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Re: Advice and Ideas Needed

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This may not work for you because of the cold weather.  But I actually go

jogging during my lunch hour.  I take my workout clothing with me.  Change in

the restroom and when I get done I clean up with baby wipes, rework the make-up

and put my work clothing back on. I have an hour for lunch so I am able to run a

little over 3 miles and do some stretching.  It works for me.




To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 9:14 AM

Subject: Advice and Ideas Needed


I have a problem and I'm asking for ideas and solutions.


For the first time in my life, I really WANT to exercise. I find myself longing

for it during the day at my desk job. The feel of moving my body for movement's

sake, my cares melting away as I get my blood pumping . . . 


But I'm at a loss as to how to fit exercise into my life. Timewise, I can. But

I need a place.


My finances are in a terrible state due to too many years trying to pursue a

different degree. Most of my income is gone before I can do anything about it

just in living expenses and trying to repay my debt, so I can't join a gym or

take a class. I can't afford it.


Although I can afford the occasional money on instructional dvds, and I have a

few that teach dancing that I would LOVE to master, I have no where to practise

them. My house is a very small condo. It's good for shelter and that's about it.

Once you put furniture in it, there's really not much room left for exercise.


Living in Alberta with winter coming, I don't dare exercise outside. I have yet

to find a snowsuit to fit me, and winter up here can be bitter cold (the lowest

I've experienced was -45 degrees C) so it's not safe to exercise outside without

decent weather gear. I either need to find someplace to custom make it to my

measurements (pricey, and money is tight) or I need to lose a couple of sizes to

fit into the span of what manufacturers consider " normal " .


I need more ideas on how to fit exercise into my life either for very cheap or

for free. I thought of one; I take a different bus home from work now. It drops

me off a few blocks away instead of almost right at my door. I enjoy walking the

extra distance. Does anyone have any more ideas for me? Anything you can come up

with would be helpful.


Thanks in advance!


- Stacey

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I also have a desk job.  I work in an 8 story building so mid-afternoon I

head for the stairwell and walk up as many flights as I can.  Then I stretch on

the landing and catch my breath before starting back down.  It also helps with

those mid-afternoon blahs.




To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 10:14 AM

Subject: Advice and Ideas Needed


I have a problem and I'm asking for ideas and solutions.


For the first time in my life, I really WANT to exercise. I find myself longing

for it during the day at my desk job. The feel of moving my body for movement's

sake, my cares melting away as I get my blood pumping . . . 


But I'm at a loss as to how to fit exercise into my life. Timewise, I can. But

I need a place.


My finances are in a terrible state due to too many years trying to pursue a

different degree. Most of my income is gone before I can do anything about it

just in living expenses and trying to repay my debt, so I can't join a gym or

take a class. I can't afford it.


Although I can afford the occasional money on instructional dvds, and I have a

few that teach dancing that I would LOVE to master, I have no where to practise

them. My house is a very small condo. It's good for shelter and that's about it.

Once you put furniture in it, there's really not much room left for exercise.


Living in Alberta with winter coming, I don't dare exercise outside. I have yet

to find a snowsuit to fit me, and winter up here can be bitter cold (the lowest

I've experienced was -45 degrees C) so it's not safe to exercise outside without

decent weather gear. I either need to find someplace to custom make it to my

measurements (pricey, and money is tight) or I need to lose a couple of sizes to

fit into the span of what manufacturers consider " normal " .


I need more ideas on how to fit exercise into my life either for very cheap or

for free. I thought of one; I take a different bus home from work now. It drops

me off a few blocks away instead of almost right at my door. I enjoy walking the

extra distance. Does anyone have any more ideas for me? Anything you can come up

with would be helpful.


Thanks in advance!


- Stacey

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Stacey, I hear you loud and clear and these are many of the same reasons I have

given myself over the years.

I waited to respond, but I am going to do so anyway. Please know I mean this in

the best possible spirit to help you get yourself over this hurdle. I feel I can

say what I am about to say because your message really resonated with me, and I

saw a lot of myself in there.

As I read your message, I was struck by all the reasons you can't exercise, and

that if you really, truly wanted to, you'd find a way. My father works with a

woman who lost 50 pounds by making better food choices, and you know what she

did for exercise up in Maine during their notoriously brutal winters? She jumped

around in one spot in her living room for a half hour a day. It really, truly

does not take that much room. You could set up a step (risers) that gets taller

as you get more fit, and that thing doesn't need to be more than 2x2 feet. You

can slip it under your sofa when done. Or you could put some of your favorite

music on and dance. I bet when you go out dancing you don't take over the dance

floor--you just dance in one spot because of all the people around you.

