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Power of Positive Affirmations

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I'm continually working on positive self talk (it's something I don't do well

and have to catch myself in mid-thought!) - here's another article I found that

makes a lot of sense.


Words have power, and the words we say about ourselves hold more power than any

words someone else can say about us. This is true because our words are the

reflection of our thoughts, and our thoughts hold the secrets of what we believe

to be the most true about ourselves.

In order to change your words, you must first change the pattern of your

thoughts. Your thoughts can become a habit, and repeating the same types of

thoughts over and over to yourself can build into a lifetime of programming your

mind to accept certain ideas about you.

Think of your brain as a computer. Remember the old programming expression,

'Garbage in, garbage out' ? A computer program can only spit out information

based on the quality of information programmed into it. Your brain works the

same way. If you repeat information to yourself and others often enough, your

brain programs itself to accept those things as true. Then, when someone asks

you about your life or your plans, you will hear yourself saying those same

things out loud -- even if you don't want those things to be your reality.

The truth is, you are the one making those negative thoughts your reality by

giving them space in your brain. If you don't like the way your brain has been

programmed, the good news is that you can always change it -- it is never too


Begin today to reprogram your thoughts by using the power of affirmative

thoughts and statements. Let go of the limiting thoughts and beliefs you have

held about yourself in the past, and instead start replacing them with positive

affirmations about yourself. Remember that a belief is a thought in your mind,

and whatever you truly believe about yourself is your reality.

Repeat to yourself, " I can do (fill in the blank) through the power of my

subconscious mind. " " I can learn this new task through the power of my

subconscious mind. " " I can earn more money through my talents and the power of

my subconscious mind. " " I can exercise more regularly through the power of my

subconscious mind. " The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

The Universe responds to the power of our affirmative thoughts, just as our

subconscious responds to the beliefs we hold in our conscious minds. So don't

give any belief to thoughts or ideas that can harm or hurt you, even when those

thoughts may be ones you have held about yourself for a long time. If you want

to be a kinder, more considerate person, simply tell yourself that you are those

things and when the next opportunity presents itself (as it surely will) for you

to interact with another being, then exercise your newly chosen kindness and

watch what happens as it becomes your new reality.

Affirm to yourself whatever you want your reality to be, starting today. Keep

repeating the principles of your new reality to yourself until you have

completely replaced your old programming with your new way of thinking and


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