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Seems that a lot of us don't get that we talk funny all the time. LOL

At least I do! I have to re-read most things before I can get it, and

I'm often saying things that are wrong. The thing I hate to most is when

I get started with a comment and then my brain goes blank and I forget

what I was talking about. This happens way too much. I used to be able

to type better also, but now I rely heavily on Spell Check to allow

others to be able to read my emails and make any sense at all. But

then I guess no one else has these issues, or do you? :-)



cfsgal@... wrote:



> As bad as you saying that to your hubby about the fence - I had to

> read it twice to see what was so funny. *G* Marty

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Ain't brain fog a hoot! (Did you hear that owl?)

I can't ...

* be without TV (my friend when I am alone),

* type very well or fast any more,

* tell my right from my left with a lot of thought, and even

then I get it wrong more than correct,

* finish every thought, getting confused about what the heck I

was talking about easily,

* get up and go as easily any more,

* remember what day it is most of the time,

* now what was i doing???

I can

* think (slowly and with purpose),

* walk for short distances (measured in feet),

* laugh at myself,

* use my computer,

* make simple decisions,

* balance my checkbook,

* get excited about getting a service dog soon (Yippee!!!),

* talk on the phone ( for limited amounts of time),

* and I'm sure there are more of both, but they escape me

right now.

I find that I have a much harder time thinking and coming up with

positive ideas about my life these days. Reading about what is

happening to me and how to cope from folks like you on these lists

truly helps me a lot. Thanks for your support, even the stuff you do

not think of as support. Sometimes I read something that tells me I

am not alone and that helps me bunches.

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  • 5 years later...

I really struggle with patience, this is my biggest down fall. I seem to be able

to be patience with others but when it comes to my weightloss process I get

really frustrated when my efforts don't show immediately. When I get impatient

(normally after 2 weeks of dieting) that's when I become self destructive and

start saying to myself " whats the pointm nothing is changing " . Does anyone get

this too? Any good tips/ pep talks to get it into my silly little head that

transformations take time?

Hope this finds you all well.

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What I'm going to suggest isn't really from the Inside Out--but sometimes

working from the outside in helps us get started....

If you really need to see progress, maybe it would help to mark things on a

calendar. Every time you remember to check your hunger levels before [during,

and after] eating, every time you remember to write in your success journal,

every time you remember to do a redo, every time you meet a planned exercise

goal.... You will see the marks, stickers, whatever adding up.

Or you could put a certain amount of money in a jar--you'd get the double

benefit of seeing the results of your success AND having money to reward

yourself with.

The biggest benefit to marking your progress and rewarding yourself for

consistency is that it will help you form habits, so these actions become more

automatic. As the actions become more automatic, your thoughts about doing them

will become more positive... which over time will help you feel better about the

process, even if you don't see an immediate reward.


When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a

stone-cutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much

as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it would split in

two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before

together. - A. Riis, journalist and social reformer (1849-1914)



>To: insideoutweightloss

>Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 2:50 PM

>Subject: Patience




>I really struggle with patience, this is my biggest down fall. I seem to be

able to be patience with others but when it comes to my weightloss process I get

really frustrated when my efforts don't show immediately. When I get impatient

(normally after 2 weeks of dieting) that's when I become self destructive and

start saying to myself " whats the pointm nothing is changing " . Does anyone get

this too? Any good tips/ pep talks to get it into my silly little head that

transformations take time?


>Hope this finds you all well.






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