You can march in place (I think there are indoor " walking " videos for small

spaces) and do alternating knee lifts while you raise the opposite arm. That

will get your heart pumping. Yoga takes almost no room, and you don't even need

a mat. Do it barefoot on the rug, and you'll get extra muscle benefit by

stabilising your body on a surface that isn't sticky. If you dont have any free

weights, you can use your own body weight to do pushups. They're hard, but you

can start by standing against a wall, and when you get stronger, you can use

stairs, eventually working your way to doing them on the floor. And you can do

full squats using your own weight and even deadlifts pulling up two milk jugs

filled with sand or water. Or you can buy some of those exercise bands, which

let you do a variety of weight-bearing exercise.

Where there's a will, there's a way. There's always a way!

Peace and xx


To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 10:14 AM

Subject: Advice and Ideas Needed


I have a problem and I'm asking for ideas and solutions.


For the first time in my life, I really WANT to exercise. I find myself longing

for it during the day at my desk job. The feel of moving my body for movement's

sake, my cares melting away as I get my blood pumping . . . 


But I'm at a loss as to how to fit exercise into my life. Timewise, I can. But

I need a place.


My finances are in a terrible state due to too many years trying to pursue a

different degree. Most of my income is gone before I can do anything about it

just in living expenses and trying to repay my debt, so I can't join a gym or

take a class. I can't afford it.


Although I can afford the occasional money on instructional dvds, and I have a

few that teach dancing that I would LOVE to master, I have no where to practise

them. My house is a very small condo. It's good for shelter and that's about it.

Once you put furniture in it, there's really not much room left for exercise.


Living in Alberta with winter coming, I don't dare exercise outside. I have yet

to find a snowsuit to fit me, and winter up here can be bitter cold (the lowest

I've experienced was -45 degrees C) so it's not safe to exercise outside without

decent weather gear. I either need to find someplace to custom make it to my

measurements (pricey, and money is tight) or I need to lose a couple of sizes to

fit into the span of what manufacturers consider " normal " .


I need more ideas on how to fit exercise into my life either for very cheap or

for free. I thought of one; I take a different bus home from work now. It drops

me off a few blocks away instead of almost right at my door. I enjoy walking the

extra distance. Does anyone have any more ideas for me? Anything you can come up

with would be helpful.


Thanks in advance!


- Stacey

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Hey Stacey,

Your situation is quite similar to mine. I live in a cold and rainy climate,

can't afford a gym, and I don't have much space in my apartment. At the moment,

I try to make due with the space that I do have. Obviously I don't know how

small your place is, but maybe you could figure out which exercises you can go

in the space you have (for me I have a spot next to my bed that is big enough to

lie down, so I can do things like push ups, ab exercises, leg lifts etc.) And if

you have room to stand, you have room to lift weights.

Cardio is definitely the most challenging for me. I get bored really easily with

it, so I'd love to do something like dance or kickboxing, but those take up lots

of room. I've been doing a lot of 'jump rope', but without the rope. But you can

emulate the motion of jumping rope, and that's cardio you can do in a very small


Good luck!

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I understand the weather thing.  I'm in Vancouver and where it's not even close

to being that cold, it certainly is raining and I don't really like being out

when it's dark.  I have a couple ideas for you...

After a really great party, our company is thinking of buying a wii or kinect

and do the dance/sports/fit games.  We are going to have lunchtime exercise as

a workplace. 

I also don't have much money/time/space but I do wii dance at home or I just

dance to my favourite music. I have a couple pieces of furniture on little felt

coasters so I can easily move them.  Also I keep my eyes out for when they are

offering free Zumba classes at the Rec Centre.  I also keep my eye on groupon

because I just bought 8 kickboxing classes for $8, which my bus happens to drive

by on the way home. (yeah)  And sometimes there is also " try for free " hot yoga

classes.  I also know that at the Rec centre, every Wednesday is value day. 

That means that the gym/swimming/aquacise is only $1.25! 

Anyways thats what I do.  Certainly keeps things exciting.  What I am hoping

to do is try and lose  my weight and find a job that involves being active,

because I am stuck at the desk for 10 hours a day! 

