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Food thoughts

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This is what I typed up a couple of weeks ago:


I eat more(and faster) at home alone than I do at a restaurant. When

out eating, I usually eat slower than everyone else at the table, and

I'm quite often the last to finish. At home, I shovel the food down

like there's no tomorrow. I don't know why - I've *never* been in a

situation where there wasn't enough food. And it seems that if I'm

worried about getting enough, I would especially do it when eating

with others, to keep THEM from getting any.

When I'm at home, I usually eat twice. Meaning, I get a serving,

finish it, then go back for seconds. It doesn't matter what size the

original serving is, I've noticed. I do the same thing if I'm eating

a fixed serving size, like a TV dinner. I'll eat one, then a large

percentage of the time get another. I used to do the same thing when

eating cereal - two bowls. Again, I've never been starving to worry

about getting enough.

I tend to try to get every little morsel off the plate. This happens

all the time at home, but not so much dining out. This was the

realization that made me think about the fact that I've never gone


I don't dine out by myself very often. The only time I go to

restaurants is with others. I can't remember the last time I went to

a restaurant(fast food doesn't count) by myself.

I like sweets! But I'll get hooked on a certain sweet treat, and get

it everyday. In the past it has been Snickers, Kit Kat, Heath bars,

Butterfinger, Spree, Smarties, and a few more. The only way I keep

from doing it is to leave the house with no money. My current

addiction is Pop-Tarts. I'll get two packages in the morning on my

way to work, and eat them very soon after I get to my desk. Tuesday I

started thinking about how fast I usually eat them - they're gone

before I realize it. Like less than ten minutes, and most times less

than FIVE. So if it's to distract me from work, it certainly doesn't

last long. I figured that might remove some of the desire to get

them. Nope - got them Wednesday as well.

If I see a fast food place, I want some. Doesn't matter if I already

have food at home, like tonight. I made spaghetti last night, and

still have leftovers. On the way home I thought about the Chinese

restaurant I go past, as well as Little Caesars and Hungry Howie's

pizza. Heck, I've even thought about stopping at a fast food place on

the way home from the grocery store!

The corollary to this is that if I grab something to eat on the way

home from work, I'm still liable to fix something at home. I've had

times where I'm nuking a TV dinner at 7pm, then realize, " You just had

a Big Mac meal an HOUR ago...! "

I eat almost all of my meals while doing other things. Working on the

computer at home, watching TV, commuting, at my desk at work while on

the computer. I think eating while commuting is more of a time-saving

activity, though. I get bored when JUST eating, which is why I always

have to be doing something else. I like food, but I don't *enjoy* it.

I don't know how to explain this one. There's no more 'enjoyment' if

I eat when I'm hungry than there is if I eat 'just because'. I don't

eat stuff I don't like, so it's not like I'm consuming just for

sustenance without regard for taste. But I seldom have reactions like

in the commercials where someone tastes something, and goes,

" Mmmmmmm! " So that begs the question: If it was such a 'hassle' to

eat, then why would I do it so darn much?

If you're still reading<g>, I still don't understand what all this

means. Some of these thoughts I've had for a while, others only since

IOWL. But knowing this still doesn't help me understand why I

overeat, or what the positive intent is...




" Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.

Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote. "

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