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Re: anxiety!!!

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Hi ,


First of all, I apologize if this comes through twice. We're having weird

internet problems today...

The first thing that pops into my head is what are you eating besides the

unhealthy foods?

If you are not eating healthy foods as well, you might be missing certain

nutrients. This lack could be making the cravings worse.

Have you listened to the recent series of podcasts on anxiety? I found that to

be extremely helpful. I also really really really like #196, especially the

introduction/dropping inside. I can't listen without smiling. When I smile, I

feel better. When I feel better, I can start making better choices about

whatever is causing my anxiety....


Sending positive thoughts!



>To: " insideoutweightloss " <insideoutweightloss >

>Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 6:35 AM

>Subject: anxiety!!!




>Hi all,


>Just reaching out for a bit of support.  The last few days I have had out of

control anxiety about food and eating and loud body loathing talk in my head. 

The only things that give me relief from the anxiety are relatively unhealthy

and only feed the issues I have with eating and food and body.  The more I

engage in unhealthy food behaviors, the more I am disgusted with myself and my

 anxiety goes even higher and  the I feel more compulsive and food behaviors

get worse and I obsess over how to amp up weight loss and the body hate talk

in my brain gets louder and louder.


>Can anyone relate to this experience?  Have you had any success besides just

choosing to make healthy choices and white knuckling it through until the

anxiety subsides?  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?



>  Livingston



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jennifer, you are so sweet for responding to my concerns earlier this week. I

hate to hear that you are struggling so much with anxiety. your suggestion to me

was tapping. I am going to send that suggestion back to you. I struggle with

anxiety at times also, in fact it is highly possible that my struggles with food

and intestinal difficulties are stress related. It is important to put your mind

to something that you want for yourself and find things that you can do right

now as a step towards that life. In other words, change your focus to your next

step in the process of getting where you want to be and taking a step in that

direction. Be bold, keep tapping into what you want, not what others expect,

and take a step. The anxiety will subside.

Livingston wrote:

>Hi all,


>Just reaching out for a bit of support.  The last few days I have had out of

control anxiety about food and eating and loud body loathing talk in my head. 

The only things that give me relief from the anxiety are relatively unhealthy

and only feed the issues I have with eating and food and body.  The more I

engage in unhealthy food behaviors, the more I am disgusted with myself and my

 anxiety goes even higher and  the I feel more compulsive and food behaviors

get worse and I obsess over how to amp up weight loss and the body hate talk

in my brain gets louder and louder.


>Can anyone relate to this experience?  Have you had any success besides just

choosing to make healthy choices and white knuckling it through until the

anxiety subsides?  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?



>  Livingston



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Hi ,

First of all I'm sending a great  big hug to you and second I wanted to



I was in a place similar to you last week and the height of negativity came on

Sunday when I had a mouth party with ice-cream  and then on Monday when I

stepped on the scale and saw that I had gained 5 pounds.


I did not panic. I sat back and gave the whole situation a lot of thought. I

know that I was very tired and I also know that I've had a lot of things to do

in the last few weeks which have tired me out mentally and physically as well. I

think for you it's almost Christmas vacation and if you're anything

like me, I was exausted before the Christmas holidays...tired of teaching and

desperate for some free time (you do teach, don't you?)



Here's what I did to rebalance...

1) I listened to a few of 's podcasts...at random but the last one was

podcast 160 and that was the one that helped me to change my mindset again

2) I wrote to a friend of mine...ranting and raving...to get the whole thing off

my chest and got some very positive input from her.

3) I went back to the beginning of my journals that I have been keeping since I

started listening to two years ago and realised that I have made a lot of

progress ... I hadn't realised how much I had changed. And as I remember

, you have made a lot of positive changes too.  Maybe you could list

them for us?

4) Finally, I cooked up a big batch of vegetable soup and made myself a green

smoothie to give my body lots of nourishment. I find that when I'm constantly

craving junk food it's because I'm skimping on more nourishing foods.


Concentrate on today...on half a day and take it from there...


I hope this helps a bit...

Let me know if you are feeling any better or maybe just need someone to write






To: " insideoutweightloss " <insideoutweightloss >

Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 6:35 AM

Subject: anxiety!!!


Hi all,


Just reaching out for a bit of support.  The last few days I have had out of

control anxiety about food and eating and loud body loathing talk in my head. 

The only things that give me relief from the anxiety are relatively unhealthy

and only feed the issues I have with eating and food and body.  The more I

engage in unhealthy food behaviors, the more I am disgusted with myself and my

 anxiety goes even higher and  the I feel more compulsive and food behaviors

get worse and I obsess over how to amp up weight loss and the body hate talk

in my brain gets louder and louder.


Can anyone relate to this experience?  Have you had any success besides just

choosing to make healthy choices and white knuckling it through until the

anxiety subsides?  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?



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Hi ,

I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling, and I hope you're doing better in the

days since you first sent this message out.

My suggestion would be to take a breather. Is there something you can think of

that you would enjoy doing/that would make you feel good, while also taking your

mind off food? It might seem counter-intuitive to treat yourself to something

while you're feeling anger towards yourself, but perhaps allowing yourself

something enjoyable could help you remember to be kind to yourself? And since

being upset with yourself seems to be triggering more overeating, it could also

help to quell some of those urges.

Maybe you could also think back to your towards and away from motivations? When

I go into binge mode, I try to block those out, but when I force myself to sit

down and read my reasons for wanting to lose weight, I remember what is really

important to me, and that helps a lot.

Be well!


To: " insideoutweightloss " <insideoutweightloss >

Sent: Friday, December 9, 2011 4:35 AM

Subject: anxiety!!!


Hi all,


Just reaching out for a bit of support.  The last few days I have had out of

control anxiety about food and eating and loud body loathing talk in my head. 

The only things that give me relief from the anxiety are relatively unhealthy

and only feed the issues I have with eating and food and body.  The more I

engage in unhealthy food behaviors, the more I am disgusted with myself and my

 anxiety goes even higher and  the I feel more compulsive and food behaviors

get worse and I obsess over how to amp up weight loss and the body hate talk

in my brain gets louder and louder.


Can anyone relate to this experience?  Have you had any success besides just

choosing to make healthy choices and white knuckling it through until the

anxiety subsides?  Does anyone have any suggestions for me?



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