Hope this helps a little.

Subject: Re: Advice and Ideas Needed

To: " insideoutweightloss " <insideoutweightloss >

Received: Friday, October 28, 2011, 7:28 AM


This may not work for you because of the cold weather. But I actually go

jogging during my lunch hour. I take my workout clothing with me. Change in

the restroom and when I get done I clean up with baby wipes, rework the make-up

and put my work clothing back on. I have an hour for lunch so I am able to run a

little over 3 miles and do some stretching. It works for me.



To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 9:14 AM

Subject: Advice and Ideas Needed

I have a problem and I'm asking for ideas and solutions.

For the first time in my life, I really WANT to exercise. I find myself longing

for it during the day at my desk job. The feel of moving my body for movement's

sake, my cares melting away as I get my blood pumping . . .

But I'm at a loss as to how to fit exercise into my life. Timewise, I can. But I

need a place.

My finances are in a terrible state due to too many years trying to pursue a

different degree. Most of my income is gone before I can do anything about it

just in living expenses and trying to repay my debt, so I can't join a gym or

take a class. I can't afford it.

Although I can afford the occasional money on instructional dvds, and I have a

few that teach dancing that I would LOVE to master, I have no where to practise

them. My house is a very small condo. It's good for shelter and that's about it.

Once you put furniture in it, there's really not much room left for exercise.

Living in Alberta with winter coming, I don't dare exercise outside. I have yet

to find a snowsuit to fit me, and winter up here can be bitter cold (the lowest

I've experienced was -45 degrees C) so it's not safe to exercise outside without

decent weather gear. I either need to find someplace to custom make it to my

measurements (pricey, and money is tight) or I need to lose a couple of sizes to

fit into the span of what manufacturers consider " normal " .

I need more ideas on how to fit exercise into my life either for very cheap or

for free. I thought of one; I take a different bus home from work now. It drops

me off a few blocks away instead of almost right at my door. I enjoy walking the

extra distance. Does anyone have any more ideas for me? Anything you can come up

with would be helpful.

Thanks in advance!

- Stacey

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I am a big fan of Sandsone's Walk Away the Pounds videos. I have a set

with 1, 2, and 3 mile walks. I bought it 6-7 years ago, and it still gets used

fairly regularly, even though I also like to jump on the treadmill and do 5, 8,

10K runs. My teenage daughters like the series, too.

I used it a LOT when we were living in a 450sq ft trailer, and had room to do

two steps sideways, two steps forward. But it would work even if you could only

do the sideways bits.... I have a couple of belly dance fitness DVDs that also

require very little space, and might answer to your desire to dance. (They're

NOT for actually learning belly dancing, but they're still fun...)

If you don't have money/room for weights, you can make do with things like books

or water bottles.

And I agree with the comment below, about being able to do yoga in very small


If you're afraid of investing in DVDs and then finding out you really won't have

the space for them, can you look for them at your local library? You might also

want to look into SparkPeople, which has a lot of free online videos. The ones

I've tried can be done with very little space.

Let us know what you end up trying....



>To: " insideoutweightloss " <insideoutweightloss >

>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:02 PM

>Subject: Re: Advice and Ideas Needed




>Stacey, I hear you loud and clear and these are many of the same reasons I have

given myself over the years.


>I waited to respond, but I am going to do so anyway. Please know I mean this in

the best possible spirit to help you get yourself over this hurdle. I feel I can

say what I am about to say because your message really resonated with me, and I

saw a lot of myself in there.


>As I read your message, I was struck by all the reasons you can't exercise, and

that if you really, truly wanted to, you'd find a way. My father works with a

woman who lost 50 pounds by making better food choices, and you know what she

did for exercise up in Maine during their notoriously brutal winters? She jumped

around in one spot in her living room for a half hour a day. It really, truly

does not take that much room. You could set up a step (risers) that gets taller

as you get more fit, and that thing doesn't need to be more than 2x2 feet. You

can slip it under your sofa when done. Or you could put some of your favorite

music on and dance. I bet when you go out dancing you don't take over the dance

floor--you just dance in one spot because of all the people around you.


