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Looks like I am going to bite the bullet and join! :)

The owner wants me to be his pet project, I think. I am 50 lbs overweight

yet have the right attitude towards exercise, so he sees the opp. We'll

see.. Everyone can see how big I am.. but it's really only my business

how that is quantified. (Gee, hear the shame much?!)

(I watched fathead last night - it's a neat docudrama.. and it's the come

back to Supersize Me)


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You GO GIRL!!  We just started a 60 day paleo challenge at our crossfit box ...

and oh my goodness, Monday was the CrossFit Total (deadlift, back squat & press)

to document your current weight lifting efforts, today is " " (endurance)

and Saturday will be the big weigh / measure / photograph session (everyone is

done individually, so no one sees or knows your stats on the weight / measure)

and there are three of us (I call us the chunky monkeys - we're able to do quite

a bit but all need to lose at least 50!) that are feeling the pressure!

So I understand hearing the shame -- it's hard to do, but once you step over the

line and just do the weights/measures/workouts -- you're good to go for a while

(we're checking in at 30 days with the same routine then again at the 60

mark).  This is the first time I've ever been so public in terms of joining a

group, when I've already worked out there a year and know so many ... the

pressure of " what if I fail " has actually come & gone, which totally surprised


so have you gone through the picture taking phase yet?  I think that was the

hardest part of all ...

Good for you & I'm proud of you because I totally get how hard it is to bite

that bullet!!



To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Tuesday, November 1, 2011 8:16 AM

Subject: Crossfit


Looks like I am going to bite the bullet and join! :)

The owner wants me to be his pet project, I think. I am 50 lbs overweight

yet have the right attitude towards exercise, so he sees the opp. We'll

see.. Everyone can see how big I am.. but it's really only my business

how that is quantified. (Gee, hear the shame much?!)

(I watched fathead last night - it's a neat docudrama.. and it's the come

back to Supersize Me)


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I'm still not 100% sold on paleo.. but I really am on eating clean.. so

it's only a few degrees off, right? I'm down with that! Watching Fathead

reinforced moderation, too.. And I have been listening to/hearing that

one of the biggest reasons people are gaining so much weight is from the

calories we drink! That isn't very true for me.. but all it means is

that I would be heavier if I did do that. I feel happy that I choose to

not eat fries and drinks with calories when I eat out (or in)..


I did a few weeks ago! I whined that since I'm so new to this I

should be allowed to date before just going right ahead and doing

her. ;) I do jumping pullups though. Can you do a pull up? :)

I don't mind having my husband take my photo and my measurements at all..

I know how much I weigh.. but letting someone who is a man who is shorter

than I am therefore likely weighs less who has never had a weight problem?

I have an issue with that. I shouldn't have to get over it simply

because someone else wants me to.

My challenge for November is no sugar. I do drink chocolate milk and

sometimes eat yogurt that isn't plain. I don't eat artificially sweetened

yogurt.. so I would rather eat it with sugar than fake stuff.

My workout last night was:

400 meter run with burpies every 15 seconds (longest 400 meter run EVAH!)

Some thrusters and air squats

400 meter run

then for time:

400 meter run

40 burpies

400 meter run

30 burpies

400 meter run

20 burpies

400 meter run

10 burpies

then we rested then:

squats for 20 seconds

" rest for 10 seconds " by holding squat at the bottom

x 8 for a total of 4 minutes


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