ready " to get rid of those pounds.

> >

> > Welcome and congratulations on being binge free for 10 days I know

that is a big deal, well done.

> >  

> > Unami

> >

> >

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Thank you so much! And today makes 11! And congrats to you for 9 months...that

is AWESOME! I hope to say the same thing in 8 and a half months :)

This morning, I had this overwhelming fear of " messing up " because my negative

self-talk tells me that anytime I am on track, I will fail. I have to just

remember that they are just emotions and not real.

> > >

> > > Welcome and congratulations on being binge free for 10 days I know

that is a big deal, well done.

> > >  

> > > Unami

> > >

> > >

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Thank you for that reminder!

I wanted to share that the exact thing you wrote about happened today. I overate

during lunch and usually at that point, I'm thinking " well, what the heck..might

as well have some ice-cream to top it off " ...but I kept thinking about

self-correcting and bringing myself back to balance. Once we got to the store,

instead of getting ice cream, I got some plain yogurt to calm my stomach and

still have that " dessert " aspect of my meal. This is exciting progress for me as

I'm sure you may understand. thank you again!


> >

> > Welcome , and congrats! I also know how HUGE it is to go binge-free.


> >am just a few days away from being 9 months binge/purge free, which is when I

> >found IOWL! Haha, that's almost a gestational period! But maybe there's

> >something significant about that time period, because I feel like now I'm


> >with " getting ready to be ready " to get rid of those pounds.

> >





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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


I got your email about being buddies but keep getting a delivery failure

message when I try to respond. This was the address I had on hand...


Is this correct?

Hope to hear from you soon!


> Hi everyone,

> My name is and I am new to the IOWL Yahoo group and so happy to be

here. I found the IOWL podcast maybe a year ago but didn't commit to it.

Recently, I started listening to it every morning as I'm getting ready for work.

Within a couple of listening " sessions " and really getting into the material, I

have been binge free for 10 days now (this is a BIG deal for me!).


> I will be 24 next month and have struggled with binge eating for 6 years now.

I have tried so many different things ( Craig, Overeaters Anonymous, eating

disorder psychotherapist sessions, and numerous numerous different

eating/workout plans) only to always feel defeated with a binge. I absolutely

love the approach takes and I'm hoping to find a buddy to go through all

of the podcasts with me from the Prologue.


> Thanks for reading and hope to hear from a dedicated buddy soon,



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Hi ,

Sorry to butt in here but I don't remember seeing your introductory email

and I just wanted to say hi!

I discovered the podcasts and the group quite a while ago, but never really

got involved, never really listened to the podcasts enough to make a huge

difference, etc.. like you said, I just wasn't committed.

While it's been very helpful to me so far to communicate with the group, I

do think it would be really nice to talk with someone who's going through

all of the podcasts from the start. Let me know if you still need a buddy. I

hope it works out with , too!

Congratulations on ten binge-free days! I remember when one binge-free day

was a huge deal for me, and ten would have been unheard of. I still have

binge days and probably always will. The difference for me now is getting

back on track. Self-correcting, as calls it.

One binge does not mean the end of this. I have to tell myself that

sometimes still.

Hope to hear more from you!



> ,

> I got your email about being buddies but keep getting a delivery failure

> message when I try to respond. This was the address I had on hand...

> mndy616@....


> Is this correct?


> Hope to hear from you soon!





> >

> > Hi everyone,

> > My name is and I am new to the IOWL Yahoo group and so happy to be

> here. I found the IOWL podcast maybe a year ago but didn't commit to it.

> Recently, I started listening to it every morning as I'm getting ready for

> work. Within a couple of listening " sessions " and really getting into the

> material, I have been binge free for 10 days now (this is a BIG deal for

> me!).

> >

> > I will be 24 next month and have struggled with binge eating for 6 years

> now. I have tried so many different things ( Craig, Overeaters

> Anonymous, eating disorder psychotherapist sessions, and numerous numerous

> different eating/workout plans) only to always feel defeated with a binge. I

> absolutely love the approach takes and I'm hoping to find a buddy to

> go through all of the podcasts with me from the Prologue.

> >

> > Thanks for reading and hope to hear from a dedicated buddy soon,

> >

> >




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I apologize for not responding sooner. My goal of going on the IOWL yahoo group

every week has fallen by the way side--already! Lol. Also, I am new to this

group and navigating yahoo groups in general, so I am getting familiar with the

message forum etc. I wasn't sure how to update my email address, because I

actually use a gmail account for email, I just had to sign in with a yahoo

email. Anyway, my email address is acboney@...

I look forward to hearing from you soon, sorry about the mix-up again!

I hope your week is going well!


> >

> > Hi everyone,

> > My name is and I am new to the IOWL Yahoo group and so happy to be

here. I found the IOWL podcast maybe a year ago but didn't commit to it.

Recently, I started listening to it every morning as I'm getting ready for work.

Within a couple of listening " sessions " and really getting into the material, I

have been binge free for 10 days now (this is a BIG deal for me!).

> >

> > I will be 24 next month and have struggled with binge eating for 6 years

now. I have tried so many different things ( Craig, Overeaters Anonymous,

eating disorder psychotherapist sessions, and numerous numerous different

eating/workout plans) only to always feel defeated with a binge. I absolutely

love the approach takes and I'm hoping to find a buddy to go through all

of the podcasts with me from the Prologue.

> >

> > Thanks for reading and hope to hear from a dedicated buddy soon,

> >

> >


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No worries amanda! The important thing is that you are still here and coming

back =]

I will send you an email to that address later tonight... I can't type fast

enough in this iPad =p

Talk soon,

> > >

> > > Hi everyone,

> > > My name is and I am new to the IOWL Yahoo group and so happy to

be here. I found the IOWL podcast maybe a year ago but didn't commit to it.

Recently, I started listening to it every morning as I'm getting ready for work.

Within a couple of listening " sessions " and really getting into the material, I

have been binge free for 10 days now (this is a BIG deal for me!).

> > >

> > > I will be 24 next month and have struggled with binge eating for 6 years

now. I have tried so many different things ( Craig, Overeaters Anonymous,

eating disorder psychotherapist sessions, and numerous numerous different

eating/workout plans) only to always feel defeated with a binge. I absolutely

love the approach takes and I'm hoping to find a buddy to go through all

of the podcasts with me from the Prologue.

> > >

> > > Thanks for reading and hope to hear from a dedicated buddy soon,

> > >

> > >

> >


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