>You can march in place (I think there are indoor " walking " videos for small

spaces) and do alternating knee lifts while you raise the opposite arm. That

will get your heart pumping. Yoga takes almost no room, and you don't even need

a mat. Do it barefoot on the rug, and you'll get extra muscle benefit by

stabilising your body on a surface that isn't sticky. If you dont have any free

weights, you can use your own body weight to do pushups. They're hard, but you

can start by standing against a wall, and when you get stronger, you can use

stairs, eventually working your way to doing them on the floor. And you can do

full squats using your own weight and even deadlifts pulling up two milk jugs

filled with sand or water. Or you can buy some of those exercise bands, which

let you do a variety of weight-bearing exercise.


>Where there's a will, there's a way. There's always a way!


>Peace and xx




>To: insideoutweightloss

>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 10:14 AM

>Subject: Advice and Ideas Needed



>I have a problem and I'm asking for ideas and solutions.


>For the first time in my life, I really WANT to exercise. I find myself longing

for it during the day at my desk job. The feel of moving my body for movement's

sake, my cares melting away as I get my blood pumping . . . 


>But I'm at a loss as to how to fit exercise into my life. Timewise, I can. But

I need a place.


>My finances are in a terrible state due to too many years trying to pursue a

different degree. Most of my income is gone before I can do anything about it

just in living expenses and trying to repay my debt, so I can't join a gym or

take a class. I can't afford it.


>Although I can afford the occasional money on instructional dvds, and I have a

few that teach dancing that I would LOVE to master, I have no where to practise

them. My house is a very small condo. It's good for shelter and that's about it.

Once you put furniture in it, there's really not much room left for exercise.


>Living in Alberta with winter coming, I don't dare exercise outside. I have yet

to find a snowsuit to fit me, and winter up here can be bitter cold (the lowest

I've experienced was -45 degrees C) so it's not safe to exercise outside without

decent weather gear. I either need to find someplace to custom make it to my

measurements (pricey, and money is tight) or I need to lose a couple of sizes to

fit into the span of what manufacturers consider " normal " .


>I need more ideas on how to fit exercise into my life either for very cheap or

for free. I thought of one; I take a different bus home from work now. It drops

me off a few blocks away instead of almost right at my door. I enjoy walking the

extra distance. Does anyone have any more ideas for me? Anything you can come up

with would be helpful.


>Thanks in advance!


>- Stacey



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Isn't it great that you're feeling the need to exercise? I think it's a great

idea that you are taking a different bus home and walking the rest of the way.

It gives you a chance to clear your head before you get in the door and you're

feeling great that you've done something good for yourself.

I often go to YouTube and look for different exercise clips. I love that they

are about 10 minutes each. If I want to do a lot of exercise I just have three

lined up.. if I want to do a bit I'll do one. Also, as suggested, if you go

to Sparkpeople, there are lots of GREAT exercise videos and they're all free and

lots of fun. An added advantage is that they are not that difficult but not easy


You can also go to the library and check out exercise videos and there is a big

variety for homes with little space.

Some malls have sent up there space so that it is ideal for early walkers. Do

you have anything like that in Canada?

Does your condo have stairs? Maybe you could go up and down the stairs every

morning or every evening after work? I've done that a lot when I've been on

vacation visiting my parents at their condo.

Finally, just doing squats over a chair, push ups, sit ups, marching in place

each time an advertisement comes on if you're watching a tv program...you get

the idea. I think a lots of times it's just trying to keep active.

Good luck and please let us know how you're doing!!

To: " insideoutweightloss " <insideoutweightloss >

Sent: Saturday, October 29, 2011 6:39 PM

Subject: Re: Advice and Ideas Needed


I am a big fan of Sandsone's Walk Away the Pounds videos. I have a set

with 1, 2, and 3 mile walks. I bought it 6-7 years ago, and it still gets used

fairly regularly, even though I also like to jump on the treadmill and do 5, 8,

10K runs. My teenage daughters like the series, too.

I used it a LOT when we were living in a 450sq ft trailer, and had room to do

two steps sideways, two steps forward. But it would work even if you could only

do the sideways bits.... I have a couple of belly dance fitness DVDs that also

require very little space, and might answer to your desire to dance. (They're

NOT for actually learning belly dancing, but they're still fun...)

If you don't have money/room for weights, you can make do with things like books

or water bottles.

And I agree with the comment below, about being able to do yoga in very small


If you're afraid of investing in DVDs and then finding out you really won't have

the space for them, can you look for them at your local library? You might also

want to look into SparkPeople, which has a lot of free online videos. The ones

I've tried can be done with very little space.

