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ideal body meditation and conversations with bod

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I found this online and thought it was awesome and totally went with the

IOWL lifestyle...



1) Coach Amy Flynn has this great meditation Ideal Body (Self Love)

Energy Alignment and Healing Meditation. It fills

you with the beautiful Pink Energy of Self Love and takes you from

visualizing to experiencing the vibration of your Ideal Body.

You will actually be guided to design and step into your ideal body.

I've tried this meditation and it's very calming and empowering. I love

the swirling pink energy. Right click to download:


2) from http://bethebliss.com/articles/conversations-with-bod/ (love the

title--take off on Neale Walsch's conversations with God I'm sure!)

Conversations with Bod


Hello? this is your body talking!

Did you know that I?m your best friend? I?ll tell you what and

how much I?d like to eat? what movements bring me joy?

what clothes will make me look attractive and appealing and

make you more money? what I?d like to look like? I?ve been

trying to communicate with you since you created me? but you

haven?t been willing to hear me nor acknowledge me, choosing

instead to listen to everyone else telling you how to fix me.

What if I knew what was right for me and all you had to do was ASK?

What if I told you I?m way more conscious than you are?

Well? I have something to share with you? please listen!

BOD?s 10 Requests


It will make both of us much happier. One woman in her forties nurtured

her body by powdering it every evening, just like her mother used to. By

doing only that, she lost twenty-five pounds in two months.


Stop judging me. It?s not my fault. I don?t look better or feel better

from judgment. I do look and feel better from you being nurturing and

caring?even to those parts that you?d like me to change. When you look in

the mirror in the morning, make the conscious choice to STOP the litany of

judgment that you start with each and every morning. Instead, say thank

you to me and tell me how grateful you are for me. And wherever you

bought the idea that judging what is ?WRONG? with me will somehow make it

right, will you please UNBUY that idea and return it to sender now? If

you don?t know how, call up Dr. . She?ll help you.

3) FUN

I was created for fun. What if the sole purpose of life were to have

fun? Would you do anything differently? It?s fun for me to feel the sun

on my skin, be touched gently, feel the water on my skin, taste orgasmical

food, receive delightful massages, have great sex, and to MOVE in lots of

different ways. I know you have had a different agenda than having fun

(like fitting in, working way too much to make money, getting married,

having kids, etc.) ever since you became an adult, but would you please

consider that my purpose in life is still to have fun? Just ask me what?s

fun and then do it.


Don?t do things that involve me without asking me how I feel about it, and

don?t do anything to me without asking me first. That?s simple enough,

right? Don?t shove broccoli up my nose just because someone tells you it

will make us feel sexy and lose weight.


If you will just ask what it would take to get me to look the way you want

me to, I would be happy to comply. I?ll let you know exactly what it will

take. It?s just that you don?t ever ask and then take the time to listen.


I am the one eating. You are not. When it comes time to eat, ask me what

I would like to eat. For me, it changes every day. I like meat some

days, vegetables some days, fruit some days, and just dessert some days.

You just assume that you like green beans so I should like green beans. I

say again, I am the one eating! Ask me what I would like to eat.


Please ask me what movement I would like to do, instead of making me do

whatever exercise you?ve decided will work for me. I HATE to exercise.

It sounds too much like EXORCISE. I?d rather MOVE! Moving is fun for me.

But since you haven?t allowed me to move freely since about twelve years

old, it?s not surprising that you are trying to get me to exercise to look

and feel better.


Don?t buy the latest fad as to what will finally change me. I don?t need

to be changed as much as I need to be listened to.


For every pain, discomfort, and hunger, ask this simple question: ?Where

does this come from?? No answer is required. If the pain, discomfort, or

hunger lessens when you ask this, it is not yours or mine. Just return it

to sender. One overweight woman who ate several donuts a day at the

office asked ?Where does this come from?? every time she had a donut

craving. She stopped eating donuts that day and started losing weight

within days. True story.


You are not inside of me. I am inside of you. That?s because you are

infinite, which is really, really, really big. I?m too small to have you

inside of me. But that doesn?t mean we shouldn?t have a connection and a

communion. Right?

So please? take these 10 tips to heart?

Go ahead, close your eyes (or my eyes, this is your body talking still)?

and embrace me in utter sunlight. Now try to judge me. How does that

feel? I bet you can?t do it, huh?

Thank you so much for listening! I still adore you, no matter how much

you judge me!

Gratefully yours,

Your Body

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