Let us know what you end up trying....



>To: " insideoutweightloss " <insideoutweightloss >

>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 5:02 PM

>Subject: Re: Advice and Ideas Needed




>Stacey, I hear you loud and clear and these are many of the same reasons I have

given myself over the years.


>I waited to respond, but I am going to do so anyway. Please know I mean this in

the best possible spirit to help you get yourself over this hurdle. I feel I can

say what I am about to say because your message really resonated with me, and I

saw a lot of myself in there.


>As I read your message, I was struck by all the reasons you can't exercise, and

that if you really, truly wanted to, you'd find a way. My father works with a

woman who lost 50 pounds by making better food choices, and you know what she

did for exercise up in Maine during their notoriously brutal winters? She jumped

around in one spot in her living room for a half hour a day. It really, truly

does not take that much room. You could set up a step (risers) that gets taller

as you get more fit, and that thing doesn't need to be more than 2x2 feet. You

can slip it under your sofa when done. Or you could put some of your favorite

music on and dance. I bet when you go out dancing you don't take over the dance

floor--you just dance in one spot because of all the people around you.


>You can march in place (I think there are indoor " walking " videos for small

spaces) and do alternating knee lifts while you raise the opposite arm. That

will get your heart pumping. Yoga takes almost no room, and you don't even need

a mat. Do it barefoot on the rug, and you'll get extra muscle benefit by

stabilising your body on a surface that isn't sticky. If you dont have any free

weights, you can use your own body weight to do pushups. They're hard, but you

can start by standing against a wall, and when you get stronger, you can use

stairs, eventually working your way to doing them on the floor. And you can do

full squats using your own weight and even deadlifts pulling up two milk jugs

filled with sand or water. Or you can buy some of those exercise bands, which

let you do a variety of weight-bearing exercise.


>Where there's a will, there's a way. There's always a way!


>Peace and xx




>To: insideoutweightloss

>Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 10:14 AM

>Subject: Advice and Ideas Needed



>I have a problem and I'm asking for ideas and solutions.


>For the first time in my life, I really WANT to exercise. I find myself longing

for it during the day at my desk job. The feel of moving my body for movement's

sake, my cares melting away as I get my blood pumping . . . 


>But I'm at a loss as to how to fit exercise into my life. Timewise, I can. But

I need a place.


>My finances are in a terrible state due to too many years trying to pursue a

different degree. Most of my income is gone before I can do anything about it

just in living expenses and trying to repay my debt, so I can't join a gym or

take a class. I can't afford it.


>Although I can afford the occasional money on instructional dvds, and I have a

few that teach dancing that I would LOVE to master, I have no where to practise

them. My house is a very small condo. It's good for shelter and that's about it.

Once you put furniture in it, there's really not much room left for exercise.


>Living in Alberta with winter coming, I don't dare exercise outside. I have yet

to find a snowsuit to fit me, and winter up here can be bitter cold (the lowest

I've experienced was -45 degrees C) so it's not safe to exercise outside without

decent weather gear. I either need to find someplace to custom make it to my

measurements (pricey, and money is tight) or I need to lose a couple of sizes to

fit into the span of what manufacturers consider " normal " .


>I need more ideas on how to fit exercise into my life either for very cheap or

for free. I thought of one; I take a different bus home from work now. It drops

me off a few blocks away instead of almost right at my door. I enjoy walking the

extra distance. Does anyone have any more ideas for me? Anything you can come up

with would be helpful.


>Thanks in advance!


>- Stacey



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Sorry, I have been lurking here quite a bit lately...sometimes I get time to

read the posts and sometimes not. But, I would recommend Sansone for

you. Her DVDs are easy, affordable and don't require space or special equipment.

I enjoy them and have been doing them off and on for years. In fact, many times

now I don't even get the DVDs out...I just put on a movie or TV show I have DVRd

and do her movements to them. I have done them enough that I don't need a

leader anymore. ;)

My other easy indoor winter exercises...I bought the bike peddler thing where

you can sit on the couch and ride. Also I have Wii Fit. Where I live in

Indiana, exercising outside isn't a good option for the biggest part of the

year. Plus, with 3 kids getting to the gym isn't always easy either.


> I have a problem and I'm asking for ideas and solutions.


> For the first time in my life, I really WANT to exercise. I find myself

longing for it during the day at my desk job. The feel of moving my body for

movement's sake, my cares melting away as I get my blood pumping . . . 


> But I'm at a loss as to how to fit exercise into my life. Timewise, I can. But

I need a place.


> My finances are in a terrible state due to too many years trying to pursue a

different degree. Most of my income is gone before I can do anything about it

just in living expenses and trying to repay my debt, so I can't join a gym or

take a class. I can't afford it.


> Although I can afford the occasional money on instructional dvds, and I have a

few that teach dancing that I would LOVE to master, I have no where to practise

them. My house is a very small condo. It's good for shelter and that's about it.

Once you put furniture in it, there's really not much room left for exercise.


> Living in Alberta with winter coming, I don't dare exercise outside. I have

yet to find a snowsuit to fit me, and winter up here can be bitter cold (the

lowest I've experienced was -45 degrees C) so it's not safe to exercise outside

without decent weather gear. I either need to find someplace to custom make it

to my measurements (pricey, and money is tight) or I need to lose a couple of

sizes to fit into the span of what manufacturers consider " normal " .


> I need more ideas on how to fit exercise into my life either for very cheap or

for free. I thought of one; I take a different bus home from work now. It drops

me off a few blocks away instead of almost right at my door. I enjoy walking the

extra distance. Does anyone have any more ideas for me? Anything you can come up

with would be helpful.


> Thanks in advance!


> - Stacey



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Thanks Everyone!


I loved getting ideas and feedback as to how to add exercise into my life. I

love the ideas of taking the stairs, using up my lunch break to exercise, and I

did go and buy a dvd to try and work with my limited space in my condo.


Once again everyone, Thanks!

Subject: Re: Advice and Ideas Needed

To: insideoutweightloss

Received: Saturday, October 29, 2011, 6:22 PM


Sorry, I have been lurking here quite a bit lately...sometimes I get time to

read the posts and sometimes not. But, I would recommend Sansone for you.

Her DVDs are easy, affordable and don't require space or special equipment. I

enjoy them and have been doing them off and on for years. In fact, many times

now I don't even get the DVDs out...I just put on a movie or TV show I have DVRd

and do her movements to them. I have done them enough that I don't need a leader

anymore. ;)

My other easy indoor winter exercises...I bought the bike peddler thing where

you can sit on the couch and ride. Also I have Wii Fit. Where I live in Indiana,

exercising outside isn't a good option for the biggest part of the year. Plus,

with 3 kids getting to the gym isn't always easy either.


> I have a problem and I'm asking for ideas and solutions.


> For the first time in my life, I really WANT to exercise. I find myself

longing for it during the day at my desk job. The feel of moving my body for

movement's sake, my cares melting away as I get my blood pumping . . . 


> But I'm at a loss as to how to fit exercise into my life. Timewise, I can.

But I need a place.


> My finances are in a terrible state due to too many years trying to pursue a

different degree. Most of my income is gone before I can do anything about it

just in living expenses and trying to repay my debt, so I can't join a gym or

take a class. I can't afford it.


> Although I can afford the occasional money on instructional dvds, and I have a

few that teach dancing that I would LOVE to master, I have no where to practise

them. My house is a very small condo. It's good for shelter and that's about it.

Once you put furniture in it, there's really not much room left for exercise.


> Living in Alberta with winter coming, I don't dare exercise outside. I have

yet to find a snowsuit to fit me, and winter up here can be bitter cold (the

lowest I've experienced was -45 degrees C) so it's not safe to exercise outside

without decent weather gear. I either need to find someplace to custom make it

to my measurements (pricey, and money is tight) or I need to lose a couple of

sizes to fit into the span of what manufacturers consider " normal " .


> I need more ideas on how to fit exercise into my life either for very cheap or

for free. I thought of one; I take a different bus home from work now. It drops

me off a few blocks away instead of almost right at my door. I enjoy walking the

extra distance. Does anyone have any more ideas for me? Anything you can come up

with would be helpful.


> Thanks in advance!


> - Stacey



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Running Room has free run and/or walk sessions at 6:30PM wednesdays and

8:30am Sundays. I know it can be cold, but for the weeks it is not, that

is an option!

Does your condo have flights? You could do flight repeats.. You can do

squats down the stairs and jump up them..

hiking is good.. walking from the bus is great! There are so many things

you can do.

Yay for getting the exercise bug!


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